Don’t Believe the Democrat Attacks on Tax Reform. Here Are the Facts.

"Republicans Senators are working hard to pass the biggest Tax Cuts in the history of our Country.



This is not good, this is good ol' thought-free tax-cut cult.

Yeah, the CBO has done a great job of predicting the economic consequences of tax legislation!
Why are we not considering all taxes & there effect? where does this 47 % pay no taxes come from. after 5 years of retirement we expect to break even this fed tax year. yet we still paid 10% each fed&state tax on stock sold. we still pay taxes on property, at the grocery store, the gas pump on utility bills you name it they tax it. who the heck pays nothing the guy living under a bridge? some one sold you a line, sure we have a % of people using the system that don't work, & it makes a lot of us angry. but most people work or have worked. why focus on them, why not the real bums, those who miss handle our money, spend trillions like drunken sailors on leave.
The 47% refers to the people who pay Zero net federal income tax.

the people who pay no taxes are college kids, unemployed, disabled and some of the aged on SS. If you want to live in a third world country go to Ethiopia. If you want to leave in a theocracy go to Saudi Arabia.

So if you want your taxes lowered, that means you want to live in Ethiopia?

Do you really not understand why people think snowflakes are a bunch of dumbasses?

we do not need a change to taxes at this time , yes if the GOP had their way this will be a third world country.
The rich and the poor.
As usual, DemocRATs scream how it “favors the rich” and “raises taxes on the middle class.” And, as usual, it’s nothing but bull poop! This article spells out some of the truths and is worth reading.

Regarding the middle class, Democrats fail to mention that under the new House plan, the standardized deduction would almost double from $6,350 to over $12,000 for single filers, and $12,700 to $24,000 for married couples filing jointly. That means the number of Americans who claim the standard deduction would likely go from 60 percent of all filers to 90 percent.

Critics also fail to mention that the tax credit per child would increase from $1,000 to $1,600.

Additionally, critics don’t admit that the impact of simplifying the tax code would disproportionately help lower- and middle-income taxpayers, most of whom would be able to file their taxes using a simple postcard.

More @ Don't Believe the Democrat Attacks on Tax Reform. Here Are the Facts.
1 year after trumps out of office Paul Ryan’s going to say we’re broke and need to make cuts to social security and Medicare
That's exactly right.

The problem for these white wingers is they somehow think Republican's policies will only harm minorities. That somehow, being white, they will be spared.

Harsh. Finding out the truth. The Republican leadership squats on you. Squats and lets loose.

How will cutting taxes harm minorities, nimrod? How will it harm anyone?

Because when we fall into a deficit when lowering taxes, then the GOP will need to cut spending, Medicaid, Chip, Medicare, all social programs.

First: when has Congress ever cut spending on any of those programs?

Second: Your theory is based on the assumption that the economy will experience zero economic growth. That would be a valid assumption under a Dim administration, but not under Trump.
Why are we not considering all taxes & there effect? where does this 47 % pay no taxes come from. after 5 years of retirement we expect to break even this fed tax year. yet we still paid 10% each fed&state tax on stock sold. we still pay taxes on property, at the grocery store, the gas pump on utility bills you name it they tax it. who the heck pays nothing the guy living under a bridge? some one sold you a line, sure we have a % of people using the system that don't work, & it makes a lot of us angry. but most people work or have worked. why focus on them, why not the real bums, those who miss handle our money, spend trillions like drunken sailors on leave.
The 47% refers to the people who pay Zero net federal income tax.

the people who pay no taxes are college kids, unemployed, disabled and some of the aged on SS. If you want to live in a third world country go to Ethiopia. If you want to leave in a theocracy go to Saudi Arabia.

So if you want your taxes lowered, that means you want to live in Ethiopia?

Do you really not understand why people think snowflakes are a bunch of dumbasses?

we do not need a change to taxes at this time , yes if the GOP had their way this will be a third world country.
The rich and the poor.

High taxes do not make the economy grow, dingbat. We need to cut taxes by at least 80%.
"Republicans Senators are working hard to pass the biggest Tax Cuts in the history of our Country.



This is not good, this is good ol' thought-free tax-cut cult.

Yeah, the CBO has done a great job of predicting the economic consequences of tax legislation!

Yea, they have done so good in fact that they are FOREMOST FORECASTING AGENCY.

In absence of functional crystal balls we have to go on best information and analysis available - that's one of those things adults tend to learn as they grow up.

Our population is aging, baby boomers are retiring and our medical bills are correspondingly increasing while worker-to-dependant ratio is worsening. That is the non-partisan, demographic reality that is driving our deficit forecasts. To now start taxing LESS as this wave of deficits is incoming is exactly OPPOSITE of adhering to sound budgeting plan and fiscal sanity.
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"Republicans Senators are working hard to pass the biggest Tax Cuts in the history of our Country.



This is not good, this is good ol' thought-free tax-cut cult.

Yeah, the CBO has done a great job of predicting the economic consequences of tax legislation!

Yea, they have done so good in fact that they are FOREMOST FORECASTING AGENCY.

In absence of functional crystal balls we have to go on best information and analysis available - that's one of those things adults tend to learn as they grow up.

Our population is aging, baby boomers are retiring and our medical bills are correspondingly increasing while worker-to-dependant ratio is worsening. That is the non-partisan, demographic reality that is driving our deficit forecasts. To now start taxing LESS as this wave of deficits is incoming is exactly OPPOSITE of adhering to sound budgeting plan and fiscal sanity.

Show us ONE TIME
Show us ONE TIME in the last 50 years that the CBO's first forecast was close to being accurate. Just once.
Why are we not considering all taxes & there effect? where does this 47 % pay no taxes come from. after 5 years of retirement we expect to break even this fed tax year. yet we still paid 10% each fed&state tax on stock sold. we still pay taxes on property, at the grocery store, the gas pump on utility bills you name it they tax it. who the heck pays nothing the guy living under a bridge? some one sold you a line, sure we have a % of people using the system that don't work, & it makes a lot of us angry. but most people work or have worked. why focus on them, why not the real bums, those who miss handle our money, spend trillions like drunken sailors on leave.
The 47% refers to the people who pay Zero net federal income tax.

the people who pay no taxes are college kids, unemployed, disabled and some of the aged on SS. If you want to live in a third world country go to Ethiopia. If you want to leave in a theocracy go to Saudi Arabia.

So if you want your taxes lowered, that means you want to live in Ethiopia?

Do you really not understand why people think snowflakes are a bunch of dumbasses?

we do not need a change to taxes at this time , yes if the GOP had their way this will be a third world country.
The rich and the poor.

High taxes do not make the economy grow, dingbat. We need to cut taxes by at least 80%.
It won't be your taxes that are cut 80% ya fucking fool. If they cut taxes for the rich, your taxes will go up. There will be haves and have nots. Are you sure you'll be a have? You don't seem like a have. You seem more like a have not.
If they would use dynamic scoring there would be no addition to the debt

Did you just make this up? No Dynamic Scoring shows that growth will offset anywhere near the volume of the cost

The congressional Joint Committee on Taxation said Wednesday afternoon that the Senate tax bill would add $1 trillion to federal budget deficits over the next decade, even after accounting for additional economic growth, a major blow to Republicans’ contention that the $1.5 trillion tax cuts in the bill will pay for themselves through growth. […]

The committee said economic growth generated by the tax cut will offset losses by about $458 billion over the next decade. Over that same period, an additional $51 billion will be needed to pay interest on the additional debt the government will borrow to pay for the tax cuts.

Official new report: Republican tax cuts won't pay for themselves

What was the exact grown prediction in that calculation?

I've got an idea, why don't you read up on it, understand it, form an opinion based on something and THEN comeback here to make a counter argument.

That is much better than simply making things up out of thin air.

So what you're saying is you have no clue what projected growth was calculated in those estimates. And the fact is they don't say in their report.


Lol - do you have ANYTHING positive to say to make ANY sort of counter argument??

I gave you serious dynamic scoring, by serious economists, you gave us NOTHING to support your rediculous assertion that these tax-cuts will be a self-financing free lunch with nothing but upsides, rainbows and unicorns.

There is a pervasive intellectual brain drain on the right and it seems to be only getting worse and worse (see election of Trump the clown).

Well child everything I've seen reported the max growth used by any of these folks is 1.9% not the 3+% that we are currently experiencing or better. In the report you posted they talk about the different economic models but didn't get specific about the numbers they plugged in them.

How about you discuss the actual bill instead of irrelevancies?

Can you explain why increasing debt by 1.7T dollar to prop up "WINNING!" economy with tax cuts for the rich is such a great idea???

Stop lying then we can discuss the issue.

What am I lying about?


I'm growing tired of the left's 40 year old 'tax cuts for the rich' talking point nonsense. If you want to have a rational discussion on this topic, which could be bipartisan and thoughtful, check your talking points at the door.

What is "irrational" about not wanting to give those ALREADY DOING GREAT in this country yet another huge tax-cut at expense of blowing yet another hole in Federal budgets?

You are bailing on rational discussion because you know this tax-cut bill is ridiculous.

Christ almighty...lets discuss FACTS not talking points. This bill caps one of the biggest deductions for the 'rich' the mortgage interest deduction on homes. The vast majority of Americans are not effected by this, the rich they got screwed. Here's another the deduction for state income and sales taxes, eliminated. The poor and middle class get a pass, an increase in the standard deduction to offset this. The 'rich' again get screwed.

What you do not factor in is the loss of the personal exemption. That means if you have a family of more than 3 people then you are losing money on your deductions. Also people who have certain issues such as blindness can take 2 exemptions which means their taxes will go up. Also middle class people in the suburbs will such as Atlanta will see their taxes go up. Then we have the rate cuts which will benefit the rich.

You are the one using TALKING POINTS NOT FACTS.

Bruce Bartlett helped Jack Kemp develop what would become the Reagan tax cuts, He is opposed to the bill.
“What they have here is a big tax cut for the rich paid for with random increases in taxes for various constituencies,” Mr. Bartlett said. “It’s ridiculous. And it’s telling that they are ramming this through without any debate. All of the empirical evidence goes against the tax cut.”
Most middle class folk will get a very small decrease. Why didn't they propose a much larger decrease only for the middle class? If you want extra money in peoples hands then do it. A couple hundred will not spur job growth or more importantly massive wage double as we have been told.
Most of the so called middle class pay very little income tax anyway

Right, so how does doubling a deduction offer any relief for those folks?

It's a gimmick designed to make it look good.
A hundred extra bucks a month isn't much to crow about when compared to the saving corps and the wealthy will realize.
again, the wealthy aren't getting anything. so a hundred a month is 1200 a year. And you find that insignificant. Now that is truly funny. it's almost a ten percent saving to a group that hasn't seen jack shit since 2003.

you find that insignificant

It is.
It will have zero stimulative effect on the econmy.

The fact that you think $100 extra a month would change the quality of life for anyone in the middle class is laughable.
it isn't about stimulating the economy by giving the middle class a break. the stimulation comes from the corporate tax break. hly fk you all truly get lost easily.

The fact is that you have a large number of good paying jobs that businesses cannot fill. Training people to fill those jobs would be as stimulative as tax cuts. The business tax cuts should be done by repealing tax breaks for businesses not raising taxes on the middle class and diverting that money to business tax cuts.
Most of the so called middle class pay very little income tax anyway

Right, so how does doubling a deduction offer any relief for those folks?

It's a gimmick designed to make it look good.
A hundred extra bucks a month isn't much to crow about when compared to the saving corps and the wealthy will realize.
again, the wealthy aren't getting anything. so a hundred a month is 1200 a year. And you find that insignificant. Now that is truly funny. it's almost a ten percent saving to a group that hasn't seen jack shit since 2003.

you find that insignificant

It is.
It will have zero stimulative effect on the econmy.

The fact that you think $100 extra a month would change the quality of life for anyone in the middle class is laughable.
it isn't about stimulating the economy by giving the middle class a break. the stimulation comes from the corporate tax break. hly fk you all truly get lost easily.

The fact is that you have a large number of good paying jobs that businesses cannot fill. Training people to fill those jobs would be as stimulative as tax cuts. The business tax cuts should be done by repealing tax breaks for businesses not raising taxes on the middle class and diverting that money to business tax cuts.
I'm good with that. Mike Rowe has been saying it for two years now. So why hasn't it been done? the tax bill does address lowering middle class taxes.
We need to scrap our income tax completely and either institute a flat tax on income or a consumption tax.
Tramp is cutting the consumption tax from 35% to 20%.
that's the corporate tax isn't it?

As far as I know we do not have a consumption tax in the US
As everyone knows, any corporate taxes are passed on to the consumer in the price for the goods and services consumed. So the corporate tax IS a consumption tax, and we are told by the CON$ that corporate taxes are bad but consumption taxes are "fair."

I can't wait for prices to all go down after this big corporate tax break. I'm sure it will happen...

Who claimed it would make prices go down?

You people are the ones who are claiming that if corporations bring all that cash home it will benefit the workers. The fact is that it will not. Corporations will do one of 3 things. They will either keep the cash, use it for acquisitions, or stock buybacks. It will not benefit the average person in any way.
Tramp is cutting the consumption tax from 35% to 20%.
that's the corporate tax isn't it?

As far as I know we do not have a consumption tax in the US
As everyone knows, any corporate taxes are passed on to the consumer in the price for the goods and services consumed. So the corporate tax IS a consumption tax, and we are told by the CON$ that corporate taxes are bad but consumption taxes are "fair."

I can't wait for prices to all go down after this big corporate tax break. I'm sure it will happen...

Who claimed it would make prices go down?

You people are the ones who are claiming that if corporations bring all that cash home it will benefit the workers. The fact is that it will not. Corporations will do one of 3 things. They will either keep the cash, use it for acquisitions, or stock buybacks. It will not benefit the average person in any way.
we are not saying that, we are agreeing with the legislature that it makes sense to do that.
Right, so how does doubling a deduction offer any relief for those folks?

It's a gimmick designed to make it look good.
A hundred extra bucks a month isn't much to crow about when compared to the saving corps and the wealthy will realize.
again, the wealthy aren't getting anything. so a hundred a month is 1200 a year. And you find that insignificant. Now that is truly funny. it's almost a ten percent saving to a group that hasn't seen jack shit since 2003.

you find that insignificant

It is.
It will have zero stimulative effect on the econmy.

The fact that you think $100 extra a month would change the quality of life for anyone in the middle class is laughable.
it isn't about stimulating the economy by giving the middle class a break. the stimulation comes from the corporate tax break. hly fk you all truly get lost easily.

The fact is that you have a large number of good paying jobs that businesses cannot fill. Training people to fill those jobs would be as stimulative as tax cuts. The business tax cuts should be done by repealing tax breaks for businesses not raising taxes on the middle class and diverting that money to business tax cuts.
I'm good with that. Mike Rowe has been saying it for two years now. So why hasn't it been done? the tax bill does address lowering middle class taxes.

The tax bill is a mixed bag for the middle class. some will see their taxes go up. The rich win across the board. That does not sound like a tax cut to me. Everybody saw tax cuts under the Reagan tax plan.
again, the wealthy aren't getting anything. so a hundred a month is 1200 a year. And you find that insignificant. Now that is truly funny. it's almost a ten percent saving to a group that hasn't seen jack shit since 2003.

you find that insignificant

It is.
It will have zero stimulative effect on the econmy.

The fact that you think $100 extra a month would change the quality of life for anyone in the middle class is laughable.
it isn't about stimulating the economy by giving the middle class a break. the stimulation comes from the corporate tax break. hly fk you all truly get lost easily.

The fact is that you have a large number of good paying jobs that businesses cannot fill. Training people to fill those jobs would be as stimulative as tax cuts. The business tax cuts should be done by repealing tax breaks for businesses not raising taxes on the middle class and diverting that money to business tax cuts.
I'm good with that. Mike Rowe has been saying it for two years now. So why hasn't it been done? the tax bill does address lowering middle class taxes.

The tax bill is a mixed bag for the middle class. some will see their taxes go up. The rich win across the board. That does not sound like a tax cut to me. Everybody saw tax cuts under the Reagan tax plan.
how you figure the rich win? explain. and one has to define what is middle class. I've been waiting since 2015 for that one.
that's the corporate tax isn't it?

As far as I know we do not have a consumption tax in the US
As everyone knows, any corporate taxes are passed on to the consumer in the price for the goods and services consumed. So the corporate tax IS a consumption tax, and we are told by the CON$ that corporate taxes are bad but consumption taxes are "fair."

I can't wait for prices to all go down after this big corporate tax break. I'm sure it will happen...

Who claimed it would make prices go down?

You people are the ones who are claiming that if corporations bring all that cash home it will benefit the workers. The fact is that it will not. Corporations will do one of 3 things. They will either keep the cash, use it for acquisitions, or stock buybacks. It will not benefit the average person in any way.
we are not saying that, we are agreeing with the legislature that it makes sense to do that.

Yes you are. Supporters are claiming that bringing that money home will create jobs or raise the pay of workers. It will not. I do not disagree with lowering taxes on money brought back into the US, it will not benefit the average person. It will benefit the rich.
As usual, DemocRATs scream how it “favors the rich” and “raises taxes on the middle class.” And, as usual, it’s nothing but bull poop! This article spells out some of the truths and is worth reading.

Regarding the middle class, Democrats fail to mention that under the new House plan, the standardized deduction would almost double from $6,350 to over $12,000 for single filers, and $12,700 to $24,000 for married couples filing jointly. That means the number of Americans who claim the standard deduction would likely go from 60 percent of all filers to 90 percent.

Critics also fail to mention that the tax credit per child would increase from $1,000 to $1,600.

Additionally, critics don’t admit that the impact of simplifying the tax code would disproportionately help lower- and middle-income taxpayers, most of whom would be able to file their taxes using a simple postcard.

More @ Don't Believe the Democrat Attacks on Tax Reform. Here Are the Facts.
So a guy working a job without any investments outside of a work provided IRA has a more difficult tax return than Trump.

Good to know just how fucking stupid you are.

We've heard about that post card before. Never happened.
As everyone knows, any corporate taxes are passed on to the consumer in the price for the goods and services consumed. So the corporate tax IS a consumption tax, and we are told by the CON$ that corporate taxes are bad but consumption taxes are "fair."

I can't wait for prices to all go down after this big corporate tax break. I'm sure it will happen...

Who claimed it would make prices go down?

You people are the ones who are claiming that if corporations bring all that cash home it will benefit the workers. The fact is that it will not. Corporations will do one of 3 things. They will either keep the cash, use it for acquisitions, or stock buybacks. It will not benefit the average person in any way.
we are not saying that, we are agreeing with the legislature that it makes sense to do that.

Yes you are. Supporters are claiming that bringing that money home will create jobs or raise the pay of workers. It will not. I do not disagree with lowering taxes on money brought back into the US, it will not benefit the average person. It will benefit the rich.
not at all, I say it will eventually create new jobs once back, but getting that money back to be taxed is huge. not sure why you don't support that.

BTW, it's their money, but it would be our revenue if brought back in. I'd take 20% of a billion over nothing.
Fact: Wealthy people gt the same tax breaks as the poorer & the middle class.

Only wealthy people get the benefits of tax cuts for wealthy people.

Elimination of the death tax _ gift to the Trumps. Paid for by the Middle Class.

Cutting the rate on pass throughs - A yuuuuuuge gift to the wealthy.

If the Republicans were genuinely interested in spurring the economy, you put money in the hand of people that will spend it.

There is no excuse g=for this bill to increase the deficit. Just add back percentages on those cuts for the wealthy until it lo longer adds to the debt.

This tax cut bill sucks. Republicabns know it sucks. Republicans won't take the time to fix it.

Noooioooo, they need top pass a bill this year because the fat-sassed orange POS said so.

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