Donald Trump: Restoring Masculinity to America

Maybe Americans are finally fed up with the Anti-American Globalist pussies shitting on their country? Let's hope so anyway. GO TRUMP!
Maybe Americans are finally fed up with the Anti-American Globalist pussies shitting on their country? Let's hope so anyway. GO TRUMP!
Sorry, this is just Americans doing their We Hate Wetbacks thing. Same old blame and hate the new guys when times are hard.
So what's manliness, a cage fight, creating a war, having a great build or what? When I was a kid it was smoking, making snide remarks aot women, or drinking beer, but I thought some of that had changed, maybe not.

No surprise that you're conflicted and confused about what manliness is...using what you THOUGHT as a child as a measure is totally irrelevant.
My point was, the definition of manliness changes, but tell us, what is manliness?
Yes I suppose we need to revive that GW Bush 'bring it on' mentality, so we can macho ourselves into another quagmire in the Middle East.

LMFAO...BUSH again...:cuckoo:

It's OP who's talking about going back to the past, dumbass. That's his topic.

"going back to the past"?

No one is talking about time travel in this're becoming unhinged.

What do you think the term 'restoring' means exactly? Look it up.

"I read that article and I would have to agree. People were so tired of the wimpy Obama and having everyone ride over us. Trump, I believe will stand up to terror, disrespect in treaties and accords and stand up for Americans He is someone that will stand toe to toe with Putin."


As already correctly noted: no one is 'riding over us.'

Any idiot can start a war – GWB is proof of that – what takes true courage and strength is keeping America out of war, which the president has successfully done.

As with the other republican candidates, Trump can't be trusted to keep us out of another failed, illegal war, such as Iraq and Afghanistan, where a republican president is likely to contrive some false 'rationale' to go to war, resulting in the needless, pointless deaths of thousands.

Again, Trump can't be trusted, no republican can.
"Trust..." What a great word for this campaign. The only position of "Trust" that has been opined upon is Hillary's and that equals to: People just don't trust Hillary. They find her deceitful, arrogant and she puts herself above the rule of law.

Hillary refused to use the government, secured server for passing information to others. WHY?
When told to turn over her server, she dodged for 5 months. WHY???
She erased 30,000 emails instead of letting the FBI see all. WHY???
Then she had the server wiped clean professionally before finally turning it over to the FBI. WHY???
She says she never sent classified material all the time knowing SHE was supposed to mark them classified. WHY??
Her aides' electronic devices for sending and receiving email have been destroyed, WHY???
She refuses to sit down and answer the reporter's questions. WHY???

That all adds up to a total destruction of trust for the main candidate on the Democratic side.

So, you have to go after Trump and the fact that he is a strong leader means we will go to war. That's about as realistic as us being attacked because we are weak. Or should I say, that latter statement could actually be true.
So what's manliness, a cage fight, creating a war, having a great build or what? When I was a kid it was smoking, making snide remarks aot women, or drinking beer, but I thought some of that had changed, maybe not.

No surprise that you're conflicted and confused about what manliness is...using what you THOUGHT as a child as a measure is totally irrelevant.
My point was, the definition of manliness changes, but tell us, what is manliness?

So what's manliness, a cage fight, creating a war, having a great build or what? When I was a kid it was smoking, making snide remarks aot women, or drinking beer, but I thought some of that had changed, maybe not.

No surprise that you're conflicted and confused about what manliness is...using what you THOUGHT as a child as a measure is totally irrelevant.
My point was, the definition of manliness changes, but tell us, what is manliness?

The definition of manliness "changes"? ridiculous...what a relativist outlook.., son..definitions of words aren't continuously variable.

Here's the only "definition" of manliness that matters..not your "perceptions" of what manliness is;

the definition of manliness
1.having qualities traditionally ascribed to men, as strength or bravery.
2. pertaining to or suitable for males:
Maybe Americans are finally fed up with the Anti-American Globalist pussies shitting on their country? Let's hope so anyway. GO TRUMP!
Sorry, this is just Americans doing their We Hate Wetbacks thing. Same old blame and hate the new guys when times are hard.

Yes we know, he's a racist and he hates women. We heard you guys the previous million times you screeched that B.S. And so was da BOOOOOSH, McCain, Romney, and so on and so on. Seriously, you guys got anything else? Probably time for some new material.
Yes I suppose we need to revive that GW Bush 'bring it on' mentality, so we can macho ourselves into another quagmire in the Middle East.

LMFAO...BUSH again...:cuckoo:

It's OP who's talking about going back to the past, dumbass. That's his topic.

"going back to the past"?

No one is talking about time travel in this're becoming unhinged.

What do you think the term 'restoring' means exactly? Look it up.

I'm not running in circles for your said "going back to the past" and got shut down for that ridiculous you want to change the subject
Maybe Americans are finally fed up with the Anti-American Globalist pussies shitting on their country? Let's hope so anyway. GO TRUMP!
Sorry, this is just Americans doing their We Hate Wetbacks thing. Same old blame and hate the new guys when times are hard.

Yes we know, he's racist and he hates women. We heard you guys the previous million times you screeched that B.S. You guys got anything else?
Apparently he likes women, as long they're sucking his little dick or being displayed by his side like living toupee, he just doesn't respect them. As for his Blame the Beaners tour, that goes without saying.
Perhaps we are in the situation that we are in because of our years of voting in one wimp after another who are out for themselves
Trump may not have the body of strength but he knows how to mentally kick ass which is the most important.
Will it be legal to smack immigrant woman around once Trump is elected?
Maybe Americans are finally fed up with the Anti-American Globalist pussies shitting on their country? Let's hope so anyway. GO TRUMP!
Sorry, this is just Americans doing their We Hate Wetbacks thing. Same old blame and hate the new guys when times are hard.

Yes we know, he's racist and he hates women. We heard you guys the previous million times you screeched that B.S. You guys got anything else?
Apparently he likes women, as long they're sucking his little dick or being displayed by his side like living toupee, he just doesn't respect them. As for his Blame the Beaners tour, that goes without saying.

Ha, yet you guys worship the serial pervert rapist Bill Clinton. You probably worship Bill Cosby too. Seriously, you guys need some new material. You're broken records now.
Maybe Americans are finally fed up with the Anti-American Globalist pussies shitting on their country? Let's hope so anyway. GO TRUMP!
Sorry, this is just Americans doing their We Hate Wetbacks thing. Same old blame and hate the new guys when times are hard.

Yes we know, he's racist and he hates women. We heard you guys the previous million times you screeched that B.S. You guys got anything else?
Apparently he likes women, as long they're sucking his little dick or being displayed by his side like living toupee, he just doesn't respect them. As for his Blame the Beaners tour, that goes without saying.

Ha, yet you guys worship the serial pervert rapist Bill Clinton. You probably worship Bill Cosby too. Seriously, you guys need some new material. You're broken records now.
Projection, serious projection.

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