DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

Oreo, the FBI is conducting the investigation. The State Dept can't clear her of shit. As already posted, it was the State Dept that declared she never turned over everything she was required to by law, which means you're full of crap. The same ignorant liberals keep ignoring the same facts and keep repeating the same false statements. Still doesn't make 'em true, no matter how many times you do it. :p

And Hillary, knowing these e-mails will not be released under ANY circumstances, according to the WH, can demand the release of them - FOR SHOW - all day long but it's just an act, one only idiot liberals and Hillary apologists would buy.

Then the FBI should call her bluff and release them.

Exactly what could be on these e-mails that are so damning? If the argument is that there were secrets that have not already been made public by Manning and Snowden, and the Chinese and Russians and Iranians have already hacked Hillary's servers (this is your point, right, that Hillary's servers were hacked), exactly who are they keeping secrets from?

My guess is that this is a bureaucratic pissing contest, and the intelligence community and FBI need to watch where they are pissing, because that could be their boss next year.

They can't "call her bluff" they are still classified. Are you a consultant to Mrs. Bosnia Clinton?
Hillary could of ran over a pedestrian, then later get caught, claimed that she thought it was a dog, and then then would of been found not guilty.
The left wing wants us to believe it's perfectly reasonable for the secretary of state to not know classified intel when she saw it and sent it on her unsecure system. And apparently didn't think Anything was classified.

That's about as stupid as it gets.

Since the Government arbitrarily "classifies" newspaper articles, it's kind of hard to expect someone to know something was going to be classified months after it was reported in the press, now is it?
They can't "call her bluff" they are still classified. Are you a consultant to Mrs. Bosnia Clinton?

I promise you, there is someone out there ready to leak these e-mails at the most opportune time.

The fact Hillary is saying "Meh, go ahead and release them", tells me she knows that what is on them isn't any big deal.
22 of them cannot be released because it would threaten our national security. You think that isn't a big deal?
Watergate started out sounding like a political witch hunt. Too bad Nixon didn't do what he did in today's atmosphere, he would have skated for sure.

I grew up during Watergate. You know what most people said at the time? Nixon didn't do anything any of his predecessors didn't do.

Nixon was forced to resign because he had few friends in his own party. Between his participation in McCarthyism and some of the other shit he pulled in his years in office, he was just unlucky enough to be caught in the perfect storm of scandal, bad economy, and a country pissed that we had just lost our first war in memory. Watergate by itself wasn't fatal to Nixon, it was Watergate on top of everything else.

Nixon could have ended Watergate in Five Minutes. He didn't order the break in. He should have fired the people who did and apologized for it. Instead, he tried to protect his guys.

The thing is, the reason why you've never had another Nixon is that everyone learned from Nixon's mistakes. You've had enough scandals that were just as bad as Watergate, but in every case, they were handled. Not just Zippergate, but Iran Contra, the Plame Affair, etc. Find a fall guy to fall on his sword.

So while Huma might end up being the Fall Guy (or gal) in this, you guys aren't going to ever touch Hillary. Deal with it.

I grew up during Watergate. You know what most people said at the time? Nixon didn't do anything any of his predecessors didn't do."

Which, not surprisingly is one of the left's more used excuses for Mrs. Bosnia Clinton. But what you say has truth to it and a reason I call WJC the worse president in my life time.

He set the bar for downright lying. He wagged his finger in YOUR face and lied through is teeth, and got away with it. At least Nixon paid for what he did.

Don't you find it interesting that it is always the Clintons. Always them that seem to be on the edge of the law. It isn't coincidence it is who they are.

And I too lived through Nixon, he would have skated today, because of WJC
The Chinese and Russians have been hacking servers? Could that be the reason?

You know, you m ight have a point. When I want to see a New York Times Article on Line, the fucking NYT wants me to register and send them money. Fucking Cheap Russian bastards probably thought it would be easier to get public domain stuff off US Government servers, before or after someone marked them "classified".

If the Russians and Chinese have already seen w hat is on Clinton's server, how about they release these 22 memos, like Mrs. Clinton has asked them to, and we can all judge for ourselves if this was really a big deal or not.
Oreo, the FBI is conducting the investigation. The State Dept can't clear her of shit. As already posted, it was the State Dept that declared she never turned over everything she was required to by law, which means you're full of crap. The same ignorant liberals keep ignoring the same facts and keep repeating the same false statements. Still doesn't make 'em true, no matter how many times you do it. :p

And Hillary, knowing these e-mails will not be released under ANY circumstances, according to the WH, can demand the release of them - FOR SHOW - all day long but it's just an act, one only idiot liberals and Hillary apologists would buy.

Then the FBI should call her bluff and release them.

Exactly what could be on these e-mails that are so damning? If the argument is that there were secrets that have not already been made public by Manning and Snowden, and the Chinese and Russians and Iranians have already hacked Hillary's servers (this is your point, right, that Hillary's servers were hacked), exactly who are they keeping secrets from?

My guess is that this is a bureaucratic pissing contest, and the intelligence community and FBI need to watch where they are pissing, because that could be their boss next year.

They can't "call her bluff" they are still classified. Are you a consultant to Mrs. Bosnia Clinton?
Hillary could of ran over a pedestrian, then later get caught, claimed that she thought it was a dog, and then then would of been found not guilty.
and during the trial,,Hillary would of claimed..."At The Time, I didn't recall, seeing that 6 foot tall, 250 pound man, crossing the street,then bouncing off my windshield and then running over him, I swear I thought it was a big dog than ran in front of my car.
Old talking points huh. You know Hillary was saying the same thing and voted for that was? Bit you will defend Hillary till the end. Hypocrite.

Hillary didn't send men into war.

Bush did, after he intimidated and frightened the whole country talking about Mushroom clouds.

"The Buck Stops Here", as someone famously had on his desk.
She voted and supported that war. Bill was even beating the drum on the same thing he knew when he was president.
The Chinese and Russians have been hacking servers? Could that be the reason?

You know, you m ight have a point. When I want to see a New York Times Article on Line, the fucking NYT wants me to register and send them money. Fucking Cheap Russian bastards probably thought it would be easier to get public domain stuff off US Government servers, before or after someone marked them "classified".

If the Russians and Chinese have already seen w hat is on Clinton's server, how about they release these 22 memos, like Mrs. Clinton has asked them to, and we can all judge for ourselves if this was really a big deal or not.

Not sure why you folks even respond as if you think this might go somewhere. I assure you it won't, but that doesn't make Mrs. Bosnia Clinton any more innocent.

Mrs. Bosnia Clinton is one of the one percent and a Washington insider. I am sure what the FBI is actually doing is washing the emails and will soon make the statement, no big deal, nothing to see here, just keep moving.
Oreo, the FBI is conducting the investigation. The State Dept can't clear her of shit. As already posted, it was the State Dept that declared she never turned over everything she was required to by law, which means you're full of crap. The same ignorant liberals keep ignoring the same facts and keep repeating the same false statements. Still doesn't make 'em true, no matter how many times you do it. :p

And Hillary, knowing these e-mails will not be released under ANY circumstances, according to the WH, can demand the release of them - FOR SHOW - all day long but it's just an act, one only idiot liberals and Hillary apologists would buy.

Then the FBI should call her bluff and release them.

Exactly what could be on these e-mails that are so damning? If the argument is that there were secrets that have not already been made public by Manning and Snowden, and the Chinese and Russians and Iranians have already hacked Hillary's servers (this is your point, right, that Hillary's servers were hacked), exactly who are they keeping secrets from?

My guess is that this is a bureaucratic pissing contest, and the intelligence community and FBI need to watch where they are pissing, because that could be their boss next year.

They can't "call her bluff" they are still classified. Are you a consultant to Mrs. Bosnia Clinton?
Hillary could of ran over a pedestrian, then later get caught, claimed that she thought it was a dog, and then then would of been found not guilty.
and during the trial,,Hillary would of claimed..."At The Time, I didn't recall, seeing that 6 foot tall, 250 pound man, crossing the street,then bouncing off my windshield and then running over him, I swear I thought it was a big dog than ran in front of my car.

Meanwhile her operatives would be rifling through the man's office removing incriminating evidence. Happened before could again.
Oreo, the FBI is conducting the investigation. The State Dept can't clear her of shit. As already posted, it was the State Dept that declared she never turned over everything she was required to by law, which means you're full of crap. The same ignorant liberals keep ignoring the same facts and keep repeating the same false statements. Still doesn't make 'em true, no matter how many times you do it. :p

And Hillary, knowing these e-mails will not be released under ANY circumstances, according to the WH, can demand the release of them - FOR SHOW - all day long but it's just an act, one only idiot liberals and Hillary apologists would buy.

Then the FBI should call her bluff and release them.

Exactly what could be on these e-mails that are so damning? If the argument is that there were secrets that have not already been made public by Manning and Snowden, and the Chinese and Russians and Iranians have already hacked Hillary's servers (this is your point, right, that Hillary's servers were hacked), exactly who are they keeping secrets from?

My guess is that this is a bureaucratic pissing contest, and the intelligence community and FBI need to watch where they are pissing, because that could be their boss next year.

They can't "call her bluff" they are still classified. Are you a consultant to Mrs. Bosnia Clinton?
Hillary could of ran over a pedestrian, then later get caught, claimed that she thought it was a dog, and then then would of been found not guilty.
and during the trial,,Hillary would of claimed..."At The Time, I didn't recall, seeing that 6 foot tall, 250 pound man, crossing the street,then bouncing off my windshield and then running over him, I swear I thought it was a big dog than ran in front of my car.

Meanwhile her operatives would be rifling through the man's office removing incriminating evidence. Happened before could again.
right, then the loony left would of been pushing charges for the man for the damages he caused to Hillarys car and Huma's head.
RW, Hillary did not sign a legally required govt document. That's a crime. GUILTY!

Hillary lied under oath about the number of devices she used. That is Perjury. GUILTY!

Hillary's server was not configured as required by the law, was entrusted to a company whose employees did not have the security clearances or authorization required. Those are crimes. GUILTY.

Hillary failed to turn over everything required according to the law to the State Department. That is a crime. GUILTY.

Crimes that have nothing to do with specific e-mails have been identified.

...more than enough to call for a Grand Jury so THEY can decide if she should be indicted. If she truly is innocent, why not let a Grand Jury decide if an indictment is warranted? Why are liberals so frightened to allow the justice system to decide instead of partisans / politicians?
Total crap

Hillary was authorized to use her personal server. Your "crimes" are nothing but molehills
Really, by whom?

By the same folks who have been laughing at Republican based Hillary Clinton witch hunts for 25 years

How's that Vince Foster thing working out?
Like the 4 Americans in Benghazi, thanks to Hillary, Foster's still dead....thanks for asking.
You siding with the terrorists again?
They can't "call her bluff" they are still classified. Are you a consultant to Mrs. Bosnia Clinton?

I promise you, there is someone out there ready to leak these e-mails at the most opportune time.

The fact Hillary is saying "Meh, go ahead and release them", tells me she knows that what is on them isn't any big deal.
22 of them cannot be released because it would threaten our national security. You think that isn't a big deal?

Five years later, with revised classification? No
They can't "call her bluff" they are still classified. Are you a consultant to Mrs. Bosnia Clinton?

I promise you, there is someone out there ready to leak these e-mails at the most opportune time.

The fact Hillary is saying "Meh, go ahead and release them", tells me she knows that what is on them isn't any big deal.
22 of them cannot be released because it would threaten our national security. You think that isn't a big deal?

Five years later, with revised classification? No
If it's true that those emails are that dangerous to national security and Putin got them off her private server. Which he could've easily done. If Hillary becomes president. She would become Putin's bitch, even more than Obama has been.
Which, not surprisingly is one of the left's more used excuses for Mrs. Bosnia Clinton. But what you say has truth to it and a reason I call WJC the worse president in my life time.

He set the bar for downright lying. He wagged his finger in YOUR face and lied through is teeth, and got away with it. At least Nixon paid for what he did.

Clinton lied about a blow job.

Nixon violated the rights of citizens, killed hundreds of thousands of people by expanding the Vietnam War into Cambodia, wiretapped his enemies, broke into people's psychiatrists offices in attempts to smear them.

Again - Clinton lied about a blow job.

If you don't have enough of a sense of perspective to see the major difference between those things, I'm not sure there is much hope for you.

Don't you find it interesting that it is always the Clintons. Always them that seem to be on the edge of the law. It isn't coincidence it is who they are.

And I too lived through Nixon, he would have skated today, because of WJC

Nixon probably should have skated. There was a place to get rid of him, and that was the ballot box. He won 49 states, even though people knew at the time Watergate was a thing.

But it isn't always the Clintons who get away with shit.

Ronnie Reagan sold missiles to the Ayatollah, then diverted the proceeds to the Contras who were flooding our country with cocaine during the 1990's, which is a LOT worse than anything Clinton or even Nixon did. Yet he gave some sincere story about how he was trying to save the lives of hostages in Lebanon and everyone gave him a pass.

George W. Bush lied about WMD's, authorized torture and wiretapping, outed a spy, but he gave some sincere story about how he was trying to keep us safe after 9/11 (without really talking about how he did so little to keep us safe BEFORE 9/11). So everyone gave him a pass.

Clinton gave us some sincere story about how he was trying to keep his family together and not humliate Ms. Lewinsky publicly. And people all looked and said, "Yup, that sounds reasonable."

You see, at the end of the day, most people gave Clinton a pass because 50-70% of us cheat on our marriages at least once. People who live in glass houses and all that.

And since most of us don't really do a very good job of managing our e-mail accounts, Hillary will get a pass, too.
The Bitch really planned this out. She thought she was above the law and wanted no record of her sleazy corrupt deals as Secretary of State.

I think we all would agree she needs to spend a few years in a Federal Women's Correctional Facility to reflect on what she did wrong.

‘This was all planned’: Former IG says Hillary, State Dept. are lying | New York Post

‘This was all planned’: Former IG says Hillary, State Dept. are lying

The State Department is lying when it says it didn’t know until it was too late that Hillary Clinton was improperly using personal e-mails and a private server to conduct official business — because it never set up an agency e-mail address for her in the first place, the department’s former top watchdog says.

“This was all planned in advance” to skirt rules governing federal records management, said Howard J. Krongard, who served as the agency’s inspector general from 2005 to 2008.

The Harvard-educated lawyer points out that, from Day One, Clinton was never assigned and never used a e-mail address like previous secretaries.

“That’s a change in the standard. It tells me that this was premeditated. And this eliminates claims by the State Department that they were unaware of her private e-mail server until later,” Krongard said in an exclusive interview. “How else was she supposed to do business without e-mail

He also points to the unusual absence of a permanent inspector general during Clinton’s entire 2009-2013 term at the department. He said the 5¹/₂-year vacancy was unprecedented.

“This is a major gap. In fact, it’s without precedent,” he said. “It’s the longest period any department has gone without an IG.”

Inspectors general serve an essential and unique role in the federal government by independently investigating agency waste, fraud and abuse. Their oversight also covers violations of communications security procedures.

“It’s clear she did not want to be subject to internal investigations,” Krongard said. An e-mail audit would have easily uncovered the secret information flowing from classified government networks to the private unprotected system she set up in her New York home.
If it's true that those emails are that dangerous to national security and Putin got them off her private server. Which he could've easily done. If Hillary becomes president. She would become Putin's bitch, even more than Obama has been.
Putin has them as do the CHinese and the mullahs/. She's compromised.
They can't "call her bluff" they are still classified. Are you a consultant to Mrs. Bosnia Clinton?

I promise you, there is someone out there ready to leak these e-mails at the most opportune time.

The fact Hillary is saying "Meh, go ahead and release them", tells me she knows that what is on them isn't any big deal.
22 of them cannot be released because it would threaten our national security. You think that isn't a big deal?

Five years later, with revised classification? No
The Obama administration agrees with me. 22 emails cannot be released because they would damage national security. Are you saying he is lying?

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