DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

Scooter Libby was jailed for perjury for mis-remembering dates, nothing that had to do with Bush. He was thrown in jail by the POS Holder who was caught perpetrating 3 Felony Counts of Perjury in an attempt to cover up Obama's Fast & Furious scandal.

I think you are confusing your scandals, dude. Scooter was investigated for leaking the name of a CIA operative, and prosecuted because he claimed to have conversations with reporters and then denied having them. Which looked kind of bad when the reporters all took the stand and contradicted him.

He never spent a DAY in jail because Bush commuted his sentence. (Probably because one night in prison with Bubba the Serial Killer would have loosened his tongue really quick.)

He was prosecuted by Patrick Fitzgerald, a Republican appointed by Bush.

In your liberal 'real' world the 'conservative' went to jail for perjury for less than Hillary was caught lying about and far less than Holder's crimes of perjury.

Well, no, he lied about a lot more. He lied about whether or not he outed a spy to the press. That's a little more serious than not knowing how many devices you worked with.

Holder was protected by a politically corrupt and crimjnal DOJ and President, the same 2 that will protect Hillary.

Except HOlder really didn't lie about anything related to Fast And Furious (Or as it was called when Bush ran it, Wide Receiver).
RW, Hillary did not sign a legally required govt document. That's a crime. GUILTY!

Hillary lied under oath about the number of devices she used. That is Perjury. GUILTY!

Hillary's server was not configured as required by the law, was entrusted to a company whose employees did not have the security clearances or authorization required. Those are crimes. GUILTY.

Hillary failed to turn over everything required according to the law to the State Department. That is a crime. GUILTY.

Crimes that have nothing to do with specific e-mails have been identified.

...more than enough to call for a Grand Jury so THEY can decide if she should be indicted. If she truly is innocent, why not let a Grand Jury decide if an indictment is warranted? Why are liberals so frightened to allow the justice system to decide instead of partisans / politicians?
Total crap

Hillary was authorized to use her personal server. Your "crimes" are nothing but molehills
Can I get a link to the actual laws that were broken?

And wouldnt anyone who emailed hillary also be just as guilty ?

That's a very good point. No one charged Petreaus' mistress for seeing the classified documents. It seems the person who is guilty of something is whoever copy and pasted the "classified" (not really) info off the SAP Server, not whoever was on the e-mail chain that eventually found its way into Hillary's inbox. That also begs the question, does everyone else on the e-mail chain who got the e-mail also guilty of a crime? What if someone resent it with a video of a cute kitten attached? Are they guilty of a crime.

Imagine the firewalls they must have at the state department ?

If you are sending "secrete " info outside the dept, everyone is aware of it and its OK'd .

You seriously think you can just email the names of all our spy's to a hotmail account ?
Bullshit, you have no idea how classified data and security clearances work. If I receive a document containing the locations of every US Navy ship, I would know it was classified whether it was marked or not. If Hillary received a document showing the location of every North Korean rocket launcher, she should have known it was classified whether it was marked or not.
She also had an aid remove classified markings which is in itself a violation of law.

Face it, the bitch is a criminal.
On a level of belch to 100, how sad does it make you the CEC has let you down so much?

why are you taking shots at children with problems? I have a nephew with downs, CEC has done a lot for him. You are a sick human being.

You're voting for this guy:


And you're voting for this hag:


And you don't even know that one is real and one is imaginary.

I bet you don't know that 2015 is later than 2010, either.

Oh, Hillary is very real, and very scary.
RW, Hillary did not sign a legally required govt document. That's a crime. GUILTY!

Hillary lied under oath about the number of devices she used. That is Perjury. GUILTY!

Hillary's server was not configured as required by the law, was entrusted to a company whose employees did not have the security clearances or authorization required. Those are crimes. GUILTY.

Hillary failed to turn over everything required according to the law to the State Department. That is a crime. GUILTY.

Crimes that have nothing to do with specific e-mails have been identified.

...more than enough to call for a Grand Jury so THEY can decide if she should be indicted. If she truly is innocent, why not let a Grand Jury decide if an indictment is warranted? Why are liberals so frightened to allow the justice system to decide instead of partisans / politicians?
Total crap

Hillary was authorized to use her personal server. Your "crimes" are nothing but molehills

"Authorized" by whom? The only person senior to Hillary was Barak Obama. Hillary has been saying the rules allowed it, not that someone "authorized" it.
RW, Hillary did not sign a legally required govt document. That's a crime. GUILTY!

Hillary lied under oath about the number of devices she used. That is Perjury. GUILTY!

Hillary's server was not configured as required by the law, was entrusted to a company whose employees did not have the security clearances or authorization required. Those are crimes. GUILTY.

Hillary failed to turn over everything required according to the law to the State Department. That is a crime. GUILTY.

Crimes that have nothing to do with specific e-mails have been identified.

...more than enough to call for a Grand Jury so THEY can decide if she should be indicted. If she truly is innocent, why not let a Grand Jury decide if an indictment is warranted? Why are liberals so frightened to allow the justice system to decide instead of partisans / politicians?
Total crap

Hillary was authorized to use her personal server. Your "crimes" are nothing but molehills
You can't answer for them - that's funny.

The failure to sign the document - a crime because you can't explain it away.

The crime of having a server NOT set up according to the law, & the best you can say is she was authorized to have a server. Yes, authorized to have a LEGAL server that met all of the LEGAL requirements, which hers did NOT! Again you can't make THAT go away.

The fact that she gave her server ILLEGALLY to a company that was not LEGALLY authorized / capable to store / maintain it is a CRIME, one that can not be explained / justified by the parroted claim that she was allowed to have a LEGAL server...

And you can't make 'em - her crimes - go away by repeating the same crap that does NOT make what she did legal!

That is funny....pathetic as well, but REALLY funny!
Can I get a link to the actual laws that were broken?

And wouldnt anyone who emailed hillary also be just as guilty ?

That's a very good point. No one charged Petreaus' mistress for seeing the classified documents. It seems the person who is guilty of something is whoever copy and pasted the "classified" (not really) info off the SAP Server, not whoever was on the e-mail chain that eventually found its way into Hillary's inbox. That also begs the question, does everyone else on the e-mail chain who got the e-mail also guilty of a crime? What if someone resent it with a video of a cute kitten attached? Are they guilty of a crime.

Imagine the firewalls they must have at the state department ?

If you are sending "secrete " info outside the dept, everyone is aware of it and its OK'd .

You seriously think you can just email the names of all our spy's to a hotmail account ?

Nice diatribe Timmy but spoken by someone who doesn't know shit about State Dept systems, capabilities, or procedures. Nice fantasy story, one based on, as you say, imagination.
Joe, you're a LIAR.

Bush never approved Fast and Furious because he saw there was no way to control the guns once in Mexico. OBAMA was the one who approved it....and got over 500 people killed, including 2 American citizens.
Stop trying to blame others for Obama's F* Ups.

Holder was most definitely caught committing 3 Felony counts of Perjury. The DOJ refused to file charges against their boss, and Obama refused to take action. So a bipartisan Congress took matters into their own hands, voting to Censure Holder. Holder is the only Atty General in U.S. history now to ever be Censured.

Go try to oush your history re-write on stupid people who don't know the facts / truth.... like on other willingly gullible / ignorant libs.
Joe, you're a LIAR.

Bush never approved Fast and Furious because he saw there was no way to control the guns once in Mexico. OBAMA was the one who approved it....and got over 500 people killed, including 2 American citizens.
Stop trying to blame others for Obama's F* Ups.

Holder was most definitely caught committing 3 Felony counts of Perjury. The DOJ refused to file charges against their boss, and Obama refused to take action. So a bipartisan Congress took matters into their own hands, voting to Censure Holder. Holder is the only Atty General in U.S. history now to ever be Censured.

Go try to oush your history re-write on stupid people who don't know the facts / truth.... like on other willingly gullible / ignorant libs.

Is she in handcuffs yet?

How long will you wait?

And how many threads will you start in the meantime?
Can I get a link to the actual laws that were broken?

And wouldnt anyone who emailed hillary also be just as guilty ?

That's a very good point. No one charged Petreaus' mistress for seeing the classified documents. It seems the person who is guilty of something is whoever copy and pasted the "classified" (not really) info off the SAP Server, not whoever was on the e-mail chain that eventually found its way into Hillary's inbox. That also begs the question, does everyone else on the e-mail chain who got the e-mail also guilty of a crime? What if someone resent it with a video of a cute kitten attached? Are they guilty of a crime.

Imagine the firewalls they must have at the state department ?

If you are sending "secrete " info outside the dept, everyone is aware of it and its OK'd .

You seriously think you can just email the names of all our spy's to a hotmail account ?

That's your problem the State Department has already cleared her--stating she didn't send anything "secret" or anything that would threaten National Security. They have repeatedly stated she did nothing wrong or out of protocol.

So out of 30 k emails which were mostly personal emails, they found 1200 that were "related to her job" and now only 22 that they don't want to release to the public. Meaning--that she could have sent a nasty gram to one of her underline's--that they don't want released. But clearly it had nothing to do with her releasing "State Secrets."

Hillary Clinton has requested that these 22 emails be released to the public. That should give you some hint that there's nothing in them that anyone would consider National Security negligence. Hillary Clinton isn't going to voluntarily hand over her server to the FBI if she had any indication that they would use anything within that could implicate her in any wrong doing.

SWEET BABY JESUS--you Reich wingers really need to grow a brain.

Oreo, the FBI is conducting the investigation. The State Dept can't clear her of shit. As already posted, it was the State Dept that declared she never turned over everything she was required to by law, which means you're full of crap. The same ignorant liberals keep ignoring the same facts and keep repeating the same false statements. Still doesn't make 'em true, no matter how many times you do it. :p

And Hillary, knowing these e-mails will not be released under ANY circumstances, according to the WH, can demand the release of them - FOR SHOW - all day long but it's just an act, one only idiot liberals and Hillary apologists would buy.
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RW, Hillary did not sign a legally required govt document. That's a crime. GUILTY!

Hillary lied under oath about the number of devices she used. That is Perjury. GUILTY!

Hillary's server was not configured as required by the law, was entrusted to a company whose employees did not have the security clearances or authorization required. Those are crimes. GUILTY.

Hillary failed to turn over everything required according to the law to the State Department. That is a crime. GUILTY.

Crimes that have nothing to do with specific e-mails have been identified.

...more than enough to call for a Grand Jury so THEY can decide if she should be indicted. If she truly is innocent, why not let a Grand Jury decide if an indictment is warranted? Why are liberals so frightened to allow the justice system to decide instead of partisans / politicians?
Total crap

Hillary was authorized to use her personal server. Your "crimes" are nothing but molehills
Really, by whom?
Joe, you're a LIAR.

Bush never approved Fast and Furious because he saw there was no way to control the guns once in Mexico. OBAMA was the one who approved it....and got over 500 people killed, including 2 American citizens.
Stop trying to blame others for Obama's F* Ups.

Holder was most definitely caught committing 3 Felony counts of Perjury. The DOJ refused to file charges against their boss, and Obama refused to take action. So a bipartisan Congress took matters into their own hands, voting to Censure Holder. Holder is the only Atty General in U.S. history now to ever be Censured.

Go try to oush your history re-write on stupid people who don't know the facts / truth.... like on other willingly gullible / ignorant libs.

Is she in handcuffs yet?

How long will you wait?

And how many threads will you start in the meantime?
As many threads as it takes to keep pushing the lie.
Joe, you're a LIAR.

Bush never approved Fast and Furious because he saw there was no way to control the guns once in Mexico. OBAMA was the one who approved it....and got over 500 people killed, including 2 American citizens.
Stop trying to blame others for Obama's F* Ups.

Holder was most definitely caught committing 3 Felony counts of Perjury. The DOJ refused to file charges against their boss, and Obama refused to take action. So a bipartisan Congress took matters into their own hands, voting to Censure Holder. Holder is the only Atty General in U.S. history now to ever be Censured.

Go try to oush your history re-write on stupid people who don't know the facts / truth.... like on other willingly gullible / ignorant libs.

Is she in handcuffs yet?

How long will you wait?

And how many threads will you start in the meantime?
As many threads as it takes to keep pushing the lie.
What lie? She violted the law. She's going to be indicted or else the FBI etc will resign en masse.
Every time more is revealed a new thread begins....and the same liberals run blindly and ignorantly to Hillary's defense, ignoring the facts and parroting the same lies.

The demonstration of the effects of partisan brainwashing is amazing. If all of this involved Bush or a Republican the liberals would be calling for their heads, but as it involves Hillary / a Liberal they use a completely different set of ethics, ignore laws, ignore crimes, and make excuses and justifications they would never accept from Conservatives about a Republican.

To hear Liberals speak, for example, Trump is the criminal Satan incarnate...even though he has never left 4 Americans dead due to incompetence, lied about it, and / or endangered our national security - even by accident - as Hillary has. The man is just as much an egotistical narcissist who doesn't care what others think and says/does what he wants as Obama yet liberals attack him for being that way while giving Obama a pass.

Rather than judge everyone equally the politicians have people, especially liberals in this case regarding Hillary, arguing over whose politicians are LESS CROOKED, to the point where they are willing to suspend reality and fact to claim their candidate is faultless of anything and least in their partisan minds.

In the last election liberals drummed up false accusations against Herman Cain about potential sexual harassment and adultery. The same defensive arguments they used to defend Bill Clinton were not afforded to Cain...because he was a Republican. No liberal said he was innocent until proven guilty - they demanded he pull out of the race. As soon as he did all of his accusers disappeared, and we heard no more about Cain.

In this election we gave a candidate under FBI investigation for crimes under the Espionage Act and for corruption...and instead of demanding they step down liberals are defending their candidates like they would defend no republican in the same situation. Putting 1 person or 1 party so unequally ahead of another ... OR the country ... is part of the cancer that has infected this country.
You can't answer for them - that's funny.

The failure to sign the document - a crime because you can't explain it away.

The crime of having a server NOT set up according to the law, & the best you can say is she was authorized to have a server. Yes, authorized to have a LEGAL server that met all of the LEGAL requirements, which hers did NOT! Again you can't make THAT go away.

The fact that she gave her server ILLEGALLY to a company that was not LEGALLY authorized / capable to store / maintain it is a CRIME, one that can not be explained / justified by the parroted claim that she was allowed to have a LEGAL server...

And you can't make 'em - her crimes - go away by repeating the same crap that does NOT make what she did legal!

That is funny....pathetic as well, but REALLY funny!

again, guy, please point out a case where we ever sent anyone to prison for these minor violations of IT Protocol.

RW, Hillary did not sign a legally required govt document. That's a crime. GUILTY!

Hillary lied under oath about the number of devices she used. That is Perjury. GUILTY!

Hillary's server was not configured as required by the law, was entrusted to a company whose employees did not have the security clearances or authorization required. Those are crimes. GUILTY.

Hillary failed to turn over everything required according to the law to the State Department. That is a crime. GUILTY.

Crimes that have nothing to do with specific e-mails have been identified.

...more than enough to call for a Grand Jury so THEY can decide if she should be indicted. If she truly is innocent, why not let a Grand Jury decide if an indictment is warranted? Why are liberals so frightened to allow the justice system to decide instead of partisans / politicians?
Total crap

Hillary was authorized to use her personal server. Your "crimes" are nothing but molehills

"Authorized" by whom? The only person senior to Hillary was Barak Obama. Hillary has been saying the rules allowed it, not that someone "authorized" it.
Doesn't matter how big you are you don't get to make your own security rules......even Obama
To hear Liberals speak, for example, Trump is the criminal Satan incarnate...even though he has never left 4 Americans dead due to incompetence, lied about it, and / or endangered our national security - even by accident - as Hillary has. The man is just as much an egotistical narcissist who doesn't care what others think and says/does what he wants as Obama yet liberals attack him for being that way while giving Obama a pass.

Guy, you've had EIGHT congressional hearing on BENGHAZI!!!!!!! trying to prove your supposed point. And all eight times, you've failed to prove any of your crazy accusations.

As for Trump, the biggest people complaining about him are Faux News and the National Re-Jew. Maybe you need to ask yourself why that is.

Rather than judge everyone equally the politicians have people, especially liberals in this case regarding Hillary, arguing over whose politicians are LESS CROOKED, to the point where they are willing to suspend reality and fact to claim their candidate is faultless of anything and least in their partisan minds.

I think it's more a case of the Boy Who Cried Wolf. You guys have been making accusations about Hillary Clinton since 1992. You've spent hundreds of millions of dollars investigating her. Whitewater, Vince Foster, Travel Office, FBI Files, BENGHAZI!!!!!! and now this bullshit. There's a certain point where sensible people listen to the same clowns on the right making vicious accusations and hysterical claims, and we just don't believe there's a wolf there anymore.

In the last election liberals drummed up false accusations against Herman Cain about potential sexual harassment and adultery. The same defensive arguments they used to defend Bill Clinton were not afforded to Cain...because he was a Republican. No liberal said he was innocent until proven guilty - they demanded he pull out of the race. As soon as he did all of his accusers disappeared, and we heard no more about Cain.

actually, I don't think any Liberals other than Gloria "Pay attention to me" Allred said much of anything about Cain. Cain, who was never a serious candidate, just someone trying to raise his profile on the Hate Radio Circuit, only got increased scrutiny because as your side was flopping all over trying to find a "Not Romney" to support, he finally got his turn.

There were plenty of Republicans who got bigger passes on their sexual misconduct than Bill Clinton got. David Vitter comes to mind. His sex life involved hiring prostitutes, which is a crime. But he got up there and praised Jesus with his mortified wife at his side, and most of us said, "Whatever, dude!"

In this election we gave a candidate under FBI investigation for crimes under the Espionage Act and for corruption...and instead of demanding they step down liberals are defending their candidates like they would defend no republican in the same situation. Putting 1 person or 1 party so unequally ahead of another ... OR the country ... is part of the cancer that has infected this country.

Quite the contrary. We all found out that Colin Powell had done pretty much the same thing, and even though there was a MUCH MORE serious question, like how did we go to war over weapons that didn't exist and kill 100,000 people, no one really thought there was a big conspiracy that he had his own server or didn't retain all of his e-mails.

Now, I think there are a lot of GOOD reasons to not vote for Mrs. Clinton. Her "College for all" plan is unworkable, unneeded and unaffordable. She drinks from the same "Free Trade Koolaid" the rest of the Washington Establishment does.

But "She didn't use the right e-mail server and information in emails she got were classified after she got them by arbitrary rules" aren't amongst them.
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"The laws, regulations, and State Department policy in place during her tenure permitted her to use a non-government email for work.

The 2009 National Archives regulation in place during her tenure required that "[a]gencies that allow employees to send and receive official electronic mail messages using a system not operated by the agency must ensure that Federal records sent or received on such systems are preserved in the appropriate agency recordkeeping system." The regulation recognizes the use of non-government email accounts.

As she has stated, Clinton's practice was to email government officials on their ".gov" accounts, so her work emails were immediately captured and preserved. In fact, more than 90% of those emails should have already been captured in the State Department’s email system before she provided them with paper copies.

A Politifact analysis also confirmed that Clinton's practices complied with laws and regulations, including support from the former director of a prominent government accountability organization:

"In Clinton's defense, we should note that it was only after Clinton left the State Department, that the National Archives issued a recommendation that government employees should avoid conducting official business on personal emails (though they noted there might be extenuating circumstances such as an emergency that require it).

Additionally, in 2014, President Barack Obama signed changes to the Federal Records Act that explicitly said federal officials can only use personal email addresses if they also copy or send the emails to their official account. Because these rules weren't in effect when Clinton was in office, 'she was in compliance with the laws and regulations at the time,' said Gary Bass, founder and former director of OMB Watch, a government accountability organization."

Updated: The Facts About Hillary Clinton’s Emails

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