Donald Trump promises Syrian safe zones

Is that a Y did I start this shit, or Y didn't I just not post when I know I will get my ass kicked...again? did get your ass it wide enough for another boot?

Safe zones in Syria won't work because Putin and Assad are employing a scorched earth policy with civilians. They've aimed for schools, hospitals, civilian targets. They keep missing ISIS. Imagine that!
Isis hides in schools hospitals and civilian targets. This is how muslims fight. They hide behind human shields.

Once we stop arming the terrorists then the Syrian government and Russia can wipe them out. Russia has sent in dozens of buses to evacuate civilians but obama, chasing his legacy, keeps arming terrorists.

Making excuses for Russian's targeting schools and non ISIS areas?

Reports: Russia Bombs U.S. Aid Offices, Schools, Hospitals in Syria

I believe it's called collateral damage...when the scum terrorists hide within the population and you kill all that is there...sorry, only way to eradicate the vermin!

Except...they weren't hiding in schools and hospitals. Nice excuse making btw.

How would YOU know, bleeding heart?
Let's keep doing what Obama's doing. It's working so well.



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