Donald Trump's Easter social media posts look to crucify his perceived enemies.

Trump really, REALLY hurt Mac's feelings and the butthurt is infinite.

That's about 80% of Mac's posts now. Butthurt Mac.

I just laughed really hard when I realized that would make a great song: "Infinite Butthurt: A Tale of Mac"

Come on now, that's funny :auiqs.jpg:

It’s not even mildly amusing. Much less funny. What’s pathetic is that you think it’s funny, or that Mac is butthurt.

The Republican Party is hurtling towards its own destruction, like a freight train with no brakes. Donald Trump is sitting at 25% approval rating in the polls, and he has nowhere to go but down.

Republicans have hung their hats on abortion and guns for decades, and both issues are biting them in the ass big time!

You’re averaging more than one mass shooting per day in the USA and you refuse to ban the weapons the murderers are using. Leading cause of death for children under the age of 18 is gun violence.

You managed to get rid of Roe versus Wade, but then the idiots in the state houses band all prenatal care for women. When pregnancies have complications, doctors can’t treat the women until they are literally on death’s door.

Pro-choice women are suing the states because they nearly died due to the complications of their pregnancies. The law prevented any life-saving treatment for them until the foetus they were carrying was confirmed dead.

Republicans have an outsized concern for the unborn, and a complete lack of concern for the children once they’re born. You have now proven that your concerns for the unborn are a complete lie and a fabrication because you’re criminalizing your own voters - pro-life women trying to have babies without dying.

Every conservative male on this board will tell you it’s no big deal and women should have no rights and then you wonder why Republicans keep losing and losing and losing.
Many of his rubes believe him when he says he is.

I know we're not supposed to take anything he says seriously, but they sure do.

If you don't believe that, there's nothing I can do about it.


But does he talk about his faith? I’ve not ever really heard that he does.
You have not been paying attention. It started in 2016.

Actually, that article kind of agrees with what I was saying. It says that trump really doesn’t portray the religious image and that he doesn’t really talk about it much or even what his religious leanings are.

Yeah, he helps the evangelical community, but he himself apparently isn’t very religious.
yeh, he is nothing like the Abort em at any age, even when outside the womb


You people creep me out, to say the least

assuming you are still people...
Trump wanted Marla Maples to abort their unborn child so the bastard wouldn't have to pay child support. That motherfucker hasen't changed a bit since then. In fact, he's worse.
But does he talk about his faith? I’ve not ever really heard that he does.
He has refused to, saying it's personal. I don't believe there is any faith there. That's my opinion. But he's sure as hell -- no pun intended -- willing to suck up to the religion for his own gain, which is what he always does for anyone he thinks can help him.
He has refused to, saying it's personal. I don't believe there is any faith there. That's my opinion. But he's sure as hell -- no pun intended -- willing to suck up to the religion for his own gain, which is what he always does for anyone he thinks can help him.

That’s any politician.
That’s any politician.
Trump has taken every immoral strategy used by politicians and done it times 10.
That is why he was elected President. It is a sad commentary on the US electorate.
Dirty fighting wins in politics.

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