DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

Many have gone to prison for compromising national security. In fact, two Jews were executed for it, which will doubtlessly bring you joy.

Okay, here's the thing. Besides the fact that the Rosenbergs, or at least Ethel, didn't do what they were accused of...

Giving top secret bomb information to an enemy power...


Getting an e-mail from someone in an e-mail chain that contains information someone else cut and pasted off another server that no one saw outside the people authorized to see it.

You know, I can see why you don't try to actually add substantive conversation. You really suck at it.
You're still conceding Hillary is too stupid to recognize information so classified that it can't be released under any circumstance...which proves the FBI's case of over 1,000 cases of 'negligence' under the espionage act.

You are also still ignoring how Hillary ordered classified markings be stripped from documents so they could be sent via unclassified means for, which she called 'expediency'.
It's not about an 'e-mail'. It's about ILLEGALLY possessing information 'so classified it can't be released under ANY circumstances'.

except no one released it outside of authorize people.

Here's the thing. I'm a low level analyst preparing a report on a deadline. I cut and paste something off a the secure server. It isn't classified at the time, but I probably shouldn't have done that. I should have gotten the data through the regular channels, but Huma's just called my boss for the third time demanding that by 2 PM.

So I send that report to my boss, he sends it to Huma, and Huma sends it to Hillary, who probably didn't even read that far down on the e-mail, she just read Huma's summary of my boss' summary.

MEANWHILE, someone else decides that bit of data is classified now, because it mentions a speech by a foreign leader or a report about a drone strike we aren't admitting we are doing but everyone knows we are.

Now, Maybe, maybe you can make a case against me as the low level analyst who fucked up and copy and pasted something he shouldn't have. But you really haven't made a case against Hillary yet, at least not one a reasonable person would condemn her for.
Unlike Petraeus, Clinton did not "knowingly" store or share classified information in violation of the law.

Petraeus prosecutor: Clinton committed no crime'

Petraeus prosecutor: Clinton committed no crime
An opinion from August? Jesus, you people have lost it.
Aww. You think his August statement doesn't count in January.

Not a whole lot has changed, bub. The SAP and other shit you connies are hemorrhaging over were all classified after the fact, and some of them were simply published mainstream media article forwards.

But have your Bengaszm.

Don't forget to wipe up after.
"These distinctions are explained in regular training sessions for employees, usually held annually. Because on a day-to-day basis, it’s ultimately these workers that determine whether or not an email they’re about to send contains classified information.

“It’s incredibly challenging,” said Cohen, who also oversaw DHS counterterrorism programs. “You are, in the course of any given day, provided huge amounts of information, some of it highly classified, some of it classified at lower levels, some of it unclassified."

However, the classified determination doesn’t end once an email has been sent.

Information in a message can be declared classified years after it was initially sent. And the State Department and Intelligence Community can also look at the same text and come to opposite conclusions over whether it contains secret information.

And that’s where the discrepancies are arising between the Office of the Inspector General (IG) of Intelligence Community, Clinton’s campaign and the State Department.


"The watchdog said it found a number of Clinton’s emails that currently contained “classified intelligence community information.” But the State Department has said it did not consider that language classified at the time those emails were sent.

Both sides can be correct, said several former officials.

Not only is each side entitled to different standards of classification, but information can become classified almost retroactively, as situations and guidelines change over the years.

An IG could decide “it is a completely different scenario,” and that certain details must now be protected, said Michael Brown, a former DHS director of cybersecurity coordination and current vice president at security firm RSA.

And culturally, intelligence agencies tend to lean toward classification more than an agency like State would, several former employees on both sides agreed."

Clinton emails reveal murky world of "top secret" documents | TheHill
"Both sides can be correct, said several former officials."
Not when the president says they are so damaging they cannot be revealed even on a redacted form..SAP is not inconsequential and used as a pawn in a rhetorical game.
She was the head of the agency. It was her responsibility to know what was sensitive and what was not. They also have an email in which she instructs her staff to remove the classified labels so that they can fax them. Just removing the classified labels is a criminal offense. She is also being investigated by the F.B.I. for perjuring herself before a Congressional Investigative Committee and for using her office as Secretary of State to solicit donations for favors from foreign governments and domestic entities. Hillary's in a world or hurt.
You obviously don't know squat Joey. Hillary, in her pathological paranoia, skirted government security policy and compromised national security. It is a practically a given that her emails were hacked and that China, Russia and Iran will have Hillary in their pockets. They could easily bring her down with a press release and disclosures that would make Snowden look like a piker.

again, you really are stretching here, guy. What possible secret could the Iranians have that could bring her down? Again, a lot of our stuff is already out there thanks to Snowden and Manning...

SO maybe her computer was hacked, but you know what, so were our government servers.

So one more time, where was someone convicted of getting an e-mail she shouldn't have gotten?
It's not about an 'e-mail'. It's about ILLEGALLY possessing information 'so classified it can't be released under ANY circumstances'.

except no one released it outside of authorize people.

Here's the thing. I'm a low level analyst preparing a report on a deadline. I cut and paste something off a the secure server. It isn't classified at the time, but I probably shouldn't have done that. I should have gotten the data through the regular channels, but Huma's just called my boss for the third time demanding that by 2 PM.

So I send that report to my boss, he sends it to Huma, and Huma sends it to Hillary, who probably didn't even read that far down on the e-mail, she just read Huma's summary of my boss' summary.

MEANWHILE, someone else decides that bit of data is classified now, because it mentions a speech by a foreign leader or a report about a drone strike we aren't admitting we are doing but everyone knows we are.

Now, Maybe, maybe you can make a case against me as the low level analyst who fucked up and copy and pasted something he shouldn't have. But you really haven't made a case against Hillary yet, at least not one a reasonable person would condemn her for.

Excellent summary.
It's not about an 'e-mail'. It's about ILLEGALLY possessing information 'so classified it can't be released under ANY circumstances'.

except no one released it outside of authorize people.

Here's the thing. I'm a low level analyst preparing a report on a deadline. I cut and paste something off a the secure server. It isn't classified at the time, but I probably shouldn't have done that. I should have gotten the data through the regular channels, but Huma's just called my boss for the third time demanding that by 2 PM.

So I send that report to my boss, he sends it to Huma, and Huma sends it to Hillary, who probably didn't even read that far down on the e-mail, she just read Huma's summary of my boss' summary.

MEANWHILE, someone else decides that bit of data is classified now, because it mentions a speech by a foreign leader or a report about a drone strike we aren't admitting we are doing but everyone knows we are.

Now, Maybe, maybe you can make a case against me as the low level analyst who fucked up and copy and pasted something he shouldn't have. But you really haven't made a case against Hillary yet, at least not one a reasonable person would condemn her for.
Interesting. I looks like Huma's going down too, and not on Weiner: GOP lawmaker: FBI ‘would like to indict both Huma and Hillary’
You're still conceding Hillary is too stupid to recognize information so classified that it can't be released under any circumstance...which proves the FBI's case of over 1,000 cases of 'negligence' under the espionage act.

You are also still ignoring how Hillary ordered classified markings be stripped from documents so they could be sent via unclassified means for, which she called 'expediency'.

The markings were on a document labelled 'Talking points", which means things that they were going to disclose if asked about. So, no, I don't consider that a big deal.

The reality is, stuff gets sent by e-mail every day because people don't look at what they are sending or receiving. You simply aren't going to get regular citizens to get that upset about this.
Unlike Petraeus, Clinton did not "knowingly" store or share classified information in violation of the law.

Petraeus prosecutor: Clinton committed no crime'

Petraeus prosecutor: Clinton committed no crime
An opinion from August? Jesus, you people have lost it.
Aww. You think his August statement doesn't count in January.

Not a whole lot has changed, bub. The SAP and other shit you connies are hemorrhaging over were all classified after the fact, and some of them were simply published mainstream media article forwards.

But have your Bengaszm.

Don't forget to wipe up after.
Plenty has changed but you'd never noticed since your head is buried in the sand.
...only guilty people...

"guilty", is decided by a jude and jury, not a simple investigation. RIGHT?

An investigation determines whether or not there is (A) evidence of wrongdoing (B) sufficient to merit a trial.

Correct--I believe it's already be repeatedly stated that Clinton did nothing illegal. IOW there was not law or rule that stated she couldn't use a different server. And from most of the emails I have been reading they look more personal comments in nature--than STATE SECRETS--LOL

But throw the Reich wing a bone so they have something to talk about for a while.

The Clinton's have been investigated for one thing or another over the last 25 years, and they've always come out smelling like a rose.
That's because the witnesses conveniently died in airplane crashes or committed suicide.
She even told Jake Sullivan to remove the TS status of a sensitive document so she could be sent it in an unsecured server.

a senstitive document labeled "Talking Points". That doesn't sound very "top secret" to me.
Unlike Petraeus, Clinton did not "knowingly" store or share classified information in violation of the law.

Petraeus prosecutor: Clinton committed no crime'

Petraeus prosecutor: Clinton committed no crime
An opinion from August? Jesus, you people have lost it.
Aww. You think his August statement doesn't count in January.

Not a whole lot has changed, bub. The SAP and other shit you connies are hemorrhaging over were all classified after the fact, and some of them were simply published mainstream media article forwards.

But have your Bengaszm.

Don't forget to wipe up after.
^ that.

rw hacks, like iceweasel, are out in force in this thread

know what that means? rw hate media is beating it to death. :yawn:
Interesting. I looks like Huma's going down too, and not on Weiner: GOP lawmaker: FBI ‘would like to indict both Huma and Hillary’

Gee, you neglect to mention that the Congressman in question is Darrel Issa, who has cried "wolf' so many times even Republicans don't believe him anymore.
No idiot. It is Hillary who has a reputation as a pathological liar, not Issa. See, her problem is that except for a few hacks like yourself, no one believes a thing she says.
Unlike Petraeus, Clinton did not "knowingly" store or share classified information in violation of the law.

Petraeus prosecutor: Clinton committed no crime'

Petraeus prosecutor: Clinton committed no crime
She even told Jake Sullivan to remove the TS status of a sensitive document so she could be sent it in an unsecured server.
What part of

"The documents are being upgraded at the request of the intelligence community because they contain a category of top secret information. These documents were not marked classified at the time that they were sent.” ' U.S. State Department Spokesman John Kirby

is not not getting through?
Why did Clinton have the servers wiped???? "You know, like with a rag???, laugh by Clinton." All work materials were supposed to be given to the State Dept for archiving after her job ended, supposedly.

But Hillary said from the get go the only emails she erased or wiped clean were yoga routines, and wedding plans. Obviously the computer experts found that to be untrue. Why did she lie?

She said she didn't see classified material, but experts found material so Top Secret that it could NOT be denied.

Damn I hate lies.
the info in the emails was not classified at the time it was sent to her by others.

once it was sent to her by others, it was still never breached...

yet the gop would like to poke and prod and parse this info...

thus making a public spectacle of this info which they supposedly aim to keep classified.

the info was properly handled all along, but gop risks breaching our security to suit their anti hillary agenda.

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