DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

Oreo, the FBI is conducting the investigation. The State Dept can't clear her of shit. As already posted, it was the State Dept that declared she never turned over everything she was required to by law, which means you're full of crap. The same ignorant liberals keep ignoring the same facts and keep repeating the same false statements. Still doesn't make 'em true, no matter how many times you do it. :p

And Hillary, knowing these e-mails will not be released under ANY circumstances, according to the WH, can demand the release of them - FOR SHOW - all day long but it's just an act, one only idiot liberals and Hillary apologists would buy.

Then the FBI should call her bluff and release them.

Exactly what could be on these e-mails that are so damning? If the argument is that there were secrets that have not already been made public by Manning and Snowden, and the Chinese and Russians and Iranians have already hacked Hillary's servers (this is your point, right, that Hillary's servers were hacked), exactly who are they keeping secrets from?

My guess is that this is a bureaucratic pissing contest, and the intelligence community and FBI need to watch where they are pissing, because that could be their boss next year.
RW, Hillary did not sign a legally required govt document. That's a crime. GUILTY!

Hillary lied under oath about the number of devices she used. That is Perjury. GUILTY!

Hillary's server was not configured as required by the law, was entrusted to a company whose employees did not have the security clearances or authorization required. Those are crimes. GUILTY.

Hillary failed to turn over everything required according to the law to the State Department. That is a crime. GUILTY.

Crimes that have nothing to do with specific e-mails have been identified.

...more than enough to call for a Grand Jury so THEY can decide if she should be indicted. If she truly is innocent, why not let a Grand Jury decide if an indictment is warranted? Why are liberals so frightened to allow the justice system to decide instead of partisans / politicians?
Total crap

Hillary was authorized to use her personal server. Your "crimes" are nothing but molehills
Really, by whom?

By the same folks who have been laughing at Republican based Hillary Clinton witch hunts for 25 years

How's that Vince Foster thing working out?
no one gets the clearance without the training. Unless you are saying she is exempt from that too. Do any laws apply to the Clintons?




Despite What Her Campaign Wants You to Believe, Hillary Clinton Did Send Top Secret Emails on Her Homebrew Server

In 2010.

Before they were Classified in 2015.
The article came out yesterday.

"These emails were classified as “special access programs,” according to Politico, which means they were compartmentalized within the top secret designation; even top secret clearance wouldn’t necessarily be enough to get someone access to these communications."

You can't make it go away.

I can, however, point out that 2016 also comes after 2010.

From the article: The furor over Hillary Clinton's use of a private email account grew more serious for the Democratic presidential front-runner Friday as the State Department designated 22 of the messages from her account "top secret."

It was the first time State has formally deemed any of Clinton's emails classified at that level, reserved for information that can cause "exceptionally grave" damage to national security if disclosed.

Emphasis mine.
My emphasis is that it was classified. She sent many on as well, put them on a private server then deleted them to hide her incompetence. We were told she only deleted personal information but she underestimated the techie's ability to recover files.

Sorry, your spin is laughable.
My emphasis is that it was classified. She sent many on as well, put them on a private server then deleted them to hide her incompetence. We were told she only deleted personal information but she underestimated the techie's ability to recover files.

Sorry, your spin is laughable.

So try to make the argument to non-splenetic Clinton Haters...

We should really be worried that she had classified after the fact material on her server because...

Waiting to hear a reason most of us should give a fuck about.
RW, Hillary did not sign a legally required govt document. That's a crime. GUILTY!

Hillary lied under oath about the number of devices she used. That is Perjury. GUILTY!

Hillary's server was not configured as required by the law, was entrusted to a company whose employees did not have the security clearances or authorization required. Those are crimes. GUILTY.

Hillary failed to turn over everything required according to the law to the State Department. That is a crime. GUILTY.

Crimes that have nothing to do with specific e-mails have been identified.

...more than enough to call for a Grand Jury so THEY can decide if she should be indicted. If she truly is innocent, why not let a Grand Jury decide if an indictment is warranted? Why are liberals so frightened to allow the justice system to decide instead of partisans / politicians?
Total crap

Hillary was authorized to use her personal server. Your "crimes" are nothing but molehills
Really, by whom?

By the same folks who have been laughing at Republican based Hillary Clinton witch hunts for 25 years

How's that Vince Foster thing working out?
Like the 4 Americans in Benghazi, thanks to Hillary, Foster's still dead....thanks for asking.
My emphasis is that it was classified. She sent many on as well, put them on a private server then deleted them to hide her incompetence. We were told she only deleted personal information but she underestimated the techie's ability to recover files.

Sorry, your spin is laughable.

So try to make the argument to non-splenetic Clinton Haters...

We should really be worried that she had classified after the fact material on her server because...

Waiting to hear a reason most of us should give a fuck about.
1. Because it is illegal

2. The information she had on her server is 'so highly classified it can not be released under any circumstances because it would cause serious damage to our national security (according to the WH)...not that liberals give a f* about this country or our national security.
'Then the FBI should call her bluff and release them' -- Joe

Joe, what part of 'so classified that they can't be released under any circumstance due to the serious damage it would do to this country' do you not understand?

It's probably ignorant thinking like that which led Hillary to break so many laws to begin with...
Oreo, the FBI is conducting the investigation. The State Dept can't clear her of shit. As already posted, it was the State Dept that declared she never turned over everything she was required to by law, which means you're full of crap. The same ignorant liberals keep ignoring the same facts and keep repeating the same false statements. Still doesn't make 'em true, no matter how many times you do it. :p

And Hillary, knowing these e-mails will not be released under ANY circumstances, according to the WH, can demand the release of them - FOR SHOW - all day long but it's just an act, one only idiot liberals and Hillary apologists would buy.

Then the FBI should call her bluff and release them.

Exactly what could be on these e-mails that are so damning? If the argument is that there were secrets that have not already been made public by Manning and Snowden, and the Chinese and Russians and Iranians have already hacked Hillary's servers (this is your point, right, that Hillary's servers were hacked), exactly who are they keeping secrets from?

My guess is that this is a bureaucratic pissing contest, and the intelligence community and FBI need to watch where they are pissing, because that could be their boss next year.

Watergate started out sounding like a political witch hunt. Too bad Nixon didn't do what he did in today's atmosphere, he would have skated for sure.
1. Because it is illegal

2. The information she had on her server is 'so highly classified it can not be released under any circumstances because it would cause serious damage to our national security (according to the WH)...not that liberals give a f* about this country or our national security.

again, when the government classifies things because it makes them look bad, I tend to not take claims of "national security" terribly seriously.

So either these things were safe, and can't be released, or they were unsecured, so you might as well release them so we can judge for ourselves how serious this was.

You guys are trying to have it both ways. We can't let you see what Hillary had on her server, because it is just so darned serious, but take our word for it, it was really bad!!!

Because if the things that are being classified include things like drone strikes (which everyone knows we are doing) and comments by foreign leaders, this isn't the big deal you guys are making it out to be.

Also, I think you are vastly underestimating the Clintons. This isn't their first rodeo with the vast right wing conspiracy. My guess is that if Hillary is asking for these to be released, they already have a loyalist ready to release them and embarrass the FBI for making a mountain out of a molehill.

Kind of like when you guys insisted in going through with impeachment, and Clinton outed all the Republicans who were stepping out on their wives.
My emphasis is that it was classified. She sent many on as well, put them on a private server then deleted them to hide her incompetence. We were told she only deleted personal information but she underestimated the techie's ability to recover files.

Sorry, your spin is laughable.

So try to make the argument to non-splenetic Clinton Haters...

We should really be worried that she had classified after the fact material on her server because...

Waiting to hear a reason most of us should give a fuck about.
1. Because it is illegal

2. The information she had on her server is 'so highly classified it can not be released under any circumstances because it would cause serious damage to our national security (according to the WH)...not that liberals give a f* about this country or our national security.

Come on, you know you agree with Mrs. Bosnia Clinton. The FBI is now part of the vast right wing conspiracy. We all know it and the reason we know is simple. A democrat in the FBI would have immediately swept this under the carpet. I mean, how else can the left wing defend Mrs. Bosnia Clinton.
Your messiah has turned you into a morally bankrupt loser....if you had any morals to start with.

Here's the thing. The "Christian" Right is nothing of the sort.

In 2008, they opposed Romney because he was a Mormon. In 2012, Romney could have been a follower of Dread C'Thulhu and they'd have supported him.

Now they are supporting Trump, despite having three wives, despite his misogyny, despite everything, because all they really want to do is win. They want validation. they don't care what they have to swallow to get it.
Anyone but Hillary.
My emphasis is that it was classified. She sent many on as well, put them on a private server then deleted them to hide her incompetence. We were told she only deleted personal information but she underestimated the techie's ability to recover files.

Sorry, your spin is laughable.

So try to make the argument to non-splenetic Clinton Haters...

We should really be worried that she had classified after the fact material on her server because...

Waiting to hear a reason most of us should give a fuck about.

The Chinese and Russians have been hacking servers? Could that be the reason?
'Then the FBI should call her bluff and release them' -- Joe

Joe, what part of 'so classified that they can't be released under any circumstance due to the serious damage it would do to this country' do you not understand?

It's probably ignorant thinking like that which led Hillary to break so many laws to begin with...

What I remember is that we've thrown poor Bradley/Chelsea Manning in prison because he released stuff that wasn't really secret from the enemy, but just made US look bad. So I am not going to take these claims seriously.

Again, my guess. Hillary already knows these things aren't a big deal. She's just waiting for you fools to walk into the trap.

Just think of it as this metaphor. Hillary is the Road Runner, Republicans are Wile E. Coyote.
Oreo, the FBI is conducting the investigation. The State Dept can't clear her of shit. As already posted, it was the State Dept that declared she never turned over everything she was required to by law, which means you're full of crap. The same ignorant liberals keep ignoring the same facts and keep repeating the same false statements. Still doesn't make 'em true, no matter how many times you do it. :p

And Hillary, knowing these e-mails will not be released under ANY circumstances, according to the WH, can demand the release of them - FOR SHOW - all day long but it's just an act, one only idiot liberals and Hillary apologists would buy.

Then the FBI should call her bluff and release them.

Exactly what could be on these e-mails that are so damning? If the argument is that there were secrets that have not already been made public by Manning and Snowden, and the Chinese and Russians and Iranians have already hacked Hillary's servers (this is your point, right, that Hillary's servers were hacked), exactly who are they keeping secrets from?

My guess is that this is a bureaucratic pissing contest, and the intelligence community and FBI need to watch where they are pissing, because that could be their boss next year.

They can't "call her bluff" they are still classified. Are you a consultant to Mrs. Bosnia Clinton?
Thanks for making my point, Joe.

The only point you have is at the top of your head, Zippy.

Here's the thing. If Hillary did EVERYTHING you said she did, so fucking what?

Nobody died because she didn't have the right e-mail server. Unlike Bush's lies about WMD's.
Old talking points huh. You know Hillary was saying the same thing and voted for that was? Bit you will defend Hillary till the end. Hypocrite.
Watergate started out sounding like a political witch hunt. Too bad Nixon didn't do what he did in today's atmosphere, he would have skated for sure.

I grew up during Watergate. You know what most people said at the time? Nixon didn't do anything any of his predecessors didn't do.

Nixon was forced to resign because he had few friends in his own party. Between his participation in McCarthyism and some of the other shit he pulled in his years in office, he was just unlucky enough to be caught in the perfect storm of scandal, bad economy, and a country pissed that we had just lost our first war in memory. Watergate by itself wasn't fatal to Nixon, it was Watergate on top of everything else.

Nixon could have ended Watergate in Five Minutes. He didn't order the break in. He should have fired the people who did and apologized for it. Instead, he tried to protect his guys.

The thing is, the reason why you've never had another Nixon is that everyone learned from Nixon's mistakes. You've had enough scandals that were just as bad as Watergate, but in every case, they were handled. Not just Zippergate, but Iran Contra, the Plame Affair, etc. Find a fall guy to fall on his sword.

So while Huma might end up being the Fall Guy (or gal) in this, you guys aren't going to ever touch Hillary. Deal with it.
The left wing wants us to believe it's perfectly reasonable for the secretary of state to not know classified intel when she saw it and sent it on her unsecure system. And apparently didn't think Anything was classified.

That's about as stupid as it gets.
Scooter Libby was jailed for perjury for mis-remembering dates, nothing that had to do with Bush. He was thrown in jail by the POS Holder who was caught perpetrating 3 Felony Counts of Perjury in an attempt to cover up Obama's Fast & Furious scandal.

I think you are confusing your scandals, dude. Scooter was investigated for leaking the name of a CIA operative, and prosecuted because he claimed to have conversations with reporters and then denied having them. Which looked kind of bad when the reporters all took the stand and contradicted him.

He never spent a DAY in jail because Bush commuted his sentence. (Probably because one night in prison with Bubba the Serial Killer would have loosened his tongue really quick.)

He was prosecuted by Patrick Fitzgerald, a Republican appointed by Bush.

In your liberal 'real' world the 'conservative' went to jail for perjury for less than Hillary was caught lying about and far less than Holder's crimes of perjury.

Well, no, he lied about a lot more. He lied about whether or not he outed a spy to the press. That's a little more serious than not knowing how many devices you worked with.

Holder was protected by a politically corrupt and crimjnal DOJ and President, the same 2 that will protect Hillary.

Except HOlder really didn't lie about anything related to Fast And Furious (Or as it was called when Bush ran it, Wide Receiver).
Bush ended wide receiver. Obama started fast and furious.
Old talking points huh. You know Hillary was saying the same thing and voted for that was? Bit you will defend Hillary till the end. Hypocrite.

Hillary didn't send men into war.

Bush did, after he intimidated and frightened the whole country talking about Mushroom clouds.

"The Buck Stops Here", as someone famously had on his desk.

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