Donald Trump, we are going to repeal and replace Obamacare with:

To my knowledge, cats and dogs don't contract polio or smallpox. You should learn something about disease vectors. And prepare to pony up for when the private contractors charge you for clearing the bodies off your street.

Sorry. I don't believe in your disaster scenarios.

Then you're as ignorant of history as you are of disease vectors. But you're immunized, so you don't care. When "only those who can afford to pay for their own health care out of pocket get seen by doctors" - which seems to be Reefer Johnson's platform - there'll be more Stuff for you.

Johnson's platform is that we don't need to sell our souls to corporate government to take care of ourselves.

So if your appendix suddenly goes septic you can hack it out yourself with a Dremel, a fifth of JD and a couple of aspirin? I had no idea you were so talented.

Well, it's either that, or taking it up the ass from insurance companies,right?

Wrong. Just because you've invented this imaginary binary universe, don't expect me to subscribe to it. All your posts do is highlight the Very Secret Private aspect of your life that you for some reason don't want anyone to know (despite hinting at it constantly): That someone else - your parents, your employer, or gods forbid Medicaid - is paying your way. That's got to be embarrassing for a hardcore Randian whose entire worldview is based on reading a handful of really bad novels and mistaking them for reality.

That you have to lie about me and claim I'm "shilling for the insurance companies," then flip-flop and reply to my posts with a chant of "single-payer, single-payer" is indicative of your desperate need to hide in plain sight.

You give no indication that you know anything about how medical research is conducted, how quickly an epidemic can spread through an unprotected population, or much about medical procedures or bottom-line economics. Your snide little one-liners may impress the already-converted, but you're boring me.
Sorry. I don't believe in your disaster scenarios.

Then you're as ignorant of history as you are of disease vectors. But you're immunized, so you don't care. When "only those who can afford to pay for their own health care out of pocket get seen by doctors" - which seems to be Reefer Johnson's platform - there'll be more Stuff for you.

Johnson's platform is that we don't need to sell our souls to corporate government to take care of ourselves.

So if your appendix suddenly goes septic you can hack it out yourself with a Dremel, a fifth of JD and a couple of aspirin? I had no idea you were so talented.

Well, it's either that, or taking it up the ass from insurance companies,right?

Wrong. Just because you've invented this imaginary binary universe, don't expect me to subscribe to it. All your posts do is highlight the Very Secret Private aspect of your life that you for some reason don't want anyone to know (despite hinting at it constantly): That someone else - your parents, your employer, or gods forbid Medicaid - is paying your way. That's got to be embarrassing for a hardcore Randian whose entire worldview is based on reading a handful of really bad novels and mistaking them for reality.

Heh ... did I touch a nerve?
Then you're as ignorant of history as you are of disease vectors. But you're immunized, so you don't care. When "only those who can afford to pay for their own health care out of pocket get seen by doctors" - which seems to be Reefer Johnson's platform - there'll be more Stuff for you.

Johnson's platform is that we don't need to sell our souls to corporate government to take care of ourselves.

So if your appendix suddenly goes septic you can hack it out yourself with a Dremel, a fifth of JD and a couple of aspirin? I had no idea you were so talented.

Well, it's either that, or taking it up the ass from insurance companies,right?

Wrong. Just because you've invented this imaginary binary universe, don't expect me to subscribe to it. All your posts do is highlight the Very Secret Private aspect of your life that you for some reason don't want anyone to know (despite hinting at it constantly): That someone else - your parents, your employer, or gods forbid Medicaid - is paying your way. That's got to be embarrassing for a hardcore Randian whose entire worldview is based on reading a handful of really bad novels and mistaking them for reality.

Heh ... did I touch a nerve?

Is that what you believe "you're boring me" means? :wtf: Small wonder that what we have here is failure to communicate.
To my knowledge, cats and dogs don't contract polio or smallpox. You should learn something about disease vectors. And prepare to pony up for when the private contractors charge you for clearing the bodies off your street.

Sorry. I don't believe in your disaster scenarios.

Then you're as ignorant of history as you are of disease vectors. But you're immunized, so you don't care. When "only those who can afford to pay for their own health care out of pocket get seen by doctors" - which seems to be Reefer Johnson's platform - there'll be more Stuff for you.

Johnson's platform is that we don't need to sell our souls to corporate government to take care of ourselves.

So if your appendix suddenly goes septic you can hack it out yourself with a Dremel, a fifth of JD and a couple of aspirin? I had no idea you were so talented.

Well, it's either that, or taking it up the ass from insurance companies,right? You always run away from that. Does it embarrass you to be a shill for greedy corporations?

You know, I can't even imagine what it is that you are dealing with.
Sorry. I don't believe in your disaster scenarios.

Then you're as ignorant of history as you are of disease vectors. But you're immunized, so you don't care. When "only those who can afford to pay for their own health care out of pocket get seen by doctors" - which seems to be Reefer Johnson's platform - there'll be more Stuff for you.

Johnson's platform is that we don't need to sell our souls to corporate government to take care of ourselves.

So if your appendix suddenly goes septic you can hack it out yourself with a Dremel, a fifth of JD and a couple of aspirin? I had no idea you were so talented.

Well, it's either that, or taking it up the ass from insurance companies,right? You always run away from that. Does it embarrass you to be a shill for greedy corporations?

You know, I can't even imagine what it is that you are dealing with.

I don't believe you. I'm betting you can imagine it quite well. ;)
Johnson's platform is that we don't need to sell our souls to corporate government to take care of ourselves.

So if your appendix suddenly goes septic you can hack it out yourself with a Dremel, a fifth of JD and a couple of aspirin? I had no idea you were so talented.

Well, it's either that, or taking it up the ass from insurance companies,right?

Wrong. Just because you've invented this imaginary binary universe, don't expect me to subscribe to it. All your posts do is highlight the Very Secret Private aspect of your life that you for some reason don't want anyone to know (despite hinting at it constantly): That someone else - your parents, your employer, or gods forbid Medicaid - is paying your way. That's got to be embarrassing for a hardcore Randian whose entire worldview is based on reading a handful of really bad novels and mistaking them for reality.

Heh ... did I touch a nerve?

Is that what you believe "you're boring me" means? :wtf: Small wonder that what we have here is failure to communicate.

Not that. You usually don't resort the Randian stuff until you're out of bullets.
Are you guys sure that you want to move on to repealing ACA? You haven't repealed Medicare yet.....
Medicare sucks too.Is that the point you are trying to get across?

As usual, an opinion by someone who is not insured under Medicare.
I know. Too bad I just work resolving issues on crappy Medicare accounts everyday.

And, so did I, Blue, before I retired, and am now enjoying the best health insurance I have ever had in my life.
Medicare = I'm sorry sir... Even though you are on a fixed income we will not cover hearing aids... Here's your bill for 4K as we deem them not medically necessary. And on your 5k ER visit... You only qualify for a 50.00 reimbursement. Have a nice day.
Medicare = I'm sorry sir... Even though you are on a fixed income we will not cover hearing aids... Here's your bill for 4K as we deem them not medically necessary. And on your 5k ER visit... You only qualify for a 50.00 reimbursement. Have a nice day.

Poor Blue. being screwed over every day by a health insurance plan that does not even insure her, while I have had absolutely no problem with my Medicare coverage for 7 years, and after having spend a 55 year career in middle and upper management in HMO's and health insurance without coverage as good as my Advantage plan....

It must somehow be the fault of all those illegal aliens.
Medicare = I'm sorry sir... Even though you are on a fixed income we will not cover hearing aids... Here's your bill for 4K as we deem them not medically necessary. And on your 5k ER visit... You only qualify for a 50.00 reimbursement. Have a nice day.

Poor Blue. being screwed over every day by a health insurance plan that does not even insure her, while I have had absolutely no problem with my Medicare coverage for 7 years, and after having spend a 55 year career in middle and upper management in HMO's and health insurance without coverage as good as my Advantage plan....

It must somehow be the fault of all those illegal aliens.
I am insured by my employer. My insurance pays for everything even my gym membership.

What part of ... I help resolve other people's crappy Medicare issues every day did you not understand?

Medicare = The lefts way of screwing the elderly and disabled.
So if your appendix suddenly goes septic you can hack it out yourself with a Dremel, a fifth of JD and a couple of aspirin? I had no idea you were so talented.

Well, it's either that, or taking it up the ass from insurance companies,right?

Wrong. Just because you've invented this imaginary binary universe, don't expect me to subscribe to it. All your posts do is highlight the Very Secret Private aspect of your life that you for some reason don't want anyone to know (despite hinting at it constantly): That someone else - your parents, your employer, or gods forbid Medicaid - is paying your way. That's got to be embarrassing for a hardcore Randian whose entire worldview is based on reading a handful of really bad novels and mistaking them for reality.

Heh ... did I touch a nerve?

Is that what you believe "you're boring me" means? :wtf: Small wonder that what we have here is failure to communicate.

Not that. You usually don't resort the Randian stuff until you're out of bullets.

Interesting metaphor. I've never owned a gun. And I don't waste time arguing with people whose main recourse is fortune-cookie "wisdom." Get back to me when you have a coherent argument for why it's good that people not be immunized against deadly diseases. Or why Evul Gubmint should not fund medical research.

Or, well, anything that indicates you have a grasp of the world outside of what is written in the Gospel of St. Ayn.
Medicare = I'm sorry sir... Even though you are on a fixed income we will not cover hearing aids... Here's your bill for 4K as we deem them not medically necessary. And on your 5k ER visit... You only qualify for a 50.00 reimbursement. Have a nice day.

Poor Blue. being screwed over every day by a health insurance plan that does not even insure her, while I have had absolutely no problem with my Medicare coverage for 7 years, and after having spend a 55 year career in middle and upper management in HMO's and health insurance without coverage as good as my Advantage plan....

It must somehow be the fault of all those illegal aliens.
I am insured by my employer. My insurance pays for everything even my gym membership.

What part of ... I help resolve other people's crappy Medicare issues every day did you not understand?

Medicare = The lefts way of screwing the elderly and disabled.

Do you have data on the percentage of Medicare recipients who are unhappy with their coverage? I'll admit my sample size is small, but I've never heard any complaints from those I know.
For crying out loud, Blue, I spent my career as a health underwriter. It was my job in the corporate insurance world to figure out ways to not insure you if you were going to cost us more than you paid us, or to deny your claim, if you were already insured. In the private world, I could deny your claim simply because I deemed the charges that the provider billed you were beyond "reasonable and customary", and i didn't even have to tell you how I made that decision. In Medicare, there is no such denial, because every provider who contracts with medicare must Accept medicare's definition of "reasonable and customary', and can not bill you for the balance. If you have a bunch of idiot clients who go out and buy a hearing aid, only to discover after the fact that medicare doesn't pay for therm, the problem is with your clients, not with medicare. And health plans do not cover hearing aids, unless it is custom designed to do so because your employer is generous. The same is true of gyms, which, in my case, is also covered, because I have a medicare advantage plan, which I seriously doubt you know what that is.
Well, it's either that, or taking it up the ass from insurance companies,right?

Wrong. Just because you've invented this imaginary binary universe, don't expect me to subscribe to it. All your posts do is highlight the Very Secret Private aspect of your life that you for some reason don't want anyone to know (despite hinting at it constantly): That someone else - your parents, your employer, or gods forbid Medicaid - is paying your way. That's got to be embarrassing for a hardcore Randian whose entire worldview is based on reading a handful of really bad novels and mistaking them for reality.

Heh ... did I touch a nerve?

Is that what you believe "you're boring me" means? :wtf: Small wonder that what we have here is failure to communicate.

Not that. You usually don't resort the Randian stuff until you're out of bullets.

Interesting metaphor. I've never owned a gun. And I don't waste time arguing with people whose main recourse is fortune-cookie "wisdom." Get back to me when you have a coherent argument for why it's good that people not be immunized against deadly diseases. Or why Evul Gubmint should not fund medical research.

Or, well, anything that indicates you have a grasp of the world outside of what is written in the Gospel of St. Ayn.

Wrong. Just because you've invented this imaginary binary universe, don't expect me to subscribe to it. All your posts do is highlight the Very Secret Private aspect of your life that you for some reason don't want anyone to know (despite hinting at it constantly): That someone else - your parents, your employer, or gods forbid Medicaid - is paying your way. That's got to be embarrassing for a hardcore Randian whose entire worldview is based on reading a handful of really bad novels and mistaking them for reality.

Heh ... did I touch a nerve?

Is that what you believe "you're boring me" means? :wtf: Small wonder that what we have here is failure to communicate.

Not that. You usually don't resort the Randian stuff until you're out of bullets.

Interesting metaphor. I've never owned a gun. And I don't waste time arguing with people whose main recourse is fortune-cookie "wisdom." Get back to me when you have a coherent argument for why it's good that people not be immunized against deadly diseases. Or why Evul Gubmint should not fund medical research.

Or, well, anything that indicates you have a grasp of the world outside of what is written in the Gospel of St. Ayn.


I appreciate your honesty. Not everyone's willing to admit they know nothing about the topic(s) they're pontificating on.

Now you and Sunny Boy can go back to giggling behind the bleachers like a couple of third-grade girls while the adults wonder why it is that so many Americans are duped by the Emperor's nakedness.
Heh ... did I touch a nerve?

Is that what you believe "you're boring me" means? :wtf: Small wonder that what we have here is failure to communicate.

Not that. You usually don't resort the Randian stuff until you're out of bullets.

Interesting metaphor. I've never owned a gun. And I don't waste time arguing with people whose main recourse is fortune-cookie "wisdom." Get back to me when you have a coherent argument for why it's good that people not be immunized against deadly diseases. Or why Evul Gubmint should not fund medical research.

Or, well, anything that indicates you have a grasp of the world outside of what is written in the Gospel of St. Ayn.


I appreciate your honesty. Not everyone's willing to admit they know nothing about the topic(s) they're pontificating on.

Now you and Sunny Boy can go back to giggling behind the bleachers like a couple of third-grade girls while the adults wonder why it is that so many Americans are duped by the Emperor's nakedness.

I really am sorry. Maybe the shill comment hit too close to home. Hang in there.
So if your appendix suddenly goes septic you can hack it out yourself with a Dremel, a fifth of JD and a couple of aspirin? I had no idea you were so talented.

Well, it's either that, or taking it up the ass from insurance companies,right?

Wrong. Just because you've invented this imaginary binary universe, don't expect me to subscribe to it. All your posts do is highlight the Very Secret Private aspect of your life that you for some reason don't want anyone to know (despite hinting at it constantly): That someone else - your parents, your employer, or gods forbid Medicaid - is paying your way. That's got to be embarrassing for a hardcore Randian whose entire worldview is based on reading a handful of really bad novels and mistaking them for reality.

Heh ... did I touch a nerve?

Is that what you believe "you're boring me" means? :wtf: Small wonder that what we have here is failure to communicate.

Not that. You usually don't resort the Randian stuff until you're out of bullets.

Now that's funny.

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