Donald Trump to become first president to speak at anti-LGBT hate group's annual summit

Donald Trump speaking against pornography and divorce. Interesting...

Donald Trump to be first President to speak at anti-LGBT hate group's event

Donald Trump is to address the annual conference of an anti-LGBT group which has been classified as a hate group.

The US president will become the first sitting president to address social conservative activists and elected officials at the Value Voters Summit in Washington DC on Friday.

President Trump has addressed the event which is hosted by the Family Research Council three times in total and did so last year as the Republican presidential candidate.

The Family Research Council opposes and actively lobbies against equal rights for LGBT persons. The conservative Christian group campaigns against same-sex marriage, same-sex civil unions, LGBT adoption, abortion, embryonic stell-cell research, pornography and divorce.


So they are PRO LGBT? That's a double negative.
The Overwhelming Evidence That Trump Is Unfit for Office
by Nancy LeTourneau
October 12, 2017
The president keeps acting like a petulant adolescent motivated solely by a desire to undo Obama’s accomplishments.

That's exactly what he was elected to do. Only in the mind of a filthy LIbEral does doing the job that the people elected him to do constitute “acting like a petulant adolescent”.
Trump or as I call him "Orange Harvey Weinstein" is a Nasty piece of Orange Turd Unfit for US citizenship

Trump tells the Puerto Ricans after a few weeks "we cannot stay with you forever helping Puerto Ricans". Keep in mind Puerto Ricans are Americans .

On the other hand he tells Afghanistan we are with them for the long haul. We have been there since 2001spending countless Billions and Billions over 16 years . We spent billions on War in Afghanistan for 16 years but do not have the stomach to help Puerto Rico for more than a few weeks ........Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan
but you do not see Orange Harvey Weinstein telling off the Afghani that they are too disorganized

Oh calm the fuck down.
Trump was supposed to have blown up planet earth by now.

Progs were full of shit during the election.
USMessageBoard should be classified a hate group with some of the shit that is posted here.
Well that's kind of an important part if you're looking for honest debate dontcha think?

Maybe. I guess somebody that agrees with the designation "hate group" should discuss that with you. I'm just posting an article to see how you all respond to it.

In other words you dropped a Fake News narrative and got called out on it.

I think everyone agrees you deserve the designation of “moron”.
Senator Corker (R) has given public permission to raise the most serious questions: Is Trump psychologically and morally equipped to be president? And could his unfitness cause permanent damage to the country?”
In other words you dropped a Fake News narrative and got called out on it.

I'm sorry you see it that way. I regularly post things just to watch the conversation unfold. Sometimes I agree with everything in the article; sometimes I don't.

I think everyone agrees you deserve the designation of “moron”.

I'm not sure I believe that everybody agrees. Oh, and ad hominems don't do much in the way of making you seem intelligent. Just some friendly advice. ;)

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