Donald Trump: Restoring Masculinity to America

Compared to Trump the other candidates are Eunuchs, especiallly Rubio.

Compared to real men, Drumpf is just a boisterous, lying oaf. He STILL has not addressed even one issue. He has lied that he will "build a beautiful wall" and about everything else, he gives his used car salesman line - "Trust me".

And RWs are just too gullible to ask even one intelligent question.
"Make America Great Again"

What is the definition of "Great" in this slogan?
What would Americans need to feel "great"?

Define "hope and change"

oh...I thought you wanted to analyze slogans...I understand now...You just need an excuse to try to disparage the candidate you don't "like".
Not at all...this thread is about Trump.
It was also stated in this thread that he is needed to Make America Great Again.

That's his stated goal, presumably that's what people that support him what does it mean?
What it mean for America To Be Great Again?
"Make America Great Again"

What is the definition of "Great" in this slogan?
What would Americans need to feel "great"?

Define "hope and change"

oh...I thought you wanted to analyze slogans...I understand now...You just need an excuse to try to disparage the candidate you don't "like".
Not at all...this thread is about Trump.
It was also stated in this thread that he is needed to Make America Great Again.

That's his stated goal, presumably that's what people that support him what does it mean?
What it mean for America To Be Great Again?

I could type his speech word for word and you'd complain and it's not for me to try to reinterpret for him...listen to his speeches.He has listed a number of specifics..
He generally advocates for putting america first in all more of this "globalization" if there is no benefit for america...bring manufacturing back here...lower unemployment...a dozen or so more...

but I suspect you aren't REALLY interested...I think you just need a release for your frustartion and insulting a political opponent is brains required..just talk about his hair and his slogan and giggle with your friends.....
Trump is going to win. America is so sick of the political correct bullshit. the destruction of America the generation of an entitled segment of society. a total lack of morals and decency.
"Make America Great Again"

What is the definition of "Great" in this slogan?
What would Americans need to feel "great"?

Define "hope and change"

oh...I thought you wanted to analyze slogans...I understand now...You just need an excuse to try to disparage the candidate you don't "like".
Not at all...this thread is about Trump.
It was also stated in this thread that he is needed to Make America Great Again.

That's his stated goal, presumably that's what people that support him what does it mean?
What it mean for America To Be Great Again?
For most republicans, it means invading other countries and killing thousands of people because that country is perceived to be 'a threat.'

It means invading Iraq again, illegally, to 'take its oil.'

It means no republican president can be trusted to not start another failed, illegal war, Trump in particular.
"Make America Great Again"

What is the definition of "Great" in this slogan?
What would Americans need to feel "great"?

Define "hope and change"

oh...I thought you wanted to analyze slogans...I understand now...You just need an excuse to try to disparage the candidate you don't "like".
Not at all...this thread is about Trump.
It was also stated in this thread that he is needed to Make America Great Again.

That's his stated goal, presumably that's what people that support him what does it mean?
What it mean for America To Be Great Again?

I could type his speech word for word and you'd complain and it's not for me to try to reinterpret for him...listen to his speeches.He has listed a number of specifics..
He generally advocates for putting america first in all more of this "globalization" if there is no benefit for america...bring manufacturing back here...lower unemployment...a dozen or so more...

but I suspect you aren't REALLY interested...I think you just need a release for your frustartion and insulting a political opponent is brains required..just talk about his hair and his slogan and giggle with your friends.....
It would have been shorter and saved a lot of effort if you'd just written "I have no idea".
The Pussification of America ends today. Fuck the PC crowd. Cracka nigga **** hoe. Get mad

Donald Trump: Warrior male extraordinaire

In the past 60 years or so, America has become progressively feminized, and the archetypal warrior male has virtually disappeared. However, some tough ladies have stepped in to fill the vacuum including Phyllis Schlafly, Laura Ingraham, Sarah Palin and Michelle Malkin and many others. But how would any of these wonderful and strong women compete head-to-head in a private conference room with Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un of North Korea, or the mullahs and emirs of the volatile Middle East? We have seen how poorly our current girly-man-in-chief, Barack Obama, has dealt with the world of violent supermales out there. From the dawn of time, mutual respect among warrior males is the coin of the realm in these matters.

Fox News’ Megyn Kelly seems to see herself as an alpha female capable of taking on any and all opposition – male or female. Yet, when set against the unadulterated masculine intellectual powers and cunning of Donald Trump, it was not a fair fight. She was overpowered to the point of speechlessness and had to take a 10-day vacation to lick her wounds. When the ladies operate within a protective penumbra of political correctness in a highly feminized culture of girly men, it is pretty easy to win intellectual pillow fights.

Read more at Donald Trump: Warrior male extraordinaire
Oh gee what a convenient analysis. Conservatives have machismo and liberals do not. Only a simple minded, binary assertion like this could come from someone as stupid as a Trump supporter.
I have to say that as a man, I find it pathetic that some men measure the self-worth of other men through machismo and action star archetypes. Deep down they are insecure and likely have small penises.
Thank God. We can now be allowed to go back to men being men and not one of these.
View attachment 48101
But more like this.....
View attachment 48100
Ahhh. The old false-choice fallacy. That's the problem with right wing solutions. They're often black and white, when the world is really shades of gray.[/QUOTElThere is very little black and white in this....progressives are pussies.....its what the academia consider 'common knowledge'..
But you want to know what really is masculine?

Making a budget and having the balls to stick to it.

A man is defined not by the strength of his arms, but the burdens he carries...One such burden is making real choices to put this country back on the right path....

Unfortunately, Trump isnt that guy.......but its what we need.

Not some pussy-whipped progressive.
So the slaughter of Christian, Muslim, and Jewish people by the tens,of thousands is alright with you left wingers.,whether it is abortion or or humanity in general liberals have no concern for human life unless there is a political gain for it, ie black lives matter. There is a supreme naïveté cloaked in concern, about power and human life in general exhibited by leftists who then turn around and say republicans don't care about American lives. Leftists said we only went to war in Iraq to get the oil. Well how much,of the oil have we gotten leftards? Everything conservatives have predicted about obamas foreign policy has come true, including Romney saying Russia is the biggest threat. Obama has been incompetent on foreign policy and his legacy will be that he stood by while thousands were slaughtered when he could have done something about it.

Yes we need someone with balls who will negotiate from a position of strength instead of weakness. And anyone who does not concede that males have been emasculated since the beginning of obamas term needs to get out more.

"I read that article and I would have to agree. People were so tired of the wimpy Obama and having everyone ride over us. Trump, I believe will stand up to terror, disrespect in treaties and accords and stand up for Americans He is someone that will stand toe to toe with Putin."


As already correctly noted: no one is 'riding over us.'

Any idiot can start a war – GWB is proof of that – what takes true courage and strength is keeping America out of war, which the president has successfully done.

As with the other republican candidates, Trump can't be trusted to keep us out of another failed, illegal war, such as Iraq and Afghanistan, where a republican president is likely to contrive some false 'rationale' to go to war, resulting in the needless, pointless deaths of thousands.

Again, Trump can't be trusted, no republican can.
"Trust..." What a great word for this campaign. The only position of "Trust" that has been opined upon is Hillary's and that equals to: People just don't trust Hillary. They find her deceitful, arrogant and she puts herself above the rule of law.

Hillary refused to use the government, secured server for passing information to others. WHY?
When told to turn over her server, she dodged for 5 months. WHY???
She erased 30,000 emails instead of letting the FBI see all. WHY???
Then she had the server wiped clean professionally before finally turning it over to the FBI. WHY???
She says she never sent classified material all the time knowing SHE was supposed to mark them classified. WHY??
Her aides' electronic devices for sending and receiving email have been destroyed, WHY???
She refuses to sit down and answer the reporter's questions. WHY???

That all adds up to a total destruction of trust for the main candidate on the Democratic side.

So, you have to go after Trump and the fact that he is a strong leader means we will go to war. That's about as realistic as us being attacked because we are weak. Or should I say, that latter statement could actually be true.
Republicans are devoid of trust; they can't be trusted to not start another failed, illegal war.
Wow, your womanly repetition is getting old......try the truth sometime....
Sorry, this is just Americans doing their We Hate Wetbacks thing. Same old blame and hate the new guys when times are hard.

Yes we know, he's racist and he hates women. We heard you guys the previous million times you screeched that B.S. You guys got anything else?
Apparently he likes women, as long they're sucking his little dick or being displayed by his side like living toupee, he just doesn't respect them. As for his Blame the Beaners tour, that goes without saying.

Ha, yet you guys worship the serial pervert rapist Bill Clinton. You probably worship Bill Cosby too. Seriously, you guys need some new material. You're broken records now.
Projection, serious projection.

Hey, at least he's not a serial pervert sexual harasser like your boy Clinton. Score another one for Trump!

He's certainly an adulterer like him though. Can't take that away from the tribblehead.
Define "hope and change"

oh...I thought you wanted to analyze slogans...I understand now...You just need an excuse to try to disparage the candidate you don't "like".
Not at all...this thread is about Trump.
It was also stated in this thread that he is needed to Make America Great Again.

That's his stated goal, presumably that's what people that support him what does it mean?
What it mean for America To Be Great Again?

I could type his speech word for word and you'd complain and it's not for me to try to reinterpret for him...listen to his speeches.He has listed a number of specifics..
He generally advocates for putting america first in all more of this "globalization" if there is no benefit for america...bring manufacturing back here...lower unemployment...a dozen or so more...

but I suspect you aren't REALLY interested...I think you just need a release for your frustartion and insulting a political opponent is brains required..just talk about his hair and his slogan and giggle with your friends.....
It would have been shorter and saved a lot of effort if you'd just written "I have no idea".

Neither does Trump.
Inside America, the average American white male has become metro/feminized and the last bastions of the warrior are in the military, police, fire fighter, and gangs. Metro/feminized try to prove themselves as male by participating in video games where they can dabble in controlled danger.

Unlike the internet warriors hiding behind their keyboards living vicariously through their perceived machismo by standing up & defending 'the don'?

Wow, your womanly repetition is getting old......try the truth sometime....
Yeah, that's the ticket for a Republican win, start the "War on Women" again!!! Some people never learn. :laugh2:
What war would that be? To have a war, you have to have an enemy and the goal of liberating an oppressed people....

Women in America are far from repressed and they have never been the enemy of the Republicans....or conservatives....

Unless you think making people pay for their own needs is a which case, I can't help you with your retardation.

"I read that article and I would have to agree. People were so tired of the wimpy Obama and having everyone ride over us. Trump, I believe will stand up to terror, disrespect in treaties and accords and stand up for Americans He is someone that will stand toe to toe with Putin."


As already correctly noted: no one is 'riding over us.'

Any idiot can start a war – GWB is proof of that – what takes true courage and strength is keeping America out of war, which the president has successfully done.

As with the other republican candidates, Trump can't be trusted to keep us out of another failed, illegal war, such as Iraq and Afghanistan, where a republican president is likely to contrive some false 'rationale' to go to war, resulting in the needless, pointless deaths of thousands.

Again, Trump can't be trusted, no republican can.
"Trust..." What a great word for this campaign. The only position of "Trust" that has been opined upon is Hillary's and that equals to: People just don't trust Hillary. They find her deceitful, arrogant and she puts herself above the rule of law.

Hillary refused to use the government, secured server for passing information to others. WHY?
When told to turn over her server, she dodged for 5 months. WHY???
She erased 30,000 emails instead of letting the FBI see all. WHY???
Then she had the server wiped clean professionally before finally turning it over to the FBI. WHY???
She says she never sent classified material all the time knowing SHE was supposed to mark them classified. WHY??
Her aides' electronic devices for sending and receiving email have been destroyed, WHY???
She refuses to sit down and answer the reporter's questions. WHY???

That all adds up to a total destruction of trust for the main candidate on the Democratic side.

So, you have to go after Trump and the fact that he is a strong leader means we will go to war. That's about as realistic as us being attacked because we are weak. Or should I say, that latter statement could actually be true.
Republicans are devoid of trust; they can't be trusted to not start another failed, illegal war.
Wow, your womanly repetition is getting old......try the truth sometime....

They've all said that they want more wars, bigger military, take from the poor, give to the rich, trash the constitution, take away basic rights.

That has been the Repub platform for many years now.

I guess that's why he has to wear a hairpiece, lmao

He's got the bucks to afford a better toupee - even Sam Donaldson had a better piece. It's got to be the worst comb over EVER- & for God's sake, why does it change color from day to day???? I still say it's a tribble .

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