Donald Trump Save America Rally Tomorrow

When it comes to children, EVERY CHILD MATTERS. Got it? I know you don’t believe that but I do.

Actually I do, you're the one who doesn't care enough if they get mentally scarred or cut up or drugged up.
I love these threads.

So much "excitement" then zero comment on what happened....
Btw, I'm surprised nobody has started shouting rapist yet,.. but for the rest of you who actually care to know the truth;

I'll have to check it out.

Between CNN and this he is hitting the ground running. I wonder if the gop will even bother with primaries. I'm pretty sure he is going to be the man

Rump can help to save America by moving to Moscow where I am sure he will be quite well received. I heard that Putin is putting together a city for right wing people (translation: MAGAts) for after the election to give you MAGAts a place of your own. Yah, you can believe Putin because your "Fearless Leader" says so.

Eh, another contrarian that never adds anything to a conversation, can talk about the topic or really have much of anything of value to say.
They can help make the Russian empire great again also.

I don't know if this is true due to the questionable site that I found it on (dailybeast) but I wasn't kidding about Putin to start construction for Right Wing Americans and Canadians after the election they are about to lose "Bigly".

Russia Planning ‘Migrant Village’ for Right-Wing American Expats: Report

There are also many reports that Putin's bunch is behind much of the hate from the right. Putin failed in 2020 and has just changed tactics.\

When it comes to the safety of women and children and white people that's different.

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