Donald Trump's Secret Admirers


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
A good many of us Deplorables are proud to be deemed Deplorable by that craven old crone Hillary Clinton, that rapacious dotard, that lying drunkard, the coat-tail riding incompetent termagant, and the ever faithful servant of Satan.

We are proud of Don Trump and don't mind saying so. The article below is a fine one about those who are also proud of him, but are cowed by the absurdity of the Political Correctness Apparatchiks into supporting him surreptitiously...which is O. K. because its safer---with Antifa and BLM Thugs about.

We thank Trump for not giving a shit what they think; what the New York Media and Bezos' WaPo Gestapo think. God Bless the Heartland and Fuck the rotting cities; Fuck Morning Joe and his concubine Mica, she of sub-reptillian intellect, and Fuck everybody named Cuomo.

Donald Trump's Secret Admirers

"It is indicative of how completely the left has taken over our major public organs and institutions, including the press, the entertainment industry, and Higher Ed, that many are embarrassed to admit to others the secret we carry around in our hearts like a treasure -- we absolutely love Donald Trump."


"Then he mentioned Elizabeth Warren, calling her Pochanontas.

Rude? Yes.

Inappropriate? Wildly so.

Funny? Absolutely.

And the self-serious, self-righteous leaders on the Left reacted exactly according to script, calling the name "Pochahontas" a "racial slur."

A good many of us Deplorables are proud to be deemed Deplorable by that craven old crone Hillary Clinton, that rapacious dotard, that lying drunkard, the coat-tail riding incompetent termagant, and the ever faithful servant of Satan.

We are proud of Don Trump and don't mind saying so. The article below is a fine one about those who are also proud of him, but are cowed by the absurdity of the Political Correctness Apparatchiks into supporting him surreptitiously...which is O. K. because its safer---with Antifa and BLM Thugs about.

We thank Trump for not giving a shit what they think; what the New York Media and Bezos' WaPo Gestapo think. God Bless the Heartland and Fuck the rotting cities; Fuck Morning Joe and his concubine Mica, she of sub-reptillian intellect, and Fuck everybody named Cuomo.

Donald Trump's Secret Admirers

"It is indicative of how completely the left has taken over our major public organs and institutions, including the press, the entertainment industry, and Higher Ed, that many are embarrassed to admit to others the secret we carry around in our hearts like a treasure -- we absolutely love Donald Trump."


"Then he mentioned Elizabeth Warren, calling her Pochanontas.

Rude? Yes.

Inappropriate? Wildly so.

Funny? Absolutely.

And the self-serious, self-righteous leaders on the Left reacted exactly according to script, calling the name "Pochahontas" a "racial slur."


It's not much of a secret who Trump's admirers are.
A good many of us Deplorables are proud to be deemed Deplorable by that craven old crone Hillary Clinton, that rapacious dotard, that lying drunkard, the coat-tail riding incompetent termagant, and the ever faithful servant of Satan.

We are proud of Don Trump and don't mind saying so. The article below is a fine one about those who are also proud of him, but are cowed by the absurdity of the Political Correctness Apparatchiks into supporting him surreptitiously...which is O. K. because its safer---with Antifa and BLM Thugs about.

We thank Trump for not giving a shit what they think; what the New York Media and Bezos' WaPo Gestapo think. God Bless the Heartland and Fuck the rotting cities; Fuck Morning Joe and his concubine Mica, she of sub-reptillian intellect, and Fuck everybody named Cuomo.

Donald Trump's Secret Admirers

"It is indicative of how completely the left has taken over our major public organs and institutions, including the press, the entertainment industry, and Higher Ed, that many are embarrassed to admit to others the secret we carry around in our hearts like a treasure -- we absolutely love Donald Trump."


"Then he mentioned Elizabeth Warren, calling her Pochanontas.

Rude? Yes.

Inappropriate? Wildly so.

Funny? Absolutely.

And the self-serious, self-righteous leaders on the Left reacted exactly according to script, calling the name "Pochahontas" a "racial slur."


It's not much of a secret who Trump's admirers are.

This poster ^^^ is why Trump is so funny :laugh:
A good many of us Deplorables are proud to be deemed Deplorable by that craven old crone Hillary Clinton, that rapacious dotard, that lying drunkard, the coat-tail riding incompetent termagant, and the ever faithful servant of Satan.

We are proud of Don Trump and don't mind saying so. The article below is a fine one about those who are also proud of him, but are cowed by the absurdity of the Political Correctness Apparatchiks into supporting him surreptitiously...which is O. K. because its safer---with Antifa and BLM Thugs about.

We thank Trump for not giving a shit what they think; what the New York Media and Bezos' WaPo Gestapo think. God Bless the Heartland and Fuck the rotting cities; Fuck Morning Joe and his concubine Mica, she of sub-reptillian intellect, and Fuck everybody named Cuomo.

Donald Trump's Secret Admirers

"It is indicative of how completely the left has taken over our major public organs and institutions, including the press, the entertainment industry, and Higher Ed, that many are embarrassed to admit to others the secret we carry around in our hearts like a treasure -- we absolutely love Donald Trump."


"Then he mentioned Elizabeth Warren, calling her Pochanontas.

Rude? Yes.

Inappropriate? Wildly so.

Funny? Absolutely.

And the self-serious, self-righteous leaders on the Left reacted exactly according to script, calling the name "Pochahontas" a "racial slur."

Trump is a cheat a thief a crook a bankrupter and pervert and a republican ,,,but I repeat myself
Mainly the men love him and rich females. Few others.

Mainly everyone loves him except single females, most minorities who are probably hiding from the law for something on some government program, all the brain-dead commie liberals who can't get enough of getting shanked day and night by the Democratic Party and anyone else part of the deep state wanting to hold onto the status quo.
Mainly the men love him and rich females. Few others.

The Few:

1) 306 Electoral Voters;
2) People who believed this was the greatest country in history until we endured 8 years of Obama's Marxist Corruption, and who want to Make America Great Again;
3) Those who would rather earn their own living rather than sit on the Front Porch of the Federal Plantation and collect Free Stuff;
4) American Citizens who believe we should stop the Illegal Mexican Invasion rather than encourage it so Socialists can garner the votes to turn Texas into a Third World Blue State;
5) People with sense enough to know that the barbarians from the Middle East will never assimilate into this great Culture, as Europeans did in the past, but who will instead try their best to undermine and destroy it.
6) Americans who think we have enough "Sit on your ass and read Porn" bureaucrats infesting the Federal Government.

Build the Wall
Drain the Swamp
Prosecute the Clintons

Mainly the men love him and rich females. Few others.

The Few:

1) 306 Electoral Voters;
2) People who believed this was the greatest country in history until we endured 8 years of Obama's Marxist Corruption, and who want to Make America Great Again;
3) Those who would rather earn their own living rather than sit on the Front Porch of the Federal Plantation and collect Free Stuff;
4) American Citizens who believe we should stop the Illegal Mexican Invasion rather than encourage it so Socialists can garner the votes to turn Texas into a Third World Blue State;
5) People with sense enough to know that the barbarians from the Middle East will never assimilate into this great Culture, as Europeans did in the past, but who will instead try their best to undermine and destroy it.
6) Americans who think we have enough "Sit on your ass and read Porn" bureaucrats infesting the Federal Government.

Build the Wall
Drain the Swamp
Prosecute the Clintons

Marxist Corruption? Gawd you're dumb.

Mainly the men love him and rich females. Few others.

Mainly everyone loves him except single females, most minorities who are probably hiding from the law for something on some government program, all the brain-dead commie liberals who can't get enough of getting shanked day and night by the Democratic Party and anyone else part of the deep state wanting to hold onto the status quo.
Sure, everyone loves him, except for the 57% that think he is a complete asshole.

Polling Data
Poll Date Sample Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Average 11/11 - 12/1 -- 39.9 56.4 -16.5
Gallup 11/29 - 12/1 1500 A 33 62 -29
Rasmussen Reports 11/28 - 11/30 1500 LV 44 55 -11
Economist/YouGov 11/26 - 11/28 1319 RV 43 53 -10
Reuters/Ipsos 11/24 - 11/28 1969 A 38 57 -19
Quinnipiac 11/15 - 11/20 1415 RV 38 55 -17
NPR/PBS/Marist 11/13 - 11/15 802 RV 42 54 -12
Harvard-Harris 11/11 - 11/14 2350 RV 41 59 -18
All President Trump Job Approval Polling Data
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
Mainly the men love him and rich females. Few others.

Mainly everyone loves him except single females, most minorities who are probably hiding from the law for something on some government program, all the brain-dead commie liberals who can't get enough of getting shanked day and night by the Democratic Party and anyone else part of the deep state wanting to hold onto the status quo.

Remember Trump anemically garnered only 63+ millions votes of the 212 millions registered voters.
After 11 months you do not expect that 63+ millions will increase but declining fast after showing ineptness, ignorance and retardation.
He lied to Hispanic community, he lied gay and lesbians, li dcro american people, he lied just about every time he open his mouth. A real pathological coward liar.
Mainly the men love him and rich females. Few others.

Mainly everyone loves him except single females, most minorities who are probably hiding from the law for something on some government program, all the brain-dead commie liberals who can't get enough of getting shanked day and night by the Democratic Party and anyone else part of the deep state wanting to hold onto the status quo.
Sure, everyone loves him, except for the 57% that think he is a complete asshole.

Polling Data
Poll Date Sample Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Average 11/11 - 12/1 -- 39.9 56.4 -16.5
Gallup 11/29 - 12/1 1500 A 33 62 -29
Rasmussen Reports 11/28 - 11/30 1500 LV 44 55 -11
Economist/YouGov 11/26 - 11/28 1319 RV 43 53 -10
Reuters/Ipsos 11/24 - 11/28 1969 A 38 57 -19
Quinnipiac 11/15 - 11/20 1415 RV 38 55 -17
NPR/PBS/Marist 11/13 - 11/15 802 RV 42 54 -12
Harvard-Harris 11/11 - 11/14 2350 RV 41 59 -18
All President Trump Job Approval Polling Data
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
It's the 57% that are the assholes.
Remember Trump anemically garnered only 63+ millions votes of the 212 millions registered voters.

Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has struggled throughout her campaign to build excitement, in stark contrast to the experience of GOP nominee Donald Trump. Clinton and Trump have both held campaign rallies, but there has been a major difference in the two — attendance. Trump’s rallies have been far better attended than Clinton’s despite the fact that Clinton holds far fewer — which you might think would encourage people to show up since you never know when she’ll come out of hibernation to do another one.

The Gateway Pundit reported that, through Aug. 25, Clinton did just 11 campaign events whereas Trump did 29 — nearly three times as many. For Clinton’s 11 events, an estimated 10,000 people showed up in total.

For Trump events, an estimated 168,000 attended.

Hillary HUMILIATED By This 1 Difference In Her Rallies Compared To Trump's

You just go right on thinking the way you do!
Remember Trump anemically garnered only 63+ millions votes of the 212 millions registered voters.

Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has struggled throughout her campaign to build excitement, in stark contrast to the experience of GOP nominee Donald Trump. Clinton and Trump have both held campaign rallies, but there has been a major difference in the two — attendance. Trump’s rallies have been far better attended than Clinton’s despite the fact that Clinton holds far fewer — which you might think would encourage people to show up since you never know when she’ll come out of hibernation to do another one.

The Gateway Pundit reported that, through Aug. 25, Clinton did just 11 campaign events whereas Trump did 29 — nearly three times as many. For Clinton’s 11 events, an estimated 10,000 people showed up in total.

For Trump events, an estimated 168,000 attended.

Hillary HUMILIATED By This 1 Difference In Her Rallies Compared To Trump's

You just go right on thinking the way you do!

Really TV stars always draw bigger crowds than politicians, but only by the followers of their shows.
Remember Trump anemically garnered only 63+ millions votes of the 212 millions registered voters.

Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has struggled throughout her campaign to build excitement, in stark contrast to the experience of GOP nominee Donald Trump. Clinton and Trump have both held campaign rallies, but there has been a major difference in the two — attendance. Trump’s rallies have been far better attended than Clinton’s despite the fact that Clinton holds far fewer — which you might think would encourage people to show up since you never know when she’ll come out of hibernation to do another one.

The Gateway Pundit reported that, through Aug. 25, Clinton did just 11 campaign events whereas Trump did 29 — nearly three times as many. For Clinton’s 11 events, an estimated 10,000 people showed up in total.

For Trump events, an estimated 168,000 attended.

Hillary HUMILIATED By This 1 Difference In Her Rallies Compared To Trump's

You just go right on thinking the way you do!

Really TV stars always draw bigger crowds than politicians, but only by the followers of their shows.

That's a pretty good rationalization, Penelope! You must have helped Hillary write her book: "What Happened!" Truth is that Trump drew me and lots of people I know and NONE of us like reality TV and I've never watched a single episode of 'The Apprentice.' That stuff bores the snot out of me. People came from across state lines to see Trump, sometimes hundreds of miles; many waited outside unable to get in happy just to listen. I've never seen a single one interviewed say it was because they were a fan of a cancelled TV show, but that's good---- you go right on thinking that.

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