Donald Trump Won the Presidency Tonight

First 10minutes was about job losses to China and Mexico. Traditional Democratic base has been hurt by this. Only one person has been talking pro USA. Trump wins because people are not goi g to watch whole debate, just what affects them....but leading with US jobs....Trump won debate in the first 10 minutes.
I reality, I thought he started out well, but honestly, the lack of preparation was obvious. I intend to vote for Trump because Hillary has proven to be incompetent, and, even dangerous. And, we need solid Constructionists on the SCOTUS.

I know that Obama was not prepared for the office of the presidency, but he did have an agenda.. It was to the the Black King Community Activism. He knew squat about foreign affairs and hired Hillary who was in the same boat. As a result, our foreign policies have suffered greatly. We need a president who is fixated of foreign as well as domestic agendas. Even on domestic problems. he was green on the economy, jobs and infrastructure. He was interested in race, Saul Alinsky principles so that led him to learn "on the job" the actual responsibilites of president.

Which brings me to Trump. His real asset is deal making and most likely the economy which is excellent. However, he has to learn "on the job" on foreign affairs, the incentives for manufacturers to go overseas, just as his businesses have done and what approach would be the ultimate carrot on bringing them back. We know Hillary hasn't a clue...she is still singing the praises of NAFTA and her bimbo husband.

Does Trump have the determination to actually learn on the job instead of constantly claiming how amazing he is? Does he recognize the pitfalls in his resume and will to learn about it?

Hillary has had the opportunity to make a difference of foreign affairs and continually demonstrated poor judgment. Her stint at State was disastrous and putting top secret information in the reach of hackers was unforgivable and incredibly stupid.

So it boils down to Vote for Certain Incompetency, Certain Poor Choices and Questionable Health or Learning on the Job and Learning to Listen to experts. I'll go with Trump. He learned how to be a successful businessman...let him learn how to be a Successful President.
First 10minutes was about job losses to China and Mexico. Traditional Democratic base has been hurt by this. Only one person has been talking pro USA. Trump wins because people are not goi g to watch whole debate, just what affects them....but leading with US jobs....Trump won debate in the first 10 minutes.

See? I told this guy to put up this thread before the debate.

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