Donald Trump Won the Presidency Tonight

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We don't kill everyone who kills Americans dickweed.

Or didn't they teach you that in moron school ?

Korean Air Lines Flight 007 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I dont recall seeing yo here much before last week, but I want to be fair to RDean, and assure you that RDean has completely tested out of any moron school courses and is now in advanced morons graduate studies.
We don't kill everyone who kills Americans dickweed.

Or didn't they teach you that in moron school ?

Korean Air Lines Flight 007 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I dont recall seeing yo here much before last week, but I want to be fair to RDean, and assure you that RDean has completely tested out of any moron school courses and is now in advanced morons graduate studies.

Don't know that I've seen an analogue to him on the far right.

Not someone as stupid and emotional.
Common sense voters, the poor, hard working middle class voters, voters who can detect BS when they see it just switched to Trump. Hillary offered nothing more than the same old status quo establishment BS they spew every damn election.

And then there was reality - Trump got hammered when it comes to middle class voters - starting with being born with silver spoon in his mouth and 14 million start-up money from dada, going on to stiffing his workers and wrapping up with his tax-cuts for the rich and other trickle down bs (which by the way is benefiting HUGELY to himself).

Yawn, is that all you got? I already talked two Hillary voters into switching to Trump tonight after pointing out just a few of her lies.

great retort, i didn't consider that :gay:

Well to be fair you seem to have an irrational foaming at the mouth hatred for the man based on half ass liberal talking points. I'm good but a liberal that far gone...
Clinton people don't get it. Trump, on first 10 minutes won Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. Hillary's chances left as quick as as the jobs did.
Clinton people don't get it. Trump, on first 10 minutes won Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. Hillary's chances left ascents as the jobs did.

I will quote you on that when his polls crater next week.
He couldn't explain his economic policy. He didn't make sense. He sounded dangerous.

Will he even do the other two debates?
of course he did. Job loses to Mexico and China. He wins the election.
LOL This poll comes from TIME. Not exactly known as a conservative friendly publication. Very interesting.

Yeah I have to admit those results terrify me. It's inconceivable that people could be so stupid to think Trump won the debate. I guess Americans are just that stupid.
LOL This poll comes from TIME. Not exactly known as a conservative friendly publication. Very interesting.

Yeah I have to admit those results terrify me. It's inconceivable that people could be so stupid to think Trump won the debate. I guess Americans are just that stupid.
How fucking arrogant of you.
Clinton people don't get it. Trump, on first 10 minutes won Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. Hillary's chances left ascents as the jobs did.

I will quote you on that when his polls crater next week.

It's doubtful his will crater. She's been the one slipping.

I think he just handed her back the lead in the race. His will remain....hers could start to improve.
LOL This poll comes from TIME. Not exactly known as a conservative friendly publication. Very interesting.

Yeah I have to admit those results terrify me. It's inconceivable that people could be so stupid to think Trump won the debate. I guess Americans are just that stupid.

But Mark Cuban just called us the greatest country in the world.

Maybe you should talk to him.
The world where Trump won:


Why Hillary? What attracts you? She stole top secret and above information and placed it on her bathroom server. She hates all the women her husband raped. Achievements? Killing Gaddafi because...
Because Gaddafi killed Americans?

Oh wait. Did you even know that?

Look up Pan Am Flight 103

What a strange bit of logic.
What? An enemy of America was killed for killing Americans? To right wingers that's strange. No wonder they let Bin Laden go.
Clinton turned away Osama after he was captured.
First 10minutes was about job losses to China and Mexico. Traditional Democratic base has been hurt by this. Only one person has been talking pro USA. Trump wins because people are not goi g to watch whole debate, just what affects them....but leading with US jobs....Trump won debate in the first 10 minutes.
It's no question Hillary won as far as policy goes. The problem is that Trump supporters are too dumb to understand her when she talks policy. She still lacks any charisma, but she rattled Trump into a mess on a few occasions with her jabs. Trump really took the hook.

Trump sounded like a rambling 12 year old as always but was more restrained and got some good jabs in for cheap debate points. They did rattle Hillary a bit.
First 10minutes was about job losses to China and Mexico. Traditional Democratic base has been hurt by this. Only one person has been talking pro USA. Trump wins because people are not goi g to watch whole debate, just what affects them....but leading with US jobs....Trump won debate in the first 10 minutes.

No all polls and all focus groups, show that Hillary Clinton trounced Trump. He started out good, probably about the first 15 minutes, then the rest of the debate--he got rattled, interrupted her 51 times, became rude, and we watched him go into his typical rambling, (came down with a severe case of Diarrhea of the mouth) and she was content to let him ramble on and on, and the more he rambled his hole got deeper, and deeper, and deeper.

With undecided voters Hillary Clinton won by a whopping 67% to Trump 27%.

I have been around a long time and have never witnessed a Presidential candidate have a melt down like Trump did tonight. He came out doing his best to look and act Presidential but the very second she challenged & CRITICIZED him on his TAX economic plan, he just fell apart and it was all downhill from there.

Which fits this article very well. A Narcissist never takes criticism well.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

After this debate, people got a very good look at who Trump really is, and I imagine that most minds are made up. IOW--I don't think, (if they decide to watch the next two) that it's going to change any minds. They saw enough tonight.
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Really? Cuz I'm hearing his performance described as gibberish, incoherent, babble.

Complaints about all the sniffing and mannerisms. Justification about why he attacked Rosie O'Donnell. And then just went weird.

Thanks for the prepared narrative presented by Rachel "Blinky" Maddow and other qu33rs from MSNBC! :p

Why did you not watch the debate yourself? Folks who did not watch the debate do their brain a disservice, unless they like being schlonged by Rachel "Blinky" Maddow's strap-on.
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