Donald Trump says Don McGhan wont comply with your subpoenas blow me

You can play "whatabout" all you want...this will end up in the Courts and they don't care what you think
Wait till citizen Trump finds the statute of limitations doesn't protect him and they throw the kitchen sink at him I'm gonna LMAO
Trump knows his time is up. The only card he has left is to try to completely silence all witnesses and co-conspirators. Whether his threats or schemes will work is yet to be decided.
Not even you did I think was this stupid to think Trump's time is up...its the other way around...the walls of justice are closing in around the Magic Kenyan and his dirty crew....
Any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...:71:...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...:71:...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...:71:...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...:71:...any day now...any day now...any day now...
So, they don’t want anything but a Democratic create dog and pony show. Figures.

Executive confidentiality.

You fucking MORON..........McGahn ALREADY testified under oath before Mueller......

All that the House wants is for EVERYBODY to hear that same testimony .....televised and with audio....LMAO

(BTW, Trump ass kissers, McGahn is NOT Trump's lawyer...he is the WH counsel and the so-called "executive privilege" is already broken............Trump is scared shitless......) .

were the 10 different Benghazi investigations a republican created dog and pony show ?
No, they were a waste of time sine Clinton and obastard are protected.

Dumb Donald is going to get his ass handed to him on a plate. McGahn is ready and willing to testify. Trump can't do shit about it.

Trump is going to find out that refusal House requests on oversight is unconstitutional, and is actually an impeacable offense.

I am not sure if Trump signed this Bill into law.

If he didn't? No, "Dumb Donald," is not going to get his ass handed to him, b/c he will just do the same thing as corrupt Obama did. . . i.e., ignore Congress.

It amazes me how hypocritical partisans can be. . . . I'm sure you had no problem with Obama ignoring Congressional subpoena's on two occasions, nor were you interested in seeing him impeached, were you?

House passes bill to strengthen congressional subpoena enforcement
House passes bill to strengthen congressional subpoena enforcement

". . . Issa had sought documents from the Justice Department regarding its “Fast and Furious” operation that allowed about 2,000 guns into Mexico so that authorities could trace them to drug cartels. Two guns linked to the operation were found at the scene of a border patrol agent’s death.

Then-President Obama invoked executive privilege so that the Justice Department wouldn’t have to provide the documents requested by Issa. The 2012 House vote declaring Holder in contempt was the first contempt vote of a sitting attorney general.

The House voted two years later to hold Lerner in contempt of Congress for refusing to testify about the IRS scrutiny of conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status.

Neither contempt case, however, resulted in convictions.

Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), a senior member of the House Judiciary Committee, noted that full subpoena power will be relevant for the congressional committees conducting investigations of Russia's role in the 2016 presidential election.. . . "

Again, this is why I have little respect for trumpers.....

In the case of Eric Holder, this is what you leave out...

Holder held in contempt

"Over the past fourteen months, the Justice Department accommodated congressional investigators, producing 7,600 pages of documents, and testifying at eleven congressional hearings… "

By the way, did anyone get convicted, indicted or charged with anything at all in that Fast & Furious case? No....furthermore, what exactly did you think they should have been charged with? Murder? If so, there is no statute of limitations on murder, so why doesn't trump's DOJ prosecute now -- unless you know it was bullshit to begin with, which it was....

As for the made-up IRS scandal -- the fact you idiots continue to claim this was a scandal is another reason I have zero respect for Trumpers.....There was never an IRS scandal, it was yet another completely made up republican scandal that if there were ACTUAL crimes that occurred, they are more than welcome to prosecute now...but they won't because there were none.

"Despite the complete lack of evidence.....the Republicans insisted on continuing to investigate, just like their obsession with Benghazi, which they could never -- even after their own endless series of witch-hunt congressional investigations -- they could never turn them into a fact-based scandal..Republicans quickly turned the made-up IRS scandal into their own echo-chambered conventional wisdom, evidence be damned"

Remember the IRS Scandal? It was fake news all along

So, they don’t want anything but a Democratic create dog and pony show. Figures.

Executive confidentiality.

You fucking MORON..........McGahn ALREADY testified under oath before Mueller......

All that the House wants is for EVERYBODY to hear that same testimony .....televised and with audio....LMAO

(BTW, Trump ass kissers, McGahn is NOT Trump's lawyer...he is the WH counsel and the so-called "executive privilege" is already broken............Trump is scared shitless......) .

were the 10 different Benghazi investigations a republican created dog and pony show ?
No, they were a waste of time sine Clinton and obastard are protected.
So they are protected by who?

Obviously, something more powerful than Trump...

So Trump really isn't that powerful at all huh?

Can you tell me who protects Obama and Hillary despite all of this evidence?
Do you know what PROBABLE CAUSE is?

Try reading the 4th Amendment a few times. Trump is dealing with a partisan witch hunt. Nadler is fishing for something.
The probable cause is the Mueller report -- or are you still idiotic enough to believe the report exonerated him?

Yea, you probably are that stupid...
What’s the charge??
You do understand that you can obstruct justice without there being a criminally prosecutable offense right?
Can you answer my question??
I just told you the charge, Mueller himself highlighted 10 instances where Trump obstructed justice

The fact you think there was never a crime in the first place is irrelevant to obstruction of justice -- that is not my opinion, that is what the Dept Of Justice thinks.

Here is another reason I have little respect for you trumpers.....Here is what the report summary said about evil Hillary:

“Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.” <<-- but leave it to you Trumpers, she is guilty of treason, obstruction, murder, etc, etc etc ......let's not even mention the fact that this is also the same Hillary who testified under oath for 11 hours and was investigated over Benghazi 10 different times with ZERO indictments of anybody.

Here is what the report summary said about Trump in regards to collusion:

"While the investigation identified numerous links between individuals with ties to the Russian government and individuals associated with the Trump Campaign, the evidence was not sufficient to support criminal charges." <<-- according to you trumpers, its a total exoneration and also a deep-state coup witch-hunt at the same time....and it also proves Obama planned 9/11 too...

Here is what the report summary said about Trump in regards to obstruction:

"The evidence we obtained about the President's actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment. At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does NOT exonerate him" <<-- according to you trumpers, this also totally exonerates Trump while at the same time implicates Hillary in both child sex trafficking and the Vince Foster suicide....and it also proves that Iraq did plan 9/11 -- along with Obama and Bin Laden...funded by George Soros and Black Lives by Collin Kappernick
Such a waste.. here is where your brain fails you... TRUMP COULD FIRE MUELLER ANY TIME HE WANTED! . Lol That’s not obstruction .. just because a Hillary supporter FBI agent wrote it doesn’t make it true .

Please don’t compare Hillary destroying 30 thousand emails, Bleach bit hard drives, taking hammers to cell phones,, to trump WHO IF HE WANTED to could have replaced mueller!
Note that it’s Trump who is desperately trying to block testimony as Obama chills wherever he is. Too stupid.
I guarantee you the Clinton's and the Obama's are not resting well.....

Wanna place bets on that? Obama and the Clintons are sleeping very well at night because they're not the ones facing calls from Republicans for impeachment. They're not the ones who's associates are all going to jail. They're not the ones the Special Prosecutor told Congress should be impeached and here's how you do it.

Trump is going full bore idiot, fighting Congressional oversight. Fighting 17 investigations at once. Getting exposed for his criminal behaviour, his incompetence, and his corruption on a daily basis.
The probable cause is the Mueller report -- or are you still idiotic enough to believe the report exonerated him?

Yea, you probably are that stupid...
What’s the charge??
You do understand that you can obstruct justice without there being a criminally prosecutable offense right?
Can you answer my question??
I just told you the charge, Mueller himself highlighted 10 instances where Trump obstructed justice

The fact you think there was never a crime in the first place is irrelevant to obstruction of justice -- that is not my opinion, that is what the Dept Of Justice thinks.

Here is another reason I have little respect for you trumpers.....Here is what the report summary said about evil Hillary:

“Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.” <<-- but leave it to you Trumpers, she is guilty of treason, obstruction, murder, etc, etc etc ......let's not even mention the fact that this is also the same Hillary who testified under oath for 11 hours and was investigated over Benghazi 10 different times with ZERO indictments of anybody.

Here is what the report summary said about Trump in regards to collusion:

"While the investigation identified numerous links between individuals with ties to the Russian government and individuals associated with the Trump Campaign, the evidence was not sufficient to support criminal charges." <<-- according to you trumpers, its a total exoneration and also a deep-state coup witch-hunt at the same time....and it also proves Obama planned 9/11 too...

Here is what the report summary said about Trump in regards to obstruction:

"The evidence we obtained about the President's actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment. At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does NOT exonerate him" <<-- according to you trumpers, this also totally exonerates Trump while at the same time implicates Hillary in both child sex trafficking and the Vince Foster suicide....and it also proves that Iraq did plan 9/11 -- along with Obama and Bin Laden...funded by George Soros and Black Lives by Collin Kappernick
Such a waste.. here is where your brain fails you... TRUMP COULD FIRE MUELLER ANY TIME HE WANTED! . Lol That’s not obstruction .. just because a Hillary supporter FBI agent wrote it doesn’t make it true .

Please don’t compare Hillary destroying 30 thousand emails, Bleach bit hard drives, taking hammers to cell phones,, to trump WHO IF HE WANTED to could have replaced mueller!
So what is the hold up with charging Hillary with a crime?

As you idiots get your panties in a bunch when someone says Trump committed crimes -- even tho he has not been charged...Why do you insist on the fact that Hillary committed crimes, even tho she isn't charged...

And Hillary is not president so there is no DOJ policy that prevents her from being indicted....why is your cult leader so afraid and beholden to the will of Hillary?
So, they don’t want anything but a Democratic create dog and pony show. Figures.

Executive confidentiality.

You fucking MORON..........McGahn ALREADY testified under oath before Mueller......

All that the House wants is for EVERYBODY to hear that same testimony .....televised and with audio....LMAO

(BTW, Trump ass kissers, McGahn is NOT Trump's lawyer...he is the WH counsel and the so-called "executive privilege" is already broken............Trump is scared shitless......) .

were the 10 different Benghazi investigations a republican created dog and pony show ?
No, they were a waste of time sine Clinton and obastard are protected.
So they are protected by who?

Obviously, something more powerful than Trump...

So Trump really isn't that powerful at all huh?

Can you tell me who protects Obama and Hillary despite all of this evidence?
Sure I can, but as with most people like you it's a waste of time. The fact you replied as you have says you know it's true and you are soiling yourself to deflect and spin it off. Now, like most stooges, quickly type "SO YOU GOT NOTHING!"
So, they don’t want anything but a Democratic create dog and pony show. Figures.

Executive confidentiality.

You fucking MORON..........McGahn ALREADY testified under oath before Mueller......

All that the House wants is for EVERYBODY to hear that same testimony .....televised and with audio....LMAO

(BTW, Trump ass kissers, McGahn is NOT Trump's lawyer...he is the WH counsel and the so-called "executive privilege" is already broken............Trump is scared shitless......) .

were the 10 different Benghazi investigations a republican created dog and pony show ?
No, they were a waste of time sine Clinton and obastard are protected.
So they are protected by who?

Obviously, something more powerful than Trump...

So Trump really isn't that powerful at all huh?

Can you tell me who protects Obama and Hillary despite all of this evidence?
Principal players in the department of justice that have been in bedded for years .. Many powerful people who have influence over lawmakers. CFR etc.. Hillary Clinton at the very least should have resigned after Benghazi , she had Seth rich killed . She needs to go
So, they don’t want anything but a Democratic create dog and pony show. Figures.

You fucking MORON..........McGahn ALREADY testified under oath before Mueller......

All that the House wants is for EVERYBODY to hear that same testimony .....televised and with audio....LMAO

(BTW, Trump ass kissers, McGahn is NOT Trump's lawyer...he is the WH counsel and the so-called "executive privilege" is already broken............Trump is scared shitless......) .

were the 10 different Benghazi investigations a republican created dog and pony show ?
No, they were a waste of time sine Clinton and obastard are protected.
So they are protected by who?

Obviously, something more powerful than Trump...

So Trump really isn't that powerful at all huh?

Can you tell me who protects Obama and Hillary despite all of this evidence?
Sure I can, but as with most people like you it's a waste of time. The fact you replied as you have says you know it's true and you are soiling yourself to deflect and spin it off. Now, like most stooges, quickly type "SO YOU GOT NOTHING!"
No, you can't -- because the minute you go into your pathetic "it's the Deep State, they won't let Trump do anything" sissy fit -- all you will really be doing is proving me right….which is, Obama and Hillary are more powerful than your cult leader...

How do I know this? Because Trump is the one under 17 different investigations by his own FBI, DOJ, you name it -- and Obama isn't...

The end
What’s the charge??
You do understand that you can obstruct justice without there being a criminally prosecutable offense right?
Can you answer my question??
I just told you the charge, Mueller himself highlighted 10 instances where Trump obstructed justice

The fact you think there was never a crime in the first place is irrelevant to obstruction of justice -- that is not my opinion, that is what the Dept Of Justice thinks.

Here is another reason I have little respect for you trumpers.....Here is what the report summary said about evil Hillary:

“Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.” <<-- but leave it to you Trumpers, she is guilty of treason, obstruction, murder, etc, etc etc ......let's not even mention the fact that this is also the same Hillary who testified under oath for 11 hours and was investigated over Benghazi 10 different times with ZERO indictments of anybody.

Here is what the report summary said about Trump in regards to collusion:

"While the investigation identified numerous links between individuals with ties to the Russian government and individuals associated with the Trump Campaign, the evidence was not sufficient to support criminal charges." <<-- according to you trumpers, its a total exoneration and also a deep-state coup witch-hunt at the same time....and it also proves Obama planned 9/11 too...

Here is what the report summary said about Trump in regards to obstruction:

"The evidence we obtained about the President's actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment. At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does NOT exonerate him" <<-- according to you trumpers, this also totally exonerates Trump while at the same time implicates Hillary in both child sex trafficking and the Vince Foster suicide....and it also proves that Iraq did plan 9/11 -- along with Obama and Bin Laden...funded by George Soros and Black Lives by Collin Kappernick
Such a waste.. here is where your brain fails you... TRUMP COULD FIRE MUELLER ANY TIME HE WANTED! . Lol That’s not obstruction .. just because a Hillary supporter FBI agent wrote it doesn’t make it true .

Please don’t compare Hillary destroying 30 thousand emails, Bleach bit hard drives, taking hammers to cell phones,, to trump WHO IF HE WANTED to could have replaced mueller!
So what is the hold up with charging Hillary with a crime?

As you idiots get your panties in a bunch when someone says Trump committed crimes -- even tho he has not been charged...Why do you insist on the fact that Hillary committed crimes, even tho she isn't charged...

And Hillary is not president so there is no DOJ policy that prevents her from being indicted....why is your cult leader so afraid and beholden to the will of Hillary?
I think the deep state influences what the DOJ does .. I think principal players in the DOJ influence decisions .. these people are part of the deep state.. and many are worried about revenge from clinton allies .. her and her husband stacked the deck in alomost every department.

Dumb Donald is going to get his ass handed to him on a plate. McGahn is ready and willing to testify. Trump can't do shit about it.

Trump is going to find out that refusal House requests on oversight is unconstitutional, and is actually an impeacable offense.

I am not sure if Trump signed this Bill into law.

If he didn't? No, "Dumb Donald," is not going to get his ass handed to him, b/c he will just do the same thing as corrupt Obama did. . . i.e., ignore Congress.

It amazes me how hypocritical partisans can be. . . . I'm sure you had no problem with Obama ignoring Congressional subpoena's on two occasions, nor were you interested in seeing him impeached, were you?

House passes bill to strengthen congressional subpoena enforcement
House passes bill to strengthen congressional subpoena enforcement

". . . Issa had sought documents from the Justice Department regarding its “Fast and Furious” operation that allowed about 2,000 guns into Mexico so that authorities could trace them to drug cartels. Two guns linked to the operation were found at the scene of a border patrol agent’s death.

Then-President Obama invoked executive privilege so that the Justice Department wouldn’t have to provide the documents requested by Issa. The 2012 House vote declaring Holder in contempt was the first contempt vote of a sitting attorney general.

The House voted two years later to hold Lerner in contempt of Congress for refusing to testify about the IRS scrutiny of conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status.

Neither contempt case, however, resulted in convictions.

Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), a senior member of the House Judiciary Committee, noted that full subpoena power will be relevant for the congressional committees conducting investigations of Russia's role in the 2016 presidential election.. . . "

Again, this is why I have little respect for trumpers.....

In the case of Eric Holder, this is what you leave out...

Holder held in contempt

"Over the past fourteen months, the Justice Department accommodated congressional investigators, producing 7,600 pages of documents, and testifying at eleven congressional hearings… "

By the way, did anyone get convicted, indicted or charged with anything at all in that Fast & Furious case? No....furthermore, what exactly did you think they should have been charged with? Murder? If so, there is no statute of limitations on murder, so why doesn't trump's DOJ prosecute now -- unless you know it was bullshit to begin with, which it was....

As for the made-up IRS scandal -- the fact you idiots continue to claim this was a scandal is another reason I have zero respect for Trumpers.....There was never an IRS scandal, it was yet another completely made up republican scandal that if there were ACTUAL crimes that occurred, they are more than welcome to prosecute now...but they won't because there were none.

"Despite the complete lack of evidence.....the Republicans insisted on continuing to investigate, just like their obsession with Benghazi, which they could never -- even after their own endless series of witch-hunt congressional investigations -- they could never turn them into a fact-based scandal..Republicans quickly turned the made-up IRS scandal into their own echo-chambered conventional wisdom, evidence be damned"

Remember the IRS Scandal? It was fake news all along

The fact that Lois Lerner pleaded the 5th like a member of the La Cosa Nostra tells me that the IRS scandal was real.

If she had nothing to hide, she would have spoken freely
So, they don’t want anything but a Democratic create dog and pony show. Figures.
were the 10 different Benghazi investigations a republican created dog and pony show ?
No, they were a waste of time sine Clinton and obastard are protected.
So they are protected by who?

Obviously, something more powerful than Trump...

So Trump really isn't that powerful at all huh?

Can you tell me who protects Obama and Hillary despite all of this evidence?
Sure I can, but as with most people like you it's a waste of time. The fact you replied as you have says you know it's true and you are soiling yourself to deflect and spin it off. Now, like most stooges, quickly type "SO YOU GOT NOTHING!"
No, you can't -- because the minute you go into your pathetic "it's the Deep State, they won't let Trump do anything" sissy fit -- all you will really be doing is proving me right….which is, Obama and Hillary are more powerful than your cult leader...

How do I know this? Because Trump is the one under 17 different investigations by his own FBI, DOJ, you name it -- and Obama isn't...

The end
Bill Clinton and Obama, had more years to stack the deck with allies in principle positions in government.. trump and Barr should be very worried of revenge,
So, they don’t want anything but a Democratic create dog and pony show. Figures.
were the 10 different Benghazi investigations a republican created dog and pony show ?
No, they were a waste of time sine Clinton and obastard are protected.
So they are protected by who?

Obviously, something more powerful than Trump...

So Trump really isn't that powerful at all huh?

Can you tell me who protects Obama and Hillary despite all of this evidence?
Sure I can, but as with most people like you it's a waste of time. The fact you replied as you have says you know it's true and you are soiling yourself to deflect and spin it off. Now, like most stooges, quickly type "SO YOU GOT NOTHING!"
No, you can't -- because the minute you go into your pathetic "it's the Deep State, they won't let Trump do anything" sissy fit -- all you will really be doing is proving me right….which is, Obama and Hillary are more powerful than your cult leader...

How do I know this? Because Trump is the one under 17 different investigations by his own FBI, DOJ, you name it -- and Obama isn't...

The end
So you answer your own question of who is protecting them! I knew you would. lol. Then you lie about what I said (totally expected, as you are all liars), when I don't think I have ever mentioned the deep state. Now that you know who is protecting those two traitors you can spin on another smokefest.
were the 10 different Benghazi investigations a republican created dog and pony show ?
No, they were a waste of time sine Clinton and obastard are protected.
So they are protected by who?

Obviously, something more powerful than Trump...

So Trump really isn't that powerful at all huh?

Can you tell me who protects Obama and Hillary despite all of this evidence?
Sure I can, but as with most people like you it's a waste of time. The fact you replied as you have says you know it's true and you are soiling yourself to deflect and spin it off. Now, like most stooges, quickly type "SO YOU GOT NOTHING!"
No, you can't -- because the minute you go into your pathetic "it's the Deep State, they won't let Trump do anything" sissy fit -- all you will really be doing is proving me right….which is, Obama and Hillary are more powerful than your cult leader...

How do I know this? Because Trump is the one under 17 different investigations by his own FBI, DOJ, you name it -- and Obama isn't...

The end
Bill Clinton and Obama, had more years to stack the deck with allies in principle positions in government.. trump and Barr should be very worried of revenge,
I'm surprised Trump is still alive.
Executive confidentiality.

Nadler is a lawyer.....he knows this stuff.

Wrong. McGhan was White House legal counsel, not Trumps personal attorney. He has no executive privilege. All legal decisions made on behalf of the White House are public record.
Private conversation with the president is executive privilege

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