DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

If she wasn't Hillary Clinton, she'd have been indicted already.

again, can you cite a case where someone was sent to prison for doing exactly what Hillary did.

Patraeus was convicted...didn't go to jail but was found guilty of what Hillary has done.

You're welcome.
And if she was GWB you pubs would give her a parade,, anyone needed indictment it was that murdering swine
Liberals spent millions going down that road and walked away sacrificing a nobody to justify their actions... Hillary's crimes have already been proven. Almost all that is needed now is a DOJ and President WILLING to call a Grand Jury and call for her indictment.

Give her the day in court both she and the American people, whose national security she has jeopardized, deserve.
Her emails exposed intel from human spying. If that's not classified what is?

I think you are stretching more than a fat chick trying to get into a pair of fishnets.

So, to be clear. these emails which no one saw exposed information that was collected by someone who was not named...

One Bright Day in the Middle of the Night
Two Dead Boys got up to fight.
Back to back they faced each other
Drew their swords and shot each other.
A Deaf Policeman heard the noise
And came and shot the two dead boys
If you don't believe this lie, it's true
Ask the blind man, he saw it, too!
If she wasn't Hillary Clinton, she'd have been indicted already.

again, can you cite a case where someone was sent to prison for doing exactly what Hillary did.

Patraeus was convicted...didn't go to jail but was found guilty of what Hillary has done.

You're welcome.
And if she was GWB you pubs would give her a parade,, anyone needed indictment it was that murdering swine
Liberals spent millions going down that road and walked away sacrificing a nobody to justify their actions... Hillary's crimes have already been proven. Almost all that is needed now is a DOJ and President WILLING to call a Grand Jury and call for her indictment.

Give her the day in court both she and the American people, whose national security she has jeopardized, deserve.
Cite the US Code of the crime she is guilty of.

And classified documents need to be identified as such before they are sent. If Hillary received a Top Secret document on her private server, she would be expected t report the spillage

She can't do that on unmarked documents. Nor can she determine that this information may someday be reclassified

that is not true. its not the markings that make it classified, its the content of the document.

I had clearances up to SAP, I know the rules on this. Hillary violated the law, If I had done what she did I would be posting from a jail cell at Leavenworth.
Very true

It is up to the sender to be sure information is not classified. However, there is no way for Sec Clinton to know that unclassified information may be reclassified five years later

So you're saying the woman placed in charge of the state dept, people's lives, and entrusted with our national security was so incompetent, so stupid, she couldn't identitfy information so classified that none of it can be released publicly without causing serious damage to our national security?

...and you / liberals argue that she competent enough to serve as President...


There is no way for a Sec of State to know the potential security implications of the thousands of documents that cross your desk

That is why they need to be properly labeled. Why aren't Republicans pursuing the senders of those documents?
Let me tell you this one more time. Now listen closely. Some documents were Top Secret "at Birth", which means that Hillary actually initiated some of those TS memos herself but neglected to mark the TOP Secret, or SAP. That is a big problem for her.

Then of course there were other TS documents that were so secret she allowed Huma Abedin read them and told Jake Sullivan to take of the TS heading so they could send it in an unsecured server. Both actions illegal.
Your statement:
"There is no way for a Sec of State to know the potential security implications of the thousands of documents that cross your desk" Are you going to go with the "Incompetent" angle? What in the hell was her job if it was not to read the thousands of documents that crossed her desk over the years.

Come to think about it, I believe Hillary should leave the country and hide. She's not getting out of this one. The WH is coming down on her as we speak.

But keep defending her. It's what you do, not well, mind you , try.
no jackson, they were not top secret at birth...where are you getting this crud from?

and she did NOT initiate any of these emails, she did NOT BIRTH THEM, they were initiated on the State dept's .gov, unclassified system and had been disseminated to several State department workers on the unclassified .gov email system before they copied and emailed her on them.

she did not create any of them.

And even if she had no private email system, she would have received this information on the .gov unclassified email system that you all wanted her to have her email set up that? The UNCLASSIFIED .gov email system.

The state department DID interview those who initiated this information months ago, and nada, not an arrest or even a suggestion of a criminal offense for them.

yes, her use of solely private email was authorized and not illegal, that has been reported in the real news, more than once.

me thinks you've been snowed...
[E]He did say "indicted" dingbat.

You can indict a ham sandwich, as they say on Law and Order. Please give us a case on point where someone went to prison for merely having an e-mail someone else sent.
Already in the public domain????? Are you fantasizing these comments and putting them out there to see if they fly?

So, link me pleeeese to what TOP SECRET an SAP documents were already in the public domain!!!

Officials: New Top Secret Clinton Emails 'Innocuous'

The classified material included in the latest batch of Hillary Clinton emails flagged by an internal watchdog involved discussions of CIA drone strikes, which are among the worst kept secrets in Washington, senior U.S. officials briefed on the matter tell NBC News.

The officials say the emails included relatively "innocuous" conversations by State Department officials about the CIA drone program, which technically is considered a "Special Access Program" because officials are briefed on it only if they have a "need to know."

As a legal matter, the U.S. government does not acknowledge that the CIA kills militants with drones. The fact that the CIA conducts drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen, however, has long been known. Senior officials, including Sen. Dianne Feinstein and former CIA Director Leon Panetta, have publicly discussed CIA drones.


The officials say the emails included relatively "innocuous" conversations by State Department officials about the CIA drone program, which technically is considered a "Special Access Program" because officials are briefed on it only if they have a "need to know."

Personnel who require knowledge of SCI or SAP information fall into two general categories:
· Persons with a need to know
· Persons with actual access
Access to classified information is not authorized based on clearance status. Access is only permitted to individuals after determining they have a need to know. Need-to-know is a determination that an individual requires access to specific classified information in the performance of (or assist in the performance of) lawful and authorized government functions and duties.
To achieve selective separation of program information while still allowing full access to those working on the program, a separate compartment, identified by a unique codeword, is created for the information. This entails establishing communication channels, data storage, and work locations (SCIF—Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility), which are physically and logically separated not only from the unclassified world, but from general Department of Defense classified channels as well.

Thus established, all information generated within the compartment is classified according to the general rules above. However, to emphasize that the information is compartmented, all documents are marked with both the classification level and the codeword (and the caveat "Handle via <compartment name> Channels Only.", or "Handle via <compartment names> Jointly" if the document contains material from multiple programs).
names> Jointly" if the document contains material from multiple programs).

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]So NBC says that SAP documents are innocuous. All the information we have received for days says 'NOT![/FONT]

Unlike Petraeus, Clinton did not "knowingly" store or share classified information in violation of the law.

Petraeus prosecutor: Clinton committed no crime'

Petraeus prosecutor: Clinton committed no crime
...because YOU said so?!

Again, the best defense liberals have for Hillary is that she is too stupid to recognize 'information so classified it can not be released to the public under any circumstances because it would cause serious damage to national security', despite her having been able to recognize it when she order the markings be stripped off of them.

Seeing how it is illegal for Hillary to gave ANY classified in her possession now that she is out of the State Dept, there have been over 1,000 cases of her 'being stupid'.
[E]He did say "indicted" dingbat.

You can indict a ham sandwich, as they say on Law and Order. Please give us a case on point where someone went to prison for merely having an e-mail someone else sent.
Many have gone to prison for compromising national security. In fact, two Jews were executed for it, which will doubtlessly bring you joy.
that is not true. its not the markings that make it classified, its the content of the document.

I had clearances up to SAP, I know the rules on this. Hillary violated the law, If I had done what she did I would be posting from a jail cell at Leavenworth.
Very true

It is up to the sender to be sure information is not classified. However, there is no way for Sec Clinton to know that unclassified information may be reclassified five years later

So you're saying the woman placed in charge of the state dept, people's lives, and entrusted with our national security was so incompetent, so stupid, she couldn't identitfy information so classified that none of it can be released publicly without causing serious damage to our national security?

...and you / liberals argue that she competent enough to serve as President...


There is no way for a Sec of State to know the potential security implications of the thousands of documents that cross your desk

That is why they need to be properly labeled. Why aren't Republicans pursuing the senders of those documents?
Let me tell you this one more time. Now listen closely. Some documents were Top Secret "at Birth", which means that Hillary actually initiated some of those TS memos herself but neglected to mark the TOP Secret, or SAP. That is a big problem for her.

Then of course there were other TS documents that were so secret she allowed Huma Abedin read them and told Jake Sullivan to take of the TS heading so they could send it in an unsecured server. Both actions illegal.
Your statement:
"There is no way for a Sec of State to know the potential security implications of the thousands of documents that cross your desk" Are you going to go with the "Incompetent" angle? What in the hell was her job if it was not to read the thousands of documents that crossed her desk over the years.

Come to think about it, I believe Hillary should leave the country and hide. She's not getting out of this one. The WH is coming down on her as we speak.

But keep defending her. It's what you do, not well, mind you , try.
no jackson, they were not top secret at birth...where are you getting this crud from?

and she did NOT initiate any of these emails, she did NOT BIRTH THEM, they were initiated on the State dept's .gov, unclassified system and had been disseminated to several State department workers on the unclassified .gov email system before they copied and emailed her on them.

she did not create any of them.

And even if she had no private email system, she would have received this information on the .gov unclassified email system that you all wanted her to have her email set up that? The UNCLASSIFIED .gov email system.

The state department DID interview those who initiated this information months ago, and nada, not an arrest or even a suggestion of a criminal offense for them.

yes, her use of solely private email was authorized and not illegal, that has been reported in the real news, more than once.

me thinks you've been snowed...
Provide me with a link that proves your statement that she did not create any TS documents or could mark documents TS if she came across one that wasn't properly labeled. And a link is not "Hillary says...."
Care, YOU have been snowed and are finding solace in that situation.
[E]He did say "indicted" dingbat.

You can indict a ham sandwich, as they say on Law and Order. Please give us a case on point where someone went to prison for merely having an e-mail someone else sent.
It's not about an 'e-mail'. It's about ILLEGALLY possessing information 'so classified it can't be released under ANY circumstances'.
Unlike Petraeus, Clinton did not "knowingly" store or share classified information in violation of the law.

Petraeus prosecutor: Clinton committed no crime'

Petraeus prosecutor: Clinton committed no crime
...because YOU said so?!

Again, the best defense liberals have for Hillary is that she is too stupid to recognize 'information so classified it can not be released to the public under any circumstances because it would cause serious damage to national security', despite her having been able to recognize it when she order the markings be stripped off of them.

Seeing how it is illegal for Hillary to gave ANY classified in her possession now that she is out of the State Dept, there have been over 1,000 cases of her 'being stupid'.
Hey, dumbfuck -- I was quoting the prosecutor who said siad Clinton committed no crime.

The Petraeus prosecutor . Der.
You right wing circle-jerking nutcakes are going to bust a vein when she's found in the clear, aren't you?
...only guilty people...

"guilty", is decided by a jude and jury, not a simple investigation. RIGHT?

An investigation determines whether or not there is (A) evidence of wrongdoing (B) sufficient to merit a trial.

Correct--It's already been repeatedly stated that Clinton did nothing illegal. IOW there was no law or rule that stated she couldn't use a different server. And from most of the emails I have been reading they look more personal comments in nature--other than STATE SECRETS--LOL

But throw the Reich wing a bone so they have something to talk about for a while.

The Clinton's have been investigated for one thing or another over the last 25 years, and they've always come out smelling like a rose.

Bengazi is off the table after the EIGHTH investigation and her final 13 hours of testimony--so they have to attack her with something--(emails, emails, emails.)

Hillary Clinton wants these 22 emails released so that gives a good indication that there's nothing in them that would be considered "top secret" or that they were not classified documents when she had them.

It's just another Reich wing witch hunt.
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Many have gone to prison for compromising national security. In fact, two Jews were executed for it, which will doubtlessly bring you joy.

Okay, here's the thing. Besides the fact that the Rosenbergs, or at least Ethel, didn't do what they were accused of...

Giving top secret bomb information to an enemy power...


Getting an e-mail from someone in an e-mail chain that contains information someone else cut and pasted off another server that no one saw outside the people authorized to see it.

You know, I can see why you don't try to actually add substantive conversation. You really suck at it.
Many have gone to prison for compromising national security. In fact, two Jews were executed for it, which will doubtlessly bring you joy.

Okay, here's the thing. Besides the fact that the Rosenbergs, or at least Ethel, didn't do what they were accused of...

Giving top secret bomb information to an enemy power...


Getting an e-mail from someone in an e-mail chain that contains information someone else cut and pasted off another server that no one saw outside the people authorized to see it.

You know, I can see why you don't try to actually add substantive conversation. You really suck at it.
You obviously don't know squat Joey. Hillary, in her pathological paranoia, skirted government security policy and compromised national security. It is a practically a given that her emails were hacked and that China, Russia and Iran will have Hillary in their pockets. They could easily bring her down with a press release and disclosures that would make Snowden look like a piker.

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