DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

So you're saying the woman placed in charge of the state dept, people's lives, and entrusted with our national security was so incompetent, so stupid, she couldn't identitfy information so classified that none of it can be released publicly without causing serious damage to our national security?

...and you / liberals argue that she competent enough to serve as President...


There is no way for a Sec of State to know the potential security implications of the thousands of documents that cross your desk

That is why they need to be properly labeled. Why aren't Republicans pursuing the senders of those documents?

yes that is why she is supposed to use the governments server

not one she has stashed in some dudes bathroom 1500 miles away

She was authorized to use a personal server

Why you can't prosecute her

bullshit, that's like saying she was authorized to break the law. WTF is wrong with you? Is your head so far up her fat ass that you cant see reality?

Ask her agency why it was authorized

What agency authorized it? You do know she was the head of the state department right?
that is not true. its not the markings that make it classified, its the content of the document.

I had clearances up to SAP, I know the rules on this. Hillary violated the law, If I had done what she did I would be posting from a jail cell at Leavenworth.
Very true

It is up to the sender to be sure information is not classified. However, there is no way for Sec Clinton to know that unclassified information may be reclassified five years later

So you're saying the woman placed in charge of the state dept, people's lives, and entrusted with our national security was so incompetent, so stupid, she couldn't identitfy information so classified that none of it can be released publicly without causing serious damage to our national security?

...and you / liberals argue that she competent enough to serve as President...


There is no way for a Sec of State to know the potential security implications of the thousands of documents that cross your desk

That is why they need to be properly labeled. Why aren't Republicans pursuing the senders of those documents?

yes that is why she is supposed to use the governments server

not one she has stashed in some dudes bathroom 1500 miles away

She was authorized to use a personal server

Why you can't prosecute her

it was against the law
For the life of me I can't understand why she hasn't been indicted already.
One, she's a Clinton and Clinton's make deals (deals you can't refuse....) She'll probably get a whopper of a slap on the wrist with the understanding she is off the ballot. Wonder why Sanders was asked to the W H the day before this information came out? Something to speculate on.

you may have hit on something.

Obama: "listen Bernie, you cant win no matter what happens, so we will bring Hillary down and then run Biden and you will have a cabinet position in his administration."

Bernie: "Ok Barry as long as we keep beating up on successful rich people (except liberals in Hollywood and DC)."
Oh come on, if she were a Republican, Hussein would have already arrested her. Look at what he did to Petraeus. He's doing his 'Party before Country' duty. He's covering for one of his own.

Hussein? You mean your president? The guy WHO DOES NOT CONTROL WHAT THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT DOES OR DOES NOT DO? That guy?

You mother fuckers whine incessantly. Especially you. It's never ending. You make up shit in your fantasy land and whine about it every fucking day. It's boring.

Do you really believe that if she were a Republican, your boy Hussein wouldn't have already acted and had her arrested? Do you really believe that? Because if you do, you are completely duped and lost.

You are simply imagining things. It's really.....REALLY....boring.

Am i? You sure about that?


Let me ask you one question to see if you have any ties to reality.

Has president Obama directed the justice department to vigorously investigate every possible case of wrong doing by republican politicians?


I missed your reply.

There is no way for a Sec of State to know the potential security implications of the thousands of documents that cross your desk

That is why they need to be properly labeled. Why aren't Republicans pursuing the senders of those documents?

yes that is why she is supposed to use the governments server

not one she has stashed in some dudes bathroom 1500 miles away

She was authorized to use a personal server

Why you can't prosecute her

bullshit, that's like saying she was authorized to break the law. WTF is wrong with you? Is your head so far up her fat ass that you cant see reality?

Ask her agency why it was authorized

What agency authorized it? You do know she was the head of the state department right?

the i office of the leftist sheeples minds

or possibly the office of they are such sheeples thy will believe anything

Of course you forgot Hillary's 'planted question' allowing her to throw out the possibility of nominating Obama to the USSC (if he keeps her out of prison)... :p
that is not true. its not the markings that make it classified, its the content of the document.

I had clearances up to SAP, I know the rules on this. Hillary violated the law, If I had done what she did I would be posting from a jail cell at Leavenworth.
Very true

It is up to the sender to be sure information is not classified. However, there is no way for Sec Clinton to know that unclassified information may be reclassified five years later

So you're saying the woman placed in charge of the state dept, people's lives, and entrusted with our national security was so incompetent, so stupid, she couldn't identitfy information so classified that none of it can be released publicly without causing serious damage to our national security?

...and you / liberals argue that she competent enough to serve as President...


There is no way for a Sec of State to know the potential security implications of the thousands of documents that cross your desk

That is why they need to be properly labeled. Why aren't Republicans pursuing the senders of those documents?

republicans are not pursuing anyone. The FBI is doing it, and they are looking at both senders and receivers. once again, it doesn't matter if the data is labeled or not, its the content that makes it classified and anyone holding a security clearance is charged with understanding what is classified and what is not. HRC as SecState should have known what kinds of data were classified.

So are you saying she was stupid or that she did not care? it has to be one or the other.

FBI is investing a potential security breach in response to Republican grandstanding

Republicans have had numerous Congressional investigations on the breach.
Why haven't they called those who actually SENT the questionable emails?

how do you know they havent

how did they know to look for those emails

For now it appears Obama intends to cover Hillary's ass, protecting her from prosecution like he did Holder. Despite all the crimes already proven Obama sent the message out loud and clear that he intends to refuse to allow any indictment of Hillary Clinton:

"White House spokesman Josh Earnest said today that "based on what we know" it does not look like Hillary Clinton will be indicted. Earnest made the remarks the White House podium."

Evidently illegally possessing classified information, especially information so classified that if it released would cause serious damage to our national security, is not enough reason to allow the indictment of one of his hand-picked administration members, whose fate will have a serious impact on his legacy (which already has an astetick by it mentioning his ex-atty general who should be in jail but instead is the 1st atty general in US history to be Censured).

...the most scandal-plagued, cover-up running presidency ever!
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Bullshit. a person holding a security clearance is personally responsible for the security of classified data in their possession.

And classified documents need to be identified as such before they are sent. If Hillary received a Top Secret document on her private server, she would be expected t report the spillage

She can't do that on unmarked documents. Nor can she determine that this information may someday be reclassified

that is not true. its not the markings that make it classified, its the content of the document.

I had clearances up to SAP, I know the rules on this. Hillary violated the law, If I had done what she did I would be posting from a jail cell at Leavenworth.
Very true

It is up to the sender to be sure information is not classified. However, there is no way for Sec Clinton to know that unclassified information may be reclassified five years later

So you're saying the woman placed in charge of the state dept, people's lives, and entrusted with our national security was so incompetent, so stupid, she couldn't identitfy information so classified that none of it can be released publicly without causing serious damage to our national security?

...and you / liberals argue that she competent enough to serve as President...


There is no way for a Sec of State to know the potential security implications of the thousands of documents that cross your desk

That is why they need to be properly labeled. Why aren't Republicans pursuing the senders of those documents?
Let me tell you this one more time. Now listen closely. Some documents were Top Secret "at Birth", which means that Hillary actually initiated some of those TS memos herself but neglected to mark the TOP Secret, or SAP. That is a big problem for her.

Then of course there were other TS documents that were so secret she allowed Huma Abedin read them and told Jake Sullivan to take of the TS heading so they could send it in an unsecured server. Both actions illegal.
Your statement:
"There is no way for a Sec of State to know the potential security implications of the thousands of documents that cross your desk" Are you going to go with the "Incompetent" angle? What in the hell was her job if it was not to read the thousands of documents that crossed her desk over the years.

Come to think about it, I believe Hillary should leave the country and hide. She's not getting out of this one. The WH is coming down on her as we speak.

But keep defending her. It's what you do, not well, mind you , try.
For now it appears Obama intends to cover Hillary's ass, protecting her from prosecution like he did Holder. Despite all the crimes already proven Obama sent the message out loud and clear that he intends to refuse to allow any indictment of Hillary Clinton:

"White House spokesman Josh Earnest said today that "based on what we know" it does not look like Hillary Clinton will be indicted. Earnest made the remarks the White House podium."

...the most scandal-plagued, cover-up running presidency ever!
Two of a kind.
Very true

It is up to the sender to be sure information is not classified. However, there is no way for Sec Clinton to know that unclassified information may be reclassified five years later

So you're saying the woman placed in charge of the state dept, people's lives, and entrusted with our national security was so incompetent, so stupid, she couldn't identitfy information so classified that none of it can be released publicly without causing serious damage to our national security?

...and you / liberals argue that she competent enough to serve as President...


There is no way for a Sec of State to know the potential security implications of the thousands of documents that cross your desk

That is why they need to be properly labeled. Why aren't Republicans pursuing the senders of those documents?

republicans are not pursuing anyone. The FBI is doing it, and they are looking at both senders and receivers. once again, it doesn't matter if the data is labeled or not, its the content that makes it classified and anyone holding a security clearance is charged with understanding what is classified and what is not. HRC as SecState should have known what kinds of data were classified.

So are you saying she was stupid or that she did not care? it has to be one or the other.

FBI is investing a potential security breach in response to Republican grandstanding

Republicans have had numerous Congressional investigations on the breach.
Why haven't they called those who actually SENT the questionable emails?
You're either delusional or a liar. The FBI doesn't investigate anything without a valid, legitimate lead / reason, and the current head of the FBI - Obama's hand-picked guy - doesn't give a damn about politics...just the law.

And, again, liberals are trying to blane someone else for Hillary's crimes.

It's the State Department's fault.
It's the Republican's fault.
It's anyone's fault except Hillary's....

Damn Boosh...look at what he did to Hillary! :)
no one --LOL

indeed no one is going to care about the stuff already in the public domain

it is the classified ones that has the law concerned
Umm, Nixon had the intelligence, dignity, and enough desire not to drag the country through a scandal that he stepped down.

Nixon stepped down because Republicans hated him as much as Democrats did.

But, no, no one is going to care Hillary had information on her computer that was already in the public domain.
Already in the public domain????? Are you fantasizing these comments and putting them out there to see if they fly?

So, link me pleeeese to what TOP SECRET an SAP documents were already in the public domain!!!
Umm, Nixon had the intelligence, dignity, and enough desire not to drag the country through a scandal that he stepped down.

Nixon stepped down because Republicans hated him as much as Democrats did.

But, no, no one is going to care Hillary had information on her computer that was already in the public domain.

You might want to rethink that statement about the information she had on her server already being in the public domain...
For now it appears Obama intends to cover Hillary's ass, protecting her from prosecution like he did Holder. Despite all the crimes already proven Obama sent the message out loud and clear that he intends to refuse to allow any indictment of Hillary Clinton:

"White House spokesman Josh Earnest said today that "based on what we know" it does not look like Hillary Clinton will be indicted. Earnest made the remarks the White House podium."

Evidently illegally possessing classified information, especially information so classified that if it released would cause serious damage to our national security, is not enough reason to allow the indictment of one of his hand-picked administration members, whose fate will have a serious impact on his legacy (which already has an astetick by it mentioning his ex-atty general who should be in jail but instead is the 1st atty general in US history to be Censured).

...the most scandal-plagued, cover-up running presidency ever!
Your boner has lasted over four hours.

You should probably call your doctor about that.

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