Donald Trump: Shut Down Government If Necessary To Defund Planned Parenthood

Should government be shut down to defund Planned Parenthood?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 40.0%
  • No

    Votes: 15 60.0%

  • Total voters
The RWnuts want to defund the non-abortion part of PP as a punishment for their performing abortions.

What would prevent PP from moving their abortion funds toward providing women's health services if they lost federal funding?

Nothing would be stopping them. So why are they claiming defunding would kill women's health services? It wouldn't. THEY would be deciding to keep funding abortions and not moving the funds towards women health services.

This is what I mean when I say PP is choosing abortions over health services.
Well, not if having safe and accessible abortions is a woman's health service.
nobody is taking away the service, only the tax dollars used to perform a service.
how about this, people pay for their own abortions and the tax dollars go back to the taxpayer.

The government does not fund abortions at PP. Stop being stupid.
yes, the government funding makes it possible for PP to perform abortions. I think others have explained it rather well for you, it is not our fault that you lack the capacity to comprehend what it is you read.
but, if the government does not fund abortions, then stopping funding will not affect abortion rates at all.
and now with the beloved by socialists obamacare, the women wont have to go to PP in order to have the rest of the services provided, they can go to real doctors now. So, cutting funding also does not cut services for women.
Since you agree that abortions are not funded by the tax dollar, and you obviously believe that obamacare is going to cover everything. you can also agree that it wont affect PP at all. You would think that those worried about PP would have been against obamacare.
obamacare is to PP what the automobile was to the buggy builder.

No the government does not fund abortions at PP. It's illegal. Did the Bush administration prosecute PP?

Why not? Open and shut case, according to you...
if the government does not fund abortion, exactly how is this an abortion issue if the government stops funding.
its clear that you do realize that the funding goes to abortion, however I suppose getting the taxpayer to pay for an abortion is much cheaper for you than buying a damn condom.
Im sorry, you do know what condoms are right? and no, they are not protective covers to keep bananas fresh, that's not what they were teaching you in school with that demonstration.

The RWnut defunders made it an abortion issue.
nobody is taking away the service, only the tax dollars used to perform a service.
how about this, people pay for their own abortions and the tax dollars go back to the taxpayer.

The government does not fund abortions at PP. Stop being stupid.
yes, the government funding makes it possible for PP to perform abortions. I think others have explained it rather well for you, it is not our fault that you lack the capacity to comprehend what it is you read.
but, if the government does not fund abortions, then stopping funding will not affect abortion rates at all.
and now with the beloved by socialists obamacare, the women wont have to go to PP in order to have the rest of the services provided, they can go to real doctors now. So, cutting funding also does not cut services for women.
Since you agree that abortions are not funded by the tax dollar, and you obviously believe that obamacare is going to cover everything. you can also agree that it wont affect PP at all. You would think that those worried about PP would have been against obamacare.
obamacare is to PP what the automobile was to the buggy builder.

No the government does not fund abortions at PP. It's illegal. Did the Bush administration prosecute PP?

Why not? Open and shut case, according to you...
if the government does not fund abortion, exactly how is this an abortion issue if the government stops funding.
its clear that you do realize that the funding goes to abortion, however I suppose getting the taxpayer to pay for an abortion is much cheaper for you than buying a damn condom.
Im sorry, you do know what condoms are right? and no, they are not protective covers to keep bananas fresh, that's not what they were teaching you in school with that demonstration.

You're almost getting it. The RWnuts want to defund the non-abortion part of PP as a punishment for their performing abortions.
and you are still not getting it, obamacare filled the need that PP provided (other than baby slaughter) so that money is not going to hurt women, its only going to hurt and put out of business PP.
and if PP does not need the money to perform their executions, then they should have no problem going forward with those executions without taxpayer funding.
You make no sense because you don't think things through.
The RWnuts want to defund the non-abortion part of PP as a punishment for their performing abortions.

What would prevent PP from moving their abortion funds toward providing women's health services if they lost federal funding?

Nothing would be stopping them. So why are they claiming defunding would kill women's health services?

This is what I mean when I say PP is choosing abortions over health services.


They have every right to use non-government money to pay for abortions.
The government does not fund abortions at PP. Stop being stupid.
yes, the government funding makes it possible for PP to perform abortions. I think others have explained it rather well for you, it is not our fault that you lack the capacity to comprehend what it is you read.
but, if the government does not fund abortions, then stopping funding will not affect abortion rates at all.
and now with the beloved by socialists obamacare, the women wont have to go to PP in order to have the rest of the services provided, they can go to real doctors now. So, cutting funding also does not cut services for women.
Since you agree that abortions are not funded by the tax dollar, and you obviously believe that obamacare is going to cover everything. you can also agree that it wont affect PP at all. You would think that those worried about PP would have been against obamacare.
obamacare is to PP what the automobile was to the buggy builder.

No the government does not fund abortions at PP. It's illegal. Did the Bush administration prosecute PP?

Why not? Open and shut case, according to you...
if the government does not fund abortion, exactly how is this an abortion issue if the government stops funding.
its clear that you do realize that the funding goes to abortion, however I suppose getting the taxpayer to pay for an abortion is much cheaper for you than buying a damn condom.
Im sorry, you do know what condoms are right? and no, they are not protective covers to keep bananas fresh, that's not what they were teaching you in school with that demonstration.

You're almost getting it. The RWnuts want to defund the non-abortion part of PP as a punishment for their performing abortions.
and you are still not getting it, obamacare filled the need that PP provided (other than baby slaughter) so that money is not going to hurt women, its only going to hurt and put out of business PP.
and if PP does not need the money to perform their executions, then they should have no problem going forward with those executions without taxpayer funding.
You make no sense because you don't think things through.

lol so the RWnuts in Congress who are deadest on repealing Obamacare want to move the PP money into Obamacare programs.

That is indeed priceless.
The RWnuts want to defund the non-abortion part of PP as a punishment for their performing abortions.

What would prevent PP from moving their abortion funds toward providing women's health services if they lost federal funding?

Nothing would be stopping them. So why are they claiming defunding would kill women's health services?

This is what I mean when I say PP is choosing abortions over health services.


They have every right to use non-government money to pay for abortions.
But if they no longer had government money, what is stopping them from moving their non-government money away from abortions and putting it toward women's health services so they can continue to provide those health services?

NOTHING would be stopping them from doing that.

So...THEY would be choosing abortions over women's health services. No one else.
nobody is taking away the service, only the tax dollars used to perform a service.
how about this, people pay for their own abortions and the tax dollars go back to the taxpayer.

The government does not fund abortions at PP. Stop being stupid.
yes, the government funding makes it possible for PP to perform abortions. I think others have explained it rather well for you, it is not our fault that you lack the capacity to comprehend what it is you read.
but, if the government does not fund abortions, then stopping funding will not affect abortion rates at all.
and now with the beloved by socialists obamacare, the women wont have to go to PP in order to have the rest of the services provided, they can go to real doctors now. So, cutting funding also does not cut services for women.
Since you agree that abortions are not funded by the tax dollar, and you obviously believe that obamacare is going to cover everything. you can also agree that it wont affect PP at all. You would think that those worried about PP would have been against obamacare.
obamacare is to PP what the automobile was to the buggy builder.

No the government does not fund abortions at PP. It's illegal. Did the Bush administration prosecute PP?

Why not? Open and shut case, according to you...
if the government does not fund abortion, exactly how is this an abortion issue if the government stops funding.
its clear that you do realize that the funding goes to abortion, however I suppose getting the taxpayer to pay for an abortion is much cheaper for you than buying a damn condom.
Im sorry, you do know what condoms are right? and no, they are not protective covers to keep bananas fresh, that's not what they were teaching you in school with that demonstration.

The RWnut defunders made it an abortion issue.
then people like you should welcome the cut just so you can prove that money was not needed for abortions.
maybe the funding can be shifted over to obamacare.
yes, the government funding makes it possible for PP to perform abortions. I think others have explained it rather well for you, it is not our fault that you lack the capacity to comprehend what it is you read.
but, if the government does not fund abortions, then stopping funding will not affect abortion rates at all.
and now with the beloved by socialists obamacare, the women wont have to go to PP in order to have the rest of the services provided, they can go to real doctors now. So, cutting funding also does not cut services for women.
Since you agree that abortions are not funded by the tax dollar, and you obviously believe that obamacare is going to cover everything. you can also agree that it wont affect PP at all. You would think that those worried about PP would have been against obamacare.
obamacare is to PP what the automobile was to the buggy builder.

No the government does not fund abortions at PP. It's illegal. Did the Bush administration prosecute PP?

Why not? Open and shut case, according to you...
if the government does not fund abortion, exactly how is this an abortion issue if the government stops funding.
its clear that you do realize that the funding goes to abortion, however I suppose getting the taxpayer to pay for an abortion is much cheaper for you than buying a damn condom.
Im sorry, you do know what condoms are right? and no, they are not protective covers to keep bananas fresh, that's not what they were teaching you in school with that demonstration.

You're almost getting it. The RWnuts want to defund the non-abortion part of PP as a punishment for their performing abortions.
and you are still not getting it, obamacare filled the need that PP provided (other than baby slaughter) so that money is not going to hurt women, its only going to hurt and put out of business PP.
and if PP does not need the money to perform their executions, then they should have no problem going forward with those executions without taxpayer funding.
You make no sense because you don't think things through.

lol so the RWnuts in Congress who are deadest on repealing Obamacare want to move the PP money into Obamacare programs.

That is indeed priceless.
actually its perfect, that way when obamacare is defeated, they save the funding money too.
Fungibility. Apparently too difficult a concept for retards to grasp.


You lose your government cash, you take your non-government cash and use it to keep women's health services going.

Or not. YOUR decision.
And believe you me, I am not letting these double-dealing Republican assholes off the hook. They have always known their funding of PP is helping to fund abortions. They just depended on the rubes not to catch on to the principle of fungibility.

And now they are just demagoging the living shit out of a popular uprising over these recent slice-and-dice snuff films. These fuckers are swamis when it comes to surfing rogue emotional waves. The bullshit artists with R's after their names have been funding Planned Parenthood abortions through the back door all these years, and now are trying to out-holy each other for primary votes.

Hypocrites. Scumbags. These are the kind of politicians we get when party is more important to the rubes than character.
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Yet another bed wetter "I hate Trump" thread.

I'd send him some money if he needed it by now. I'll just send some to Cruz instead.


Oh dear...such anger.
Your double negatives are making your straw man fallacy even more unintelligent than it already is.

It is very simple. Planned Parenthood performs abortions. It is able to do so because it receives federal funding.

Take away federal funding from Planned Parenthood and give it to an organization which does not perform abortions.

This is really, really, really simple to know...if you WANT to understand. No need to toss out red herrings and straw men in your frustration at having federal money taken away which enables abortions.

The argument this would hurt women's health services is a bullshit smoke screen.

Well, not if having safe and accessible abortions is a woman's health service.
nobody is taking away the service, only the tax dollars used to perform a service.
how about this, people pay for their own abortions and the tax dollars go back to the taxpayer.

The government does not fund abortions at PP. Stop being stupid.
yes, the government funding makes it possible for PP to perform abortions. I think others have explained it rather well for you, it is not our fault that you lack the capacity to comprehend what it is you read.
but, if the government does not fund abortions, then stopping funding will not affect abortion rates at all.
and now with the beloved by socialists obamacare, the women wont have to go to PP in order to have the rest of the services provided, they can go to real doctors now. So, cutting funding also does not cut services for women.
Since you agree that abortions are not funded by the tax dollar, and you obviously believe that obamacare is going to cover everything. you can also agree that it wont affect PP at all. You would think that those worried about PP would have been against obamacare.
obamacare is to PP what the automobile was to the buggy builder.

No the government does not fund abortions at PP. It's illegal. Did the Bush administration prosecute PP?

Why not? Open and shut case, according to you...
Yes, the government does fund abortions. The pro-abortion baby killers repeat the lie that it doesn't because, well, they're liars and they know it's illegal.
"With no way forward for the vote, some conservatives are pushing on congressional leaders to defund the organization at the end of September, when government funding is set to run out. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) employed a similar, albeit unsuccessful, tactic in hopes of defunding the Affordable Care Act."

Such is the reprehensible right, reckless, irresponsible republicans.
"“The point is the federal subsidies provided for those 1,036 plans are funding abortion just as much as the private funds contributed by the individual. That is consistent with the commonly held understanding that money is fungible and the funds received by the insurance company are used to pay all benefits,” Sheridan Watson, Foxx’s communications director, wrote to The Fact Checker."

Does Obamacare provide federal subsidies for elective abortions - The Washington Post
Rape, freeloading and defunding the government to hurt women don't look good on Trump's resume.

Rape was a lie. His ex basically admitted it. His comments on illegals was spot on, but you should know about freeloading chief. His comments on planned parenthood is a smart political move to win social conservative points. It was an easy move. He is not in Congress so he won't have to vote on it and in effect defend the act, but in the meantime win points with a very important primary voting block!

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"The GAO recently examined abortion coverage in the health-insurance exchanges set up pursuant to Obamacare. Tasked with finding which insurance plans fund abortions, they came to some notable conclusions. Twenty-eight states have a legal environment that allows insurance plans within these exchanges to cover abortion. Among these 28 states, they found that 1,036 plans include abortion coverage, including every plan in New Jersey, Connecticut, Vermont, Rhode Island, and Hawaii. More than 95 percent of the plans in Massachusetts, New York, and California also cover abortion."
Read more at: Obamacare s Taxpayer-Funded Abortions National Review Online
Rape, freeloading and defunding the government to hurt women don't look good on Trump's resume.

Rape was a lie. His ex basically admitted it. His comments on illegals was spot on, but you should know about freeloading chief. His comments on planned parenthood is a smart political move to win social conservative points. It was an easy move. He is not in Congress so he won't have to vote on it and in effect defend the act, but in the meantime win points with a very important primary voting block!

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Was it a lie when she swore under oath that he raped her? Or, is she lying now to protect him - and her lifestyle? She probably still fears him.

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