Donald Trump: Restoring Masculinity to America


"I read that article and I would have to agree. People were so tired of the wimpy Obama and having everyone ride over us. Trump, I believe will stand up to terror, disrespect in treaties and accords and stand up for Americans He is someone that will stand toe to toe with Putin."


As already correctly noted: no one is 'riding over us.'

Any idiot can start a war – GWB is proof of that – what takes true courage and strength is keeping America out of war, which the president has successfully done.

As with the other republican candidates, Trump can't be trusted to keep us out of another failed, illegal war, such as Iraq and Afghanistan, where a republican president is likely to contrive some false 'rationale' to go to war, resulting in the needless, pointless deaths of thousands.

Again, Trump can't be trusted, no republican can.
"Trust..." What a great word for this campaign. The only position of "Trust" that has been opined upon is Hillary's and that equals to: People just don't trust Hillary. They find her deceitful, arrogant and she puts herself above the rule of law.

Hillary refused to use the government, secured server for passing information to others. WHY?
When told to turn over her server, she dodged for 5 months. WHY???
She erased 30,000 emails instead of letting the FBI see all. WHY???
Then she had the server wiped clean professionally before finally turning it over to the FBI. WHY???
She says she never sent classified material all the time knowing SHE was supposed to mark them classified. WHY??
Her aides' electronic devices for sending and receiving email have been destroyed, WHY???
She refuses to sit down and answer the reporter's questions. WHY???

That all adds up to a total destruction of trust for the main candidate on the Democratic side.

So, you have to go after Trump and the fact that he is a strong leader means we will go to war. That's about as realistic as us being attacked because we are weak. Or should I say, that latter statement could actually be true.
Republicans are devoid of trust; they can't be trusted to not start another failed, illegal war.

They have said they plan to start more wars and to continue to pillage and trash Iraq - who didn't nothing to us.

RWs would happily take more money away from human beings and put it into more WWI and WWII era crap we can't and won't use because it lines the pockets of the 1% and that's what its really all about.

Eisenhower; what a REAL Republican looks like.
"Make America Great Again"

What is the definition of "Great" in this slogan?
What would Americans need to feel "great"?

Define "hope and change"

oh...I thought you wanted to analyze slogans...I understand now...You just need an excuse to try to disparage the candidate you don't "like".
Not at all...this thread is about Trump.
It was also stated in this thread that he is needed to Make America Great Again.

That's his stated goal, presumably that's what people that support him what does it mean?
What it mean for America To Be Great Again?
For most republicans, it means invading other countries and killing thousands of people because that country is perceived to be 'a threat.'

It means invading Iraq again, illegally, to 'take its oil.'

It means no republican president can be trusted to not start another failed, illegal war, Trump in particular.
Well...that's a form of 'great' I suppose.

Even if they don't do those things the rest of the world already thinks the US is the greatest threat to world peace.

In their annual End of Year poll, researchers for WIN and Gallup International surveyed more than 66,000 people across 65 nations and found that 24 percent of all respondents answered that the United States “is the greatest threat to peace in the world today.” Pakistan and China fell significantly behind the United States on the poll, with 8 and 6 percent, respectively. Afghanistan, Iran, Israel and North Korea all tied for fourth place with 4 percent.

In Gallup Poll, The Biggest Threat To World Peace Is ... America?
Trump is going to win. America is so sick of the political correct bullshit. the destruction of America the generation of an entitled segment of society. a total lack of morals and decency.
Trump: 3x married, adulterer, & tried to force an old woman out of her home using eminent domain to bulldoze it so he can have a new parking lot for his casino. Plus he's been sued & lost in court for ripping off students with his failed & fraudulent 'Trump University'. That's ethical & moral alright.
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Trump restoring masculinity? From reading some of the posters here over the last month I suppose perhaps he's having the same effect on them as the little blue pill. Remember, if you've posted over 4 straight hours, call your doctor!
Trump is going to win. America is so sick of the political correct bullshit. the destruction of America the generation of an entitled segment of society. a total lack of morals and decency.
Trump: 3x married, adulterer, & tried to force an old woman out of her home using eminent domain to bulldoze it so he can have a new parking lot for his casino. Plus he's been sued & lost in court for ripping off students with his failed & fraudulent 'Trump University'. That's ethical & moral alright.

LMAO...wikipedia spends a whole page detailing trump and his businesses and life and the negative language and selectively using negative articles and quotes about him...The venom almost drips off the page.
I heard once he didn't say thank you when someone passed him the salt at dinner.:laugh2:

Trump knows what he's doing (obviously) and he knows how the world works and he has the best business and political minds available...

You guys are funny with your smear attempts.
Trump is going to win. America is so sick of the political correct bullshit. the destruction of America the generation of an entitled segment of society. a total lack of morals and decency.
Trump isn't going to 'win' anything, he'll neither be the republican nominee nor president.

Moreover, there is no such thing as 'political correctness,' it's a contrivance of the right, the consequence of conservatives' fear of entering into good faith debate in a free and democratic society.

Americans are sick of the lies from the right – the fear, the stupidity, the bigotry, and the racism inherent in conservative dogma; Americans are sick of republicans hostile to voting rights for minorities, privacy rights for women, and equal protection rights for LGBT Americans.

Republicans pursue an agenda of fear – fear of change, diversity and dissent, it's an agenda a majority of the American people reject.
there is no competition from the left. the left is going to have extremely poor voter turnout this election.
Trump is going to win. America is so sick of the political correct bullshit. the destruction of America the generation of an entitled segment of society. a total lack of morals and decency.
Trump isn't going to 'win' anything, he'll neither be the republican nominee nor president.

Moreover, there is no such thing as 'political correctness,' it's a contrivance of the right, the consequence of conservatives' fear of entering into good faith debate in a free and democratic society.

Americans are sick of the lies from the right – the fear, the stupidity, the bigotry, and the racism inherent in conservative dogma; Americans are sick of republicans hostile to voting rights for minorities, privacy rights for women, and equal protection rights for LGBT Americans.

Republicans pursue an agenda of fear – fear of change, diversity and dissent, it's an agenda a majority of the American people reject.
You say PC doesn't exist and then proceed to list a shit load of PC bullshit as an example. Nice job.
Trump is going to win. America is so sick of the political correct bullshit. the destruction of America the generation of an entitled segment of society. a total lack of morals and decency.
Trump isn't going to 'win' anything, he'll neither be the republican nominee nor president.

Moreover, there is no such thing as 'political correctness,' it's a contrivance of the right, the consequence of conservatives' fear of entering into good faith debate in a free and democratic society.

Americans are sick of the lies from the right – the fear, the stupidity, the bigotry, and the racism inherent in conservative dogma; Americans are sick of republicans hostile to voting rights for minorities, privacy rights for women, and equal protection rights for LGBT Americans.

Republicans pursue an agenda of fear – fear of change, diversity and dissent, it's an agenda a majority of the American people reject.
Conservatives were right in the '50s.
That devil music called rock and roll will cause the destruction of the look at the place!
If only we'd listened...
Trump is going to win. America is so sick of the political correct bullshit. the destruction of America the generation of an entitled segment of society. a total lack of morals and decency.
Trump isn't going to 'win' anything, he'll neither be the republican nominee nor president.

Moreover, there is no such thing as 'political correctness,' it's a contrivance of the right, the consequence of conservatives' fear of entering into good faith debate in a free and democratic society.

Americans are sick of the lies from the right – the fear, the stupidity, the bigotry, and the racism inherent in conservative dogma; Americans are sick of republicans hostile to voting rights for minorities, privacy rights for women, and equal protection rights for LGBT Americans.

Republicans pursue an agenda of fear – fear of change, diversity and dissent, it's an agenda a majority of the American people reject.

Amen! The lunatic NaziCon base may give him the GOP nomination - but there is no way he can win the General Election.
last time I was here you clowns were crowing that Hillary had a lock. no one could touch her. no she is struggling with and old socialist who the party doesn't really want and a bumbling VP who can't keep his foot out of his mouth. trump on the other hand continues to rise in poplularity.
The Pussification of America ends today. Fuck the PC crowd. Cracka nigga **** hoe. Get mad

Donald Trump: Warrior male extraordinaire

In the past 60 years or so, America has become progressively feminized, and the archetypal warrior male has virtually disappeared. However, some tough ladies have stepped in to fill the vacuum including Phyllis Schlafly, Laura Ingraham, Sarah Palin and Michelle Malkin and many others. But how would any of these wonderful and strong women compete head-to-head in a private conference room with Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un of North Korea, or the mullahs and emirs of the volatile Middle East? We have seen how poorly our current girly-man-in-chief, Barack Obama, has dealt with the world of violent supermales out there. From the dawn of time, mutual respect among warrior males is the coin of the realm in these matters.

Fox News’ Megyn Kelly seems to see herself as an alpha female capable of taking on any and all opposition – male or female. Yet, when set against the unadulterated masculine intellectual powers and cunning of Donald Trump, it was not a fair fight. She was overpowered to the point of speechlessness and had to take a 10-day vacation to lick her wounds. When the ladies operate within a protective penumbra of political correctness in a highly feminized culture of girly men, it is pretty easy to win intellectual pillow fights.

Read more at Donald Trump: Warrior male extraordinaire
Women have out voted men in every presidential election since 1980 and have voted Democrat in every presidential election since 1992 because the issues most important to women align more closely with Democrat agendas that the Republican agendas. I doubt that would change in 2016 election with Trump as the Republican candidate. Women voters respond very negatively to candidates that display sexist attitudes and behavior, one Trump's specialties.

The Quinnipiac Poll found that Trump is viewed favorably by just 20 percent of women voters, compared to a whopping 64 percent who have an unfavorable opinion of Trump.
Trump is going to win. America is so sick of the political correct bullshit. the destruction of America the generation of an entitled segment of society. a total lack of morals and decency.
Trump: 3x married, adulterer, & tried to force an old woman out of her home using eminent domain to bulldoze it so he can have a new parking lot for his casino. Plus he's been sued & lost in court for ripping off students with his failed & fraudulent 'Trump University'. That's ethical & moral alright.

LMAO...wikipedia spends a whole page detailing trump and his businesses and life and the negative language and selectively using negative articles and quotes about him...The venom almost drips off the page.
I heard once he didn't say thank you when someone passed him the salt at dinner.:laugh2:

Trump knows what he's doing (obviously) and he knows how the world works and he has the best business and political minds available...

You guys are funny with your smear attempts.
Trump doesn't need any help. He's doing a pretty job of smearing himself.
Trump is going to win. America is so sick of the political correct bullshit. the destruction of America the generation of an entitled segment of society. a total lack of morals and decency.
Trump: 3x married, adulterer, & tried to force an old woman out of her home using eminent domain to bulldoze it so he can have a new parking lot for his casino. Plus he's been sued & lost in court for ripping off students with his failed & fraudulent 'Trump University'. That's ethical & moral alright.

LMAO...wikipedia spends a whole page detailing trump and his businesses and life and the negative language and selectively using negative articles and quotes about him...The venom almost drips off the page.
I heard once he didn't say thank you when someone passed him the salt at dinner.:laugh2:

Trump knows what he's doing (obviously) and he knows how the world works and he has the best business and political minds available...

You guys are funny with your smear attempts.
Trump doesn't need any help. He's doing a pretty job of smearing himself.
Trump is going to win. America is so sick of the political correct bullshit. the destruction of America the generation of an entitled segment of society. a total lack of morals and decency.
Trump: 3x married, adulterer, & tried to force an old woman out of her home using eminent domain to bulldoze it so he can have a new parking lot for his casino. Plus he's been sued & lost in court for ripping off students with his failed & fraudulent 'Trump University'. That's ethical & moral alright.

LMAO...wikipedia spends a whole page detailing trump and his businesses and life and the negative language and selectively using negative articles and quotes about him...The venom almost drips off the page.
I heard once he didn't say thank you when someone passed him the salt at dinner.:laugh2:

Trump knows what he's doing (obviously) and he knows how the world works and he has the best business and political minds available...

You guys are funny with your smear attempts.
Trump doesn't need any help. He's doing a pretty job of smearing himself.
yet continuing to gain in popularity
Yes, yes. Donald Trump, the prototypical douchebag, is restoring masculinity. Restoring it to what state, exactly?
So, to rabid RWs, "masculinity" is no more than posturing, bragging and lying? No content, all show and no go.

Yeah, that's about right and what the OP has shown he admires and emulates. Its laughable.

What the author calls "warrior males" have waged wars for our entire history - usually to no good end - and that's what the right wants - big government, endless wars and poverty.


They better hurry, or the Democrats will beat them to it.
Trump is going to win. America is so sick of the political correct bullshit. the destruction of America the generation of an entitled segment of society. a total lack of morals and decency.
Trump: 3x married, adulterer, & tried to force an old woman out of her home using eminent domain to bulldoze it so he can have a new parking lot for his casino. Plus he's been sued & lost in court for ripping off students with his failed & fraudulent 'Trump University'. That's ethical & moral alright.

LMAO...wikipedia spends a whole page detailing trump and his businesses and life and the negative language and selectively using negative articles and quotes about him...The venom almost drips off the page.
I heard once he didn't say thank you when someone passed him the salt at dinner.:laugh2:

Trump knows what he's doing (obviously) and he knows how the world works and he has the best business and political minds available...

You guys are funny with your smear attempts.
Trump doesn't need any help. He's doing a pretty job of smearing himself.
yet continuing to gain in popularity
Of course he gaining in popularity. Republicans and probably a lot of Democrats like what he is saying. Never mind the fact that he can not fulfill his promises. His supporters don't care because they are use to politicians breaking their promising. They want someone to say, I'll solve the immigration problem and it will not take any time at all. I will build a wall on the Mexican boarder and it won't cost us a dime. I'll destroy ISIS. I will fix all of America's problems. I can do anything. I am Donald Trump. They love it.

Trump is using undocumented immigrants as a scapegoat for most all of the nations problems. He promises to restore greatness to the nation without really saying how. He totally disregards the constitution in his promises It worked for a little German with a mustache 85 years ago and it just might work for Trump if people don't realize this really could happen in America.
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Trump is going to win. America is so sick of the political correct bullshit. the destruction of America the generation of an entitled segment of society. a total lack of morals and decency.
This is a funny post. PC is simply a RWNJ label for morals and decency. What a fucked up platform.

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