Donald Trump Rolls Out Winning Platform: Cut Taxes, Save Social Security And Medicare

Donald Trump Rolls Out Winning Platform:

Translation: Trump rolls out tried and true Conservative talking points and tells Repubs what they want to hear
Donnie will make our military great again ... Pootin' is paying for it.

Donnie will build a wall ... Mexico is paying for it

Donnie will round up an deport 11-15 million aliens ... the tooth fairy is paying for it

Donnie WILL ..

never get elected and be the next POTUS.
Why would true conservatives, those constitutionalist types, support Trump on a promise to save SS and Medicare.
Conservatives believe both programs are unconstitutional. Where are your principles?
Why would true conservatives, those constitutionalist types, support Trump on a promise to save SS and Medicare.
Conservatives believe both programs are unconstitutional. Where are your principles?

Conservatives are no longer Conservatives, they're Trumpbots.
Why would true conservatives, those constitutionalist types, support Trump on a promise to save SS and Medicare.
Conservatives believe both programs are unconstitutional. Where are your principles?
Where's Hillary's principles?
Why would true conservatives, those constitutionalist types, support Trump on a promise to save SS and Medicare.
Conservatives believe both programs are unconstitutional. Where are your principles?
Where's Hillary's principles?
Come on Steve. You're the king of parody here. But what in the name of the Christ would principles have to do in a race between Hillary and the and the Fat Racist? And before anyone suggests I call the Fat Racist a name and not Hillary, I think Hillary itself has it's own brandname for dishonesty and duplicity. (-:
He is the ONLY Candidate on either side that brought up the Waste, Fraud and Abuse

He's the only one?

1. Ted Cruz

"Cruz didn’t put a price tag on his plan, though he acknowledged it would not be cheap. He offered a variety of partial answers to the money question. “If you think it’s too expensive to defend this nation, try not defending it,” he said. He promised to audit the Pentagon and root out waste, fraud, and abuse, an idea with bipartisan appeal."

There's a Reason Ted Cruz Won't Say How Much His Pentagon Plans Will Cost

2. Jeb Bush

"Last Friday, Bush unveiled his grand welfare reform plan. He promises it will reduce waste, fraud and abuse while simultaneously empowering millions of poor people to stop being poor."

Jeb Bush’s welfare reform plan would only make life worse for America’s poor

3. Marco Rubio

"Washington, D.C. U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Mark Kirk (R-IL) and U.S. Representatives Peter Roskam (R-IL-06) and Earl Blumenauer (D-OR-03) this week introduced bipartisan legislation to protect seniors from identity theft and combat waste, fraud and abuse in the Medicare system."

4. Carly Fiorina

"We actually have to tackle the hundreds upon hundreds of billions of dollars of fraud, waste, abuse,"

Ask Carly: Role of Government - Breitbart

winning platform for losers ..

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s tax plan would cost an eye-popping $12 trillion over 10 years, according a new estimate that runs directly counter to the billionaire’s pledge not to increase the deficit with the proposal.

The conservative Tax Foundation, which has been scoring candidates’ tax proposals throughout the race, found that Trump’s changes to the individual tax code would add $10.2 trillion to the deficit using traditional scoring methods, his corporate tax cuts would add $1.54 trillion and his proposal to eliminate the estate tax would add another $238 billion.

did it mention the savings that would be realized by cutting bloated departments, cutting the 10 trillion that obamacare is supposed to add, and then putting in the increased revenue gained by taxes paid by workers in the jobs that come back and or are created?

Did I mention my unicorn ranch?
is that the ranch that all the free shit from the democrats grow ?
Why would true conservatives, those constitutionalist types, support Trump on a promise to save SS and Medicare.
Conservatives believe both programs are unconstitutional. Where are your principles?
Where's Hillary's principles?
In her policies and life, which has little to do with 25 years of GOP bs propaganda and phony scandals. Now the Clinton charity is being swiftboated with, as usual, no evidence.
Here is Adolf Trump's so-called "winning platform"...

Since terrorists support hillary and terrorists hate jews and gays, would we all agree hillary is a KKK member?

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