Donald Trump - RINO!

If you're here illegally, you gotta go.
Why? what's the difference between an honest, hardworking individual that's here "legally" and an honest, hardworking individual that's here "illegally"... just curios.

Uh, the "illegal" part.
So the difference is simply a label applied by some gaggle of miscreants in Washington? Why should that make any difference to the average citizen? In other words why should I care if my hard working, honest neighbor is here "legally" or "illegally"?

Oh, okay. So if I come over to your house without permission and start living there you'd be ok with that?
No,. that's not even close to what I was asking, what I was asking is; if my neighbor respects my individual and property rights and does his/her own thing (that's what I meant by honest and hardworking, I should have been more concise on that) why should I care if he/she is in this country "legally" or "illegally" ?

It might not be what you're asking but that's what it is. If I come over to your home, without your permission (illegally), start living there, get a job, etc. ... you'd be ok with that? Me just, you know, living in your home without your consent? That's what illegals do when they come here illegally. They thumb their noses at those who DO come over the right way. That they're "hard working and honest" isn't the point (they're not honest if they've come here illegally, btw). The point is that we have laws about how to enter and live in this country and sneaking over the border isn't it. Not complicated.
"Donald Trump - RINO!"

Trump wants to kick out all Hispanic immigrants, deny gay Americans their right to marry, and force everyone to say 'Merry Christmas' – can't get any more republican than that.
"Donald Trump - RINO!"

Trump wants to kick out all Hispanic immigrants, deny gay Americans their right to marry, and force everyone to say 'Merry Christmas' – can't get any more republican than that.

The shyster gets Republican mixed up with traditional American values and culture.... That's what happens to ones mind when he was a slave, and wiped by his "Massa" in 1857!
Damn! A candidate is not is PERFECT goosestep with his Party's Line!
What the hell is this? Nazi Germany?
Why? what's the difference between an honest, hardworking individual that's here "legally" and an honest, hardworking individual that's here "illegally"... just curios.

Uh, the "illegal" part.
So the difference is simply a label applied by some gaggle of miscreants in Washington? Why should that make any difference to the average citizen? In other words why should I care if my hard working, honest neighbor is here "legally" or "illegally"?

Oh, okay. So if I come over to your house without permission and start living there you'd be ok with that?
No,. that's not even close to what I was asking, what I was asking is; if my neighbor respects my individual and property rights and does his/her own thing (that's what I meant by honest and hardworking, I should have been more concise on that) why should I care if he/she is in this country "legally" or "illegally" ?

It might not be what you're asking but that's what it is. If I come over to your home, without your permission (illegally), start living there, get a job, etc. ... you'd be ok with that? Me just, you know, living in your home without your consent? That's what illegals do when they come here illegally.
How do you figure it's the same as someone living in your home without your consent? Have illegals moved into your home without your consent? I don't have illegals living in my home yet there are illegals here in this country, right?

They thumb their noses at those who DO come over the right way. That they're "hard working and honest" isn't the point (they're not honest if they've come here illegally, btw). The point is that we have laws about how to enter and live in this country and sneaking over the border isn't it. Not complicated.
Our immigration system is a bureaucratic mess, so if you have people here "illegally" that have been honest and hardworking while they've been here why not just make them legal, don't we want as many good people here as we can get? I don't get why we should kick them out for not going through what is essentially a whole bunch of bureaucratic red tape. If the person has been here and has behaved well while they've been here don't we have a better sense of what kind of a citizen they would make than somebody that has never lived here and has just submitted an "application"?
More like PINO - Politician In Name Only.

Pretty sure he just loves all the attention. Not convinced he actually wants the job.
If you're here illegally, you gotta go.
Why? what's the difference between an honest, hardworking individual that's here "legally" and an honest, hardworking individual that's here "illegally"... just curios.

Uh, the "illegal" part.
So the difference is simply a label applied by some gaggle of miscreants in Washington? Why should that make any difference to the average citizen? In other words why should I care if my hard working, honest neighbor is here "legally" or "illegally"?

Oh, okay. So if I come over to your house without permission and start living there you'd be ok with that?
No,. that's not even close to what I was asking, what I was asking is; if my neighbor respects my individual and property rights and does his/her own thing (that's what I meant by honest and hardworking, I should have been more concise on that) why should I care if he/she is in this country "legally" or "illegally" ?

You evidently take your citizenship in America for granted, the history, the rights, responsibilities and laws.
Trump is as Republican as I am Tea Party Conservative...

Trump is a joke that some really believe in, and that is a scary thought seeing it tell me how stupid some voter really are...
The fact that you think he's a joke, in or out of the race, shows how stupid you are.
Why? what's the difference between an honest, hardworking individual that's here "legally" and an honest, hardworking individual that's here "illegally"... just curios.

Uh, the "illegal" part.
So the difference is simply a label applied by some gaggle of miscreants in Washington? Why should that make any difference to the average citizen? In other words why should I care if my hard working, honest neighbor is here "legally" or "illegally"?

Oh, okay. So if I come over to your house without permission and start living there you'd be ok with that?
No,. that's not even close to what I was asking, what I was asking is; if my neighbor respects my individual and property rights and does his/her own thing (that's what I meant by honest and hardworking, I should have been more concise on that) why should I care if he/she is in this country "legally" or "illegally" ?

You evidently take your citizenship in America for granted, the history, the rights, responsibilities and laws.
Someone who is here illegally isn't honest.
"Donald Trump - RINO!"

Trump wants to kick out all Hispanic immigrants, deny gay Americans their right to marry, and force everyone to say 'Merry Christmas' – can't get any more republican than that.

Sheesh, you could have been right at least once...come on...:eusa_doh:
Trump is playing Republicans. They should wake up.

He'll never file the paperwork!!
He'll never disclose his financials!
He'll fade by the end of summer!!
He's not a serious candidate!!
He's playing the Republicans....


What he has going for him is that he's not a DC insider politician and (I believe) that's why he's doing so well. Z, he's just another big-government loving guy. He was a Dem until not too long ago. He donated primarily to Dems ... until 2012 when he switched that over to Rs. Why? Gee, ya think cause he knew he was going give it another shot in 2016? No so much of an 'outsider' if you ask me. He's no different from Hillary suddenly 'seeing the light' on gay marriage. It's all smoke and mirrors to get the nod. He and Hillary are the two sides of the same coin. Oh yeah ... he's also petulant, narcissistic, whiny, and thin skinned. Like obama.
Yeah but ppl do change sides. Reagan did. And Trump has been vetted continuously all his adult life. He's already as wealthy and powerful as a person can be..he isn't seeking to use the office for personal gain. And though he's a little fluid on his party stances, he's not a communist or a fascist and he doesn't have the destruction of the us in mind, nor does he seek to reduce the population or any other crazy progressive policies.
Uh, the "illegal" part.
So the difference is simply a label applied by some gaggle of miscreants in Washington? Why should that make any difference to the average citizen? In other words why should I care if my hard working, honest neighbor is here "legally" or "illegally"?

Oh, okay. So if I come over to your house without permission and start living there you'd be ok with that?
No,. that's not even close to what I was asking, what I was asking is; if my neighbor respects my individual and property rights and does his/her own thing (that's what I meant by honest and hardworking, I should have been more concise on that) why should I care if he/she is in this country "legally" or "illegally" ?

It might not be what you're asking but that's what it is. If I come over to your home, without your permission (illegally), start living there, get a job, etc. ... you'd be ok with that? Me just, you know, living in your home without your consent? That's what illegals do when they come here illegally.
How do you figure it's the same as someone living in your home without your consent? Have illegals moved into your home without your consent? I don't have illegals living in my home yet there are illegals here in this country, right?

They thumb their noses at those who DO come over the right way. That they're "hard working and honest" isn't the point (they're not honest if they've come here illegally, btw). The point is that we have laws about how to enter and live in this country and sneaking over the border isn't it. Not complicated.
Our immigration system is a bureaucratic mess, so if you have people here "illegally" that have been honest and hardworking while they've been here why not just make them legal, don't we want as many good people here as we can get? I don't get why we should kick them out for not going through what is essentially a whole bunch of bureaucratic red tape. If the person has been here and has behaved well while they've been here don't we have a better sense of what kind of a citizen they would make than somebody that has never lived here and has just submitted an "application"?

They're living in this country without our permission, no different than if I were living in your house without your permission. Stop ignoring that fact.

Why not just 'make them legal'? Oh, ok. So breaking the law carries no consequences, just make them legal, everyone and anyone can just walk on in no questions asked. If that law isn't enforced then why enforce any law. :rolleyes:

Again, this is no different from someone waltzing on in to YOUR home illegally and setting up shop.

If entering legally is overly involved then fix that process; stop lowering the bar and rewarding wrong/bad actions/behavior.
I'm wondering why Democrats are so bothered that Trump may be a RINO, in that case you would think they would vote for Trump just to spite the country lovin, law abiding, apple pie, music and swinging in the moonlight Conservatives...
Trump is playing Republicans. They should wake up.

He'll never file the paperwork!!
He'll never disclose his financials!
He'll fade by the end of summer!!
He's not a serious candidate!!
He's playing the Republicans....


What he has going for him is that he's not a DC insider politician and (I believe) that's why he's doing so well. Z, he's just another big-government loving guy. He was a Dem until not too long ago. He donated primarily to Dems ... until 2012 when he switched that over to Rs. Why? Gee, ya think cause he knew he was going give it another shot in 2016? No so much of an 'outsider' if you ask me. He's no different from Hillary suddenly 'seeing the light' on gay marriage. It's all smoke and mirrors to get the nod. He and Hillary are the two sides of the same coin. Oh yeah ... he's also petulant, narcissistic, whiny, and thin skinned. Like obama.
Yeah but ppl do change sides. Reagan did. And Trump has been vetted continuously all his adult life. He's already as wealthy and powerful as a person can be..he isn't seeking to use the office for personal gain. And though he's a little fluid on his party stances, he's not a communist or a fascist and he doesn't have the destruction of the us in mind, nor does he seek to reduce the population or any other crazy progressive policies.

Yes, people change sides. He donated to Ds for over 20 years and not until 2010 did he 'switch sides'. Why? Because he knew he wanted to run, saw who the competition was, flipped. One coin, two sides. Then again Republicans are not fiscally conservative anyways, they just pay it lip service. To me it's another 'lesser of two evils' thing again. I'm done playing that game. If he's the nom I'll not be voting. Again, I'd love to be wrong about him but at this point I have no reason to trust him.
Trump is playing Republicans. They should wake up.

He'll never file the paperwork!!
He'll never disclose his financials!
He'll fade by the end of summer!!
He's not a serious candidate!!
He's playing the Republicans....


What he has going for him is that he's not a DC insider politician and (I believe) that's why he's doing so well. Z, he's just another big-government loving guy. He was a Dem until not too long ago. He donated primarily to Dems ... until 2012 when he switched that over to Rs. Why? Gee, ya think cause he knew he was going give it another shot in 2016? No so much of an 'outsider' if you ask me. He's no different from Hillary suddenly 'seeing the light' on gay marriage. It's all smoke and mirrors to get the nod. He and Hillary are the two sides of the same coin. Oh yeah ... he's also petulant, narcissistic, whiny, and thin skinned. Like obama.
Yeah but ppl do change sides. Reagan did. And Trump has been vetted continuously all his adult life. He's already as wealthy and powerful as a person can be..he isn't seeking to use the office for personal gain. And though he's a little fluid on his party stances, he's not a communist or a fascist and he doesn't have the destruction of the us in mind, nor does he seek to reduce the population or any other crazy progressive policies.

Yes, people change sides. He donated to Ds for over 20 years and not until 2010 did he 'switch sides'. Why? Because he knew he wanted to run, saw who the competition was, flipped. One coin, two sides. Then again Republicans are not fiscally conservative anyways, they just pay it lip service. To me it's another 'lesser of two evils' thing again. I'm done playing that game. If he's the nom I'll not be voting. Again, I'd love to be wrong about him but at this point I have no reason to trust him.
My wife still rejects Trump and I don't blame her, he's a bold character but unlike Democrats there's plenty of choice and time.
You evidently take your citizenship in America for granted, the history, the rights, responsibilities and laws.
Uh-huh and by what formula did you arrive at such a conclusion? Is it because I ask questions that you are uncomfortable with?
Deductive reasoning mostly
Care to elaborate?

..."uncomfortable", nah, I'm cool..and you
No complaints here, I find attempting to remain objective and relying on the Socratic method in an attempt to draw reasoned conclusions on public policy questions both revealing and quite interesting.
Trump is playing Republicans. They should wake up.

He'll never file the paperwork!!
He'll never disclose his financials!
He'll fade by the end of summer!!
He's not a serious candidate!!
He's playing the Republicans....


What he has going for him is that he's not a DC insider politician and (I believe) that's why he's doing so well. Z, he's just another big-government loving guy. He was a Dem until not too long ago. He donated primarily to Dems ... until 2012 when he switched that over to Rs. Why? Gee, ya think cause he knew he was going give it another shot in 2016? No so much of an 'outsider' if you ask me. He's no different from Hillary suddenly 'seeing the light' on gay marriage. It's all smoke and mirrors to get the nod. He and Hillary are the two sides of the same coin. Oh yeah ... he's also petulant, narcissistic, whiny, and thin skinned. Like obama.
Yeah but ppl do change sides. Reagan did. And Trump has been vetted continuously all his adult life. He's already as wealthy and powerful as a person can be..he isn't seeking to use the office for personal gain. And though he's a little fluid on his party stances, he's not a communist or a fascist and he doesn't have the destruction of the us in mind, nor does he seek to reduce the population or any other crazy progressive policies.

Yes, people change sides. He donated to Ds for over 20 years and not until 2010 did he 'switch sides'. Why? Because he knew he wanted to run, saw who the competition was, flipped. One coin, two sides. Then again Republicans are not fiscally conservative anyways, they just pay it lip service. To me it's another 'lesser of two evils' thing again. I'm done playing that game. If he's the nom I'll not be voting. Again, I'd love to be wrong about him but at this point I have no reason to trust him.
Republicans staying away from the voting booth brought us Obama. I certainly prefer trump to McCain, who sold us out after we nominated him.

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