Don’t Believe the Democrat Attacks on Tax Reform. Here Are the Facts.

The 47% refers to the people who pay Zero net federal income tax.

the people who pay no taxes are college kids, unemployed, disabled and some of the aged on SS. If you want to live in a third world country go to Ethiopia. If you want to leave in a theocracy go to Saudi Arabia.

So if you want your taxes lowered, that means you want to live in Ethiopia?

Do you really not understand why people think snowflakes are a bunch of dumbasses?

we do not need a change to taxes at this time , yes if the GOP had their way this will be a third world country.
The rich and the poor.

High taxes do not make the economy grow, dingbat. We need to cut taxes by at least 80%.
It won't be your taxes that are cut 80% ya fucking fool. If they cut taxes for the rich, your taxes will go up. There will be haves and have nots. Are you sure you'll be a have? You don't seem like a have. You seem more like a have not.

Wrong, asshole. Your claim is based on the belief that government spending can never be cut. I want government cut by even more than I want taxes cut.
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Stop lying then we can discuss the issue.

What am I lying about?


I'm growing tired of the left's 40 year old 'tax cuts for the rich' talking point nonsense. If you want to have a rational discussion on this topic, which could be bipartisan and thoughtful, check your talking points at the door.

What is "irrational" about not wanting to give those ALREADY DOING GREAT in this country yet another huge tax-cut at expense of blowing yet another hole in Federal budgets?

You are bailing on rational discussion because you know this tax-cut bill is ridiculous.

Christ almighty...lets discuss FACTS not talking points. This bill caps one of the biggest deductions for the 'rich' the mortgage interest deduction on homes. The vast majority of Americans are not effected by this, the rich they got screwed. Here's another the deduction for state income and sales taxes, eliminated. The poor and middle class get a pass, an increase in the standard deduction to offset this. The 'rich' again get screwed.

What you do not factor in is the loss of the personal exemption. That means if you have a family of more than 3 people then you are losing money on your deductions. Also people who have certain issues such as blindness can take 2 exemptions which means their taxes will go up. Also middle class people in the suburbs will such as Atlanta will see their taxes go up. Then we have the rate cuts which will benefit the rich.

You are the one using TALKING POINTS NOT FACTS.

Bruce Bartlett helped Jack Kemp develop what would become the Reagan tax cuts, He is opposed to the bill.
“What they have here is a big tax cut for the rich paid for with random increases in taxes for various constituencies,” Mr. Bartlett said. “It’s ridiculous. And it’s telling that they are ramming this through without any debate. All of the empirical evidence goes against the tax cut.”

The personal exemption is being doubled, not cut, dumbass. The rest of your post is equally wrong and idiotic.
For almost a decade, those same people you see bashing this tax reduction are the same politicians that gave us the 'economic wisdom' of Barack Obama.

Yep, the people who gaves us an additional $10 trillion in debt are whining about a tax cut adding to the debt.

Who did that? How?

Obama and his Dim cronies in Congress did it, dumbass. Haven't you been paying attention for the last 8 years?
For almost a decade, those same people you see bashing this tax reduction are the same politicians that gave us the 'economic wisdom' of Barack Obama.

Yep, the people who gaves us an additional $10 trillion in debt are whining about a tax cut adding to the debt.

Who did that? How?

Obama and his Dim cronies in Congress did it, dumbass. Haven't you been paying attention for the last 8 years?

Yes republicans controlled congress and the purse strings for most of it...
As usual, DemocRATs scream how it “favors the rich” and “raises taxes on the middle class.” And, as usual, it’s nothing but bull poop! This article spells out some of the truths and is worth reading.

Regarding the middle class, Democrats fail to mention that under the new House plan, the standardized deduction would almost double from $6,350 to over $12,000 for single filers, and $12,700 to $24,000 for married couples filing jointly. That means the number of Americans who claim the standard deduction would likely go from 60 percent of all filers to 90 percent.

Critics also fail to mention that the tax credit per child would increase from $1,000 to $1,600.

Additionally, critics don’t admit that the impact of simplifying the tax code would disproportionately help lower- and middle-income taxpayers, most of whom would be able to file their taxes using a simple postcard.

More @ Don't Believe the Democrat Attacks on Tax Reform. Here Are the Facts.

so let's get this straight. the nonpartisan budget reports say it's a disaster, but a rightwingy site says it's peachy keen and that means they're telling the truth.

yes, everyone is lying about it except wingers.

btw, i'll be fine. I feel badly for people making under $75,000 a year. hopefully your boys will crash and burn before you get to take away our social security.
For almost a decade, those same people you see bashing this tax reduction are the same politicians that gave us the 'economic wisdom' of Barack Obama.

Yep, the people who gaves us an additional $10 trillion in debt are whining about a tax cut adding to the debt.

Who did that? How?

Obama and his Dim cronies in Congress did it, dumbass. Haven't you been paying attention for the last 8 years?

is there anything you don't lie about?
Tramp is cutting the consumption tax from 35% to 20%.
that's the corporate tax isn't it?

As far as I know we do not have a consumption tax in the US
As everyone knows, any corporate taxes are passed on to the consumer in the price for the goods and services consumed. So the corporate tax IS a consumption tax, and we are told by the CON$ that corporate taxes are bad but consumption taxes are "fair."

I can't wait for prices to all go down after this big corporate tax break. I'm sure it will happen...

Who claimed it would make prices go down?

You people are the ones who are claiming that if corporations bring all that cash home it will benefit the workers. The fact is that it will not. Corporations will do one of 3 things. They will either keep the cash, use it for acquisitions, or stock buybacks. It will not benefit the average person in any way.

If they keep the cash, that means it will be in an account in a bank, and the bank will loan it out thereby creating economic growth. If they buy a company, that will put cash in the hands of the previous owner of the company. The, intern, will either put in the bank or spend it or invest it. All three create economic growth. If they buyback their stock, that will put cash in the hands of their stockholders, thereby creating economic growth.

What will happen if government gets the money? It will be dispersed to moochers and parasites, thereby being very destructive to the economy.
For almost a decade, those same people you see bashing this tax reduction are the same politicians that gave us the 'economic wisdom' of Barack Obama.

Yep, the people who gaves us an additional $10 trillion in debt are whining about a tax cut adding to the debt.

Who did that? How?

Obama and his Dim cronies in Congress did it, dumbass. Haven't you been paying attention for the last 8 years?

Yes republicans controlled congress and the purse strings for most of it...

ROFL! The Republicans are to blame?

Obama always demanded more spending than what was in the budgets Republicans submitted. He even shut down the government to get it.

The idea that Republicans are to blame is just ludicrous
For almost a decade, those same people you see bashing this tax reduction are the same politicians that gave us the 'economic wisdom' of Barack Obama.

Yep, the people who gaves us an additional $10 trillion in debt are whining about a tax cut adding to the debt.

Who did that? How?

Obama and his Dim cronies in Congress did it, dumbass. Haven't you been paying attention for the last 8 years?

is there anything you don't lie about?

What have I lied about?
As usual, DemocRATs scream how it “favors the rich” and “raises taxes on the middle class.” And, as usual, it’s nothing but bull poop! This article spells out some of the truths and is worth reading.

Regarding the middle class, Democrats fail to mention that under the new House plan, the standardized deduction would almost double from $6,350 to over $12,000 for single filers, and $12,700 to $24,000 for married couples filing jointly. That means the number of Americans who claim the standard deduction would likely go from 60 percent of all filers to 90 percent.

Critics also fail to mention that the tax credit per child would increase from $1,000 to $1,600.

Additionally, critics don’t admit that the impact of simplifying the tax code would disproportionately help lower- and middle-income taxpayers, most of whom would be able to file their taxes using a simple postcard.

More @ Don't Believe the Democrat Attacks on Tax Reform. Here Are the Facts.

so let's get this straight. the nonpartisan budget reports say it's a disaster, but a rightwingy site says it's peachy keen and that means they're telling the truth.

yes, everyone is lying about it except wingers.

btw, i'll be fine. I feel badly for people making under $75,000 a year. hopefully your boys will crash and burn before you get to take away our social security.

The CBO is not "nonpartisan." It's infested with swamp critters.
Republic pols did this in Kansas and what happened?

Anyone....can answer.
As usual, DemocRATs scream how it “favors the rich” and “raises taxes on the middle class.” And, as usual, it’s nothing but bull poop! This article spells out some of the truths and is worth reading.

Regarding the middle class, Democrats fail to mention that under the new House plan, the standardized deduction would almost double from $6,350 to over $12,000 for single filers, and $12,700 to $24,000 for married couples filing jointly. That means the number of Americans who claim the standard deduction would likely go from 60 percent of all filers to 90 percent.

Critics also fail to mention that the tax credit per child would increase from $1,000 to $1,600.

Additionally, critics don’t admit that the impact of simplifying the tax code would disproportionately help lower- and middle-income taxpayers, most of whom would be able to file their taxes using a simple postcard.

More @ Don't Believe the Democrat Attacks on Tax Reform. Here Are the Facts.


70% of the tax cut benefits people like trump.

Refute that.
As everyone knows, any corporate taxes are passed on to the consumer in the price for the goods and services consumed. So the corporate tax IS a consumption tax, and we are told by the CON$ that corporate taxes are bad but consumption taxes are "fair."

I can't wait for prices to all go down after this big corporate tax break. I'm sure it will happen...

Who claimed it would make prices go down?

You people are the ones who are claiming that if corporations bring all that cash home it will benefit the workers. The fact is that it will not. Corporations will do one of 3 things. They will either keep the cash, use it for acquisitions, or stock buybacks. It will not benefit the average person in any way.
we are not saying that, we are agreeing with the legislature that it makes sense to do that.

Yes you are. Supporters are claiming that bringing that money home will create jobs or raise the pay of workers. It will not. I do not disagree with lowering taxes on money brought back into the US, it will not benefit the average person. It will benefit the rich.

ROFL! Of course it will. If a huge inflow of cash from overseas will not create jobs, then nothing will.
I can't wait for prices to all go down after this big corporate tax break. I'm sure it will happen...

Who claimed it would make prices go down?

You people are the ones who are claiming that if corporations bring all that cash home it will benefit the workers. The fact is that it will not. Corporations will do one of 3 things. They will either keep the cash, use it for acquisitions, or stock buybacks. It will not benefit the average person in any way.
we are not saying that, we are agreeing with the legislature that it makes sense to do that.

Yes you are. Supporters are claiming that bringing that money home will create jobs or raise the pay of workers. It will not. I do not disagree with lowering taxes on money brought back into the US, it will not benefit the average person. It will benefit the rich.

ROFL! Of course it will. If a huge inflow of cash from overseas will not create jobs, then nothing will.

Does it create jobs in the tax heavens it is stored in now?
As usual, DemocRATs scream how it “favors the rich” and “raises taxes on the middle class.” And, as usual, it’s nothing but bull poop! This article spells out some of the truths and is worth reading.

Regarding the middle class, Democrats fail to mention that under the new House plan, the standardized deduction would almost double from $6,350 to over $12,000 for single filers, and $12,700 to $24,000 for married couples filing jointly. That means the number of Americans who claim the standard deduction would likely go from 60 percent of all filers to 90 percent.

Critics also fail to mention that the tax credit per child would increase from $1,000 to $1,600.

Additionally, critics don’t admit that the impact of simplifying the tax code would disproportionately help lower- and middle-income taxpayers, most of whom would be able to file their taxes using a simple postcard.

More @ Don't Believe the Democrat Attacks on Tax Reform. Here Are the Facts.


70% of the tax cut benefits people like trump.

Refute that.
Apparently you're such an idiot that you think having a job isn't a benefit.
Who claimed it would make prices go down?

You people are the ones who are claiming that if corporations bring all that cash home it will benefit the workers. The fact is that it will not. Corporations will do one of 3 things. They will either keep the cash, use it for acquisitions, or stock buybacks. It will not benefit the average person in any way.
we are not saying that, we are agreeing with the legislature that it makes sense to do that.

Yes you are. Supporters are claiming that bringing that money home will create jobs or raise the pay of workers. It will not. I do not disagree with lowering taxes on money brought back into the US, it will not benefit the average person. It will benefit the rich.

ROFL! Of course it will. If a huge inflow of cash from overseas will not create jobs, then nothing will.

Does it create jobs in the tax heavens it is stored in now?
It sure does.
As usual, DemocRATs scream how it “favors the rich” and “raises taxes on the middle class.” And, as usual, it’s nothing but bull poop! This article spells out some of the truths and is worth reading.

Regarding the middle class, Democrats fail to mention that under the new House plan, the standardized deduction would almost double from $6,350 to over $12,000 for single filers, and $12,700 to $24,000 for married couples filing jointly. That means the number of Americans who claim the standard deduction would likely go from 60 percent of all filers to 90 percent.

Critics also fail to mention that the tax credit per child would increase from $1,000 to $1,600.

Additionally, critics don’t admit that the impact of simplifying the tax code would disproportionately help lower- and middle-income taxpayers, most of whom would be able to file their taxes using a simple postcard.

More @ Don't Believe the Democrat Attacks on Tax Reform. Here Are the Facts.

The Daily Signal?? Lol. #fakenews
You people are the ones who are claiming that if corporations bring all that cash home it will benefit the workers. The fact is that it will not. Corporations will do one of 3 things. They will either keep the cash, use it for acquisitions, or stock buybacks. It will not benefit the average person in any way.
we are not saying that, we are agreeing with the legislature that it makes sense to do that.

Yes you are. Supporters are claiming that bringing that money home will create jobs or raise the pay of workers. It will not. I do not disagree with lowering taxes on money brought back into the US, it will not benefit the average person. It will benefit the rich.

ROFL! Of course it will. If a huge inflow of cash from overseas will not create jobs, then nothing will.

Does it create jobs in the tax heavens it is stored in now?
It sure does.

Can you post where that happens....ya know for being a truthful guy.
we are not saying that, we are agreeing with the legislature that it makes sense to do that.

Yes you are. Supporters are claiming that bringing that money home will create jobs or raise the pay of workers. It will not. I do not disagree with lowering taxes on money brought back into the US, it will not benefit the average person. It will benefit the rich.

ROFL! Of course it will. If a huge inflow of cash from overseas will not create jobs, then nothing will.

Does it create jobs in the tax heavens it is stored in now?
It sure does.

Can you post where that happens....ya know for being a truthful guy.
it happens in other countries.

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