DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

Sanders' statement at the debate was a castigation of the media for going on and on and on and on as if the emails were the only thing happening on the entire planet (kind of like CNN every time a plane goes missing). It wasn't a judgment on the emails themselves because, unlike USMB's RWs, he was not about to make a decision about the content of emails he hadn't seen.
LOL, go tell the FBI, Toots. Tell them it's all a vast right wing conspiracy. And I didn't see your spin on how she did get classified intel.
what officially has the FBI said on this, anything?



As far as spin saying how she got top SECRET info since we KNOW what was sent to her was NOT classified top SECRET at the time she received it....My guess is her team gathered it from PUBLIC SOURCES, BUT I truly do not know this....we don't have facts on this yet.

But what we do know, is the govt officially stated, nothing she received was classified or classified top SECRET at the time....

That would confirm your article posted is pure crap and nothing less.
1. The FBI would be less than what they are supposed to be if they released information about an ongoing investigation.
2. It is irrelevant whether the information was marked classified or not. Hillary was Secretary of State, and thus was responsible to identify information as classified and act accordingly. To maintain that she is innocent because the marks weren't there is to admit that she failed miserably in that regard.

The fact that some of the emails will not be released AT ALL because their content is too dangerous bolsters my position. Hillary was either incompetent to handle classified information properly or was competent and chose not to do so. Neither option leads me to desire to give her even greater responsibility.
then why is the IG leaking this info to the right wing press with an official investigation going on?
I still do not see a way around the reality that Hillary KNEW, as Sec State, that she would be in contact with, receive and send, whatever, classified information, and deliberately CHOSE to keep that information in a non-secure fashion. Legal or illegal, it's not a good thing for someone to do if they want us to grant them much greater responsibility.

It is more like you want HRC to be guilty of something, anything.
Let's put it this way. Do you believe that what she did was a good, smart thing to do? Do you think that she truly was ignorant that some of the information she was storing on that server should have been classified top secret? See, if you're honest with yourself, you will understand my position. What she did was, at best, sloppy and incompetent.
This is definitely going to hurt regardless. A lot of people are not going to want to put their vote behind a person who might come up for indictment on federal charges! There has been chatter that this could be forthcoming.
I don't think the democrat machine will allow it to get that far, but if the FBI recommends indictment and the OA refuses, that will create a nasty mess in itself that should be enough to derail her, and democrats in general, hopes for election.
what officially has the FBI said on this, anything?



As far as spin saying how she got top SECRET info since we KNOW what was sent to her was NOT classified top SECRET at the time she received it....My guess is her team gathered it from PUBLIC SOURCES, BUT I truly do not know this....we don't have facts on this yet.

But what we do know, is the govt officially stated, nothing she received was classified or classified top SECRET at the time....

That would confirm your article posted is pure crap and nothing less.
1. The FBI would be less than what they are supposed to be if they released information about an ongoing investigation.
2. It is irrelevant whether the information was marked classified or not. Hillary was Secretary of State, and thus was responsible to identify information as classified and act accordingly. To maintain that she is innocent because the marks weren't there is to admit that she failed miserably in that regard.

The fact that some of the emails will not be released AT ALL because their content is too dangerous bolsters my position. Hillary was either incompetent to handle classified information properly or was competent and chose not to do so. Neither option leads me to desire to give her even greater responsibility.
then why is the IG leaking this info to the right wing press with an official investigation going on?
I still do not see a way around the reality that Hillary KNEW, as Sec State, that she would be in contact with, receive and send, whatever, classified information, and deliberately CHOSE to keep that information in a non-secure fashion. Legal or illegal, it's not a good thing for someone to do if they want us to grant them much greater responsibility.

It is more like you want HRC to be guilty of something, anything.
Let's put it this way. Do you believe that what she did was a good, smart thing to do? Do you think that she truly was ignorant that some of the information she was storing on that server should have been classified top secret? See, if you're honest with yourself, you will understand my position. What she did was, at best, sloppy and incompetent.
What did she do differently than any other Secretary of State before her?
So . . . what is the excuse for Hillary this time? That she is ignorant of the rules? That she is above the rules?
That's what I've been getting at. If the defense is really that "it wasn't marked classified at the time", then you're tacitly admitting that she was incompetent, because she had authority to mark information as classified.
1. The FBI would be less than what they are supposed to be if they released information about an ongoing investigation.
2. It is irrelevant whether the information was marked classified or not. Hillary was Secretary of State, and thus was responsible to identify information as classified and act accordingly. To maintain that she is innocent because the marks weren't there is to admit that she failed miserably in that regard.

The fact that some of the emails will not be released AT ALL because their content is too dangerous bolsters my position. Hillary was either incompetent to handle classified information properly or was competent and chose not to do so. Neither option leads me to desire to give her even greater responsibility.
then why is the IG leaking this info to the right wing press with an official investigation going on?
I still do not see a way around the reality that Hillary KNEW, as Sec State, that she would be in contact with, receive and send, whatever, classified information, and deliberately CHOSE to keep that information in a non-secure fashion. Legal or illegal, it's not a good thing for someone to do if they want us to grant them much greater responsibility.

It is more like you want HRC to be guilty of something, anything.
Let's put it this way. Do you believe that what she did was a good, smart thing to do? Do you think that she truly was ignorant that some of the information she was storing on that server should have been classified top secret? See, if you're honest with yourself, you will understand my position. What she did was, at best, sloppy and incompetent.
What did she do differently than any other Secretary of State before her?
Do you really NOT know? I'm not aware, for instance, of any prior Sec State that refused to use government secured channels for official communication, and allowed highly sensitive information to be exposed like that.
This is definitely going to hurt regardless. A lot of people are not going to want to put their vote behind a person who might come up for indictment on federal charges! There has been chatter that this could be forthcoming.
I don't think the democrat machine will allow it to get that far, but if the FBI recommends indictment and the OA refuses, that will create a nasty mess in itself that should be enough to derail her, and democrats in general, hopes for election.
And in the end, that's really all that matters to rightwingers. Fact of the matter is, if she weren't running for president, threads like this one wouldn't even exist.
This is definitely going to hurt regardless. A lot of people are not going to want to put their vote behind a person who might come up for indictment on federal charges! There has been chatter that this could be forthcoming.
I don't think the democrat machine will allow it to get that far, but if the FBI recommends indictment and the OA refuses, that will create a nasty mess in itself that should be enough to derail her, and democrats in general, hopes for election.
And in the end, that's really all that matters to rightwingers. Fact of the matter is, if she weren't running for president, threads like this one wouldn't even exist.
But she IS running for president, and just might end up with even more responsibility than that of Sec State. Would you want to elect Nixon after finding out about the enemies list and the secret tapes?
This is definitely going to hurt regardless. A lot of people are not going to want to put their vote behind a person who might come up for indictment on federal charges! There has been chatter that this could be forthcoming.
I don't think the democrat machine will allow it to get that far, but if the FBI recommends indictment and the OA refuses, that will create a nasty mess in itself that should be enough to derail her, and democrats in general, hopes for election.
And in the end, that's really all that matters to rightwingers. Fact of the matter is, if she weren't running for president, threads like this one wouldn't even exist.
But she IS running for president, and just might end up with even more responsibility than that of Sec State. Would you want to elect Nixon after finding out about the enemies list and the secret tapes?
I take rightwingnut whining with a grain of salt.
This is definitely going to hurt regardless. A lot of people are not going to want to put their vote behind a person who might come up for indictment on federal charges! There has been chatter that this could be forthcoming.
I don't think the democrat machine will allow it to get that far, but if the FBI recommends indictment and the OA refuses, that will create a nasty mess in itself that should be enough to derail her, and democrats in general, hopes for election.
And in the end, that's really all that matters to rightwingers. Fact of the matter is, if she weren't running for president, threads like this one wouldn't even exist.
But she IS running for president, and just might end up with even more responsibility than that of Sec State. Would you want to elect Nixon after finding out about the enemies list and the secret tapes?
I take rightwingnut whining with a grain of salt.
That answers my question, said no one.
the only place Hillary is going is to the White House so start your weeping and your Class A bashing cause you've been coming up weak so far
This is definitely going to hurt regardless. A lot of people are not going to want to put their vote behind a person who might come up for indictment on federal charges! There has been chatter that this could be forthcoming.
I don't think the democrat machine will allow it to get that far, but if the FBI recommends indictment and the OA refuses, that will create a nasty mess in itself that should be enough to derail her, and democrats in general, hopes for election.
And in the end, that's really all that matters to rightwingers. Fact of the matter is, if she weren't running for president, threads like this one wouldn't even exist.

Rightwingers? It should matter to EVERYBODY. This is the problem. This is why we keep getting CROOKED politicians. Because if they are in YOUR party, you are more than willing to hold your nose and vote for them anyways. Shame!
This is definitely going to hurt regardless. A lot of people are not going to want to put their vote behind a person who might come up for indictment on federal charges! There has been chatter that this could be forthcoming.
I don't think the democrat machine will allow it to get that far, but if the FBI recommends indictment and the OA refuses, that will create a nasty mess in itself that should be enough to derail her, and democrats in general, hopes for election.
And in the end, that's really all that matters to rightwingers. Fact of the matter is, if she weren't running for president, threads like this one wouldn't even exist.

Yeah. Pfft. All that really matters is she is a rule breaker . . . at the very least? Or ignorant?
You mean to tell me there are still living, breathing human beings who would consider voting for Pantsuit? Has this country been dumbed down that bad?

Apparently there are Americans dumb enough to vote for articles of clothing.
What are you defining as "the same thing?" Do you mean mishandling classified information? Or using a personal server for classified information? How specific do you mean?

I mean exactly what I said.

Can you cite a case where someone got information on a private device, that no one else saw, that was classified later by another agency, but she was STILL charged with a crime.

Trust me, you won't find it.
So . . . what is the excuse for Hillary this time? That she is ignorant of the rules? That she is above the rules?
That's what I've been getting at. If the defense is really that "it wasn't marked classified at the time", then you're tacitly admitting that she was incompetent, because she had authority to mark information as classified.

That assumes if she recognized it as something another bureaucrat would recognize as "classified".

The thing is, the main subject that seems to be coming up are Drone Strikes. Drone Strikes are considered classified. But everyone knows they are going on, and they are being widely reported in the press.
Need to at least scan thru some of the links. To get from Secured to Unsecured requires some work.

How Hillary Got Classified Information Onto Her Private Email

one way is to cut/paste from secured.......

More likely is that the minion opens the PDF of the classified document, which still retains all the classification markings. The minion then cuts and pastes some or all of the classified material, sans classification header, out of the PDF and into the body of an email, then sends it, unsecure, to Clinton’s unsecure server. This was an unsecure system where, it is important to note, she stored over a thousand documents containing classified material. And those are just the documents she didn’t delete.

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