Don’t Believe the Democrat Attacks on Tax Reform. Here Are the Facts.

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As usual, DemocRATs scream how it “favors the rich” and “raises taxes on the middle class.” And, as usual, it’s nothing but bull poop! This article spells out some of the truths and is worth reading.

Regarding the middle class, Democrats fail to mention that under the new House plan, the standardized deduction would almost double from $6,350 to over $12,000 for single filers, and $12,700 to $24,000 for married couples filing jointly. That means the number of Americans who claim the standard deduction would likely go from 60 percent of all filers to 90 percent.

Critics also fail to mention that the tax credit per child would increase from $1,000 to $1,600.

Additionally, critics don’t admit that the impact of simplifying the tax code would disproportionately help lower- and middle-income taxpayers, most of whom would be able to file their taxes using a simple postcard.

More @ Don't Believe the Democrat Attacks on Tax Reform. Here Are the Facts.
Liar liar pants on fire.

A chart without context is worthless. What are the gains and losses, do they include maobamacare increases? Where's your link?

As usual, DemocRATs scream how it “favors the rich” and “raises taxes on the middle class.” And, as usual, it’s nothing but bull poop! This article spells out some of the truths and is worth reading.

Regarding the middle class, Democrats fail to mention that under the new House plan, the standardized deduction would almost double from $6,350 to over $12,000 for single filers, and $12,700 to $24,000 for married couples filing jointly. That means the number of Americans who claim the standard deduction would likely go from 60 percent of all filers to 90 percent.

Critics also fail to mention that the tax credit per child would increase from $1,000 to $1,600.

Additionally, critics don’t admit that the impact of simplifying the tax code would disproportionately help lower- and middle-income taxpayers, most of whom would be able to file their taxes using a simple postcard.

More @ Don't Believe the Democrat Attacks on Tax Reform. Here Are the Facts.
1 year after trumps out of office Paul Ryan’s going to say we’re broke and need to make cuts to social security and Medicare
As usual, DemocRATs scream how it “favors the rich” and “raises taxes on the middle class.” And, as usual, it’s nothing but bull poop! This article spells out some of the truths and is worth reading.

Regarding the middle class, Democrats fail to mention that under the new House plan, the standardized deduction would almost double from $6,350 to over $12,000 for single filers, and $12,700 to $24,000 for married couples filing jointly. That means the number of Americans who claim the standard deduction would likely go from 60 percent of all filers to 90 percent.

Critics also fail to mention that the tax credit per child would increase from $1,000 to $1,600.

Additionally, critics don’t admit that the impact of simplifying the tax code would disproportionately help lower- and middle-income taxpayers, most of whom would be able to file their taxes using a simple postcard.

More @ Don't Believe the Democrat Attacks on Tax Reform. Here Are the Facts.
Listen nitwit, if Republicans really believed their tax nonsense, they wouldn't fight a deficit trigger.

GOP Tax Cuts for the Rich: What exactly is a deficit "trigger"?
As usual, DemocRATs scream how it “favors the rich” and “raises taxes on the middle class.” And, as usual, it’s nothing but bull poop! This article spells out some of the truths and is worth reading.

Regarding the middle class, Democrats fail to mention that under the new House plan, the standardized deduction would almost double from $6,350 to over $12,000 for single filers, and $12,700 to $24,000 for married couples filing jointly. That means the number of Americans who claim the standard deduction would likely go from 60 percent of all filers to 90 percent.

Critics also fail to mention that the tax credit per child would increase from $1,000 to $1,600.

Additionally, critics don’t admit that the impact of simplifying the tax code would disproportionately help lower- and middle-income taxpayers, most of whom would be able to file their taxes using a simple postcard.

More @ Don't Believe the Democrat Attacks on Tax Reform. Here Are the Facts.
1 year after trumps out of office Paul Ryan’s going to say we’re broke and need to make cuts to social security and Medicare
That's exactly right.

The problem for these white wingers is they somehow think Republican's policies will only harm minorities. That somehow, being white, they will be spared.

Harsh. Finding out the truth. The Republican leadership squats on you. Squats and lets loose.
As usual, DemocRATs scream how it “favors the rich” and “raises taxes on the middle class.” And, as usual, it’s nothing but bull poop! This article spells out some of the truths and is worth reading.

Regarding the middle class, Democrats fail to mention that under the new House plan, the standardized deduction would almost double from $6,350 to over $12,000 for single filers, and $12,700 to $24,000 for married couples filing jointly. That means the number of Americans who claim the standard deduction would likely go from 60 percent of all filers to 90 percent.

Critics also fail to mention that the tax credit per child would increase from $1,000 to $1,600.

Additionally, critics don’t admit that the impact of simplifying the tax code would disproportionately help lower- and middle-income taxpayers, most of whom would be able to file their taxes using a simple postcard.

More @ Don't Believe the Democrat Attacks on Tax Reform. Here Are the Facts.

If you are poor and you have kids you need to be concerned especially if you are making less than 40k a year. Then if your kids that are under 13 now will be screwed when they start getting jobs.
You should be thankful for the democrats that are fighting for you.

Democrats are fighting to make sure your kids don't have a job. Democrats are importing cheap foreign labor to take their jobs, and Democrats want to tax corporations into oblivion. How on earth can anyone be stupid enough to believe that raising taxes is the way to create jobs and a high standard of living?
As usual, DemocRATs scream how it “favors the rich” and “raises taxes on the middle class.” And, as usual, it’s nothing but bull poop! This article spells out some of the truths and is worth reading.

Regarding the middle class, Democrats fail to mention that under the new House plan, the standardized deduction would almost double from $6,350 to over $12,000 for single filers, and $12,700 to $24,000 for married couples filing jointly. That means the number of Americans who claim the standard deduction would likely go from 60 percent of all filers to 90 percent.

Critics also fail to mention that the tax credit per child would increase from $1,000 to $1,600.

Additionally, critics don’t admit that the impact of simplifying the tax code would disproportionately help lower- and middle-income taxpayers, most of whom would be able to file their taxes using a simple postcard.

More @ Don't Believe the Democrat Attacks on Tax Reform. Here Are the Facts.
Listen nitwit, if Republicans really believed their tax nonsense, they wouldn't fight a deficit trigger.

GOP Tax Cuts for the Rich: What exactly is a deficit "trigger"?

If Dims believed their nonsense, why won't they ever admit they want to raise everyone's taxes?
As usual, DemocRATs scream how it “favors the rich” and “raises taxes on the middle class.” And, as usual, it’s nothing but bull poop! This article spells out some of the truths and is worth reading.

Regarding the middle class, Democrats fail to mention that under the new House plan, the standardized deduction would almost double from $6,350 to over $12,000 for single filers, and $12,700 to $24,000 for married couples filing jointly. That means the number of Americans who claim the standard deduction would likely go from 60 percent of all filers to 90 percent.

Critics also fail to mention that the tax credit per child would increase from $1,000 to $1,600.

Additionally, critics don’t admit that the impact of simplifying the tax code would disproportionately help lower- and middle-income taxpayers, most of whom would be able to file their taxes using a simple postcard.

More @ Don't Believe the Democrat Attacks on Tax Reform. Here Are the Facts.
1 year after trumps out of office Paul Ryan’s going to say we’re broke and need to make cuts to social security and Medicare
That's exactly right.

The problem for these white wingers is they somehow think Republican's policies will only harm minorities. That somehow, being white, they will be spared.

Harsh. Finding out the truth. The Republican leadership squats on you. Squats and lets loose.

How will cutting taxes harm minorities, nimrod? How will it harm anyone?
As usual, DemocRATs scream how it “favors the rich” and “raises taxes on the middle class.” And, as usual, it’s nothing but bull poop! This article spells out some of the truths and is worth reading.

Regarding the middle class, Democrats fail to mention that under the new House plan, the standardized deduction would almost double from $6,350 to over $12,000 for single filers, and $12,700 to $24,000 for married couples filing jointly. That means the number of Americans who claim the standard deduction would likely go from 60 percent of all filers to 90 percent.

Critics also fail to mention that the tax credit per child would increase from $1,000 to $1,600.

Additionally, critics don’t admit that the impact of simplifying the tax code would disproportionately help lower- and middle-income taxpayers, most of whom would be able to file their taxes using a simple postcard.

More @ Don't Believe the Democrat Attacks on Tax Reform. Here Are the Facts.
Listen nitwit, if Republicans really believed their tax nonsense, they wouldn't fight a deficit trigger.

GOP Tax Cuts for the Rich: What exactly is a deficit "trigger"?

Of course they would. The worst thing you could do in a recession is raise taxes. Giving the Dims automatic tax increases is pure idiocy. Once they get in power, the Dims will simply raise spending enough to trigger the tax increase.
Why are we not considering all taxes & there effect? where does this 47 % pay no taxes come from. after 5 years of retirement we expect to break even this fed tax year. yet we still paid 10% each fed&state tax on stock sold. we still pay taxes on property, at the grocery store, the gas pump on utility bills you name it they tax it. who the heck pays nothing the guy living under a bridge? some one sold you a line, sure we have a % of people using the system that don't work, & it makes a lot of us angry. but most people work or have worked. why focus on them, why not the real bums, those who miss handle our money, spend trillions like drunken sailors on leave.
The 47% refers to the people who pay Zero net federal income tax.
I bet 99 percent of you have no idea how much you paid in federal income tax last year. You might remember how much your refund was, or how much you had to pay above the withheld tax, but you have no idea what your total tax was.

That's why it will be so easy to tax you more, goldfish!
I know exactly what i paid because I have to file quarterly and actually write checks to pay my taxes
Hey Texas has the highest property tax. Cons worried about the deficit when Dems are in control , they go and give tax cuts to the rich and create another deficit that the Dems will have to take care of. Can't wait till the greedy monsters are out of maj, and soon they will be.

If they would use dynamic scoring there would be no addition to the debt

Did you just make this up? No Dynamic Scoring shows that growth will offset anywhere near the volume of the cost

The congressional Joint Committee on Taxation said Wednesday afternoon that the Senate tax bill would add $1 trillion to federal budget deficits over the next decade, even after accounting for additional economic growth, a major blow to Republicans’ contention that the $1.5 trillion tax cuts in the bill will pay for themselves through growth. […]

The committee said economic growth generated by the tax cut will offset losses by about $458 billion over the next decade. Over that same period, an additional $51 billion will be needed to pay interest on the additional debt the government will borrow to pay for the tax cuts.

Official new report: Republican tax cuts won't pay for themselves

What was the exact grown prediction in that calculation?

I've got an idea, why don't you read up on it, understand it, form an opinion based on something and THEN comeback here to make a counter argument.

That is much better than simply making things up out of thin air.

So what you're saying is you have no clue what projected growth was calculated in those estimates. And the fact is they don't say in their report.


Lol - do you have ANYTHING positive to say to make ANY sort of counter argument??

I gave you serious dynamic scoring, by serious economists, you gave us NOTHING to support your rediculous assertion that these tax-cuts will be a self-financing free lunch with nothing but upsides, rainbows and unicorns.

There is a pervasive intellectual brain drain on the right and it seems to be only getting worse and worse (see election of Trump the clown).
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Why are we not considering all taxes & there effect? where does this 47 % pay no taxes come from. after 5 years of retirement we expect to break even this fed tax year. yet we still paid 10% each fed&state tax on stock sold. we still pay taxes on property, at the grocery store, the gas pump on utility bills you name it they tax it. who the heck pays nothing the guy living under a bridge? some one sold you a line, sure we have a % of people using the system that don't work, & it makes a lot of us angry. but most people work or have worked. why focus on them, why not the real bums, those who miss handle our money, spend trillions like drunken sailors on leave.
The 47% refers to the people who pay Zero net federal income tax.

the people who pay no taxes are college kids, unemployed, disabled and some of the aged on SS. If you want to live in a third world country go to Ethiopia. If you want to leave in a theocracy go to Saudi Arabia.
As usual, DemocRATs scream how it “favors the rich” and “raises taxes on the middle class.” And, as usual, it’s nothing but bull poop! This article spells out some of the truths and is worth reading.

Regarding the middle class, Democrats fail to mention that under the new House plan, the standardized deduction would almost double from $6,350 to over $12,000 for single filers, and $12,700 to $24,000 for married couples filing jointly. That means the number of Americans who claim the standard deduction would likely go from 60 percent of all filers to 90 percent.

Critics also fail to mention that the tax credit per child would increase from $1,000 to $1,600.

Additionally, critics don’t admit that the impact of simplifying the tax code would disproportionately help lower- and middle-income taxpayers, most of whom would be able to file their taxes using a simple postcard.

More @ Don't Believe the Democrat Attacks on Tax Reform. Here Are the Facts.
Listen nitwit, if Republicans really believed their tax nonsense, they wouldn't fight a deficit trigger.

GOP Tax Cuts for the Rich: What exactly is a deficit "trigger"?

Of course they would. The worst thing you could do in a recession is raise taxes. Giving the Dims automatic tax increases is pure idiocy. Once they get in power, the Dims will simply raise spending enough to trigger the tax increase.

They will have no choice but to raise taxes.
As usual, DemocRATs scream how it “favors the rich” and “raises taxes on the middle class.” And, as usual, it’s nothing but bull poop! This article spells out some of the truths and is worth reading.

Regarding the middle class, Democrats fail to mention that under the new House plan, the standardized deduction would almost double from $6,350 to over $12,000 for single filers, and $12,700 to $24,000 for married couples filing jointly. That means the number of Americans who claim the standard deduction would likely go from 60 percent of all filers to 90 percent.

Critics also fail to mention that the tax credit per child would increase from $1,000 to $1,600.

Additionally, critics don’t admit that the impact of simplifying the tax code would disproportionately help lower- and middle-income taxpayers, most of whom would be able to file their taxes using a simple postcard.

More @ Don't Believe the Democrat Attacks on Tax Reform. Here Are the Facts.
1 year after trumps out of office Paul Ryan’s going to say we’re broke and need to make cuts to social security and Medicare
That's exactly right.

The problem for these white wingers is they somehow think Republican's policies will only harm minorities. That somehow, being white, they will be spared.

Harsh. Finding out the truth. The Republican leadership squats on you. Squats and lets loose.

How will cutting taxes harm minorities, nimrod? How will it harm anyone?

Because when we fall into a deficit when lowering taxes, then the GOP will need to cut spending, Medicaid, Chip, Medicare, all social programs.
"Republicans Senators are working hard to pass the biggest Tax Cuts in the history of our Country. The Bill is getting better and better. This is a once in a generation chance. Obstructionist Dems trying to block because they think it is too good and will not be given the credit!" - President Trump
"Republicans Senators are working hard to pass the biggest Tax Cuts in the history of our Country.



This is not good, this is good ol' thought-free tax-cut cult.
"Republicans Senators are working hard to pass the biggest Tax Cuts in the history of our Country. The Bill is getting better and better. This is a once in a generation chance. Obstructionist Dems trying to block because they think it is too good and will not be given the credit!" - President Trump
Reminds me of healthcare. Instead of Obamacare they're going to give us Trumpdontcare.
For almost a decade, those same people you see bashing this tax reduction are the same politicians that gave us the 'economic wisdom' of Barack Obama.
Why are we not considering all taxes & there effect? where does this 47 % pay no taxes come from. after 5 years of retirement we expect to break even this fed tax year. yet we still paid 10% each fed&state tax on stock sold. we still pay taxes on property, at the grocery store, the gas pump on utility bills you name it they tax it. who the heck pays nothing the guy living under a bridge? some one sold you a line, sure we have a % of people using the system that don't work, & it makes a lot of us angry. but most people work or have worked. why focus on them, why not the real bums, those who miss handle our money, spend trillions like drunken sailors on leave.
The 47% refers to the people who pay Zero net federal income tax.

the people who pay no taxes are college kids, unemployed, disabled and some of the aged on SS. If you want to live in a third world country go to Ethiopia. If you want to leave in a theocracy go to Saudi Arabia.

So if you want your taxes lowered, that means you want to live in Ethiopia?

Do you really not understand why people think snowflakes are a bunch of dumbasses?
For almost a decade, those same people you see bashing this tax reduction are the same politicians that gave us the 'economic wisdom' of Barack Obama.

Yep, the people who gaves us an additional $10 trillion in debt are whining about a tax cut adding to the debt.

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