DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

Declaring under oath she only used ONE personal device...then admitted to multiple.
- Violation of the law: Perjury
Her own subordinates have reportedly declared this was not a 1-time thing but a regular occurance under Hillary. I haave not cited 1 case, but THEY have described the pattern of behavior.

That wasn't the question I asked.

Let's try this again. Can you cite a case where a low level analyst was sent to prison for mishandling classified information inadvertantly?
Having a server containing Secret & TS information which was NOT properly secured according to the law....
- VIOLATION OF THE LAW: Illegal handling / storage of classified info

Transporting TS infirmation openly on a thumb drive by persons without a security clearance
- VIOLATION OF YHE LAW: Mishandlinh / transporting classified, illegal possession of classified
Declaring under oath she only used ONE personal device...then admitted to multiple.
- Violation of the law: Perjury

Wow, you really think that one is goign to fly? Maybe you should aske her if she evver gave Bill a Beej.
getting a little sloppy in your zeal..
Go easy on her. She's just a few moments from her next Benghazim.
she? " I am flattered by your infatuation / 'man crush', but I don't roll that way. I am sure there are lots of liberals out there who do, and I'm sure you will find one that suits you. I will, however, have to ask you to stop stalking me / coming on to me. It's getting creepy. If you don't I am afraid I will have to get a restraining order against you. Have a nice day, and good luck with finding a suitable partner."- queasy 65
queasy 65 is a guy.
Ah. He writes like a premenstrual teenage chick.
yep he does !
A Secret/TS Server being handled / maintained / stored in the vathroom of an IT company whose employees do not have the legally required level of security clearance to do so
- VIOLATION OF YHE LAW: ILLRGAL handling / storage / possesdion of highly classified information
She has to be indicted by the Obama "justice" department. I doubt that there is a snowballs chance in hell that it happens. Liars and thieves have to stick together, after all.
This DOJ will not indict...we have to wait for a new administration, and a new Justice who will understand what is illegal, and what is not, adhere to the Constitution, and not be swayed by the progressives who have made this country a mess.

Understand what's illegal??? Half your congress would be behind bars with rummy cheany and bush
NOT turning over State Dept-related e-mails and all classified information, as she testified under oath she had as she was required by law to do (Staye Dept made clear she did not do this)
- VIOLATION OF THE LAW: Failure to comply / 'Negligence' under the Espionage act
Here's one from the Twilight Zone for you folks: It was Valerie Jarrett who put the F.B.I. onto Hillary in the first place. Now, just before Iowa, the Obama State Department is classifying these emails as too super sensitive to be made public.

Just suppose the primaries are over and Hillary wins. Bernie takes his toys and goes home. We now enter the General Election cycle. Sometime in the middle of the General Election cycle, the F.B. I. concludes its investigation and Obama's Attorney General brings charges against Hillary. What happens? Is the entire election process deemed invalid now because Hillary won the primary but is now charged with felonies? Does Obama get to remain in the White House for yet another year or until we can muster up another election and go through another primary cycle to finally again get to another General Election? Is this Obama's master plan?

There is no way for a Sec of State to know the potential security implications of the thousands of documents that cross your desk

That is why they need to be properly labeled. Why aren't Republicans pursuing the senders of those documents?
Let me tell you this one more time. Now listen closely. Some documents were Top Secret "at Birth", which means that Hillary actually initiated some of those TS memos herself but neglected to mark the TOP Secret, or SAP. That is a big problem for her.

Then of course there were other TS documents that were so secret she allowed Huma Abedin read them and told Jake Sullivan to take of the TS heading so they could send it in an unsecured server. Both actions illegal.
Your statement:
"There is no way for a Sec of State to know the potential security implications of the thousands of documents that cross your desk" Are you going to go with the "Incompetent" angle? What in the hell was her job if it was not to read the thousands of documents that crossed her desk over the years.

Come to think about it, I believe Hillary should leave the country and hide. She's not getting out of this one. The WH is coming down on her as we speak.

But keep defending her. It's what you do, not well, mind you , try.

What part of NOT marked Classified don't you republicans get?
The emails were not marked classified at the time they were sent, but were "were upgraded at the request of the intelligence community," State Department spokesman John Kirby said.

what part of "it doesn't matter if they were marked" don't you dem/libs get? The content makes it classified, not the markings.

If a document was NOT classified as Classified when it was sent--then there is no charges applicable. A document can always be reclassified as Classified (later on) or after the fact.

This is what Hillary Clinton has repeatedly stated. Hillary Clinton wants these 22 emails released--so obviously they were NOT shown as CLASSIFIED documents when she had them. That's the point.
False. Again, markings do not make a document classified or not. If so, dtripping a document of its classified markings would suddenly make them unclassified. BS.

Sweet baby Jesus---if a DOCUMENT is NOT marked AS Classified when it was sent--then the receiver of such document is under NO impression that it is a CLASSIFIED document.

If an agency wants to CLASSIFY any information contained thereafter in said document-- then person who originally received or sent it as an UNCLASSIFIED document cannot be charged with any wrong-doing--IDIOT.

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Possession of classified information, to include information 'so classified it can not be released under ANY circumstance', after leaving the State Department, after having been tead out of these programs, and not having the authority to have access to or personally have any of it
-VIOLATION OF THE LAW: Illegal having access to / being in the possession of classified info
There is a difference in having committed a crime and not going to hail for it. Patraeus and Holder are both examples.
getting a little sloppy in your zeal..
Go easy on her. She's just a few moments from her next Benghazim.
she? " I am flattered by your infatuation / 'man crush', but I don't roll that way. I am sure there are lots of liberals out there who do, and I'm sure you will find one that suits you. I will, however, have to ask you to stop stalking me / coming on to me. It's getting creepy. If you don't I am afraid I will have to get a restraining order against you. Have a nice day, and good luck with finding a suitable partner."- queasy 65
Yeah, that was my response tou your continued 'stalking' of my by reoeatedly sending me personal messages, despite MY repeated requests that you stop chasing after me. I am flattered, and grateful, that you sgared that with everyone, demonstrating your infatuation with me. And daws, the answer to your request is still 'No'. Try asking Bill Clinton - he might let you. :p
stalking? two messages is not stalking and I never requested anything
your constant and false insinuation that I'm gay just proves paper view's comment true "Ah. He writes like a premenstrual teenage chick."- paper view
they way you talk can only mean you really need a blow job.
A Secret/TS Server being handled / maintained / stored in the vathroom of an IT company whose employees do not have the legally required level of security clearance to do so
- VIOLATION OF YHE LAW: ILLRGAL handling / storage / possesdion of highly classified information
I highly doubt if she will be going to jail even if she IS a criminal POS. I just cannot believe anyone would still consider her a "valid" candidate. Any of those people being paraded around in front of us. They are all part of the machine. Look at some 3rd party candidates, PLEASE!!!
The individual proven crimes not even having to do with markings have been proven, but all ignorant liberals can do is keep repeating the excuse given by the woman trying to save her own ass, claiming she was too stupid to realize the information she possessed was so classified that it could cause serious damage to the U.S.

:p. Priceless
Here's one from the Twilight Zone for you folks: It was Valerie Jarrett who put the F.B.I. onto Hillary in the first place. Now, just before Iowa, the Obama State Department is classifying these emails as too super sensitive to be made public.

Just suppose the primaries are over and Hillary wins. Bernie takes his toys and goes home. We now enter the General Election cycle. Sometime in the middle of the General Election cycle, the F.B. I. concludes its investigation and Obama's Attorney General brings charges against Hillary. What happens? Is the entire election process deemed invalid now because Hillary won the primary but is now charged with felonies? Does Obama get to remain in the White House for yet another year or until we can muster up another election and go through another primary cycle to finally again get to another General Election? Is this Obama's master plan?
you've watched way too many man form U.N.C.L.E reruns .

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