Donald Trump's "Serial Bad Behavior" at NBC's The Apprentice

WTF? Why is this thread being resurrected after 2 years?

Interestingly enough, the predictions of Trump losing the election have come to pass.
WTF? Why is this thread being resurrected after 2 years?

Interestingly enough, the predictions of Trump losing the election have come to pass.
Awww, you're so cute when you start whining about a 2 year old stolen election. Why is it so butt hurting to you when someone posted in an old thread?
this will cost Trump the election

Hollywood - LOL!
In 2016, we knew almost nothing about Trump, other than he was a tv personality, but now, we know how he does things, and his record for running this country for the past 3 1/2 years hasn't been all that great.

We New Yorkers have been exposed to His antics since the 70s.
Awww, you're so cute when you start whining about a 2 year old stolen election. Why is it so butt hurting to you when someone posted in an old thread?

Not whining about anything, just wondering why this thread is being resurrected. But, like I said, it's kinda cool, as the predictions made back then have since come to pass and Trump lost the election.
ABikerSailor no liar you filth stole it.

Keep trying to troll me Mike. It's kinda funny to see you as you slowly lose your shit. Your opinion, or what you say about me will have little effect on my life, as you are nothing more than phosphor dots on a computer screen, forming words that hope to become cogent thoughts. You've got the word forming down pat, but the cogent thought process still needs some work.
What a whiney story.

This guy was so horrible . . . and look what he put our poor producers through trying to keep him!

To explain the irony to liberals: If he was so horrible, why jump through hoops to keep him, is the point.

The producers paid "extra" to keep him, because he was worth much more than what they paid him. Because the American people wanted him.

Too bad there is no such thing as "viewer harvesters" and "viewer organizers" to fake the viewer rating results for them. Then another network could have made Joe Biden a show host and his (fake) ratings would be higher than Trump's.
What a whiney story.

This guy was so horrible . . . and look what he put our poor producers through trying to keep him!

To explain the irony to liberals: If he was so horrible, why jump through hoops to keep him, is the point.

The producers paid "extra" to keep him, because he was worth much more than what they paid him. Because the American people wanted him.

Too bad there is no such thing as "viewer harvesters" and "viewer organizers" to fake the viewer rating results for them. Then another network could have made Joe Biden a show host and his (fake) ratings would be higher than Trump's.

Trump was popular in television for the same reason that other "reality" shows are popular. People love to watch a good train wreck. I know that when Jerry Springer was on the air, it was one of the shows I liked to watch on occasion, as it was my gratitude show. Whenever I felt bad about how my life was going, I'd watch an hour of Springer, and come away grateful that even though things weren't going my way at the time, I was still light years better than those on the show. People didn't watch Trump's "reality" show to learn business, they watched it to see all the backstabbing between the contestants,, and how Trump would belittle those he threw off.
Trump was popular in television for the same reason that other "reality" shows are popular. People love to watch a good train wreck. I know that when Jerry Springer was on the air, it was one of the shows I liked to watch on occasion, as it was my gratitude show. Whenever I felt bad about how my life was going, I'd watch an hour of Springer, and come away grateful that even though things weren't going my way at the time, I was still light years better than those on the show. People didn't watch Trump's "reality" show to learn business, they watched it to see all the backstabbing between the contestants,, and how Trump would belittle those he threw off.
So, let's say for the sake of argument that Trump was a train wreck as president (absurd, but let's say that), and that all the rilly, rilly, stupid people voted for him because we like to see a train wreck. Say all the wise, benevolent, and wonderful people voted for Biden. But it turns out that there are more rilly rilly stupid voters than wise, benevolent and wonderful people.

Should the one who got the most honest votes win, or were the WBW folks justified in cheating to make sure their pick wins?
Keep trying to troll me Mike. It's kinda funny to see you as you slowly lose your shit. Your opinion, or what you say about me will have little effect on my life, as you are nothing more than phosphor dots on a computer screen, forming words that hope to become cogent thoughts. You've got the word forming down pat, but the cogent thought process still needs some work.
Liar sez whut? Trolling you? Lol, just telling it like it is troll.

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