Done with Democrats

Buy one while you can....

Just did! I just got a Radical RF 15..........first gun I bought since I was in high school in the 80s.
Again Joe, money does not equal effectiveness. IF we had the hospitals we could group them up and save money..........and treat more people with less cost.

Again, you have to understand why mental hospitals were closed to start with... because they were inhumane storage warehouses where people didn't get treatment.

It just turned out the well-meaning alternative never happened. It was expected that these people would get into outpatient programs, stay on their meds and be able to function. Except Republicans made sure the outpatient programs weren't funded and we have these folks on the streets talking to lampposts.
And he was immediately released without bail. Apparently, in NY, attempted murder of a Republican candidate is just not a big deal.
^^^ that's the problem right there. Toss in him prison for 20 years. Pretty soon all the scum will be locked up where they belong.
And he was immediately released without bail. Apparently, in NY, attempted murder of a Republican candidate is just not a big deal.

All he was guilty of is simple assault. That usually DOESN'T merit jail time.
All he was guilty of is simple assault. That usually DOESN'T merit jail time.
I know. Simple assault that could have easily been a murder. People need to learn this is NOT acceptable so ramp up the punishment until people get the message. Pass a law, if someone assaults you it's legal to blast a hole in their chest in self defense. There you go assault someone get tossed in jail for 20 years or shot dead. There would be a lot less assaults happening in short order.
I know. Simple assault that could have easily been a murder. People need to learn this is NOT acceptable so ramp up the punishment until people get the message. Pass a law, if someone assaults you it's legal to blast a hole in their chest in self defense. There you go assault someone get tossed in jail for 20 years or shot dead. There would be a lot less assaults happening in short order.

Or you'd have more because people will instigate fights with people they hate with the hope of shooting them.

"Why'd you shoot him"
"He took a swing at me"
"Why'd he take a swing at you".
"I have no idea, your honor. I'm sure his mother is a perfectly nice lady."
All he was guilty of is simple assault. That usually DOESN'T merit jail time.
As usual, your facts are wrong and you added some weird spin that makes no sense. This is why I generally don't bother with you. In this case, you knocked it out of the park in just your first eight-word sentence, so I felt compelled to comment.

He was charged with second degree assault, a class D violent felony in New York which carries a minimum of 2 years in jail. He was charged, not found guilty yet. Yes, it is a ridiculously light charge, but certainly merits bail.
Or you'd have more because people will instigate fights with people they hate with the hope of shooting them.

"Why'd you shoot him"
"He took a swing at me"
"Why'd he take a swing at you".
"I have no idea, your honor. I'm sure his mother is a perfectly nice lady."
Is it okay to take a swing at someone? No. So 20 years or get shot in the chest. We'll thin the herd of these scumbags quickly.
As usual, your facts are wrong and you added some weird spin that makes no sense. This is why I generally don't bother with you. In this case, you knocked it out of the park in just your first eight-word sentence, so I felt compelled to comment.

He was charged with second degree assault, a class D violent felony in New York which carries a minimum of 2 years in jail. He was charged, not found guilty yet. Yes, it is a ridiculously light charge, but certainly merits bail.

Which his lawyer will plead down to a lesser offense, and anger management courses...
Again, you have to understand why mental hospitals were closed to start with... because they were inhumane storage warehouses where people didn't get treatment.

It just turned out the well-meaning alternative never happened. It was expected that these people would get into outpatient programs, stay on their meds and be able to function. Except Republicans made sure the outpatient programs weren't funded and we have these folks on the streets talking to lampposts.
BINGO, I know why they were closes, One Flew Over the Cuckoos nest is propaganda for that agenda of closing them. I've argued that forever, even on this board and lefties try to blame it on good of you to be honest. BUT are they better off on the street as crackheads and stabbing people and shitting on the sidewalk? I don't think so, I do think most of those issues were overblown and now we know the homeless problem was a direct result of that policy and it's been a disaster, costing us tons of money, where these people get zero treatment.
BINGO, I know why they were closes, One Flew Over the Cuckoos nest is propaganda for that agenda of closing them. I've argued that forever, even on this board and lefties try to blame it on good of you to be honest. BUT are they better off on the street as crackheads and stabbing people and shitting on the sidewalk? I don't think so, I do think most of those issues were overblown and now we know the homeless problem was a direct result of that policy and it's been a disaster, costing us tons of money, where these people get zero treatment.

Again, you act like those are the only two choices on the menu...

Funny thing, the Europeans don't have massive amounts of homelessness or inhuman mental hospitals.
Um, you are the ones who let crazy people wander the streets untreated and let them buy weapons. And then you complain when some of that shit splashes back on you.

Liberal world- that guy wouldn't have been allowed to buy a weapon and would have gotten mental health treatment.

Liberal world - no one but the elites have guns and everyone who complains will get put in an insane asylum until they agree that 2+2=5.
Um, you are the ones who let crazy people wander the streets untreated and let them buy weapons. And then you complain when some of that shit splashes back on you.

Liberal world- that guy wouldn't have been allowed to buy a weapon and would have gotten mental health treatment.
You're delusional.
Again, you act like those are the only two choices on the menu...

Funny thing, the Europeans don't have massive amounts of homelessness or inhuman mental hospitals.
So do tell me the other choices? I love it when you guys compare the US to Europe, it's not close in any capacity, but sure, I'll look at those other alternatives (BUT if it requires tons more money, no deal)
You really out yourself as deeply insecure and pathetic by using words like “soy boy” or “real men”. Real men don’t need to label themselves as such for validation. They already know.
Oh please, you sound like a douchebag sophmore in college that took intro to philosophy and now he knows everything. You know what a soy boy is and a real man........hence they are diametrically opposed to each other.
Omg stop the presses! It’s a Trumptard whining about liberals.
OMG someone got attacked with a knife.........and you give zero's all about politics to you, you tranny commies are all the same.

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