Donald Trump: Restoring Masculinity to America

So, to rabid RWs, "masculinity" is no more than posturing, bragging and lying? No content, all show and no go.

Yeah, that's about right and what the OP has shown he admires and emulates. Its laughable.

What the author calls "warrior males" have waged wars for our entire history - usually to no good end - and that's what the right wants - big government, endless wars and poverty.


Yeah, thank God Democrats don't do that shit. A question. Does the kool-aid give you a buzz, or is it more of a numbing sensation?
So what's manliness, a cage fight, creating a war, having a great build or what? When I was a kid it was smoking, making snide remarks aot women, or drinking beer, but I thought some of that had changed, maybe not.

No surprise that you're conflicted and confused about what manliness is...using what you THOUGHT as a child as a measure is totally irrelevant.
My point was, the definition of manliness changes, but tell us, what is manliness?
Apparently, to some RWrs, manliness is something that is given to them by a very rich man from NYC.
Too bad Trump has neither of those qualities. His leadership style is exclusively self-centered and dictatorial. America does not need an emperor, especially not one as reckless and erratic as Trump.
Too bad Obama has neither of those qualities. His leadership style is exclusively self-centered and dictatorial. America didn't need an emperor, especially not one as reckless and erratic as Obama with his pen and phone.

You are welcome I fixed for you ..
You fixed nothing, you just tried very hard direct attention away from the conservative's aching need for a big-talking authoritarian leader.

No deflection, you just like dictators when your guy is in charge.
Right back atcha, your current favorite is preaching pure fascism and you people are eating it up like delicious candy, all while calling our current president a wimp. Is he a weakling or a dictator? You can only choose one.

They still can't decide if he's a Muslim or a follower of Rev Wright.

Who told You that sheep Rachel or a comedian John Stweret ?
Again, Trump can't be trusted, no republican can.

Gotcha. If you want your doctor you can keep your doctor. I did not have sexual relations with that girl. I didn't know you had to pay taxes on foreign income. Taking the shit we couldn't take from the White House was a clerical error. I ran the Boston Marathon. Damn it, Democrats, you can just trust em.
Too bad Trump has neither of those qualities. His leadership style is exclusively self-centered and dictatorial. America does not need an emperor, especially not one as reckless and erratic as Trump.
Too bad Obama has neither of those qualities. His leadership style is exclusively self-centered and dictatorial. America didn't need an emperor, especially not one as reckless and erratic as Obama with his pen and phone.

You are welcome I fixed for you ..
You fixed nothing, you just tried very hard direct attention away from the conservative's aching need for a big-talking authoritarian leader.

No deflection, you just like dictators when your guy is in charge.
Right back atcha, your current favorite is preaching pure fascism and you people are eating it up like delicious candy, all while calling our current president a wimp. Is he a weakling or a dictator? You can only choose one.

Are you that clueless about foreign affairs? He is a wimp>> see the Iran deal>>> see Putin in the Ukraine >>> see when france wanted to attack Syria>>>see China building man made islands in the sea. Etc.... Etc.... Etc...

But a dictator when it comes to congress>>> see his reckless EO on immigration >> see his administration not inditing Louis Lerner>>> see using the EPA to kill jobs>> see trying to prevent Boeing from opening a plant in S.C. ..... Etc....etc....
Sounds like nonsense to me. Just because you disagree with his strategies and policies doesn't make him a dictator or even failure in those areas. Others think he has handled some or even all of the situations you mention correctly and with diplomacy, patience and intelligence.
You can measure their fear by the intensity of their (off topic) insults and attacks on the candidate and his supporters..
They are assuredly terrified of a candidate who wants to put america first instead of playing the okey doke game like the rest of the career politicians....
So what's manliness, a cage fight, creating a war, having a great build or what? When I was a kid it was smoking, making snide remarks aot women, or drinking beer, but I thought some of that had changed, maybe not.

No surprise that you're conflicted and confused about what manliness is...using what you THOUGHT as a child as a measure is totally irrelevant.
My point was, the definition of manliness changes, but tell us, what is manliness?
Apparently, to some RWrs, manliness is something that is given to them by a very rich man from NYC.
You are right. I know Democrats didn't have a model. Look at Trump.
You make a mistake by using the word terrified for "respected." We have not been respected for the last 7 years. NO one is thinking in terms of "payback." We just want to be respected again. We need a Reagan and he's pretty damn close.

This is funny shit!

Tell us how your perceived lack of respect for the country impacts your day-to-day life in any way.
Trump: 3x married, adulterer, & tried to force an old woman out of her home using eminent domain to bulldoze it so he can have a new parking lot for his casino. Plus he's been sued & lost in court for ripping off students with his failed & fraudulent 'Trump University'. That's ethical & moral alright.

LMAO...wikipedia spends a whole page detailing trump and his businesses and life and the negative language and selectively using negative articles and quotes about him...The venom almost drips off the page.
I heard once he didn't say thank you when someone passed him the salt at dinner.:laugh2:

Trump knows what he's doing (obviously) and he knows how the world works and he has the best business and political minds available...

You guys are funny with your smear attempts.

Wiki is an unreliable source, that is not accepted in the university system. I am 53 years old & I remember everything I listed, as they happened. Any sources I ever include in my posts, (like I did for you Rotagilla, on that other Trump thread ) is & will always be from credible sources. Do you even know what a 'smear' means?

smear cam·paign
noun noun: smear campaign, plural noun: smear campaigns

  • 1. a plan to discredit a public figure by making false or dubious accusations
Powered by Oxford Dictionaries

Not one thing I said was false, not one thing I listed was 'dubious', on this thread- or the other one.

However, again- I see you aren't disproving any of it, because you know you can't.

I'm older than you, "junior" ....and I know what wiki is and how unreliable it is...and I "remember" things too.

your condescending tone is comical.

There was no condescending, except on your end, since YOU are the one that brought up wiki when I have never used it.

You still didn't dispute it though, so there's that. LOL.
:cool:NOW, I used condescension.

Son, I "used" wiki to highlight the biased type of "information" they purposely use when the subject is something they don't "like"

You appear to be quite confused on this matter. Why did you even respond?

Well missy (<---- see what I did there copying your juvenile way of responding?), I responded, because you replied directly to me using my reply in your quote. Looks like you are the CONfused one. Perhaps it's too early & you need to go back to bed.
He just doesn't strike me all that much different from a "career politician." He is too much of a caricature for me. I just have a very difficult time taking him seriously at all, and then he makes comments like he did towards Megyn Kelly and that is just not very presidential of him, IMO. I do like that he has both parties pretty pissed off at this point though. He's certainly added another dimension to this race. :D
So what's manliness, a cage fight, creating a war, having a great build or what? When I was a kid it was smoking, making snide remarks aot women, or drinking beer, but I thought some of that had changed, maybe not.

No surprise that you're conflicted and confused about what manliness is...using what you THOUGHT as a child as a measure is totally irrelevant.
My point was, the definition of manliness changes, but tell us, what is manliness?
Apparently, to some RWrs, manliness is something that is given to them by a very rich man from NYC.

No we consider a man like JFK, FDR (but hated most of his polices) Ike , Reagan and now Trump.

Obama is a sissy boy with power. He is like little Kim of North Korea.
You can measure their fear by the intensity of their (off topic) insults and attacks on the candidate and his supporters..
They are assuredly terrified of a candidate who wants to put america first instead of playing the okey doke game like the rest of the career politicians....
Trump is not instilling fear. He is also not rising in popularity outside of Republican primary voters. The rise he is getting is easily measured as supporters more from other candidates to him. He still loses in polls against the Dem's on a national level and scores extremely high disapproval ratings on the national level.
Too bad Obama has neither of those qualities. His leadership style is exclusively self-centered and dictatorial. America didn't need an emperor, especially not one as reckless and erratic as Obama with his pen and phone.

You are welcome I fixed for you ..
You fixed nothing, you just tried very hard direct attention away from the conservative's aching need for a big-talking authoritarian leader.

No deflection, you just like dictators when your guy is in charge.
Right back atcha, your current favorite is preaching pure fascism and you people are eating it up like delicious candy, all while calling our current president a wimp. Is he a weakling or a dictator? You can only choose one.

They still can't decide if he's a Muslim or a follower of Rev Wright.

Who told You that sheep Rachel or a comedian John Stweret ?

1) So Obama has never been accused of being a Muslim? ( not that it matters except to the nuttier ones, because after all religion is NOT part of the litmus test for POTUS)
2) Rev Wright was never an issue with Obama?
3) I don't have cable, so I don't watch either of their shows.

Thanx for playing though.
You can measure their fear by the intensity of their (off topic) insults and attacks on the candidate and his supporters..
They are assuredly terrified of a candidate who wants to put america first instead of playing the okey doke game like the rest of the career politicians....
Trump is not instilling fear. He is also not rising in popularity outside of Republican primary voters. The rise he is getting is easily measured as supporters more from other candidates to him. He still loses in polls against the Dem's on a national level and scores extremely high disapproval ratings on the national level.

You do know Hillary is under investigation by the F.B.I. right?

It has nothing to do with her e mails

When the F.B.I. investigates some one it's always about criminal intent.
You can measure their fear by the intensity of their (off topic) insults and attacks on the candidate and his supporters..
They are assuredly terrified of a candidate who wants to put america first instead of playing the okey doke game like the rest of the career politicians....

I think the character of a candidate matters when he or she is running for public office. & yes, we are trembling with fear, just like we were accused of with Gidget back in 2008. Never mistake mocking & ridicule with that of fear. You'll be wrong every time.
LMAO...wikipedia spends a whole page detailing trump and his businesses and life and the negative language and selectively using negative articles and quotes about him...The venom almost drips off the page.
I heard once he didn't say thank you when someone passed him the salt at dinner.:laugh2:

Trump knows what he's doing (obviously) and he knows how the world works and he has the best business and political minds available...

You guys are funny with your smear attempts.

Wiki is an unreliable source, that is not accepted in the university system. I am 53 years old & I remember everything I listed, as they happened. Any sources I ever include in my posts, (like I did for you Rotagilla, on that other Trump thread ) is & will always be from credible sources. Do you even know what a 'smear' means?

smear cam·paign
noun noun: smear campaign, plural noun: smear campaigns

  • 1. a plan to discredit a public figure by making false or dubious accusations
Powered by Oxford Dictionaries

Not one thing I said was false, not one thing I listed was 'dubious', on this thread- or the other one.

However, again- I see you aren't disproving any of it, because you know you can't.

I'm older than you, "junior" ....and I know what wiki is and how unreliable it is...and I "remember" things too.

your condescending tone is comical.

There was no condescending, except on your end, since YOU are the one that brought up wiki when I have never used it.

You still didn't dispute it though, so there's that. LOL.
:cool:NOW, I used condescension.

Son, I "used" wiki to highlight the biased type of "information" they purposely use when the subject is something they don't "like"

You appear to be quite confused on this matter. Why did you even respond?

Well missy (<---- see what I did there copying your juvenile way of responding?), I responded, because you replied directly to me using my reply in your quote. Looks like you are the CONfused one. Perhaps it's too early & you need to go back to bed.

sure, junior..whatever you say....
So what's manliness, a cage fight, creating a war, having a great build or what? When I was a kid it was smoking, making snide remarks aot women, or drinking beer, but I thought some of that had changed, maybe not.

No surprise that you're conflicted and confused about what manliness is...using what you THOUGHT as a child as a measure is totally irrelevant.
My point was, the definition of manliness changes, but tell us, what is manliness?
Apparently, to some RWrs, manliness is something that is given to them by a very rich man from NYC.

No we consider a man like JFK, FDR (but hated most of his polices) Ike , Reagan and now Trump.

Obama is a sissy boy with power. He is like little Kim of North Korea.
Good lord, Trump's name with that group is beyond delusional or ridiculous. It is pure unadulterated propaganda nonsense.
You fixed nothing, you just tried very hard direct attention away from the conservative's aching need for a big-talking authoritarian leader.

No deflection, you just like dictators when your guy is in charge.
Right back atcha, your current favorite is preaching pure fascism and you people are eating it up like delicious candy, all while calling our current president a wimp. Is he a weakling or a dictator? You can only choose one.

They still can't decide if he's a Muslim or a follower of Rev Wright.

Who told You that sheep Rachel or a comedian John Stweret ?

1) So Obama has never been accused of being a Muslim? ( not that it matters except to the nuttier ones, because after all religion is NOT part of the litmus test for POTUS)
2) Rev Wright was never an issue with Obama?
3) I don't have cable, so I don't watch either of their shows.

Thanx for playing though.

So how elese do you get your other source for "news" since I know of no other left wing source on the radio besides NPR....

Please don't tell me you just rely on the internet to cherry pick which article you want to click and read?

If you tell me that you are a low information voter and pathetic...closed minded.
There is more to being man than being a dick.
You're right, occupied. There leadership qualities and integrity. He also has the tenacity to stay with issues until they are conquered. That's exactly what we need.
Too bad Trump has neither of those qualities. His leadership style is exclusively self-centered and dictatorial. America does not need an emperor, especially not one as reckless and erratic as Trump.

You have an emperor right now you dumb nigga, his name is Obama, and his strings are pulled by Bail-Out Wall Street, your real kings.

LOL, you think someone named "occupied" would know that LOL
And also seem to think he's a wimp.

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