DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

Unlike Petraeus, Clinton did not "knowingly" store or share classified information in violation of the law.

Petraeus prosecutor: Clinton committed no crime'

Petraeus prosecutor: Clinton committed no crime
She even told Jake Sullivan to remove the TS status of a sensitive document so she could be sent it in an unsecured server.
What part of

"The documents are being upgraded at the request of the intelligence community because they contain a category of top secret information. These documents were not marked classified at the time that they were sent.” ' U.S. State Department Spokesman John Kirby

is not not getting through?
What does "Hillary had the clearance to mark sensitive material TOP SECRET must have, because they are finding them now."
No idiot. It is Hillary who has a reputation as a pathological liar, not Issa. See, her problem is that except for a few hacks like yourself, no one believes a thing she says.

But once again, she leading all the nuts on your side in the polls.

Which proves the old adage, the world is divided into fanatics and scoundrels, but you can reason with a scoundrel.
Why did Clinton have the servers wiped???? "You know, like with a rag???, laugh by Clinton." All work materials were supposed to be given to the State Dept for archiving after her job ended, supposedly.

But Hillary said from the get go the only emails she erased or wiped clean were yoga routines, and wedding plans. Obviously the computer experts found that to be untrue. Why did she lie?

She said she didn't see classified material, but experts found material so Top Secret that it could NOT be denied.

Damn I hate lies.

Except when Bush tells them about weapons that don't exist and thousands of people die. Those lies you don't mind at all.

Okay, it looks to me like she handed over all this material. You guys haven't found your 18 minutes of missing tape, so to speak. You've found she got a bunch of emails where other people copied and pasted things other people said were classified later.
Hillary displayed an alarming lack of judgment allowing this material to be continually sent via unsecured means for years.

THAT alone makes her unfit to lead this nation.

Well, that is a political consideration, not a legal one.

I guess you can make that argument, if your side wasn't getting ready to run a reality TV Rodeo Clown.
Paper, in your strawman argument, you - as a low-level analyst having sent TS information, information so classified it can not be released under any circumstances - would have your security clearance pulled and be brought up on criminal charges because you, even as a low-level analyst, would be able to recognize that information for what it was/is and know that it is illegal to send it via unclassified means.

You would know this as a result of the training you received at the time you obtained your security clearance, which required you by law to sign a document stating you received the training, understand it, and are now are to be held accountable for the legal handling of classified informatiom. You would also know this as a rezult of your legally-required monthly/quartetly training.

You, as a low-level analyst, would NEVER have access to the TS information found on Hillary's server.

This highly classified 'compartmentalized' information is handled by much higher, more experienced, expert analysts who are required to follow the same traing and laws as you but also have to be 'read into' these programs. The distincyions between these programs and the classifications of these programs from other secret / non-compartmentalized info/programs is made clear. They even legally have to sign a document stating they understand, know they can not talk about it outside special designated secure areas, and have to safeguard it more than normal classified info. Once they are done / move on and no longer need access to the information they are legally 'read out' of the program and must sign another document saying thay understand they can have no more access to it, will not talk about it, and most certainly will mot keep any classified information regarding these programs for their own.

There is no room for 'a lack of understanding' or confusion regarding information this sensitive/classified. The mere attempt to claim what you have in your strawman scenario proves you have no true understanding of how the entire process works - obtaining a security clearance, documents required, training required, obtaining access to special compartmentalized info / programs, safeguards, laws, etc.

The scenario you described is not realistic / possible / plausible / believable.
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they throw the kitchen sink at her with leading news stories and headlines full of dishonest insinuations right before the primaries, and she's still going to come out the other side victorious in the end... i bet that's going to really sting.

The big news about Hillary Clinton's emails came earlier today: 22 emails she sent on her controversial private server while at the State Department have been deemed top secret and won't be released to the public.

The State Department reiterated Friday that "these documents were not marked classified at the time they were sent," something the Clinton campaign has been arguing the whole time. Her campaign also pushed back against what is sees as "overclassification run amok."

Friday evening's email dump contained far fewer documents than normal — just about 1,000 pages. There were no blockbuster revelations in them...

6 Takeaways From The New Hillary Clinton Emails
Because only guilty people are ever investigated, right?

Hate to break it to you but the FBI doesn't work under the concept of we'll look to see if we find anything. They look when they believe there is something needing to be found. Someone as smart as you claim to be should know that.
False! What do "think" tapping phones and bugging computers is for , laughs and giggles?

Are you saying the FBI picks phone numbers at random in order to see what someone is saying?
Patriot act ring any bells?

Shows the only thing you know about it is the name.
If that helps you sleep at night.
Why did Clinton have the servers wiped???? "You know, like with a rag???, laugh by Clinton." All work materials were supposed to be given to the State Dept for archiving after her job ended, supposedly.

But Hillary said from the get go the only emails she erased or wiped clean were yoga routines, and wedding plans. Obviously the computer experts found that to be untrue. Why did she lie?

She said she didn't see classified material, but experts found material so Top Secret that it could NOT be denied.

Damn I hate lies.
you hate reading previous posts as well. See post #317
You obviously don't know squat Joey. Hillary, in her pathological paranoia, skirted government security policy and compromised national security. It is a practically a given that her emails were hacked and that China, Russia and Iran will have Hillary in their pockets. They could easily bring her down with a press release and disclosures that would make Snowden look like a piker.

again, you really are stretching here, guy. What possible secret could the Iranians have that could bring her down? Again, a lot of our stuff is already out there thanks to Snowden and Manning...

SO maybe her computer was hacked, but you know what, so were our government servers.

So one more time, where was someone convicted of getting an e-mail she shouldn't have gotten?
What part of 'so classified that it can not be released under ANY circumstances' do you NOT understand?
Unlike Petraeus, Clinton did not "knowingly" store or share classified information in violation of the law.

Petraeus prosecutor: Clinton committed no crime'

Petraeus prosecutor: Clinton committed no crime
She even told Jake Sullivan to remove the TS status of a sensitive document so she could be sent it in an unsecured server.
What part of

"The documents are being upgraded at the request of the intelligence community because they contain a category of top secret information. These documents were not marked classified at the time that they were sent.” ' U.S. State Department Spokesman John Kirby

is not not getting through?
What does "Hillary had the clearance to mark sensitive material TOP SECRET must have, because they are finding them now."

Probably the part you don't understand -- like the sentence you just requoted from the State Department -the one that said:

"The documents are being upgraded at the request of the intelligence community..."

For you in the slow bus, that means at the time the SD did not consider them classified. The IC deemed later they should be.

You seem incapable of understanding - two govt agencies can see the same set of words and one thinks it should be secret, the other one doesn't. And they both can be right.

You'd be surprised how much gets overclassified to TS. Even public and widely known information.
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drip drip drip emails

drip drip drip emails!


that's their whole campaign strategy...

The latest batch of the monthly releases from the State Department under the Freedom of Information Act was supposed to be the last — but it won't be. About 7,000 more pages are not ready for release yet and won't be until after the New Hampshire primary — despite a judge's orders.
You obviously don't know squat Joey. Hillary, in her pathological paranoia, skirted government security policy and compromised national security. It is a practically a given that her emails were hacked and that China, Russia and Iran will have Hillary in their pockets. They could easily bring her down with a press release and disclosures that would make Snowden look like a piker.

again, you really are stretching here, guy. What possible secret could the Iranians have that could bring her down? Again, a lot of our stuff is already out there thanks to Snowden and Manning...

SO maybe her computer was hacked, but you know what, so were our government servers.

So one more time, where was someone convicted of getting an e-mail she shouldn't have gotten?
What part of 'so classified that it can not be released under ANY circumstances' do you NOT understand?
post the actual warning with the actual government seals .
until then you're masturbating .

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