Donald Trump Rolls Out Winning Platform: Cut Taxes, Save Social Security And Medicare

He is the ONLY Candidate on either side that brought up the Waste, Fraud and Abuse that all these Government Programs contain, from SS and Medicare to the VA.

Donald Trump Rolls Out Winning Platform: Cut Taxes, Save Social Security and Medicare - Breitbart

'Waste, fraud, and abuse' is one of the most worn cliches to come out of Washington.

You've really got to question the political sophistication (if not the outright intellect) of the Trump supporters to fall for the old "waste, fraud, and abuse" line. And this is the Party that had a sitting governor (Rick Perry) collecting both his State pension and State paycheck at same time while he was running for President!!!

Ronald Reagan rambles on about waste fraud and abuse:

Ronald Reagan: Radio Address to the Nation on Waste, Fraud, Abuse, and Mismanagement in the Federal Government
We are talking about Trump, a non politician.

Never forget that Bush was in charge of the huge "handouts" of billions to Katrina evacuees
that were not managed or policed, where some people used their vouchers for all kinds of contested purposes.
The abuses of FEMA and trailers were still being litigated years later.

The cost of illicit war contracts under Bush has been estimated in the trillions.

But if you want to blame Democrats for that, nobody in that camp has pursued
restitution or reimbursement to taxpayers either. Only complaints to project
blame on others for political points trying to get candidates elected to office.
He is the ONLY Candidate on either side that brought up the Waste, Fraud and Abuse that all these Government Programs contain, from SS and Medicare to the VA.

Donald Trump Rolls Out Winning Platform: Cut Taxes, Save Social Security and Medicare - Breitbart

'Waste, fraud, and abuse' is one of the most worn cliches to come out of Washington.

You've really got to question the political sophistication (if not the outright intellect) of the Trump supporters to fall for the old "waste, fraud, and abuse" line. And this is the Party that had a sitting governor (Rick Perry) collecting both his State pension and State paycheck at same time while he was running for President!!!

Ronald Reagan rambles on about waste fraud and abuse:

Ronald Reagan: Radio Address to the Nation on Waste, Fraud, Abuse, and Mismanagement in the Federal Government
We are talking about Trump, a non politician.

He is still a politician beating the others at their own game.
The question is if he can pull together the support of the teams it will take to do all this clean up work.

If you are going to clean up and reduce govt waste, all the jobs DEPENDING on that bureaucracy
need to be shifted to private sector or state programs that do the work CORRECTLY and cost effectively.

This take a lot of reform to shift all the programs ELSEWHERE so nobody loses jobs or services.
All of that needs to be REPLACED. So that takes experts with experience in each of the fields.

it's a big job so it has to be delegated to masses of people organized in effective management structures.
Trump could do this if he LISTENS to people in all fields, depts, and parties who specialize in each area.
he could potentially "buy out" all the politicians if he creates jobs for them doing this work,
and gets them paid to clean up, and pays them commission on the money SAVED,
instead of covering up and pass costs to taxpayers.
He is the ONLY Candidate on either side that brought up the Waste, Fraud and Abuse that all these Government Programs contain, from SS and Medicare to the VA.

Donald Trump Rolls Out Winning Platform: Cut Taxes, Save Social Security and Medicare - Breitbart

'Waste, fraud, and abuse' is one of the most worn cliches to come out of Washington.

You've really got to question the political sophistication (if not the outright intellect) of the Trump supporters to fall for the old "waste, fraud, and abuse" line. And this is the Party that had a sitting governor (Rick Perry) collecting both his State pension and State paycheck at same time while he was running for President!!!
So did Obama as a Senator when he ran.

Dear candycorn Let the Democrats who promised all that pay for it. Starting by refunding the
trillions paid to corporate insurance and cover for people's health care instead.

Invest in building enough medical programs and facilities to support internships/residencies
to MEET the demand in each state and accessible per district.

Put the responsibility back on the states, people and parties to CLEAN UP
the prison systems eating up billions in taxpayer resources, and use
those resources to support health care for the public, not just paying for inmates.

This CAN be afforded if the politicians clean up the messes as they promised
And quit trying to charge this to the taxpayers and blame each other for the costs.

You'll get no argument from me on the prison system. I'm not sure who we're fighting in the war on drugs but it is clear we're losing. We lose by paying for the arrests, paying for the incarceration, and then paying for the fatherless/motherless children who simply repeat the mistakes because nobody is there to hold them accountable.

As for insurance. Look, the #1 cause of personal bankruptcies in the nation, by far, was catastrophic healthcare costs. It was obvious something had to be done.
The ACA may not be the best tool to address them. But given the GOP Congress and their "do nothing" and sabotage everything stance...the Democrats probably did more than they otherwise would have if they had a true partner.

Do you want to go back to the days of caps?
Do you want to go back to the days where PECs prevented you from getting insurance?
Donald Trump Rolls Out Winning Platform: Cut Taxes, Save Social Security And Medicare And Bankrupt America

Fixed the title for you, Racist Steve
Obama has already bankrupted America. He
also became the first president to cause America to have its AAA credit rating downgraded for the first time in its history.
Getting rid of obamacare would be a great start.
however, you can bet that the left is going to cry about taking away your RIGHT to health care, which, really is not a right in the first place, and nobody is taking it away.
Then we will hear horror stories along with 1 example used over and over of millions dying in the streets due to lack of care. even though the care was there even before the obamanation.
Lets just pray that he wins and can convince congress to go along with saving the country. Dont count on it though.

Maybe Trump will have the guts to say: You want health care? Pay for your own programs!
And let the parties set up the plans they want to support for their own members.

I was relieved to see the post about the Republicans plan to replace ACA and get rid of both mandates.
If that plan doesn't pass as better than ACA currently, I'd say let the opposers keep whichever plan they want.
And give party members and taxpayers the choice of which policy they want to be under and pay taxes into.

If Trump doesn't have the balls to push for that, who will. Hillary?

Any "plan" that returns us to caps and people with PECs not getting coverage is a non-starter.

You're a fool if you think Obamacare doesn't have caps.
Donald Trump Rolls Out Winning Platform: Cut Taxes, Save Social Security And Medicare And Bankrupt America

Fixed the title for you, Racist Steve

Bankrupting America was a given when they passed Social Security and Medicare.
winning platform for losers ..

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s tax plan would cost an eye-popping $12 trillion over 10 years, according a new estimate that runs directly counter to the billionaire’s pledge not to increase the deficit with the proposal.

The conservative Tax Foundation, which has been scoring candidates’ tax proposals throughout the race, found that Trump’s changes to the individual tax code would add $10.2 trillion to the deficit using traditional scoring methods, his corporate tax cuts would add $1.54 trillion and his proposal to eliminate the estate tax would add another $238 billion.


WOW!!! A CONSERVATIVE Group disagrees with TRUMP!!!
winning platform for losers ..

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s tax plan would cost an eye-popping $12 trillion over 10 years, according a new estimate that runs directly counter to the billionaire’s pledge not to increase the deficit with the proposal.

The conservative Tax Foundation, which has been scoring candidates’ tax proposals throughout the race, found that Trump’s changes to the individual tax code would add $10.2 trillion to the deficit using traditional scoring methods, his corporate tax cuts would add $1.54 trillion and his proposal to eliminate the estate tax would add another $238 billion.


WOW!!! A CONSERVATIVE Group disagrees with TRUMP!!!

and you agree with adding 12$ trillion to the deficit in the next 10 years?

ok then .... be sure and bitch about Obama spending a dime on vacation in Hawaii ... K ?
winning platform for losers ..

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s tax plan would cost an eye-popping $12 trillion over 10 years, according a new estimate that runs directly counter to the billionaire’s pledge not to increase the deficit with the proposal.

The conservative Tax Foundation, which has been scoring candidates’ tax proposals throughout the race, found that Trump’s changes to the individual tax code would add $10.2 trillion to the deficit using traditional scoring methods, his corporate tax cuts would add $1.54 trillion and his proposal to eliminate the estate tax would add another $238 billion.


WOW!!! A CONSERVATIVE Group disagrees with TRUMP!!!

and you agree with adding 12$ trillion to the deficit in the next 10 years?

ok then .... be sure and bitch about Obama spending a dime on vacation in Hawaii ... K ?

Are you an Accountant or a Financial Analyst?
Do you realize that given a set of parameters that anyone with an agenda can come to their own conclusions?
Do you also realize that you are forcing yourself to align with the Conservative Agenda?
Are you an Accountant or a Financial Analyst?
Do you realize that given a set of parameters that anyone with an agenda can come to their own conclusions?
Do you also realize that you are forcing yourself to align with the Conservative Agenda?

Oh for christ sakes - Trump is promising you fools a free lunch and instead of whipping out a healthy dose of skepticism you line right up with a plate and a mouth full of saliva.

Anyone who promises you to take care of our problems on some wonderful promises of "ridding the system of waste and abuse" is either a crank or a charlatan.
Are you an Accountant or a Financial Analyst?
Do you realize that given a set of parameters that anyone with an agenda can come to their own conclusions?
Do you also realize that you are forcing yourself to align with the Conservative Agenda?

Oh for christ sakes - Trump is promising you fools a free lunch and instead of whipping out a healthy dose of skepticism you line right up with a plate and a mouth full of saliva.
The art of the con: promise them a shiny object and say you have a plan, and if they want the shiny object badly enough, they'll believe the plan. Trump U 101
Are you an Accountant or a Financial Analyst?
Do you realize that given a set of parameters that anyone with an agenda can come to their own conclusions?
Do you also realize that you are forcing yourself to align with the Conservative Agenda?

Oh for christ sakes - Trump is promising you fools a free lunch and instead of whipping out a healthy dose of skepticism you line right up with a plate and a mouth full of saliva.

Anyone who promises you to take care of our problems on some wonderful promises of "ridding the system of waste and abuse" is either a crank or a charlatan.
Trump has a bad habit of outing people who don't do as he says.

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