DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

8 GOP-led investigations have concluded Hillary did not lie.

:bsflag: ... :bsflag: ... :bsflag: ... :bsflag: ... do you lie much or all the time ? :muahaha:...:muahaha:...:muahaha:
If you think I'm lying, then it should be easy for you to cite a GOP-led investigation which concluded Hillary lied....

" I landed under sniper fire" "the Benghazi attack was caused by a video" "no one gave a stand down order" "we never took foreign money in exchange for favors from foreign interests" "ah ain't no ways tarred"
Be patient Hillary lovers, your heroine is going down. The FBI and DOJ are taking their time and making sure that all the evidence is substantiated, valid, and unquestionable. How about an indictment during the DNC convention?

You gotta remember, Obama hates the Clintons, The DNC hates the Clintons, No one will be sad when she is convicted, except you brain dead morons who continue to support the corrupt liar.

If the DNC hates Hillary, why is she doing well and the DNC is not attacking her? If Obama hates her, why isn't the he using the DOJ against her NOW? Also, you cons have been saying "Be patient it's coming" for a loooooong time. It's definitely something I won't hold my breath over.

the DNC has no choice-----------its her turn. She is your Dole and McCain in a pantsuit.
March 8th

TODAYS THE DAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep, today's the day the prediction turns out to be just like those that predicted the end of other words NOTHING will happen lol.

Time will tell. Care to place a bet?

I believe indictment is imminent; whether it is referred criminally is the million dollar question.

the dems are scrambling like mice in a barrel trying to keep her from a criminal indictment. It really depends on what Obama tells his DOJ to do.

It the FBI goes public with a convincing case, obozo may have no choice, and remember Obama hates the Clintons and the Clintons hate him.

Can party loyalty overcome all that hate? We shall see
It's the "correct answer" only for sleazy dishonest morons like you.
Nope, it's the correct answer. Putting something in writing is tantemount to saying it verbally. Just look at this forum. People say things in every post -- yet it's all in writing. You yourself have referenced posts here in the context of being said.

It might be if Bush wrote an editorial saying so. On the other hand, signing a treaty doesn't not mean you endorse all the terms. It takes a special kind of dumbass not to understand that.

Just admit you lost the argument to save yourself further embarrassment.
Bush was not forced to sign anything he didn't agree with.

A treaty always contains some things you like and some things you don't like (that is, except for the ones Obama signs). Sign the treaty with Iraq doesn't indicate that Bush agreed with any single provision of the treaty. If you weren't such a sleazy lying dumbass, you would just admit that.
Stupid beyond belief. Signing an agreement means agreeing with ALL of the terms; except where explicitly noted on the agreement along with the dissenter's initials or signature.

WTF is wrong with you??
It's called being a partisan hack.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Be patient Hillary lovers, your heroine is going down. The FBI and DOJ are taking their time and making sure that all the evidence is substantiated, valid, and unquestionable. How about an indictment during the DNC convention?

You gotta remember, Obama hates the Clintons, The DNC hates the Clintons, No one will be sad when she is convicted, except you brain dead morons who continue to support the corrupt liar.

If the DNC hates Hillary, why is she doing well and the DNC is not attacking her? If Obama hates her, why isn't the he using the DOJ against her NOW? Also, you cons have been saying "Be patient it's coming" for a loooooong time. It's definitely something I won't hold my breath over.

the DNC has no choice-----------its her turn. She is your Dole and McCain in a pantsuit.

If they hated her, they would be fully supporting Sanders and blocking her every chance they get. You are making no sense.
Nope, it's the correct answer. Putting something in writing is tantemount to saying it verbally. Just look at this forum. People say things in every post -- yet it's all in writing. You yourself have referenced posts here in the context of being said.

It might be if Bush wrote an editorial saying so. On the other hand, signing a treaty doesn't not mean you endorse all the terms. It takes a special kind of dumbass not to understand that.

Just admit you lost the argument to save yourself further embarrassment.
Bush was not forced to sign anything he didn't agree with.

A treaty always contains some things you like and some things you don't like (that is, except for the ones Obama signs). Sign the treaty with Iraq doesn't indicate that Bush agreed with any single provision of the treaty. If you weren't such a sleazy lying dumbass, you would just admit that.
Stupid beyond belief. Signing an agreement means agreeing with ALL of the terms; except where explicitly noted on the agreement along with the dissenter's initials or signature.

WTF is wrong with you??
It's called being a partisan hack.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

You responded to a post that's a month old. Do try to catch up.
March 8th

TODAYS THE DAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep, today's the day the prediction turns out to be just like those that predicted the end of other words NOTHING will happen lol.

Time will tell. Care to place a bet?

What is the bet exactly and the terms? For instance are you saying an indictment will happen TODAY, not just accusations of one? And what is your bet?

I'll make you one now. If no official indictment happens today for HIllary, you leave this board for good. If there is one I'll leave. Deal?
March 8th

TODAYS THE DAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep, today's the day the prediction turns out to be just like those that predicted the end of other words NOTHING will happen lol.

Time will tell. Care to place a bet?

What is the bet exactly and the terms? For instance are you saying an indictment will happen TODAY, not just accusations of one? And what is your bet?

I'll make you one now. If no official indictment happens today for HIllary, you leave this board for good. If there is one I'll leave. Deal?

who said it would happen today? not me. I will bet you that the FBI brings forward evidence of felony level violations of national security laws and protection of classified data regulations.

I am not dumb enough to bet that Obama will allow an indictment to be issued.

The important result of such an FBI release would be the destruction of Hillary as a viable candidate. Realistically that's the best we can hope for. The lying bitch will not go to jail, anyone who thinks she will is delusional.
... the Romanian ex-cab driver and hacker who hacked Hillary's server, took some of her e-mails and posted them online - helping to expose the fact that she had a private server - is being extradited to the US.

Notorious Romanian hacker to be extradited to the US

If this guy could...and DID...get access and obtain some of Hillary's e-mails/info then you can bet 'others' could...and did!
March 8th

TODAYS THE DAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep, today's the day the prediction turns out to be just like those that predicted the end of other words NOTHING will happen lol.

Time will tell. Care to place a bet?

What is the bet exactly and the terms? For instance are you saying an indictment will happen TODAY, not just accusations of one? And what is your bet?

I'll make you one now. If no official indictment happens today for HIllary, you leave this board for good. If there is one I'll leave. Deal?

who said it would happen today? not me. I will bet you that the FBI brings forward evidence of felony level violations of national security laws and protection of classified data regulations.

I am not dumb enough to bet that Obama will allow an indictment to be issued.

The important result of such an FBI release would be the destruction of Hillary as a viable candidate. Realistically that's the best we can hope for. The lying bitch will not go to jail, anyone who thinks she will is delusional.

That would be enough for me. I don't want that bitch withing 100 miles of the Ofal office.
... the Romanian ex-cab driver and hacker who hacked Hillary's server, took some of her e-mails and posted them online - helping to expose the fact that she had a private server - is being extradited to the US.

Notorious Romanian hacker to be extradited to the US

If this guy could...and DID...get access and obtain some of Hillary's e-mails/info then you can bet 'others' could...and did!

So how does the government claim it hasn't been hacked?
... the Romanian ex-cab driver and hacker who hacked Hillary's server, took some of her e-mails and posted them online - helping to expose the fact that she had a private server - is being extradited to the US.

Notorious Romanian hacker to be extradited to the US

If this guy could...and DID...get access and obtain some of Hillary's e-mails/info then you can bet 'others' could...and did!

It is very likely that the Chinese, Russians, and several radical muslim groups have the entire file of her private server e-mails-------------------can anyone say blackmail?
Turns out this clown hacked Sydney's computer to get Hillary's e-mails.....
...but did they contain any classified info?

Since he posted the info he also alerted other hackers / nations to the fact she had a personal server...and since it has been found that it was not encrypted properly she still endangered our national security.

Finally, I don't think they would extradite him back to the US simply because he hacked Sydney's e-mails...unless they were worried he was working for someone, that he got some serious things off of Sydney's server, etc. Hillary did confide in him a LOT, and some of the e-mails sent to him by Hillary reportedly had classified info in them.

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