Donald Trump: Shut Down Government If Necessary To Defund Planned Parenthood

Should government be shut down to defund Planned Parenthood?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 40.0%
  • No

    Votes: 15 60.0%

  • Total voters
How Planned Parenthood actually uses its federal funding

The long-running calls for the federal government to cease all funding directed toward Planned Parenthood have once again come to the fore. This time, a congressional vote and debate took shape after an anti-abortion group secretly recorded a series of videos with the organization's medical officers and staff speaking dispassionately — some would say dismissively — about the work of extracting fetal tissue from aborted fetuses and and transferring it to research facilities.

And even though the defund Planned Parenthood fight on the Senate floor didn't move the needle — in terms of actual impacts on funding — it did bring to the fore some important facts about how much federal money goes to the group, and what it's used for.

So, here's what we know.

During the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2014, the most recent for which data is available, Planned Parenthood affiliates around the country received $528.4 million in government funds (a combination of state, federal and sometimes local government dollars), according to the organization's ownannual report and information it's required to share with the IRS.

Those federal dollars were the single largest source of money coming into the organization and its local affiliates, by far. Another $305.3 million came from nongovernment sources, about $257.4 million reached the organization after private donors and foundations made contributions and bequests. The organization also raised another $54.7 million in fees charged for its services. So, government funding — with federal dollars comprising the biggest portion of this part of the organization's budget — are absolutely critical to Planned Parenthood's total operation.


But, it's important to note that federal dollars are not used to provide the service at the center of the political debate around Planned Parenthood: abortions. That's been banned by law in almost all cases since 1976. (The details of the ban have shifted over time.) Instead, the organization uses money from other sources — private donors and foundations as well as fees — to fund its abortion services.

All told, abortions comprise about 3 percent of all the services Planned Parenthood provides, according to the organization's own data. (In 2011, also examined this question and found the organization's reports to be accurate) The rest of the organization's revenue, including government dollars, are used to fund services in a way that breaks down like this:


So, while it's true that the Planned Parenthood's political opponents would quite likely strike a major blow to the organization if it was stripped of all federal dollars, it's far less likely that such a change would significantly reduce the number of abortions the agency's doctors perform each year or how those procedures contribute to the total number of pregnancies terminated in the United States.

More: How Planned Parenthood actually uses its federal funding - The Washington Post

Again, as the above article states: Federal dollars are not used to provide abortions at Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood Spending

42% STD testing and treatment
34% Contraception
11% Womens health services
9% Cancer screening
3% Abortion services

If Republicans cut their funding, guess which service will NOT be affected (it gets private funding)....The 3% Abortion services
Logical solution would be for them to totally separate abortion clinics from the rest and have no co-mingling of funds between the two. Different buildings, doctors electric bills etc..

That is what they do by law
and now with the liberals obamacare, there is no reason that any woman cant get professional help at any doctors office. Isnt that what the public was sold? The need to fund PP is no longer there.

Please be serious

With any insurance there are still deductables and copays. Planned Parenthood is free
How Planned Parenthood actually uses its federal funding

The long-running calls for the federal government to cease all funding directed toward Planned Parenthood have once again come to the fore. This time, a congressional vote and debate took shape after an anti-abortion group secretly recorded a series of videos with the organization's medical officers and staff speaking dispassionately — some would say dismissively — about the work of extracting fetal tissue from aborted fetuses and and transferring it to research facilities.

And even though the defund Planned Parenthood fight on the Senate floor didn't move the needle — in terms of actual impacts on funding — it did bring to the fore some important facts about how much federal money goes to the group, and what it's used for.

So, here's what we know.

During the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2014, the most recent for which data is available, Planned Parenthood affiliates around the country received $528.4 million in government funds (a combination of state, federal and sometimes local government dollars), according to the organization's ownannual report and information it's required to share with the IRS.

Those federal dollars were the single largest source of money coming into the organization and its local affiliates, by far. Another $305.3 million came from nongovernment sources, about $257.4 million reached the organization after private donors and foundations made contributions and bequests. The organization also raised another $54.7 million in fees charged for its services. So, government funding — with federal dollars comprising the biggest portion of this part of the organization's budget — are absolutely critical to Planned Parenthood's total operation.


But, it's important to note that federal dollars are not used to provide the service at the center of the political debate around Planned Parenthood: abortions. That's been banned by law in almost all cases since 1976. (The details of the ban have shifted over time.) Instead, the organization uses money from other sources — private donors and foundations as well as fees — to fund its abortion services.

All told, abortions comprise about 3 percent of all the services Planned Parenthood provides, according to the organization's own data. (In 2011, also examined this question and found the organization's reports to be accurate) The rest of the organization's revenue, including government dollars, are used to fund services in a way that breaks down like this:


So, while it's true that the Planned Parenthood's political opponents would quite likely strike a major blow to the organization if it was stripped of all federal dollars, it's far less likely that such a change would significantly reduce the number of abortions the agency's doctors perform each year or how those procedures contribute to the total number of pregnancies terminated in the United States.

More: How Planned Parenthood actually uses its federal funding - The Washington Post

Again, as the above article states: Federal dollars are not used to provide abortions at Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood Spending

42% STD testing and treatment
34% Contraception
11% Womens health services
9% Cancer screening
3% Abortion services

If Republicans cut their funding, guess which service will NOT be affected (it gets private funding)....The 3% Abortion services

Conservatives cannot be convinced with fact. They rely soley on emotion. They simply 'hear' the words Planned Parenthood and they start salivating and their pupils dilate. Their brains have been conditioned to crave 'winning' rather than fact. They would, without conscience or hesitation, deprive millions of women the health care Planned Parenthood provides because they could not care less about human beings. Victory over an imagined foe is all they crave. Because it feels good.
and now with the liberals obamacare, there is no reason that any woman cant get professional help at any doctors office. Isnt that what the public was sold? The need to fund PP is no longer there.

5 Planned Parenthood Benefits, Advantages Over Private Health Care
Who gives a shit, we all have to suffer under obamacare.
I suffer with higher costs, the ho can suffer with no taxpayer funded abortion and women can suffer by having to go to the doctor, a real doctor.
Its what the liberals wanted, I personally think that forcing them away from PP and into real healthcare is part of their war on women.
How Planned Parenthood actually uses its federal funding

The long-running calls for the federal government to cease all funding directed toward Planned Parenthood have once again come to the fore. This time, a congressional vote and debate took shape after an anti-abortion group secretly recorded a series of videos with the organization's medical officers and staff speaking dispassionately — some would say dismissively — about the work of extracting fetal tissue from aborted fetuses and and transferring it to research facilities.

And even though the defund Planned Parenthood fight on the Senate floor didn't move the needle — in terms of actual impacts on funding — it did bring to the fore some important facts about how much federal money goes to the group, and what it's used for.

So, here's what we know.

During the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2014, the most recent for which data is available, Planned Parenthood affiliates around the country received $528.4 million in government funds (a combination of state, federal and sometimes local government dollars), according to the organization's ownannual report and information it's required to share with the IRS.

Those federal dollars were the single largest source of money coming into the organization and its local affiliates, by far. Another $305.3 million came from nongovernment sources, about $257.4 million reached the organization after private donors and foundations made contributions and bequests. The organization also raised another $54.7 million in fees charged for its services. So, government funding — with federal dollars comprising the biggest portion of this part of the organization's budget — are absolutely critical to Planned Parenthood's total operation.


But, it's important to note that federal dollars are not used to provide the service at the center of the political debate around Planned Parenthood: abortions. That's been banned by law in almost all cases since 1976. (The details of the ban have shifted over time.) Instead, the organization uses money from other sources — private donors and foundations as well as fees — to fund its abortion services.

All told, abortions comprise about 3 percent of all the services Planned Parenthood provides, according to the organization's own data. (In 2011, also examined this question and found the organization's reports to be accurate) The rest of the organization's revenue, including government dollars, are used to fund services in a way that breaks down like this:


So, while it's true that the Planned Parenthood's political opponents would quite likely strike a major blow to the organization if it was stripped of all federal dollars, it's far less likely that such a change would significantly reduce the number of abortions the agency's doctors perform each year or how those procedures contribute to the total number of pregnancies terminated in the United States.

More: How Planned Parenthood actually uses its federal funding - The Washington Post

Again, as the above article states: Federal dollars are not used to provide abortions at Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood Spending

42% STD testing and treatment
34% Contraception
11% Womens health services
9% Cancer screening
3% Abortion services

If Republicans cut their funding, guess which service will NOT be affected (it gets private funding)....The 3% Abortion services
Logical solution would be for them to totally separate abortion clinics from the rest and have no co-mingling of funds between the two. Different buildings, doctors electric bills etc..

That is what they do by law
and now with the liberals obamacare, there is no reason that any woman cant get professional help at any doctors office. Isnt that what the public was sold? The need to fund PP is no longer there.

Please be serious

With any insurance there are still deductables and copays. Planned Parenthood is free
Law says that you have to have insurance now. Not my problem if she has to pay.
Im paying higher costs to lower her costs, so I really dont care if she can afford to pay a co-pay. Screw them, Im not paying twice for the same thing.
The real reason NaziCon Republicans have used various forms of lies, misinformation, and "doctored" videos to destroy or weaken the following groups is because they overwhelmingly support Democrats:

Planned Parenthood
The real reason NaziCon Republicans have used various forms of lies, misinformation, and "doctored" videos to destroy or weaken the following groups is because they overwhelmingly support Democrats:

Planned Parenthood
Stop spamming.
The real reason NaziCon Republicans have used various forms of lies, misinformation, and "doctored" videos to destroy or weaken the following groups is because they overwhelmingly support Democrats:

Planned Parenthood

Pimp videos is all they have. Build outrage and then let the first impression last after the video is proven fake
Conservatives cannot be convinced with fact. They rely soley on emotion. They simply 'hear' the words Planned Parenthood and they start salivating and their pupils dilate. Their brains have been conditioned to crave 'winning' rather than fact. They would, without conscience or hesitation, deprive millions of women the health care Planned Parenthood provides because they could not care less about human beings. Victory over an imagined foe is all they crave. Because it feels good.

Lakhota is trying to cover up his embarrassing ignorance of fungibility with lots of large font and bright colors. It is he who is in denial of facts.

You accuse the Right of relying on emotion, and yet you employed the bogus meme that the Right wants to deprive women of their health care. That is pure fearmongering. You are a hypocrite.

Since the Planned Parenthood Organ Outlet is as intransigent as a Straights Only bakery, they should have their half a billion federal dollars taken away from them, and that half a billion dollars should be given to a women's health organization which does not perform abortions.

Then no one can claim women's health services are being deprived.

Problem solved.
The real reason NaziCon Republicans have used various forms of lies, misinformation, and "doctored" videos to destroy or weaken the following groups is because they overwhelmingly support Democrats:

Planned Parenthood

Pimp videos is all they have. Build outrage and then let the first impression last after the video is proven fake

Exactly! That outrage from the first impression based on lies and "doctored" videos unfairly destroyed ACORN. Now they're trying to use the same tactics on Planned Parenthood.
The real reason NaziCon Republicans have used various forms of lies, misinformation, and "doctored" videos to destroy or weaken the following groups is because they overwhelmingly support Democrats:

Planned Parenthood

Pimp videos is all they have. Build outrage and then let the first impression last after the video is proven fake

Exactly! That outrage from the first impression based on lies and "doctored" videos unfairly destroyed ACORN. Now they're trying to use the same tactics on Planned Parenthood.

Yes, it's terrible when criminals get busted and go to prison.
7 Things Media Should Know About The Third Undercover Attempt To Smear Planned Parenthood | Research | Media Matters for America:

Here Are The Fake IDs Anti-Abortion Activists Used To Film Planned Parenthood:

Live Action distributed the Planned Parenthood "sting" video. Why isn't it taking credit?:

Group Behind Planned Parenthood Video May Have Lied to the IRS:

Who’s Behind The Center For Medical Progress? | Oliver Willis:
I got a question .... if Obamacare/Medicaid covers all medical expenses, and if states have medical centers they fund, why does PP have to do abortions??

Oh yeah ,,, I know. The money, right?
7 Things Media Should Know About The Third Undercover Attempt To Smear Planned Parenthood | Research | Media Matters for America:

Here Are The Fake IDs Anti-Abortion Activists Used To Film Planned Parenthood:

Live Action distributed the Planned Parenthood "sting" video. Why isn't it taking credit?:

Group Behind Planned Parenthood Video May Have Lied to the IRS:

Who’s Behind The Center For Medical Progress? | Oliver Willis:

Who cares? NONE of that changes one word of what was said in those videos.

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