Donald Trump - RINO!

  • Internal poll of Iowa conducted for JINDAL'S SUPER PAC: Carson 28, Trump 20, Cruz 11, Rubio 9
    Hot Air ^ | 10/23/2015 | ALLAHPUNDIT
    Does this count for purposes of declaring that there’s no hard proof of a Carson lead in Iowa until a third poll detects it? Because this would be the third poll, after Quinnipiac and the Des Moines Register, to find him ahead there in the past few days. In theory an internal poll conducted for a Super PAC that’s competing in the state is untrustworthy because the group that commissioned it obviously has a strong rooting interest. But in that case, if this is little more than propaganda with cooked numbers, why does the data so closely resemble what Quinnipiac...
He certainly isn't the PERFECT conservative BUT as old Ed Koch used to say...


Trump agenda:

1. Build the Wall
2. Enforce laws pertaining to illegals
3. Balance budgets
4. Middle class tax cut
5. Simplify tax code
6. Make military strength a priority
7. Tear up all foreign trade pacts which are taking our jobs, especially China & Mexico & Japan
8. Install hugely successful people from private sector for making foreign trade deals
9. Take better care of wounded vets
10. Eliminate/reduce useless federal bureaucracy

Trump is conservative on these issues:

Pro life since at least 2011, wanted to ban partial birth abortion as far back as 2000.
Pro Traditional marriage. “Gay rights is not my thing.”
Pro capital punishment “Capital punishment isn’t uncivilized; murderers living is”
Hold Judges accountable
Opposes “Common core is a diaster” Teach citizenship, quit “dumbing down”.
Anti education unions (2000)
For school choice
“Climate Change is a hoax”
“No Cap-and-Tax”
For drilling our own.
On Environment “GOod development enhances the environment”
Stressed the importance of a strong family & culture of life (2015)
Supports Israel
Opposes Iran deal and letting Iran obtain the bomb.
Wants to crush ISIS quickly.
Wants a military so strong no one will challenge us.
Against unbalanced trade deals that kill American jobs.
Against warrantless government surveilance of citizens.
Is against having a high national debt. Warns that $24T is a point of no return.
Againt gun control
For assault weapon ban but says the AR-15 shouldn’t be considered an assault weapon.
Wants to repeal Obamacare and replace it with market driven polices and increased competition among insurance companies.
Wants to increase military spending.
Will close the border to illegals
Will send the criminals and sponges back.
Will deport all illegals but will let the hard working ones go through the legal process to come back.
Against Anchor babies
Knows unemployment is much higher than official stats.
Will bring jobs back through better trade negotiation.
Attended military academy and Wharton Business School.
Stood up for Birthers and challenged Obama on his fraud.
Believes USA is “the greates force for freedom the world has ever known”
Wants to honor commitments on Social Security and Medicare, which we can afford to do if he gets the economy going full steam.
Wants to reduce the fraud in disability and other programs.
Against marriage penalties in tax code.
Wants to reduce income taxes and eliminate corporate tax.
Wants to rebuld our infrastructure.
Wants to apply welfare-to-work to 76 other welfare programs (2011)
Doesn’t have time for political correctness.
Not afraid to call out either party or both when they are wrong.
Not a puppet to rich campaign donors.

What's not to like if your a Patriotic American!

Do you have a link to how he is planning on accomplishing all of this? I've watched him speak numerous times but haven't heard the 'how' part.
Trump is playing Republicans. They should wake up.

He'll never file the paperwork!!
He'll never disclose his financials!
He'll fade by the end of summer!!
He's not a serious candidate!!
He's playing the Republicans....


What he has going for him is that he's not a DC insider politician and (I believe) that's why he's doing so well. Z, he's just another big-government loving guy. He was a Dem until not too long ago. He donated primarily to Dems ... until 2012 when he switched that over to Rs. Why? Gee, ya think cause he knew he was going give it another shot in 2016? No so much of an 'outsider' if you ask me. He's no different from Hillary suddenly 'seeing the light' on gay marriage. It's all smoke and mirrors to get the nod. He and Hillary are the two sides of the same coin. Oh yeah ... he's also petulant, narcissistic, whiny, and thin skinned. Like obama.

I disagree. He's nothing like hiLIARy. He's a successful businessman and entrepreneur, not a lifelong political leech. He is financing his own candidacy. He has a great family. He is not afraid to speak the truth. Gay marriage and abortion are non issues...

Hillary is a political bloodsucker who's been feeding at the public trough for 40 years. She gets all of her cash from crony capitalists and influence peddlers. She is a confirmed liar who will say ANYTHING to be POTUS. Her pig husband is a disbarred disgrace. She is so politically correct, she fakes a southern accent when speaking to black and southern audiences. She is as phony as it gets.

You missed the crux of my post ... " He donated primarily to Dems ... until 2012 when he switched that over to Rs. Why? Gee, ya think cause he knew he was going give it another shot in 2016? No so much of an 'outsider' if you ask me. It's all smoke and mirrors to get the nod." He is just like Hillary and her gay marriage switch in that it is done to appease the masses because each wants to be potus, rather than that's what they believe.

I would be thrilled to be wrong about Trump. We shall see . . .
Trump is playing Republicans. They should wake up.

He'll never file the paperwork!!
He'll never disclose his financials!
He'll fade by the end of summer!!
He's not a serious candidate!!
He's playing the Republicans....


What he has going for him is that he's not a DC insider politician and (I believe) that's why he's doing so well. Z, he's just another big-government loving guy. He was a Dem until not too long ago. He donated primarily to Dems ... until 2012 when he switched that over to Rs. Why? Gee, ya think cause he knew he was going give it another shot in 2016? No so much of an 'outsider' if you ask me. He's no different from Hillary suddenly 'seeing the light' on gay marriage. It's all smoke and mirrors to get the nod. He and Hillary are the two sides of the same coin. Oh yeah ... he's also petulant, narcissistic, whiny, and thin skinned. Like obama.

I disagree. He's nothing like hiLIARy. He's a successful businessman and entrepreneur, not a lifelong political leech. He is financing his own candidacy. He has a great family. He is not afraid to speak the truth. Gay marriage and abortion are non issues...

Hillary is a political bloodsucker who's been feeding at the public trough for 40 years. She gets all of her cash from crony capitalists and influence peddlers. She is a confirmed liar who will say ANYTHING to be POTUS. Her pig husband is a disbarred disgrace. She is so politically correct, she fakes a southern accent when speaking to black and southern audiences. She is as phony as it gets.

You missed the crux of my post ... " He donated primarily to Dems ... until 2012 when he switched that over to Rs. Why? Gee, ya think cause he knew he was going give it another shot in 2016? No so much of an 'outsider' if you ask me. It's all smoke and mirrors to get the nod." He is just like Hillary and her gay marriage switch in that it is done to appease the masses because each wants to be potus, rather than that's what they believe.

I would be thrilled to be wrong about Trump. We shall see . . .

He lives in New York. Surrounded by Democrat who control the city and the state political machine. It makes sense that he would donate to Dems.

But the reality is he donated pretty much equally to both parties. Here is a chart with the facts.

Most of Donald Trump's Political Money Went To Democrats — Until 5 Years Ago

Are Republicans suddenly gullible? In what universe does Donald Trump seem like any of these Republican leaders? He is a Manhattan billionaire who has no credible claim to any real Republican roots. His positions are all contrived for the day and they lack substance. He has a long history of contributing to Democratic candidates and causes. What does a RINO look like, if not that?​

I've made this point many times to several conservative friends of mine who are supporting him. The man is the very definition of what they call a "RINO," but it's okay I guess because he wants to deport brown people.

Trump supporters are the Obama supporters of 2008. They're a bunch of dupes falling for his bullshit because he talks a good game and tells them what they want to hear. At the end of the day he'll never win the presidency and they'll blow their shot at taking back the White House.
Forget Trump, Ben Carson is the one pretending to be something he is not.
he even stated: “I was a rabid, left-wing Democrat. I'm running as a Republican because you have to run as something.” So he is a Republican simply because he had to run as something! A leopard does not change his spots. Really sad that the two top republican candidates are actually democrats and it does not bother the people supporting them in the least. That says alot.

Are Republicans suddenly gullible? In what universe does Donald Trump seem like any of these Republican leaders? He is a Manhattan billionaire who has no credible claim to any real Republican roots. His positions are all contrived for the day and they lack substance. He has a long history of contributing to Democratic candidates and causes. What does a RINO look like, if not that?​

The Insiders: Bush, Kasich and Rubio are stronger than you think

The Appellative Republican has never been associated with a firm set of principles. Republicans and democrats have been known to support fascist and socialist dogma. Many Republicans supported FDR 's social security act as well as the progressives' Federal Reserve Act.

Trump is the typical welfare/warfare police state politician.

Whatever he is, he's not an progressive professional career politician. There is NO lower life form than that, poach more Rinos...

Are Republicans suddenly gullible? In what universe does Donald Trump seem like any of these Republican leaders? He is a Manhattan billionaire who has no credible claim to any real Republican roots. His positions are all contrived for the day and they lack substance. He has a long history of contributing to Democratic candidates and causes. What does a RINO look like, if not that?​

I've made this point many times to several conservative friends of mine who are supporting him. The man is the very definition of what they call a "RINO," but it's okay I guess because he wants to deport brown people.

Trump supporters are the Obama supporters of 2008. They're a bunch of dupes falling for his bullshit because he talks a good game and tells them what they want to hear. At the end of the day he'll never win the presidency and they'll blow their shot at taking back the White House.

Let's clear the room of the bullshit.

The only "dupes" are "Republicans" who keep voting for "Republicans" that are indistinguishable from Democrats.

Republicans are not conservatives. They are REPUBLICANS. They support big government, massive regulation, and interventionist foreign policies. I hate all of those things. I don't want another Republican. I want a RINO like Trump.

As for deporting only "brown people"- stop projecting- I want all illegals deported I don't care what race or nationality they are. If you're here illegally, you gotta go.
Trump is the greatest man on earth. I loved how he made fum of Bush and Rubio today.
Trump is playing Republicans. They should wake up.

He'll never file the paperwork!!
He'll never disclose his financials!
He'll fade by the end of summer!!
He's not a serious candidate!!
He's playing the Republicans....


What he has going for him is that he's not a DC insider politician and (I believe) that's why he's doing so well. Z, he's just another big-government loving guy. He was a Dem until not too long ago. He donated primarily to Dems ... until 2012 when he switched that over to Rs. Why? Gee, ya think cause he knew he was going give it another shot in 2016? No so much of an 'outsider' if you ask me. He's no different from Hillary suddenly 'seeing the light' on gay marriage. It's all smoke and mirrors to get the nod. He and Hillary are the two sides of the same coin. Oh yeah ... he's also petulant, narcissistic, whiny, and thin skinned. Like obama.

I disagree. He's nothing like hiLIARy. He's a successful businessman and entrepreneur, not a lifelong political leech. He is financing his own candidacy. He has a great family. He is not afraid to speak the truth. Gay marriage and abortion are non issues...

Hillary is a political bloodsucker who's been feeding at the public trough for 40 years. She gets all of her cash from crony capitalists and influence peddlers. She is a confirmed liar who will say ANYTHING to be POTUS. Her pig husband is a disbarred disgrace. She is so politically correct, she fakes a southern accent when speaking to black and southern audiences. She is as phony as it gets.

You missed the crux of my post ... " He donated primarily to Dems ... until 2012 when he switched that over to Rs. Why? Gee, ya think cause he knew he was going give it another shot in 2016? No so much of an 'outsider' if you ask me. It's all smoke and mirrors to get the nod." He is just like Hillary and her gay marriage switch in that it is done to appease the masses because each wants to be potus, rather than that's what they believe.

I would be thrilled to be wrong about Trump. We shall see . . .

He lives in New York. Surrounded by Democrat who control the city and the state political machine. It makes sense that he would donate to Dems.

But the reality is he donated pretty much equally to both parties. Here is a chart with the facts.

Most of Donald Trump's Political Money Went To Democrats — Until 5 Years Ago

"Between 2010 and 2015, 97 percent of all of his donations have gone to Republicans. Prior to that, Democrats had been the primary beneficiaries, taking more than half of Trump's donations between 1989 and 2009."

If he lives in NY and was a Rep, he wouldn't give to Dems ... he just wouldn't give. But he gave to Dems for 20 years. Conclusion? Talk is cheap, it's what you do that counts.

So for 20 years he gives to Dems and suddenly he starts giving to Reps. Why? Votes. I'd rather vote for someone who's convictions are not those of the flimflam kind. He's appeasing the public, he's saying what the public wants to hear. How's that make him different from Clinton? It doesn't.
Republicans are not conservatives.


They are REPUBLICANS. They support big government, massive regulation, and interventionist foreign policies.

Correct. Republicans support what Dems support.

I hate all of those things. I don't want another Republican.

Me too.

I want a RINO like Trump.

RINOs are Dems in Republican clothing. They are the same, one coin, two sides. Trump is a RINO = Trump is a Republican in name only = Trump is the same as Dems ... big gov't, regs, foreign policy.

RINO does not just mean 'not a conservative', it means they are no different from Dems.

As for deporting only "brown people"- stop projecting- I want all illegals deported I don't care what race or nationality they are. If you're here illegally, you gotta go.

If you're here illegally, you gotta go.
Why? what's the difference between an honest, hardworking individual that's here "legally" and an honest, hardworking individual that's here "illegally"... just curios.

Uh, the "illegal" part.
So the difference is simply a label applied by some gaggle of miscreants in Washington? Why should that make any difference to the average citizen? In other words why should I care if my hard working, honest neighbor is here "legally" or "illegally"?
If you're here illegally, you gotta go.
Why? what's the difference between an honest, hardworking individual that's here "legally" and an honest, hardworking individual that's here "illegally"... just curios.

Uh, the "illegal" part.
So the difference is simply a label applied by some gaggle of miscreants in Washington? Why should that make any difference to the average citizen? In other words why should I care if my hard working, honest neighbor is here "legally" or "illegally"?

Oh, okay. So if I come over to your house without permission and start living there you'd be ok with that?
If you're here illegally, you gotta go.
Why? what's the difference between an honest, hardworking individual that's here "legally" and an honest, hardworking individual that's here "illegally"... just curios.

Uh, the "illegal" part.
So the difference is simply a label applied by some gaggle of miscreants in Washington? Why should that make any difference to the average citizen? In other words why should I care if my hard working, honest neighbor is here "legally" or "illegally"?

Oh, okay. So if I come over to your house without permission and start living there you'd be ok with that?
No,. that's not even close to what I was asking, what I was asking is; if my neighbor respects my individual and property rights and does his/her own thing (that's what I meant by honest and hardworking, I should have been more concise on that) why should I care if he/she is in this country "legally" or "illegally" ?
The more Trump goes RINO the more votes from Democrats perhaps... ooooo scary..

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