Donald Trump praises authoritarian strongman

So it's okay to praise tyrannical dictators as long as they are not the Muslim Brotherhood? That's what I am getting from this thread.

Trump wasn't President when the military junta occurred in Egypt. That was all on your Hopey Changey Messiah. He shouldn't have tried to force the Muslim Brotherhood on the Egyptian People. It was a blunder.

A blunder of epic proportions. Ditto taking out Gadafi. And trying to take out Assad.
Castro? Lenin? Stalin?

Oh, wait, those are the authoritarian strongmen that Dems praise.


  1. 1.
    used as a substitute for speech regarded as meaningless or stupid, or to comment on a foolish or stupid action.
    "Lower tax rates and far lower job creation. Derp"
  1. 1.
    foolishness or stupidity.
    "the derp heard outside apparently was only the tip of the iceberg"
Hey, I'm not the one who made a statement that can't be backed up. I believe that you may be the "DERP".
Castro? Lenin? Stalin?

Oh, wait, those are the authoritarian strongmen that Dems praise.


  1. 1.
    used as a substitute for speech regarded as meaningless or stupid, or to comment on a foolish or stupid action.
    "Lower tax rates and far lower job creation. Derp"
  1. 1.
    foolishness or stupidity.
    "the derp heard outside apparently was only the tip of the iceberg"
Hey, I'm not the one who made a statement that can't be backed up. I believe that you may be the "DERP".
It must have been the first time for you.

That being said, Trump is doing what all presidents have done. Get over it.
Castro? Lenin? Stalin?

Oh, wait, those are the authoritarian strongmen that Dems praise.


  1. 1.
    used as a substitute for speech regarded as meaningless or stupid, or to comment on a foolish or stupid action.
    "Lower tax rates and far lower job creation. Derp"
  1. 1.
    foolishness or stupidity.
    "the derp heard outside apparently was only the tip of the iceberg"
Hey, I'm not the one who made a statement that can't be backed up. I believe that you may be the "DERP".

What are you, 12?
Dems have loved thugs like Stalin, Lenin and Castro for the last 100 years.
Castro? Lenin? Stalin?

Oh, wait, those are the authoritarian strongmen that Dems praise.


  1. 1.
    used as a substitute for speech regarded as meaningless or stupid, or to comment on a foolish or stupid action.
    "Lower tax rates and far lower job creation. Derp"
  1. 1.
    foolishness or stupidity.
    "the derp heard outside apparently was only the tip of the iceberg"
Hey, I'm not the one who made a statement that can't be backed up. I believe that you may be the "DERP".
It must have been the first time for you.

That being said, Trump is doing what all presidents have done. Get over it.

Did I say that other presidents have never met with a tyrant? No.
I was addressing the post that implied that Dems loved Castro, Lenin and Stalin.
Thanks for putting word in my mouth.
Castro? Lenin? Stalin?

Oh, wait, those are the authoritarian strongmen that Dems praise.


  1. 1.
    used as a substitute for speech regarded as meaningless or stupid, or to comment on a foolish or stupid action.
    "Lower tax rates and far lower job creation. Derp"
  1. 1.
    foolishness or stupidity.
    "the derp heard outside apparently was only the tip of the iceberg"
Hey, I'm not the one who made a statement that can't be backed up. I believe that you may be the "DERP".
It must have been the first time for you.

That being said, Trump is doing what all presidents have done. Get over it.

Did I say that other presidents have never met with a tyrant? No.
I was addressing the post that implied that Dems loved Castro, Lenin and Stalin.
Thanks for putting word in my mouth.

Obama sure loves Castro.

FDR sure loved "Uncle Joe" Stalin.
Castro? Lenin? Stalin?

Oh, wait, those are the authoritarian strongmen that Dems praise.


  1. 1.
    used as a substitute for speech regarded as meaningless or stupid, or to comment on a foolish or stupid action.
    "Lower tax rates and far lower job creation. Derp"
  1. 1.
    foolishness or stupidity.
    "the derp heard outside apparently was only the tip of the iceberg"
Hey, I'm not the one who made a statement that can't be backed up. I believe that you may be the "DERP".

What are you, 12?
Dems have loved thugs like Stalin, Lenin and Castro for the last 100 years.

Tell you what Toddser, why don't you back yourself up instead of calling me names? You are the one acting like a little spoiled brat. Is that childish of me to call you on a totally absurd remark.
Prove your point or STFU..

  1. 1.
    used as a substitute for speech regarded as meaningless or stupid, or to comment on a foolish or stupid action.
    "Lower tax rates and far lower job creation. Derp"
  1. 1.
    foolishness or stupidity.
    "the derp heard outside apparently was only the tip of the iceberg"
Hey, I'm not the one who made a statement that can't be backed up. I believe that you may be the "DERP".
It must have been the first time for you.

That being said, Trump is doing what all presidents have done. Get over it.

Did I say that other presidents have never met with a tyrant? No.
I was addressing the post that implied that Dems loved Castro, Lenin and Stalin.
Thanks for putting word in my mouth.

Obama sure loves Castro.

FDR sure loved "Uncle Joe" Stalin.

It is true that FDR had a similar relationship with Stalin that Trump has with Putin. FDR, certainly didn't reflect an entire ideology. If you found a grain of pepper in a container of salt, would you describe the container pepper or salt?
Obama, never indicated he loved or even liked Castro. When he offered a statement on Castro death, he didn't utter one word of praise for Castro.
Statement by the President on the Passing of Fidel Castro
Whoa geeze. I was just reading what Sisi has accomplished in such a short period of time. Pretty damn amazing. He's turned the country completely around.

Check this out. Just part of it.

President Sisi has set a national goal of eliminating all unsafe slums in two years.[116] The first stage of the project was inaugurated on 30 May 2016 containing 11,000 housing units built at a cost of 1.56 billion EGP (177.8 Million USD). Funding was provided by the "Long Live Egypt" economic development fund in collaboration with civilian charitable organizations. The ultimate goal is the construction of 850,000 housing units with additional stages in processes funded in the same manner


In August 2014, President Sisi initiated a new Suez Canal which would double capacity of the existing canal from 49 to 97 ships a day. The new canal is expected to increase the Suez Canal's revenues by 259% from current annual revenues of $5 billion. The project cost around 60 billion Egyptian-pounds ($8.4 billion) and was fast-tracked over a year. Sisi insisted funding come from Egyptian sources only.The new canal was inaugurated on schedule on 6 August 2015.


As a result of the economic reforms, Moody's raised Egypt's credit ratings outlook to stable from negative and Fitch Ratings upgraded Egypt's credit rating one step to "B" from "B-". Standard & Poor's rated Egypt B-minus with a stable outlook and upgraded Egypt's credit rating in November 2013. On 7 April 2015, Moody's upgraded Egypt's outlook from Caa1 to B3 with stable outlook expecting real GDP growth in Egypt to recover to 4.5% year-on-year for the fiscal year 2015, which ends in June, and then to rise to around 5%–6% over the coming four years compared to 2.5% in 2014.

Freaking awesome. He's really kicking economic ass.

AND he's trying to modernize Islam.

Sisi has expressed his personal concerns about the issue of sexual assault in the country. He was photographed during a hospital visit to a woman receiving treatment after an assault during celebrations in Cairo's Tahrir Square, ordering the army, the police, and the media to counter the issue.

El-Sisi has called for the reform and modernisation of Islam; to that end, he has taken measures within Egypt such as regulating mosque sermons and changing school textbooks (including the removal of some content on Saladin and Uqba ibn Nafi inciting or glorifying hatred and violence).

He has also called for an end to the Islamic verbal divorce; however, this was rejected by a council of scholars from Al-Azhar University.

El-Sisi also became the first Egyptian president in the country's history to attend Christmas Mass and gave a speech at the Coptic Orthodox Christmas service in Cairo in January 2015 calling for unity and wishing the Christians a merry Christmas.

Coinciding with Sisi's visit an Arabic hashtag that translates to "you are a leader, Sisi" has been tweeted 14,486 times, and the hashtag "Sisi in the Cathedral" has been tweeted 3,609 times accompanied with pictures of a cross and a crescent symbolising the national unity.

Bravo sir! A President for ALL Egyptians. More at link.

Abdel Fattah el-Sisi - Wikipedia
Castro? Lenin? Stalin?

Oh, wait, those are the authoritarian strongmen that Dems praise.


  1. 1.
    used as a substitute for speech regarded as meaningless or stupid, or to comment on a foolish or stupid action.
    "Lower tax rates and far lower job creation. Derp"
  1. 1.
    foolishness or stupidity.
    "the derp heard outside apparently was only the tip of the iceberg"
Hey, I'm not the one who made a statement that can't be backed up. I believe that you may be the "DERP".

What are you, 12?
Dems have loved thugs like Stalin, Lenin and Castro for the last 100 years.

Tell you what Toddser, why don't you back yourself up instead of calling me names? You are the one acting like a little spoiled brat. Is that childish of me to call you on a totally absurd remark.
Prove your point or STFU..

Jonah Goldberg writes in his vital tome Liberal Fascism, “Nearly the entire liberal elite, including much of FDR’s Brain Trust, had made the pilgrimage to Moscow to take admiring notes on the Soviet experiment. Their language was both religiously prophetic and arrogantly scientific.” Walter Duranty of The New York Times brought home a Pulitzer Prize on the basis of falsely reporting bounty in the Soviet Union: “village markets flowing with eggs, fruit, poultry, vegetables, milk and butter…A child can see this is not famine but abundance.” Labor leaders throughout the United States thought Stalin a great leader. NAACP co-founder WEB DuBois said, “if what I have seen with my eyes and heard with my ears in Russia is Bolshevism, I am a Bolshevik.” The creator of the “New Deal” terminology for FDR praised the Soviet Union wholeheartedly. Interior Secretary Harold Ickes said that FDR admitted that “what we were doing in this country were some of the things that were being done in Russia and even some of the things that were being done under Hitler in Germany.”

Biden: Trump 'Woulda Loved Stalin!' Actually, The Democrats Loved Stalin.

The left's love affair with Fidel Castro

Liberals have always been useful idiots.

Term invented in Soviet Russia to describe people who blindly supported the likes of Lenin and Stalin while they committed atrocity after atrocity.

Urban Dictionary: Useful idiot

  1. 1.
    used as a substitute for speech regarded as meaningless or stupid, or to comment on a foolish or stupid action.
    "Lower tax rates and far lower job creation. Derp"
  1. 1.
    foolishness or stupidity.
    "the derp heard outside apparently was only the tip of the iceberg"
Hey, I'm not the one who made a statement that can't be backed up. I believe that you may be the "DERP".

What are you, 12?
Dems have loved thugs like Stalin, Lenin and Castro for the last 100 years.

Tell you what Toddser, why don't you back yourself up instead of calling me names? You are the one acting like a little spoiled brat. Is that childish of me to call you on a totally absurd remark.
Prove your point or STFU..

Jonah Goldberg writes in his vital tome Liberal Fascism, “Nearly the entire liberal elite, including much of FDR’s Brain Trust, had made the pilgrimage to Moscow to take admiring notes on the Soviet experiment. Their language was both religiously prophetic and arrogantly scientific.” Walter Duranty of The New York Times brought home a Pulitzer Prize on the basis of falsely reporting bounty in the Soviet Union: “village markets flowing with eggs, fruit, poultry, vegetables, milk and butter…A child can see this is not famine but abundance.” Labor leaders throughout the United States thought Stalin a great leader. NAACP co-founder WEB DuBois said, “if what I have seen with my eyes and heard with my ears in Russia is Bolshevism, I am a Bolshevik.” The creator of the “New Deal” terminology for FDR praised the Soviet Union wholeheartedly. Interior Secretary Harold Ickes said that FDR admitted that “what we were doing in this country were some of the things that were being done in Russia and even some of the things that were being done under Hitler in Germany.”

Biden: Trump 'Woulda Loved Stalin!' Actually, The Democrats Loved Stalin.

The left's love affair with Fidel Castro

Liberals have always been useful idiots.

Term invented in Soviet Russia to describe people who blindly supported the likes of Lenin and Stalin while they committed atrocity after atrocity.

Urban Dictionary: Useful idiot

Two conservatives opinions!! :disbelief:
Oh, that's credible?:lame2:
Let's see, I wonder what Rachel Maddow has to say? Or James Fallows? :laugh:
Are you for real? I have suggestions for you. 1 Grow up. 2 Get a clue.
Time for some NCAA basketball. I'm out of this zoo.

  1. 1.
    used as a substitute for speech regarded as meaningless or stupid, or to comment on a foolish or stupid action.
    "Lower tax rates and far lower job creation. Derp"
  1. 1.
    foolishness or stupidity.
    "the derp heard outside apparently was only the tip of the iceberg"
Hey, I'm not the one who made a statement that can't be backed up. I believe that you may be the "DERP".

What are you, 12?
Dems have loved thugs like Stalin, Lenin and Castro for the last 100 years.

Tell you what Toddser, why don't you back yourself up instead of calling me names? You are the one acting like a little spoiled brat. Is that childish of me to call you on a totally absurd remark.
Prove your point or STFU..

Jonah Goldberg writes in his vital tome Liberal Fascism, “Nearly the entire liberal elite, including much of FDR’s Brain Trust, had made the pilgrimage to Moscow to take admiring notes on the Soviet experiment. Their language was both religiously prophetic and arrogantly scientific.” Walter Duranty of The New York Times brought home a Pulitzer Prize on the basis of falsely reporting bounty in the Soviet Union: “village markets flowing with eggs, fruit, poultry, vegetables, milk and butter…A child can see this is not famine but abundance.” Labor leaders throughout the United States thought Stalin a great leader. NAACP co-founder WEB DuBois said, “if what I have seen with my eyes and heard with my ears in Russia is Bolshevism, I am a Bolshevik.” The creator of the “New Deal” terminology for FDR praised the Soviet Union wholeheartedly. Interior Secretary Harold Ickes said that FDR admitted that “what we were doing in this country were some of the things that were being done in Russia and even some of the things that were being done under Hitler in Germany.”

Biden: Trump 'Woulda Loved Stalin!' Actually, The Democrats Loved Stalin.

The left's love affair with Fidel Castro

Liberals have always been useful idiots.

Term invented in Soviet Russia to describe people who blindly supported the likes of Lenin and Stalin while they committed atrocity after atrocity.

Urban Dictionary: Useful idiot

Two conservatives opinions!! :disbelief:
Oh, that's credible?:lame2:
Let's see, I wonder what Rachel Maddow has to say? Or James Fallows? :laugh:
Are you for real? I have suggestions for you. 1 Grow up. 2 Get a clue.
Time for some NCAA basketball. I'm out of this zoo.

What are you 12?

How many instances of Dems praising commie strongmen does it take?
You need examples of Dems praising Mao and Pol Pot too?
Who made the deal to give the authoritarian regime in Iran pretty much everything they could want? Who normalized realtions with the oppressive Castro regime in Cuba? Hint it wasn't the current President so given this I will give the lefts rant about Trumps praise of Abdel Fattah el-Sisi all the consideration it merits.
Last edited:
It seems like every country in the Middle East it's the same--the only way to keep order and keep terrorists contained is to be a brutal dictator.

How is that working out for Assad?
Not so hot, Onyx, considering that ISIS took 40% of his territory. I didn't say it was a good idea; I was just observing that it seems to be the only way to keep the terrorists in check.
It is true that FDR had a similar relationship with Stalin that Trump has with Putin. FDR, certainly didn't reflect an entire ideology. If you found a grain of pepper in a container of salt, would you describe the container pepper or salt?
Obama, never indicated he loved or even liked Castro. When he offered a statement on Castro death, he didn't utter one word of praise for Castro.
Statement by the President on the Passing of Fidel Castro

You're saying that FDR never even met Josef Stalin?


I do believe you to be mistaken.

Now Obama sure loved him some Castro, ideological Siamese Twins, those two.


{ON FRIDAY, President Obama unveiled a Presidential Decision Directive trumpeting further overtures to the Cuban government designed to make the thaw he announced on Dec. 17, 2014, “irreversible.” That would imply “regardless of results” — which so far have been paltry, at least in terms of freedom and prosperity for Cuba’s long-suffering people. Indeed, Cubans are “worse off now than how they imagined their future” when normalization began, opposition journalist Yoani Sanchez noted recently.}

Obama to the Castro regime: Do whatever you want
Not so hot, Onyx, considering that ISIS took 40% of his territory. I didn't say it was a good idea; I was just observing that it seems to be the only way to keep the terrorists in check.

ISIS depended on Obama for military backing and weapons in their conquest of Syria. Without Obama as their close ally, ISIS has no chance of success.

There has been no small amount of controversy regarding Obama-administration plans to arm so-called rebels fighting Bashar Assad’s regime in Syria — including questions about Mrs. Clinton’s knowledge of those plans. In particular, Congress has inquired about the administration’s participation in the shipment of weapons from Libyan Islamists to the Syrian rebels, including in 2012, while Clinton was still secretary of state. As I noted in a recent column, one major weapons shipment from Benghazi to Turkey for eventual transit to Syria occurred just days before jihadists affiliated with al-Qaeda murdered four American officials in Benghazi on September 11, 2012. One of the officials killed was J. Christopher Stevens, the American ambassador to Benghazi who reported directly to Clinton — both in that capacity and in his earlier capacity as Obama-administration liaison to Islamist groups the Obama administration was supporting in Libya’s civil war. Siding with Islamists against the regime of Moammar Qaddafi, which was previously touted by the State Department as a key counterterrorism ally, was a policy spearheaded by Secretary Clinton. The September 2012 weapons shipment was coordinated by Abdelhakim Belhadj, an al-Qaeda–affiliated jihadist with whom Stevens had consulted during the uprising against Qaddafi. Belhadj, one of the Islamists empowered by the Obama-Clinton Libya policy, took control of the Libyan Military Council after Qaddafi was overthrown. The 400 tons of weapons he dispatched from Benghazi arrived in Turkey the week before Stevens was killed. The ambassador’s last meeting in Benghazi, just before the September 11 siege, was with Turkey’s consul general.

Read more at: Hillary’s Leaked Memo Accuses Saudi Arabia and Qatar of Supporting Terror Groups}

  1. 1.
    used as a substitute for speech regarded as meaningless or stupid, or to comment on a foolish or stupid action.
    "Lower tax rates and far lower job creation. Derp"
  1. 1.
    foolishness or stupidity.
    "the derp heard outside apparently was only the tip of the iceberg"
Hey, I'm not the one who made a statement that can't be backed up. I believe that you may be the "DERP".
It must have been the first time for you.

That being said, Trump is doing what all presidents have done. Get over it.

Did I say that other presidents have never met with a tyrant? No.
I was addressing the post that implied that Dems loved Castro, Lenin and Stalin.
Thanks for putting word in my mouth.

Obama sure loves Castro.

FDR sure loved "Uncle Joe" Stalin.

It is true that FDR had a similar relationship with Stalin that Trump has with Putin. FDR, certainly didn't reflect an entire ideology. If you found a grain of pepper in a container of salt, would you describe the container pepper or salt?
Obama, never indicated he loved or even liked Castro. When he offered a statement on Castro death, he didn't utter one word of praise for Castro.
Statement by the President on the Passing of Fidel Castro
Several obama campaign offices proudly displayed pictures of Che Guevara. There was full obama approval.
"You have been doing a fantastic job" Donald Trump says to Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.

Yeah, he has been doing a fantastic job... stealing civil liberties and committing gross human rights violations. Fucking fantastic! This is obviously why Donald's cultists support him too. They want their own ruthless authority figure like Vladimir Putin and el-Sisi.


cozying up to Putin and Assad

making Americans proud, one dictator at a time

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