Donald Trump: Restoring Masculinity to America

Maybe Americans are finally fed up with the Anti-American Globalist pussies shitting on their country? Let's hope so anyway. GO TRUMP!
Sorry, this is just Americans doing their We Hate Wetbacks thing. Same old blame and hate the new guys when times are hard.

Yes we know, he's racist and he hates women. We heard you guys the previous million times you screeched that B.S. You guys got anything else?
Apparently he likes women, as long they're sucking his little dick or being displayed by his side like living toupee, he just doesn't respect them. As for his Blame the Beaners tour, that goes without saying.

Ha, yet you guys worship the serial pervert rapist Bill Clinton. You probably worship Bill Cosby too. Seriously, you guys need some new material. You're broken records now.
Projection, serious projection.

Hey, at least he's not a serial pervert sexual harasser like your boy Clinton. Score another one for Trump!
The Pussification of America ends today. Fuck the PC crowd. Cracka nigga **** hoe. Get mad

Donald Trump: Warrior male extraordinaire

In the past 60 years or so, America has become progressively feminized, and the archetypal warrior male has virtually disappeared. However, some tough ladies have stepped in to fill the vacuum including Phyllis Schlafly, Laura Ingraham, Sarah Palin and Michelle Malkin and many others. But how would any of these wonderful and strong women compete head-to-head in a private conference room with Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un of North Korea, or the mullahs and emirs of the volatile Middle East? We have seen how poorly our current girly-man-in-chief, Barack Obama, has dealt with the world of violent supermales out there. From the dawn of time, mutual respect among warrior males is the coin of the realm in these matters.

Fox News’ Megyn Kelly seems to see herself as an alpha female capable of taking on any and all opposition – male or female. Yet, when set against the unadulterated masculine intellectual powers and cunning of Donald Trump, it was not a fair fight. She was overpowered to the point of speechlessness and had to take a 10-day vacation to lick her wounds. When the ladies operate within a protective penumbra of political correctness in a highly feminized culture of girly men, it is pretty easy to win intellectual pillow fights.

Read more at Donald Trump: Warrior male extraordinaire

Adolf Trump ain't exactly John Wayne.

Media ethics writer compares Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler
Inside America, the average American white male has become metro/feminized and the last bastions of the warrior are in the military, police, fire fighter, and gangs. Metro/feminized try to prove themselves as male by participating in video games where they can dabble in controlled danger.
Let's be real, the Anti-American Globalists do come off as big ole pussies. I think Trump is refreshing. He's clearly onto something.
The Pussification of America ends today. Fuck the PC crowd. Cracka nigga **** hoe. Get mad

Donald Trump: Warrior male extraordinaire

In the past 60 years or so, America has become progressively feminized, and the archetypal warrior male has virtually disappeared. However, some tough ladies have stepped in to fill the vacuum including Phyllis Schlafly, Laura Ingraham, Sarah Palin and Michelle Malkin and many others. But how would any of these wonderful and strong women compete head-to-head in a private conference room with Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un of North Korea, or the mullahs and emirs of the volatile Middle East? We have seen how poorly our current girly-man-in-chief, Barack Obama, has dealt with the world of violent supermales out there. From the dawn of time, mutual respect among warrior males is the coin of the realm in these matters.

Fox News’ Megyn Kelly seems to see herself as an alpha female capable of taking on any and all opposition – male or female. Yet, when set against the unadulterated masculine intellectual powers and cunning of Donald Trump, it was not a fair fight. She was overpowered to the point of speechlessness and had to take a 10-day vacation to lick her wounds. When the ladies operate within a protective penumbra of political correctness in a highly feminized culture of girly men, it is pretty easy to win intellectual pillow fights.

Read more at Donald Trump: Warrior male extraordinaire

Adolf Trump ain't exactly John Wayne.

Media ethics writer compares Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler

you KNOW they're desperate when they roll out hitler...again....
So what's manliness, a cage fight, creating a war, having a great build or what? When I was a kid it was smoking, making snide remarks aot women, or drinking beer, but I thought some of that had changed, maybe not.

No surprise that you're conflicted and confused about what manliness is...using what you THOUGHT as a child as a measure is totally irrelevant.
My point was, the definition of manliness changes, but tell us, what is manliness?

So what's manliness, a cage fight, creating a war, having a great build or what? When I was a kid it was smoking, making snide remarks aot women, or drinking beer, but I thought some of that had changed, maybe not.

No surprise that you're conflicted and confused about what manliness is...using what you THOUGHT as a child as a measure is totally irrelevant.
My point was, the definition of manliness changes, but tell us, what is manliness?

The definition of manliness "changes"? ridiculous...what a relativist outlook.., son..definitions of words aren't continuously variable.

Here's the only "definition" of manliness that matters..not your "perceptions" of what manliness is;

the definition of manliness
1.having qualities traditionally ascribed to men, as strength or bravery.
2. pertaining to or suitable for males:
If you had to look in a dictionary, apparently you could not define manliness on your own. What does pertaining to or suitable for males mean? It is as childish as kids believing smoking is a characteristic of manhood.
Is negotiating a peace instead of a war, a form of bravery?
oy vey... hitler!

oy-vey? Hitler prefaced with a Yiddish phrase?

I know, you right wing turds are only NAZI -light...

“If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, we have at least to consider the possibility that we have a small aquatic bird of the family anatidae on our hands.”
Douglas Adams

What Trump is spewing definitely IS racism...and it is hate, and it is xenophobia, and extreme ignorance ... you and your "ilk" are a cancer on this nation....

It has been "pointed out" by you and your disgusting ilk every day on this and other forums.

And by the right wing scum you vote for...

Donald Trump, the leading scum bag..."They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists"

Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert proposed using troops and ships of war to stop an invasion of immigrant children, whom he described as a 28 Days Later-style menace. "We don't even know all of the diseases, and how extensive the diseases are," he said.

"A lot of head lice, a lot of scabies," concurred another Texas congressman, Blake Farenthold.

"I'll do anything short of shooting them," promised Mo Brooks, a congressman from the enlightened state of Alabama.

Late last year, Iowa's Steve King asked people to "surround the president's residence" in response to Barack Obama's immigration policies. He talked about putting "boots on the ground" and said "everything is on the table" in the fight against immigrants.

Ben Carson suggest that he's open to using drone strikes on U.S. soil against undocumented immigrants.

Bobby Jindal recently came out and said mayors in the so-called "sanctuary cities" should be arrested when undocumented immigrants commit crimes.

Rick Santorum joined Jindal and Lindsey Graham in jumping aboard with Trump's insane plan to toss the 14th Amendment out the window and revoke the concept of birthright citizenship, thereby extending the war on immigrants not just to children, but babies.

All of this bleeds out into the population. When a politician says dumb thing X, it normally takes ‘Murica about two days to start flirting publicly with X + way worse.

We saw that earlier this week, when Iowa radio host Jan Mickelson blew up Twitter by calling for undocumented immigrants to become "property of the state" and put into "compelled labor." When a caller challenged the idea, Mickelson answered, "What's wrong with slavery?"

And HOW does this cancer metastasize in our nation?

A Beating in Boston, Said to Be Inspired by Donald Trump’s Immigrant Comments

After a Hispanic man was beaten Wednesday by two Boston men, one of whom told the police that he was inspired by Donald J. Trump’s anti-immigrant message, Mr. Trump told reporters that his supporters were “passionate.”

Two brothers from South Boston were arrested and charged with beating the 58-year-old man, who is homeless, with a metal pole, breaking his nose and battering his chest and arms, The Boston Globe reported.

“Donald Trump was right, all these illegals need to be deported,” the police said one of the brothers, Scott Leader, 38, told them. His brother, Steve Leader, 30, was also charged in the beating, the police said. The Globe reported that the brothers have extensive criminal records.

Told of the attack, which also left the man soaked in urine, Mr. Trump said at a news conference late Wednesday that it was the first he had heard of it.

“It would be a shame,” Mr. Trump said, before adding: “I will say that people who are following me are very passionate. They love this country and they want this country to be great again. They are passionate.”
So what's manliness, a cage fight, creating a war, having a great build or what? When I was a kid it was smoking, making snide remarks aot women, or drinking beer, but I thought some of that had changed, maybe not.

No surprise that you're conflicted and confused about what manliness is...using what you THOUGHT as a child as a measure is totally irrelevant.
My point was, the definition of manliness changes, but tell us, what is manliness?

So what's manliness, a cage fight, creating a war, having a great build or what? When I was a kid it was smoking, making snide remarks aot women, or drinking beer, but I thought some of that had changed, maybe not.

No surprise that you're conflicted and confused about what manliness is...using what you THOUGHT as a child as a measure is totally irrelevant.
My point was, the definition of manliness changes, but tell us, what is manliness?

The definition of manliness "changes"? ridiculous...what a relativist outlook.., son..definitions of words aren't continuously variable.

Here's the only "definition" of manliness that matters..not your "perceptions" of what manliness is;

the definition of manliness
1.having qualities traditionally ascribed to men, as strength or bravery.
2. pertaining to or suitable for males:
If you had to look in a dictionary, apparently you could not define manliness on your own. What does pertaining to or suitable for males mean? It is as childish as kids believing smoking is a characteristic of manhood.
Is negotiating a peace instead of a war, a form of bravery?

Not at all...whatever (I..or you) think isn't relevant...I wanted you to have the dictionary definition so you aren't so confused and conflicted about what manliness is...
oy vey... hitler!

oy-vey? Hitler prefaced with a Yiddish phrase?

I know, you right wing turds are only NAZI -light...

“If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, we have at least to consider the possibility that we have a small aquatic bird of the family anatidae on our hands.”
Douglas Adams

What Trump is spewing definitely IS racism...and it is hate, and it is xenophobia, and extreme ignorance ... you and your "ilk" are a cancer on this nation....

It has been "pointed out" by you and your disgusting ilk every day on this and other forums.

And by the right wing scum you vote for...

Donald Trump, the leading scum bag..."They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists"

Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert proposed using troops and ships of war to stop an invasion of immigrant children, whom he described as a 28 Days Later-style menace. "We don't even know all of the diseases, and how extensive the diseases are," he said.

"A lot of head lice, a lot of scabies," concurred another Texas congressman, Blake Farenthold.

"I'll do anything short of shooting them," promised Mo Brooks, a congressman from the enlightened state of Alabama.

Late last year, Iowa's Steve King asked people to "surround the president's residence" in response to Barack Obama's immigration policies. He talked about putting "boots on the ground" and said "everything is on the table" in the fight against immigrants.

Ben Carson suggest that he's open to using drone strikes on U.S. soil against undocumented immigrants.

Bobby Jindal recently came out and said mayors in the so-called "sanctuary cities" should be arrested when undocumented immigrants commit crimes.

Rick Santorum joined Jindal and Lindsey Graham in jumping aboard with Trump's insane plan to toss the 14th Amendment out the window and revoke the concept of birthright citizenship, thereby extending the war on immigrants not just to children, but babies.

All of this bleeds out into the population. When a politician says dumb thing X, it normally takes ‘Murica about two days to start flirting publicly with X + way worse.

We saw that earlier this week, when Iowa radio host Jan Mickelson blew up Twitter by calling for undocumented immigrants to become "property of the state" and put into "compelled labor." When a caller challenged the idea, Mickelson answered, "What's wrong with slavery?"

And HOW does this cancer metastasize in our nation?

A Beating in Boston, Said to Be Inspired by Donald Trump’s Immigrant Comments

After a Hispanic man was beaten Wednesday by two Boston men, one of whom told the police that he was inspired by Donald J. Trump’s anti-immigrant message, Mr. Trump told reporters that his supporters were “passionate.”

Two brothers from South Boston were arrested and charged with beating the 58-year-old man, who is homeless, with a metal pole, breaking his nose and battering his chest and arms, The Boston Globe reported.

“Donald Trump was right, all these illegals need to be deported,” the police said one of the brothers, Scott Leader, 38, told them. His brother, Steve Leader, 30, was also charged in the beating, the police said. The Globe reported that the brothers have extensive criminal records.

Told of the attack, which also left the man soaked in urine, Mr. Trump said at a news conference late Wednesday that it was the first he had heard of it.

“It would be a shame,” Mr. Trump said, before adding: “I will say that people who are following me are very passionate. They love this country and they want this country to be great again. They are passionate.”
So what's manliness, a cage fight, creating a war, having a great build or what? When I was a kid it was smoking, making snide remarks aot women, or drinking beer, but I thought some of that had changed, maybe not.

No surprise that you're conflicted and confused about what manliness is...using what you THOUGHT as a child as a measure is totally irrelevant.
My point was, the definition of manliness changes, but tell us, what is manliness?

So what's manliness, a cage fight, creating a war, having a great build or what? When I was a kid it was smoking, making snide remarks aot women, or drinking beer, but I thought some of that had changed, maybe not.

No surprise that you're conflicted and confused about what manliness is...using what you THOUGHT as a child as a measure is totally irrelevant.
My point was, the definition of manliness changes, but tell us, what is manliness?

The definition of manliness "changes"? ridiculous...what a relativist outlook.., son..definitions of words aren't continuously variable.

Here's the only "definition" of manliness that matters..not your "perceptions" of what manliness is;

the definition of manliness
1.having qualities traditionally ascribed to men, as strength or bravery.
2. pertaining to or suitable for males:
If you had to look in a dictionary, apparently you could not define manliness on your own. What does pertaining to or suitable for males mean? It is as childish as kids believing smoking is a characteristic of manhood.
Is negotiating a peace instead of a war, a form of bravery?

Not at all...whatever (I..or you) think isn't relevant...I wanted you to have the dictionary definition so you aren't so confused and conflicted about what manliness is...
Not so fast, not so fast, the other question: is negotiating a peace instead of war a form of bravery, and, let's add, manliness?
No surprise that you're conflicted and confused about what manliness is...using what you THOUGHT as a child as a measure is totally irrelevant.
My point was, the definition of manliness changes, but tell us, what is manliness?

No surprise that you're conflicted and confused about what manliness is...using what you THOUGHT as a child as a measure is totally irrelevant.
My point was, the definition of manliness changes, but tell us, what is manliness?

The definition of manliness "changes"? ridiculous...what a relativist outlook.., son..definitions of words aren't continuously variable.

Here's the only "definition" of manliness that matters..not your "perceptions" of what manliness is;

the definition of manliness
1.having qualities traditionally ascribed to men, as strength or bravery.
2. pertaining to or suitable for males:
If you had to look in a dictionary, apparently you could not define manliness on your own. What does pertaining to or suitable for males mean? It is as childish as kids believing smoking is a characteristic of manhood.
Is negotiating a peace instead of a war, a form of bravery?

Not at all...whatever (I..or you) think isn't relevant...I wanted you to have the dictionary definition so you aren't so confused and conflicted about what manliness is...
Not so fast, not so fast, the other question: is negotiating a peace instead of war a form of bravery, and, let's add, manliness?

You invent hypothetical scenarios peopled with figments of your imagination doing and saying imaginary things that you made up in your own mind to achieve fantasy results that you invented out of thin air...and you want me to validate them.
My point was, the definition of manliness changes, but tell us, what is manliness?

My point was, the definition of manliness changes, but tell us, what is manliness?

The definition of manliness "changes"? ridiculous...what a relativist outlook.., son..definitions of words aren't continuously variable.

Here's the only "definition" of manliness that matters..not your "perceptions" of what manliness is;

the definition of manliness
1.having qualities traditionally ascribed to men, as strength or bravery.
2. pertaining to or suitable for males:
If you had to look in a dictionary, apparently you could not define manliness on your own. What does pertaining to or suitable for males mean? It is as childish as kids believing smoking is a characteristic of manhood.
Is negotiating a peace instead of a war, a form of bravery?

Not at all...whatever (I..or you) think isn't relevant...I wanted you to have the dictionary definition so you aren't so confused and conflicted about what manliness is...
Not so fast, not so fast, the other question: is negotiating a peace instead of war a form of bravery, and, let's add, manliness?

You invent hypothetical scenarios peopled with figments of your imagination doing and saying imaginary things that you made up in your own mind to achieve fantasy results that you invented out of thin air...and you want me to validate them.
It is those so called fantasy acts that presidents are often faced with and some responses seem to be: act manly.
The definition of manliness "changes"? ridiculous...what a relativist outlook.., son..definitions of words aren't continuously variable.

Here's the only "definition" of manliness that matters..not your "perceptions" of what manliness is;

the definition of manliness
1.having qualities traditionally ascribed to men, as strength or bravery.
2. pertaining to or suitable for males:
If you had to look in a dictionary, apparently you could not define manliness on your own. What does pertaining to or suitable for males mean? It is as childish as kids believing smoking is a characteristic of manhood.
Is negotiating a peace instead of a war, a form of bravery?

Not at all...whatever (I..or you) think isn't relevant...I wanted you to have the dictionary definition so you aren't so confused and conflicted about what manliness is...
Not so fast, not so fast, the other question: is negotiating a peace instead of war a form of bravery, and, let's add, manliness?

You invent hypothetical scenarios peopled with figments of your imagination doing and saying imaginary things that you made up in your own mind to achieve fantasy results that you invented out of thin air...and you want me to validate them.
It is those so called fantasy acts that presidents are often faced with and some responses seem to be: act manly.

act manly?
you just told me earlier you had no idea what "manliness" is and asked me for the definition...
I read that article and I would have to agree. People were so tired of the wimpy Obama and having everyone ride over us. Trump, I believe will stand up to terror, disrespect in treaties and accords and stand up for Americans He is someone that will stand toe to toe with Putin.

Who is "riding over us"? A few Mexicans that pick our fruits and veggies? And mow our lawns? And hand out burgers and fries at the drive through?

Sorry.. I've never been "ridden over" once in my 66 years. I think you are full of POOH!

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