Donald Trump: Restoring Masculinity to America


By: Rudyard Kipling

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you
But make allowance for their doubting too,
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream–and not make dreams your master,
If you can think–and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ‘em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it all on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: “Hold on!”

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings–nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much,
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And–which is more–you’ll be a Man, my son!

"I read that article and I would have to agree. People were so tired of the wimpy Obama and having everyone ride over us. Trump, I believe will stand up to terror, disrespect in treaties and accords and stand up for Americans He is someone that will stand toe to toe with Putin."


As already correctly noted: no one is 'riding over us.'

Any idiot can start a war – GWB is proof of that – what takes true courage and strength is keeping America out of war, which the president has successfully done.

As with the other republican candidates, Trump can't be trusted to keep us out of another failed, illegal war, such as Iraq and Afghanistan, where a republican president is likely to contrive some false 'rationale' to go to war, resulting in the needless, pointless deaths of thousands.

Again, Trump can't be trusted, no republican can.
"Trust..." What a great word for this campaign. The only position of "Trust" that has been opined upon is Hillary's and that equals to: People just don't trust Hillary. They find her deceitful, arrogant and she puts herself above the rule of law.

Hillary refused to use the government, secured server for passing information to others. WHY?
When told to turn over her server, she dodged for 5 months. WHY???
She erased 30,000 emails instead of letting the FBI see all. WHY???
Then she had the server wiped clean professionally before finally turning it over to the FBI. WHY???
She says she never sent classified material all the time knowing SHE was supposed to mark them classified. WHY??
Her aides' electronic devices for sending and receiving email have been destroyed, WHY???
She refuses to sit down and answer the reporter's questions. WHY???

That all adds up to a total destruction of trust for the main candidate on the Democratic side.

So, you have to go after Trump and the fact that he is a strong leader means we will go to war. That's about as realistic as us being attacked because we are weak. Or should I say, that latter statement could actually be true.
Republicans are devoid of trust; they can't be trusted to not start another failed, illegal war.
"Donald Trump: Restoring Masculinity to America"


Masculinity is in no need of 'restoration,' the notion is absurd.

Trump seeks to exploit the dark side of America, and the dark side of human nature – the fear of change and things perceived to be 'different,' appeals to ignorance and emotionalism, and the rejection of facts, evidence, and truth.

Horse shit from top to bottom. But, if you are a progressive, you lie, it's what you do. If you want to save money on car insurance, you switch to Geico, it's what you do.

"I read that article and I would have to agree. People were so tired of the wimpy Obama and having everyone ride over us. Trump, I believe will stand up to terror, disrespect in treaties and accords and stand up for Americans He is someone that will stand toe to toe with Putin."


As already correctly noted: no one is 'riding over us.'

Any idiot can start a war – GWB is proof of that – what takes true courage and strength is keeping America out of war, which the president has successfully done.

As with the other republican candidates, Trump can't be trusted to keep us out of another failed, illegal war, such as Iraq and Afghanistan, where a republican president is likely to contrive some false 'rationale' to go to war, resulting in the needless, pointless deaths of thousands.

Again, Trump can't be trusted, no republican can.
"Trust..." What a great word for this campaign. The only position of "Trust" that has been opined upon is Hillary's and that equals to: People just don't trust Hillary. They find her deceitful, arrogant and she puts herself above the rule of law.

Hillary refused to use the government, secured server for passing information to others. WHY?
When told to turn over her server, she dodged for 5 months. WHY???
She erased 30,000 emails instead of letting the FBI see all. WHY???
Then she had the server wiped clean professionally before finally turning it over to the FBI. WHY???
She says she never sent classified material all the time knowing SHE was supposed to mark them classified. WHY??
Her aides' electronic devices for sending and receiving email have been destroyed, WHY???
She refuses to sit down and answer the reporter's questions. WHY???

That all adds up to a total destruction of trust for the main candidate on the Democratic side.

So, you have to go after Trump and the fact that he is a strong leader means we will go to war. That's about as realistic as us being attacked because we are weak. Or should I say, that latter statement could actually be true.
Republicans are devoid of trust; they can't be trusted to not start another failed, illegal war.
Such as?


He's got the entire GOP on the run and ignorant RWs in his hip pocket - and he has yet to intelligently address even one issue.

Not to mention that he blatantly lied about Japan at the Mobile rally.

He's got the entire GOP on the run and ignorant RWs in his hip pocket - and he has yet to intelligently address even one issue.

Not to mention that he blatantly lied about Japan at the Mobile rally.
How so............explain..........I thought he said they were manipulating currency as well as China for favorable trade deals..............

To the other poster, Lucky, he laid out an immigration proposal already which is why you guys are bitching.............and if the rumors are true that Sessions helped him with this then I'd say it will get done.................

Hell, just enforcing our laws with immigration would be a fresh start.........................

But this is all show...........for Hillary........that is still what I think.

He's got the entire GOP on the run and ignorant RWs in his hip pocket - and he has yet to intelligently address even one issue.

Not to mention that he blatantly lied about Japan at the Mobile rally.
How so............explain..........I thought he said they were manipulating currency as well as China for favorable trade deals..............

To the other poster, Lucky, he laid out an immigration proposal already which is why you guys are bitching.............and if the rumors are true that Sessions helped him with this then I'd say it will get done.................

Hell, just enforcing our laws with immigration would be a fresh start.........................

But this is all show...........for Hillary........that is still what I think.

That's not what I am referring to. Trump said that in case of an attack, we would come to Japan's aid, but Japan would not come to ours. That was a lie.

The new military pact with Japan from April of this year makes it quite clear.

He's got the entire GOP on the run and ignorant RWs in his hip pocket - and he has yet to intelligently address even one issue.

Not to mention that he blatantly lied about Japan at the Mobile rally.
How so............explain..........I thought he said they were manipulating currency as well as China for favorable trade deals..............

To the other poster, Lucky, he laid out an immigration proposal already which is why you guys are bitching.............and if the rumors are true that Sessions helped him with this then I'd say it will get done.................

Hell, just enforcing our laws with immigration would be a fresh start.........................

But this is all show...........for Hillary........that is still what I think.

That's not what I am referring to. Trump said that in case of an attack, we would come to Japan's aid, but Japan would not come to ours. That was a lie.

The new military pact with Japan from April of this year makes it quite clear.
You'd have to show me the pact. Right now the current expansion of China and saber rattling of North Korea is the threat there............not sure who the hell would attack us it would probably be there that they were referring to..................

Show me the pact. Probably a pact to help us if N. Korea attacks South.

He's got the entire GOP on the run and ignorant RWs in his hip pocket - and he has yet to intelligently address even one issue.

Not to mention that he blatantly lied about Japan at the Mobile rally.
How so............explain..........I thought he said they were manipulating currency as well as China for favorable trade deals..............

To the other poster, Lucky, he laid out an immigration proposal already which is why you guys are bitching.............and if the rumors are true that Sessions helped him with this then I'd say it will get done.................

Hell, just enforcing our laws with immigration would be a fresh start.........................

But this is all show...........for Hillary........that is still what I think.

That's not what I am referring to. Trump said that in case of an attack, we would come to Japan's aid, but Japan would not come to ours. That was a lie.

The new military pact with Japan from April of this year makes it quite clear.
You'd have to show me the pact. Right now the current expansion of China and saber rattling of North Korea is the threat there............not sure who the hell would attack us it would probably be there that they were referring to..................

Show me the pact. Probably a pact to help us if N. Korea attacks South.

US, Japan Strike New Military Agreement

Japan will be able to defend regional allies that come under attack, a change that means Japanese missile defense systems could be used to intercept any weapons launched toward the United States — notable, given its close proximity to North Korea, which the official later described as a "growing threat" to regional stability.
He's got the entire GOP on the run and ignorant RWs in his hip pocket - and he has yet to intelligently address even one issue.

Not to mention that he blatantly lied about Japan at the Mobile rally.
How so............explain..........I thought he said they were manipulating currency as well as China for favorable trade deals..............

To the other poster, Lucky, he laid out an immigration proposal already which is why you guys are bitching.............and if the rumors are true that Sessions helped him with this then I'd say it will get done.................

Hell, just enforcing our laws with immigration would be a fresh start.........................

But this is all show...........for Hillary........that is still what I think.

That's not what I am referring to. Trump said that in case of an attack, we would come to Japan's aid, but Japan would not come to ours. That was a lie.

The new military pact with Japan from April of this year makes it quite clear.
You'd have to show me the pact. Right now the current expansion of China and saber rattling of North Korea is the threat there............not sure who the hell would attack us it would probably be there that they were referring to..................

Show me the pact. Probably a pact to help us if N. Korea attacks South.

US, Japan Strike New Military Agreement

Japan will be able to defend regional allies that come under attack, a change that means Japanese missile defense systems could be used to intercept any weapons launched toward the United States — notable, given its close proximity to North Korea, which the official later described as a "growing threat" to regional stability.
As I against China and North Korea..............which is right on their turf.........

I have no problem with Japan and having an alliance there against these two countries................They will honor their word.................but that isn't GLOBAL for a pact in other areas of the World.

I don't compare it to NATO.....................
"Make America Great Again"

What is the definition of "Great" in this slogan?
What would Americans need to feel "great"?
The Pussification of America ends today. Fuck the PC crowd. Cracka nigga **** hoe. Get mad

Donald Trump: Warrior male extraordinaire

In the past 60 years or so, America has become progressively feminized, and the archetypal warrior male has virtually disappeared. However, some tough ladies have stepped in to fill the vacuum including Phyllis Schlafly, Laura Ingraham, Sarah Palin and Michelle Malkin and many others. But how would any of these wonderful and strong women compete head-to-head in a private conference room with Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un of North Korea, or the mullahs and emirs of the volatile Middle East? We have seen how poorly our current girly-man-in-chief, Barack Obama, has dealt with the world of violent supermales out there. From the dawn of time, mutual respect among warrior males is the coin of the realm in these matters.

Fox News’ Megyn Kelly seems to see herself as an alpha female capable of taking on any and all opposition – male or female. Yet, when set against the unadulterated masculine intellectual powers and cunning of Donald Trump, it was not a fair fight. She was overpowered to the point of speechlessness and had to take a 10-day vacation to lick her wounds. When the ladies operate within a protective penumbra of political correctness in a highly feminized culture of girly men, it is pretty easy to win intellectual pillow fights.

Read more at Donald Trump: Warrior male extraordinaire

you're out of your mind

macho imbeciles. seriously, how small does your genitalia have to be for you to even think like that. :cuckoo:

"I read that article and I would have to agree. People were so tired of the wimpy Obama and having everyone ride over us. Trump, I believe will stand up to terror, disrespect in treaties and accords and stand up for Americans He is someone that will stand toe to toe with Putin."


As already correctly noted: no one is 'riding over us.'

Any idiot can start a war – GWB is proof of that – what takes true courage and strength is keeping America out of war, which the president has successfully done.

As with the other republican candidates, Trump can't be trusted to keep us out of another failed, illegal war, such as Iraq and Afghanistan, where a republican president is likely to contrive some false 'rationale' to go to war, resulting in the needless, pointless deaths of thousands.

Again, Trump can't be trusted, no republican can.
"Trust..." What a great word for this campaign. The only position of "Trust" that has been opined upon is Hillary's and that equals to: People just don't trust Hillary. They find her deceitful, arrogant and she puts herself above the rule of law.

Hillary refused to use the government, secured server for passing information to others. WHY?
When told to turn over her server, she dodged for 5 months. WHY???
She erased 30,000 emails instead of letting the FBI see all. WHY???
Then she had the server wiped clean professionally before finally turning it over to the FBI. WHY???
She says she never sent classified material all the time knowing SHE was supposed to mark them classified. WHY??
Her aides' electronic devices for sending and receiving email have been destroyed, WHY???
She refuses to sit down and answer the reporter's questions. WHY???

That all adds up to a total destruction of trust for the main candidate on the Democratic side.

So, you have to go after Trump and the fact that he is a strong leader means we will go to war. That's about as realistic as us being attacked because we are weak. Or should I say, that latter statement could actually be true.
Republicans are devoid of trust; they can't be trusted to not start another failed, illegal war.

They have said they plan to start more wars and to continue to pillage and trash Iraq - who didn't nothing to us.

RWs would happily take more money away from human beings and put it into more WWI and WWII era crap we can't and won't use because it lines the pockets of the 1% and that's what its really all about.

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