Donald Trump: Restoring Masculinity to America

Seriously??? You have no clue.

Really? How would Hitler "deal" with Iran? Talk about clueless...


How would Hitler "deal" with Immigrants?


He SAYS he will bomb Iran, "bomb the oil" (whatever that means!) and he SAYS he will build a "beautiful wall".

The wall is a lie but I have no doubt he would get us into several more wars.

He has also said he would take us back into Iraq to get oil to pay for what Bush did to American soldiers.

Its a real man to keep the peace while creating jobs and making the US the strongest economy in the world = Bush.

It takes a money hungry fool to wipe out an innocent country and an insecure bully to bomb for the sake of bombing.
I read that article and I would have to agree. People were so tired of the wimpy Obama and having everyone ride over us. Trump, I believe will stand up to terror, disrespect in treaties and accords and stand up for Americans He is someone that will stand toe to toe with Putin.

Who is "riding over us"? A few Mexicans that pick our fruits and veggies? And mow our lawns? And hand out burgers and fries at the drive through?

Sorry.. I've never been "ridden over" once in my 66 years. I think you are full of POOH!

Yep. Net zero Mexicans coming from the south. The ones who are coming here have been invited. What RWs don't get is that we need foreign labor because Americans won't and CAN'T do the work they do.

We don't need a wall. We need a workable and mutually beneficial agreement with Mexico as well as they other countries they come from. Issue identification (like driver's licenses) and keep track of them.

We also need to stop the Rs from hiring high tech workers from other countries and educate/train Americans for those jobs. And we need to question why the hypocritical RWs are okay with Drumpf and others (Fiorina, for example) to send their business to other countries.
Maybe the next time Trump is being interviewed he can, in a nonchalant manner, pull out his massive schlong and lay it in on the table next to him as he continues the interview.
There is more to being man than being a dick.
You're right, occupied. There leadership qualities and integrity. He also has the tenacity to stay with issues until they are conquered. That's exactly what we need.
Too bad Trump has neither of those qualities. His leadership style is exclusively self-centered and dictatorial. America does not need an emperor, especially not one as reckless and erratic as Trump.

You have an emperor right now you dumb nigga, his name is Obama, and his strings are pulled by Bail-Out Wall Street, your real kings.

LOL, you think someone named "occupied" would know that LOL
And the PC Walls came TUMBLING DOWN.

Gonna be replaced by the TRUMP WALL across the WHOLE FUCKING BORDER.


The globalists have lost control over our communication (political correctness), now they'll be on the receiving end. Go trump.

Put every fucking constitution shredding commie in jail for Treason. Hang them all. Go trump.

Oathbreakers ---- they will be their IQRS on the crosses from which we'll crucify them.
As Presdient will Trump sign an executive order on this his first day in office....
I'm starting to feel a little more manly already....

Well, that's not necessarily true. I know some union construction guys who are registered democrats. I'll bet you would hesitate to tell them they have no balls. :D
Work Construction myself. Wouldn't be the first time that situation has come up when we discuss the unions.........

That's me pinching your ass in the ambulance.


Lol! I don't really like country, but he has some really funny songs and videos! :lol: So I do like him.
No surprise that you're conflicted and confused about what manliness is...using what you THOUGHT as a child as a measure is totally irrelevant.
My point was, the definition of manliness changes, but tell us, what is manliness?

No surprise that you're conflicted and confused about what manliness is...using what you THOUGHT as a child as a measure is totally irrelevant.
My point was, the definition of manliness changes, but tell us, what is manliness?

The definition of manliness "changes"? ridiculous...what a relativist outlook.., son..definitions of words aren't continuously variable.

Here's the only "definition" of manliness that matters..not your "perceptions" of what manliness is;

the definition of manliness
1.having qualities traditionally ascribed to men, as strength or bravery.
2. pertaining to or suitable for males:
If you had to look in a dictionary, apparently you could not define manliness on your own. What does pertaining to or suitable for males mean? It is as childish as kids believing smoking is a characteristic of manhood.
Is negotiating a peace instead of a war, a form of bravery?

Not at all...whatever (I..or you) think isn't relevant...I wanted you to have the dictionary definition so you aren't so confused and conflicted about what manliness is...
Not so fast, not so fast, the other question: is negotiating a peace instead of war a form of bravery, and, let's add, manliness?

YES. IT IS. Because a real man knows that the best way to win a war is to not wage it at all, if possible. REAL men fight for peace before they reluctantly, as a last resort, go to war.

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