Donald Trump: The money will bring him down

Special counsel Robert Mueller has been given a pretty broad directive regarding Donald Trump, and as Trump supporters whine and wail about the unfairness of this, I would suggest if our President is as innocent as he claims this should not be cause for concern. It will be Trump's financial dealings that will be the cause of his downfall. Proving collusion with Russia would be much more difficult than that of financial crimes.

A review of the public record reveals a clear and disturbing pattern: Trump owes much of his business success, and by extension his presidency, to a flow of highly suspicious money from Russia. Over the past three decades, at least 13 people with known or alleged links to Russian mobsters or oligarchs have owned, lived in, and even run criminal activities out of Trump Tower and other Trump properties. Many used his apartments and casinos to launder untold millions in dirty money.

Trump supporters: You can cry fake news all you want, but the money will bring him down.

Opinion | With Trump and Russia, it’s all about the money

NRA, Russia and Trump: How 'dark money' is poisoning American democracy
Sure. So many things have brought him down.

Remember Nixon?
He was in office for 4.5 years before he was taken down.

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This isn't Watergate, you dumbass turd.
The Steele dossier was bought and paid for by the DNC, compiled by a Brit based on shit put forth by former Russian agents. But hey, Trump colluded with the Russians!!!

That's why they've moved the goal posts. It's no longer about 'Collusion.' It's suddenly all about 'Obstruction.' It's a farce. Look for mass pardons. That's how it'll all shake out in the end.
Rosenstein is the one who provided the justification for firing Comey, as if any justification other than Comey's behavior was needed. He needs to recuse himself from the investigation.
Rosenstein also is the one that approved Muellers investigation after reviewing the evidence.

There is no evidence, turd. Rosenstein approved it on the basis of nothing.
So why doesnt Drumpf fire him if its based on nothing? Thats against the law.

That's true, it is against the law. Trump doesn't fire him purely for political reasons, because he knows that a hoard of morons like you will make an unholy stink about it and accuse him of abstructing justice. Instead he's allowing Rosenstein to hang himself.
but it's not illegal for people to give you information against the opposition.
I didnt say it was. I was just pointing out how silly you appear, going into a tailspin over the known collusion, given that you have spent a year whining that it is not illegal.

Again, moron, collusion isn't a crime. Simply talking to people isn't a crime. You've got nothing.
That's why they've moved the goal posts. It's no longer about 'Collusion.' It's suddenly all about 'Obstruction.' It's a farce. Look for mass pardons. That's how it'll all shake out in the end.
Rosenstein is the one who provided the justification for firing Comey, as if any justification other than Comey's behavior was needed. He needs to recuse himself from the investigation.
Rosenstein also is the one that approved Muellers investigation after reviewing the evidence.

There is no evidence, turd. Rosenstein approved it on the basis of nothing.
So why doesnt Drumpf fire him if its based on nothing? Thats against the law.

That's true, it is against the law. Trump doesn't fire him purely for political reasons, because he knows that a hoard of morons like you will make an unholy stink about it and accuse him of abstructing justice. Instead he's allowing Rosenstein to hang himself.
How can he be obstructing justice if someone is illegally investigating him? He knows there is evidence and thats the only way he can be accused of obstruction you moron.
The Steele dossier was bought and paid for by the DNC, compiled by a Brit based on shit put forth by former Russian agents.
With the i.portant difference being that he was not a member of nor a representative of a foreign government. That is why you are squawking over a nothing burger, while the Mueller investigation chugs along.
He's a foreigner, and he got a lot of his information from KGB spies.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Rosenstein is the one who provided the justification for firing Comey, as if any justification other than Comey's behavior was needed. He needs to recuse himself from the investigation.
Rosenstein also is the one that approved Muellers investigation after reviewing the evidence.

There is no evidence, turd. Rosenstein approved it on the basis of nothing.
So why doesnt Drumpf fire him if its based on nothing? Thats against the law.

That's true, it is against the law. Trump doesn't fire him purely for political reasons, because he knows that a hoard of morons like you will make an unholy stink about it and accuse him of abstructing justice. Instead he's allowing Rosenstein to hang himself.
How can he be obstructing justice if someone is illegally investigating him? He knows there is evidence and thats the only way he can be accused of obstruction you moron.
Huh? I bet you believe that made some kind of sense. The "investigation" isn't legal, moron. That's the whole point. There is no legal basis for it.
Rosenstein also is the one that approved Muellers investigation after reviewing the evidence.

There is no evidence, turd. Rosenstein approved it on the basis of nothing.
So why doesnt Drumpf fire him if its based on nothing? Thats against the law.

That's true, it is against the law. Trump doesn't fire him purely for political reasons, because he knows that a hoard of morons like you will make an unholy stink about it and accuse him of abstructing justice. Instead he's allowing Rosenstein to hang himself.
How can he be obstructing justice if someone is illegally investigating him? He knows there is evidence and thats the only way he can be accused of obstruction you moron.
Huh? I bet you believe that made some kind of sense. The "investigation" isn't legal, moron. That's the whole point. There is no legal basis for it.
I know youre kinda slow so I am not going to insult you.

If the investigation is illegal Drumpf cant be accused of obstruction if he cans Rosestein. Does that make sense to you?
That will be the only way he is brought down. Unless someone flips on Drumpf regarding Russia they will never get him on that.

The paper trail can't lie. It will be documents which create the evidence to get others to tell the truth, leading to more documents and and more evidence. Soon they will tell the story, guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, or not.

Once Mueller&Team have what they believe is the necessary evidence, we will hear what is what. Not until then, much to the discomfort of Trump&Co and the Republican Party.
That will be the only way he is brought down. Unless someone flips on Drumpf regarding Russia they will never get him on that.

The paper trail can't lie. It will be documents which create the evidence to get others to tell the truth, leading to more documents and and more evidence. Soon they will tell the story, guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, or not.

Once Mueller&Team have what they believe is the necessary evidence, we will hear what is what. Not until then, much to the discomfort of Trump&Co and the Republican Party.
I'm thinking all the evidence is decomposing into the soil or hidden by fall guys. Either Drumpf is a moron or he knows there is no documented proof existing......wait...he is moron.
There is no evidence, turd. Rosenstein approved it on the basis of nothing.
So why doesnt Drumpf fire him if its based on nothing? Thats against the law.

That's true, it is against the law. Trump doesn't fire him purely for political reasons, because he knows that a hoard of morons like you will make an unholy stink about it and accuse him of abstructing justice. Instead he's allowing Rosenstein to hang himself.
How can he be obstructing justice if someone is illegally investigating him? He knows there is evidence and thats the only way he can be accused of obstruction you moron.
Huh? I bet you believe that made some kind of sense. The "investigation" isn't legal, moron. That's the whole point. There is no legal basis for it.
I know youre kinda slow so I am not going to insult you.

If the investigation is illegal Drumpf cant be accused of obstruction if he cans Rosestein. Does that make sense to you?
Wrong again, dumbass. Everything you post is based on the assumption that our government isn't corrupt and that bureaucrats follow the law. No proposition could be more obviously wrong than that.
So why doesnt Drumpf fire him if its based on nothing? Thats against the law.

That's true, it is against the law. Trump doesn't fire him purely for political reasons, because he knows that a hoard of morons like you will make an unholy stink about it and accuse him of abstructing justice. Instead he's allowing Rosenstein to hang himself.
How can he be obstructing justice if someone is illegally investigating him? He knows there is evidence and thats the only way he can be accused of obstruction you moron.
Huh? I bet you believe that made some kind of sense. The "investigation" isn't legal, moron. That's the whole point. There is no legal basis for it.
I know youre kinda slow so I am not going to insult you.

If the investigation is illegal Drumpf cant be accused of obstruction if he cans Rosestein. Does that make sense to you?
Wrong again, dumbass. Everything you post is based on the assumption that our government isn't corrupt and that bureaucrats follow the law. No proposition could be more obviously wrong than that.
No its based on the assumption that Drumpfs attorneys are smart enough to know that if there is no evidence then Drumpf would be free to can Rosestein without facing an obstruction charge. Now I know Drumpf and you are morons but I am pretty sure his attorneys know this.
That's true, it is against the law. Trump doesn't fire him purely for political reasons, because he knows that a hoard of morons like you will make an unholy stink about it and accuse him of abstructing justice. Instead he's allowing Rosenstein to hang himself.
How can he be obstructing justice if someone is illegally investigating him? He knows there is evidence and thats the only way he can be accused of obstruction you moron.
Huh? I bet you believe that made some kind of sense. The "investigation" isn't legal, moron. That's the whole point. There is no legal basis for it.
I know youre kinda slow so I am not going to insult you.

If the investigation is illegal Drumpf cant be accused of obstruction if he cans Rosestein. Does that make sense to you?
Wrong again, dumbass. Everything you post is based on the assumption that our government isn't corrupt and that bureaucrats follow the law. No proposition could be more obviously wrong than that.
No its based on the assumption that Drumpfs attorneys are smart enough to know that if there is no evidence then Drumpf would be free to can Rosestein without facing an obstruction charge. Now I know Drumpf and you are morons but I am pretty sure his attorneys know this.

Your theory is moronic and wrong. Big surprise, there.
No its based on the assumption that Drumpfs attorneys are smart enough to know that if there is no evidence then Drumpf would be free to can Rosestein without facing an obstruction charge. Now I know Drumpf and you are morons but I am pretty sure his attorneys know this.

If we're morons, how come we control the White House, the Supreme Court, the US House of Representatives and the US Senate? As an aside, we control 33 of the 50 Governorships with complete control of 26 of them -- Their equivalent of the House and Senate

And you control..... What exactly??

Not even your dicks.

You people ought to stop criticizing and mocking us and start looking at why you've been totally rejected by The American People.

(hint; it's because you're scum)
no way, no how, no collusion.

politicians need to be MORAL! or they are not the MORAL LEADERS!

Trump is a politician who is MORAL! and his supporters are the moral leaders who are standing on the moral compass of God!
No its based on the assumption that Drumpfs attorneys are smart enough to know that if there is no evidence then Drumpf would be free to can Rosestein without facing an obstruction charge. Now I know Drumpf and you are morons but I am pretty sure his attorneys know this.

If we're morons, how come we control the White House, the Supreme Court, the US House of Representatives and the US Senate? As an aside, we control 33 of the 50 Governorships with complete control of 26 of them -- Their equivalent of the House and Senate

And you control..... What exactly??

Not even your dicks.

You people ought to stop criticizing and mocking us and start looking at why you've been totally rejected by The American People.

(hint; it's because you're scum)
I didnt call you a moron. However you do appear to be an idiot. Cant you read? I was replying to Bripat. You had nothing to do with my reply.

You dont control shit. Youre just a peon and rube being led around by the nose by Drumpf.
no way, no how, no collusion.

politicians need to be MORAL! or they are not the MORAL LEADERS!

Trump is a politician who is MORAL! and his supporters are the moral leaders who are standing on the moral compass of God!
Pussy grabbers are not what I would exactly call moral. Neither are child molesters like Drumpf.
The Steele dossier was bought and paid for by the DNC, compiled by a Brit based on shit put forth by former Russian agents. But hey, Trump colluded with the Russians!!!

That's why they've moved the goal posts. It's no longer about 'Collusion.' It's suddenly all about 'Obstruction.' It's a farce. Look for mass pardons. That's how it'll all shake out in the end.
Rosenstein is the one who provided the justification for firing Comey, as if any justification other than Comey's behavior was needed. He needs to recuse himself from the investigation.
Rosenstein also is the one that approved Muellers investigation after reviewing the evidence.

There is no evidence, turd. Rosenstein approved it on the basis of nothing.

Rosenstein approved it on the basis of nothing.

Worse, he approved it based on a Clinton originated falsehood.
Not true at all. He approved it based completely on Trump's behavior. You are both nuts.
Funny how angry lefties all seem to use the phrase "bring him down" when referring to the duly elected President of the United States. They all seem to be living in a violent 3rd world fantasy where they dream about reversing the results of the election with a political coup rather than working within the system.
No one wants to wait for the election process when there is a criminal in office.

Why? We had to with that jackass Ears

Please point out any crimes he has been found guilty of. Silly rants about the so called "DEEP STATE" will be laughed at.
Funny how angry lefties all seem to use the phrase "bring him down" when referring to the duly elected President of the United States. They all seem to be living in a violent 3rd world fantasy where they dream about reversing the results of the election with a political coup rather than working within the system.
No one wants to wait for the election process when there is a criminal in office.

Why? We had to with that jackass Ears

Please point out any crimes he has been found guilty of. Silly rants about the so called "DEEP STATE" will be laughed at.
Maybe it would be easier for her to point out any investigations he was part of.

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