DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

I really think that this is kind of pointless because neither republicans or democrats want to deal with this issue. You are right that this should be a slam dunk but because of political alliances neither party is going to let Hillary go down but if this happen to be Trump they would both go after him with a vengence. It is a real sad thing in our country when political power has superceded any sense of justice in this country.

If Trump becomes the nominee of this party, it will be a gift to Democrats. They will be able to drag so much crap up on him--they can drown him with it.

The point is Hillary Clinton has already been found (not guilty) by the state department of any wrong doing. Over the 4 year period the FBI has investigated the 1200 emails that had something to do with the State Department--and out of that 1200--they have 22 documents that have obviously been (reclassified) after the fact or after they were sent.

Hillary Clinton is asking that those 22 emails are released--so she can prove she wasn't sending out Marked Classified information over a personal email server.

This is just another Reich wing witch hunt.

Paper, in your strawman argument, you - as a low-level analyst having sent TS information, information so classified it can not be released under any circumstances - would have your security clearance pulled and be brought up on criminal charges because you, even as a low-level analyst, would be able to recognize that information for what it was/is and know that it is illegal to send it via unclassified means.

Again can you cite a case where this has actually happened?
What part of 'so classified that it can not be released under ANY circumstances' do you NOT understand?

The part where I'm not going to take their word for it? When did you guys suddenly fall in love with the Intelligence Community?

First, SHOW me that these documents were really damning, and then show me Hillary maliciously sent them.

Then we can talk.
There is a difference in having committed a crime and not going to hail for it. Patraeus and Holder are both examples.
getting a little sloppy in your zeal..
Go easy on her. She's just a few moments from her next Benghazim.
she? " I am flattered by your infatuation / 'man crush', but I don't roll that way. I am sure there are lots of liberals out there who do, and I'm sure you will find one that suits you. I will, however, have to ask you to stop stalking me / coming on to me. It's getting creepy. If you don't I am afraid I will have to get a restraining order against you. Have a nice day, and good luck with finding a suitable partner."- queasy 65
Yeah, that was my response tou your continued 'stalking' of my by reoeatedly sending me personal messages, despite MY repeated requests that you stop chasing after me. I am flattered, and grateful, that you sgared that with everyone, demonstrating your infatuation with me. And daws, the answer to your request is still 'No'. Try asking Bill Clinton - he might let you. :p
FBI is investing a potential security breach in response to Republican grandstanding

Republicans have had numerous Congressional investigations on the breach.
Why haven't they called those who actually SENT the questionable emails?
You're either delusional or a liar. The FBI doesn't investigate anything without a valid, legitimate lead / reason, and the current head of the FBI - Obama's hand-picked guy - doesn't give a damn about politics...just the law.

RW and his sock jake snarkey are both delusional and liars.


Suppose I take a SECRET memo, strip the headers off of it and send it to you

Who should be prosecuted......You or me?

both if you had a security clearance. me if you did not.

Again, what crime are you guilty of if I sent you classified material that is not marked as such
You repeatedly ignore the facts with this strawman...intentionally.
Today I see they are NOT going to demote Petraus for his mis-deeds. interesting....I smell a rat. Laying groundwork so HIS not so bad............therefore HERS also not so bad?
I really think that this is kind of pointless because neither republicans or democrats want to deal with this issue. You are right that this should be a slam dunk but because of political alliances neither party is going to let Hillary go down but if this happen to be Trump they would both go after him with a vengence. It is a real sad thing in our country when political power has superceded any sense of justice in this country.
Thank goodness it is not being handled by either political party but is instead being handled by the FBI and Obama's hand-picked man.
I really think that this is kind of pointless because neither republicans or democrats want to deal with this issue. You are right that this should be a slam dunk but because of political alliances neither party is going to let Hillary go down but if this happen to be Trump they would both go after him with a vengence. It is a real sad thing in our country when political power has superceded any sense of justice in this country.
Thank goodness it is not being handled by either political party but is instead being handled by the FBI and Obama's hand-picked man.
DoJ has to charge. FBI can only recommend. DoJ doesn't do anything if it's not race-related.
Paper, in your strawman argument, you - as a low-level analyst having sent TS information, information so classified it can not be released under any circumstances - would have your security clearance pulled and be brought up on criminal charges because you, even as a low-level analyst, would be able to recognize that information for what it was/is and know that it is illegal to send it via unclassified means.

Again can you cite a case where this has actually happened?
Her own subordinates have reportedly declared this was not a 1-time thing but a regular occurance under Hillary. I haave not cited 1 case, but THEY have described the pattern of behavior.
I really think that this is kind of pointless because neither republicans or democrats want to deal with this issue. You are right that this should be a slam dunk but because of political alliances neither party is going to let Hillary go down but if this happen to be Trump they would both go after him with a vengence. It is a real sad thing in our country when political power has superceded any sense of justice in this country.
Thank goodness it is not being handled by either political party but is instead being handled by the FBI and Obama's hand-picked man.
DoJ has to charge. FBI can only recommend. DoJ doesn't do anything if it's not race-related.
If it's not race related? WTF?
You're either delusional or a liar. The FBI doesn't investigate anything without a valid, legitimate lead / reason, and the current head of the FBI - Obama's hand-picked guy - doesn't give a damn about politics...just the law.

RW and his sock jake snarkey are both delusional and liars.


Suppose I take a SECRET memo, strip the headers off of it and send it to you

Who should be prosecuted......You or me?

both if you had a security clearance. me if you did not.

Again, what crime are you guilty of if I sent you classified material that is not marked as such
You repeatedly ignore the facts with this strawman...intentionally.

Let Hillary Clinton explain it to you.

So you're saying the woman placed in charge of the state dept, people's lives, and entrusted with our national security was so incompetent, so stupid, she couldn't identitfy information so classified that none of it can be released publicly without causing serious damage to our national security?

...and you / liberals argue that she competent enough to serve as President...


There is no way for a Sec of State to know the potential security implications of the thousands of documents that cross your desk

That is why they need to be properly labeled. Why aren't Republicans pursuing the senders of those documents?
Let me tell you this one more time. Now listen closely. Some documents were Top Secret "at Birth", which means that Hillary actually initiated some of those TS memos herself but neglected to mark the TOP Secret, or SAP. That is a big problem for her.

Then of course there were other TS documents that were so secret she allowed Huma Abedin read them and told Jake Sullivan to take of the TS heading so they could send it in an unsecured server. Both actions illegal.
Your statement:
"There is no way for a Sec of State to know the potential security implications of the thousands of documents that cross your desk" Are you going to go with the "Incompetent" angle? What in the hell was her job if it was not to read the thousands of documents that crossed her desk over the years.

Come to think about it, I believe Hillary should leave the country and hide. She's not getting out of this one. The WH is coming down on her as we speak.

But keep defending her. It's what you do, not well, mind you , try.

What part of NOT marked Classified don't you republicans get?
The emails were not marked classified at the time they were sent, but were "were upgraded at the request of the intelligence community," State Department spokesman John Kirby said.

what part of "it doesn't matter if they were marked" don't you dem/libs get? The content makes it classified, not the markings.

If a document was NOT classified as Classified when it was sent--then there is no charges applicable. A document can always be reclassified as Classified (later on) or after the fact.

This is what Hillary Clinton has repeatedly stated. Hillary Clinton wants these 22 emails released--so obviously they were NOT shown as CLASSIFIED documents when she had them. That's the point.
False. Again, markings do not make a document classified or not. If so, dtripping a document of its classified markings would suddenly make them unclassified. BS.
Today I see they are NOT going to demote Petraus for his mis-deeds. interesting....I smell a rat. Laying groundwork so HIS not so bad............therefore HERS also not so bad?

lol that's the way we roll,nutz,,,,,you repubs are great teachers
She has to be indicted by the Obama "justice" department. I doubt that there is a snowballs chance in hell that it happens. Liars and thieves have to stick together, after all.
This DOJ will not indict...we have to wait for a new administration, and a new Justice who will understand what is illegal, and what is not, adhere to the Constitution, and not be swayed by the progressives who have made this country a mess.
Failure to sign a legally required document at the time she received her security clearance and completed legally required training.
Today I see they are NOT going to demote Petraus for his mis-deeds. interesting....I smell a rat. Laying groundwork so HIS not so bad............therefore HERS also not so bad?

I think retroactively demoting a guy for something he did after heleft the service would have been inexcusable and malicious.

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