Donald Trump praises authoritarian strongman

"You have been doing a fantastic job" Donald Trump says to Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.

Yeah, he has been doing a fantastic job... stealing civil liberties and committing gross human rights violations. Fucking fantastic! This is obviously why Donald's cultists support him too. They want their own ruthless authority figure like Vladimir Putin and el-Sisi.

Trump said that to some other despot a few months ago. He LIKES that leadership style, for those of you who hadn't noticed.

I have no doubt that Egyptians are thrilled to death that this new President has crushed the MB Egyptian movement forever. Freaking terrorists. Definitely the Coptic Christians in Egypt are ecstatic that they will no longer have to live in fear for their lives from the MB.
It seems like every country in the Middle East it's the same--the only way to keep order and keep terrorists contained is to be a brutal dictator. I get it. I'm just sayin, that's what Trump likes. Easy schmeasy, rulin the world when you don't have to listen to anyone else. It's just like running your own business.
Better than the Muslim Brotherhood.

That's completely beside the point. They are both brutal authoritarian regimes, and Donald Trump is praising el-Sisi. Do you believe dictators should be praised?
It seems like every country in the Middle East it's the same--the only way to keep order and keep terrorists contained is to be a brutal dictator.

How is that working out for Assad?
As per usual, all the little cultists deflect attention away from the point. Donald Trump is praising a dictator responsible for taking away civil liberties and human rights violations.

You authoritarian scum should be ashamed with yourselves.
Would you rather have the Muslim Brotherhood destroying the tourism industry again?
Would you rather have the Muslim Brotherhood destroying the tourism industry again?

The Muslim Brotherhood is a total red herring. Donald Trump praised a dictator that came to power in a rigged election and murders his own people.
The Egyptian People overwhelmingly support this man. They rejected Obama and Clinton trying to force the Muslim Brotherhood on them. But regardless, this isn't on Trump. He's only been there two months. The OP is clearly an irrational Trump-hater.
So it's okay to praise tyrannical dictators as long as they are not the Muslim Brotherhood? That's what I am getting from this thread.
Would you rather have the Muslim Brotherhood destroying the tourism industry again?

The Muslim Brotherhood is a total red herring. Donald Trump praised a dictator that came to power in a rigged election and murders his own people.
You can't get any better in most Muslim nations.

Muslims are not even a fraction as progressive as even conservative Christians are in the west.
Are you okay with Donald Trump praising a dictator? Don't deflect.
How they run their country is their business. The president has to deal with them. Why do you want everybody to hate America?
So it's okay to praise tyrannical dictators as long as they are not the Muslim Brotherhood? That's what I am getting from this thread.

Trump wasn't President when the military junta occurred in Egypt. That was all on your Hopey Changey Messiah. He shouldn't have tried to force the Muslim Brotherhood on the Egyptian People. It was a blunder.
The Egyptian People overwhelmingly support this man

Those that he doesn't murder in cold blood. The regime exterminates their opposition.

What are you judging his support from? There have been numerous demonstrations against him, and his 96% election victory was clearly rigged and would fail to meet many international observer standards.
Don't bitch about el-Sisi. He's keeping the Suez canal open and protected and doin' what he can for poor Egyptians given a limited economy with a very,very large population for Egypts size.
The Egyptian People overwhelmingly support this man

Those that he doesn't murder in cold blood. The regime exterminates their opposition.

What are you judging his support from? There have been numerous demonstrations against him, and his 96% election victory was clearly rigged and would fail to meet many international observer standards.

The Egyptian People support him over the Muslim Brotherhood. Obama and Clinton screwed up bigtime trying to force the Muslim Brotherhood on the Egyptian People. They caused the military junta to occur. It has nothing to do with Trump. He wasn't the President at the time.
The Egyptian People overwhelmingly support this man

Those that he doesn't murder in cold blood. The regime exterminates their opposition.

What are you judging his support from? There have been numerous demonstrations against him, and his 96% election victory was clearly rigged and would fail to meet many international observer standards.
So he only WON with 70% or 60%, right?
Trump wasn't President when the military junta occurred in Egypt.

Not the point. He is president now and praising a dictatorship. You authoritarian apologist scum keep bring up the Muslim Brotherhood, instead of acknowledging that Donald Trump just praised a regime with one of the worst human rights records in the world.
Trump wasn't President when the military junta occurred in Egypt.

Not the point. He is president now and praising a dictatorship. You authoritarian apologist scum keep bring up the Muslim Brotherhood, instead of acknowledging that Donald Trump just praised a regime with one of the worst human rights records in the world.

You're being irrational. The military junta in Egypt occurred as a direct result of Obama and Clinton trying to force the Muslim Brotherhood on the Egyptian People. Trump had nothing to do with it. You're blaming the wrong person.
So he only WON with 70% or 60%, right?

Who knows? The election was completely rigged in his favor. Only one other person was even legally allowed to run.

Anyone that speaks out against him winds up with a bullet in their head. Apparently Donald Trump thinks that is good governance.
Thin-skinned 'mom jeans' Obama couldn't even bring himself to invite el-Sisi to the WH! What a sore loser! So sore, that he had to put Trump under surveillance!!

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