Donlad trump just said he has a big

it was class roasting of trump but i worry he out to get him back for that.

No that's not his reasoning at all. He's doing the best he can to save our country from disaster. What ever he has to say it will be big and worth while.
Any thing less would hurt Romney and that's not going to happen.
you might be right that what he say could help romney big time and hurt obama.
Go away Donald. What a freakin attention whore.
he is but he might something big on wedesday to annouce.

If he has something "BIG" to announce why so close to the election? Because this is about an attention whore who wants to co-op the media and turn these last campaign days onto his egotistical self..

I bet his BIG news is anti-climatic and not a game changer.

There's gonna be hell toupee
haha, Go Donald!

BTW, I've had a new respect for The Donald ever since he did such a good job b*tch slapping Rosie O'Donnell. Best youtubes ever. :clap2:

Here's one that's particularly funny:

[ame=]Donald Trump on Rosie in Toronto !! - YouTube[/ame]

And, of course, I've enjoyed his slamming on the terrorist-in-chief. :D
Go away Donald. What a freakin attention whore.
he is but he might something big on wedesday to annouce.

decker, almost every one of your posts is hand wringing and pacing. Think about it ... Look at the people who would love to bring Obama down. Look at the money behind them ...

The entire GObP/Republican party including Norquist, Bush's Brain and Heritage, Cheney, the Bush dynasty
The teepotters
Donald Trump
The Koch brothers
fux tv, including Murdoch and Prince Al Waleed bin Talal (the Muslim Arab oil sheik who controls programming at fux)

That's just a partial list but its billions, if not trillions of dollars - all with a huge vested interest in bring down President Obama.

They've been working to find anything on him for more than four years and they've failed. Instead, all they've managed to do is get the gullible to watch and believe fux. (If you didn't see Jon Stewart last night, his bit about "Bullshit Mountain" was wonderful AND factual. And, we all know how the rw's hate FACTS!

Its true that the lies could make people vote for Mittens and against their own best interests and the best interests of the country. If that happens, there's nothing you can do about it except try to protect your own finances and well, good luck with that cuz the R/Mittens plans to take every cent you have and ever hope to have. (Unlike the tax cuts that small businesses and us common folk have enjoyed up until they get their hands on them.)

Its also true that Trump is a media whore who needs attention and would give what's left of his hair to be The Big Hero who gets Obama. If he had anything, he would drop it immediately.
Go away Donald. What a freakin attention whore.
he is but he might something big on wedesday to annouce.

decker, almost every one of your posts is hand wringing and pacing. Think about it ... Look at the people who would love to bring Obama down. Look at the money behind them ...

The entire GObP/Republican party including Norquist, Bush's Brain and Heritage, Cheney, the Bush dynasty
The teepotters
Donald Trump
The Koch brothers
fux tv, including Murdoch and Prince Al Waleed bin Talal (the Muslim Arab oil sheik who controls programming at fux)

That's just a partial list but its billions, if not trillions of dollars - all with a huge vested interest in bring down President Obama.

They've been working to find anything on him for more than four years and they've failed. Instead, all they've managed to do is get the gullible to watch and believe fux. (If you didn't see Jon Stewart last night, his bit about "Bullshit Mountain" was wonderful AND factual. And, we all know how the rw's hate FACTS!

Its true that the lies could make people vote for Mittens and against their own best interests and the best interests of the country. If that happens, there's nothing you can do about it except try to protect your own finances and well, good luck with that cuz the R/Mittens plans to take every cent you have and ever hope to have. (Unlike the tax cuts that small businesses and us common folk have enjoyed up until they get their hands on them.)

Its also true that Trump is a media whore who needs attention and would give what's left of his hair to be The Big Hero who gets Obama. If he had anything, he would drop it immediately.

Just curious. Was there also various groups you could name that were intent on taking GW Bush down during his time in office?

Consider this a simple partisan hack test wrapped in a question.
Go away Donald. What a freakin attention whore.
he is but he might something big on wedesday to annouce.

decker, almost every one of your posts is hand wringing and pacing. Think about it ... Look at the people who would love to bring Obama down. Look at the money behind them ...

The entire GObP/Republican party including Norquist, Bush's Brain and Heritage, Cheney, the Bush dynasty
The teepotters
Donald Trump
The Koch brothers
fux tv, including Murdoch and Prince Al Waleed bin Talal (the Muslim Arab oil sheik who controls programming at fux)

That's just a partial list but its billions, if not trillions of dollars - all with a huge vested interest in bring down President Obama.

They've been working to find anything on him for more than four years and they've failed. Instead, all they've managed to do is get the gullible to watch and believe fux. (If you didn't see Jon Stewart last night, his bit about "Bullshit Mountain" was wonderful AND factual. And, we all know how the rw's hate FACTS!

Its true that the lies could make people vote for Mittens and against their own best interests and the best interests of the country. If that happens, there's nothing you can do about it except try to protect your own finances and well, good luck with that cuz the R/Mittens plans to take every cent you have and ever hope to have. (Unlike the tax cuts that small businesses and us common folk have enjoyed up until they get their hands on them.)

Its also true that Trump is a media whore who needs attention and would give what's left of his hair to be The Big Hero who gets Obama. If he had anything, he would drop it immediately.
i don,t think it fair to say ever point is panicy. i write various posts which are postive. But i just hate constant trend of negative news for obama. just pisses me off/

I agree with everything you said though. murdochs, the trumps, the anderson, the fox news , the wall street ceo, the gop congress have been looking to get obama for years and years even before he was president.

the promblem like you said is that these lies are bought by american people. like when bush said he was caring guy. well that did not prove case as katrina showed;

the truth is not much you can do and many people will buy it . so he win probally. romney ideas are gop of tax cuts for certain but then he gop so that to be expected

trump is media whore but then that what he does. he nasty succesful guy but he loves to destory those he hates. Which he could do this week

he is but he might something big on wedesday to annouce.

decker, almost every one of your posts is hand wringing and pacing. Think about it ... Look at the people who would love to bring Obama down. Look at the money behind them ...

The entire GObP/Republican party including Norquist, Bush's Brain and Heritage, Cheney, the Bush dynasty
The teepotters
Donald Trump
The Koch brothers
fux tv, including Murdoch and Prince Al Waleed bin Talal (the Muslim Arab oil sheik who controls programming at fux)

That's just a partial list but its billions, if not trillions of dollars - all with a huge vested interest in bring down President Obama.

They've been working to find anything on him for more than four years and they've failed. Instead, all they've managed to do is get the gullible to watch and believe fux. (If you didn't see Jon Stewart last night, his bit about "Bullshit Mountain" was wonderful AND factual. And, we all know how the rw's hate FACTS!

Its true that the lies could make people vote for Mittens and against their own best interests and the best interests of the country. If that happens, there's nothing you can do about it except try to protect your own finances and well, good luck with that cuz the R/Mittens plans to take every cent you have and ever hope to have. (Unlike the tax cuts that small businesses and us common folk have enjoyed up until they get their hands on them.)

Its also true that Trump is a media whore who needs attention and would give what's left of his hair to be The Big Hero who gets Obama. If he had anything, he would drop it immediately.

Just curious. Was there also various groups you could name that were intent on taking GW Bush down during his time in office?

Consider this a simple partisan hack test wrapped in a question.
of course dems tried to be bring him down. so can be case on both sides.
decker, almost every one of your posts is hand wringing and pacing. Think about it ... Look at the people who would love to bring Obama down. Look at the money behind them ...

The entire GObP/Republican party including Norquist, Bush's Brain and Heritage, Cheney, the Bush dynasty
The teepotters
Donald Trump
The Koch brothers
fux tv, including Murdoch and Prince Al Waleed bin Talal (the Muslim Arab oil sheik who controls programming at fux)

That's just a partial list but its billions, if not trillions of dollars - all with a huge vested interest in bring down President Obama.

They've been working to find anything on him for more than four years and they've failed. Instead, all they've managed to do is get the gullible to watch and believe fux. (If you didn't see Jon Stewart last night, his bit about "Bullshit Mountain" was wonderful AND factual. And, we all know how the rw's hate FACTS!

Its true that the lies could make people vote for Mittens and against their own best interests and the best interests of the country. If that happens, there's nothing you can do about it except try to protect your own finances and well, good luck with that cuz the R/Mittens plans to take every cent you have and ever hope to have. (Unlike the tax cuts that small businesses and us common folk have enjoyed up until they get their hands on them.)

Its also true that Trump is a media whore who needs attention and would give what's left of his hair to be The Big Hero who gets Obama. If he had anything, he would drop it immediately.

Just curious. Was there also various groups you could name that were intent on taking GW Bush down during his time in office?

Consider this a simple partisan hack test wrapped in a question.
of course dems tried to be bring him down. so can be case on both sides.

^^^ Wishy-washy troll is wishy-washy.
he is but he might something big on wedesday to annouce.

decker, almost every one of your posts is hand wringing and pacing. Think about it ... Look at the people who would love to bring Obama down. Look at the money behind them ...

The entire GObP/Republican party including Norquist, Bush's Brain and Heritage, Cheney, the Bush dynasty
The teepotters
Donald Trump
The Koch brothers
fux tv, including Murdoch and Prince Al Waleed bin Talal (the Muslim Arab oil sheik who controls programming at fux)

That's just a partial list but its billions, if not trillions of dollars - all with a huge vested interest in bring down President Obama.

They've been working to find anything on him for more than four years and they've failed. Instead, all they've managed to do is get the gullible to watch and believe fux. (If you didn't see Jon Stewart last night, his bit about "Bullshit Mountain" was wonderful AND factual. And, we all know how the rw's hate FACTS!

Its true that the lies could make people vote for Mittens and against their own best interests and the best interests of the country. If that happens, there's nothing you can do about it except try to protect your own finances and well, good luck with that cuz the R/Mittens plans to take every cent you have and ever hope to have. (Unlike the tax cuts that small businesses and us common folk have enjoyed up until they get their hands on them.)

Its also true that Trump is a media whore who needs attention and would give what's left of his hair to be The Big Hero who gets Obama. If he had anything, he would drop it immediately.

Just curious. Was there also various groups you could name that were intent on taking GW Bush down during his time in office?

Consider this a simple partisan hack test wrapped in a question.

If you can name anywhere near that amount of money being used to take down dubya, go for it. Imagine the lives and money success could have saved.

I consider it a straw dog because that's pretty much all you rw hacks have.

either the birt cert (my guess) or an extramarital affair

Remember that Trump said he had proof and would release it and then ..... silence. he also tried the nonsense about the copy machine or some such.

If he does try to lie about about the president's birth certificate, you s'pose he'll have an explanation for those TWO pesky birth announcements that appeared in TWO separate newspapers?

Will he say that President Obama teleported from Kenya, put the TWO announcements in TWO different papers before teleporting back to Kenya to be born?

An affair is incredibly unlikely. What is likely is that the R has tried bribing women to say they slept with him but no one would do it. Unless they seriously upped the ante, its doubtful they've found anyone to bribe.

Besides, that's required by the GObP to even run for office as pubpot. If not an affair, dead beat dad will do, as will money laundering and sex scandal as we saw with Santorum.

This is just Trump doing what Trump does.

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