Don’t Believe the Democrat Attacks on Tax Reform. Here Are the Facts.

that's the corporate tax isn't it?

As far as I know we do not have a consumption tax in the US
As everyone knows, any corporate taxes are passed on to the consumer in the price for the goods and services consumed. So the corporate tax IS a consumption tax, and we are told by the CON$ that corporate taxes are bad but consumption taxes are "fair."

I can't wait for prices to all go down after this big corporate tax break. I'm sure it will happen...

Who claimed it would make prices go down?

I've been hearing corporate taxes are passsd onto the consumer for many years.
huh, that isn't what happens? so not sure how you're hearing that.

Republicans have said that for years. You must not be a republican.
As everyone knows, any corporate taxes are passed on to the consumer in the price for the goods and services consumed. So the corporate tax IS a consumption tax, and we are told by the CON$ that corporate taxes are bad but consumption taxes are "fair."

I can't wait for prices to all go down after this big corporate tax break. I'm sure it will happen...

Who claimed it would make prices go down?

I've been hearing corporate taxes are passsd onto the consumer for many years.
huh, that isn't what happens? so not sure how you're hearing that.

Republicans have said that for years. You must not be a republican.
it isn't though so not sure your reference.
Right, so how does doubling a deduction offer any relief for those folks?

It's a gimmick designed to make it look good.
A hundred extra bucks a month isn't much to crow about when compared to the saving corps and the wealthy will realize.
again, the wealthy aren't getting anything. so a hundred a month is 1200 a year. And you find that insignificant. Now that is truly funny. it's almost a ten percent saving to a group that hasn't seen jack shit since 2003.

you find that insignificant

It is.
It will have zero stimulative effect on the econmy.

The fact that you think $100 extra a month would change the quality of life for anyone in the middle class is laughable.
it isn't about stimulating the economy by giving the middle class a break. the stimulation comes from the corporate tax break. hly fk you all truly get lost easily.

The corporations that are already bloated with cash?
tons of fking money off shore. yep those ones. why don't you want them investing that money in the US? I don't get you stupid fks.

They already have tons here they aren't investing.
I can't wait for prices to all go down after this big corporate tax break. I'm sure it will happen...

Who claimed it would make prices go down?

I've been hearing corporate taxes are passsd onto the consumer for many years.
huh, that isn't what happens? so not sure how you're hearing that.

Republicans have said that for years. You must not be a republican.
it isn't though so not sure your reference.

Conservatives have been lying? I am shocked.
again, the wealthy aren't getting anything. so a hundred a month is 1200 a year. And you find that insignificant. Now that is truly funny. it's almost a ten percent saving to a group that hasn't seen jack shit since 2003.

you find that insignificant

It is.
It will have zero stimulative effect on the econmy.

The fact that you think $100 extra a month would change the quality of life for anyone in the middle class is laughable.
it isn't about stimulating the economy by giving the middle class a break. the stimulation comes from the corporate tax break. hly fk you all truly get lost easily.

The corporations that are already bloated with cash?
tons of fking money off shore. yep those ones. why don't you want them investing that money in the US? I don't get you stupid fks.

They already have tons here they aren't investing.
huh? fking amazon is looking to open up a new hdqtrs. fking tons of fking money for jobs. They aren't the only ones. what the fk are you talking about?
I thought you all were in here saying that estate tax was nothing but a capital gains tax? WTF? what has it to do with income for the country?

When did I ever say anything like that?

How about now admitting you don't understand this tax proposal.
I know it is much as you know it. since it isn't passed yet.

It's funny that you're allowed to vote. There needs to be some sort of basic level of intelligence before you're allowed to pick people to represent us all.
I agree, cause you have no idea what is going on.

Pick a topic, any topic and I'll debate you. One on One, No outside help. We'll see who has no idea what is going on.

What do you say?

And what do you know, loud mouth skipped right over this.

You assholes are all the same.
It is.
It will have zero stimulative effect on the econmy.

The fact that you think $100 extra a month would change the quality of life for anyone in the middle class is laughable.
it isn't about stimulating the economy by giving the middle class a break. the stimulation comes from the corporate tax break. hly fk you all truly get lost easily.

The corporations that are already bloated with cash?
tons of fking money off shore. yep those ones. why don't you want them investing that money in the US? I don't get you stupid fks.

They already have tons here they aren't investing.
huh? fking amazon is looking to open up a new hdqtrs. fking tons of fking money for jobs. They aren't the only ones. what the fk are you talking about?
And they have plenty of cash to do it.
The tax cut is for the wealthy, double taxation under Salt. It will increase the debt so they will then need to cut social programs, but the wealthy will just keep getting wealthier.

I mean he is choosing heads of the depts. that want to destroy the departs they head.

Are the corps raising wages with the market run up, NOPE, it never trickles down.

Take your double taxation BS and shove it, many things are double, triple and even quadruple taxed with no deductions available. City, County and State taxes are separate form federal taxes, if they are too high address it with the taxing entity.

How do you give a tax cut to someone who pays no taxes?


You didn't answer My question. I am not surprised. Your graph is meaningless, btw. Unless it provides methods and data.

Half of this country does not pay taxes. So, if they don't pay taxes, how do you give them a tax break?

YES I did you are just too fucking stupid to get it.

"Half of this country" is bullshit. People still pay federal payroll taxes and AS MY GRAPH SHOWS, even bottom 20% of earners pay Federal taxes.
You call others stupid when you're that fucking dumb?

They get every dime of those taxes back plus MORE. In other words, they pay no taxes.

God, you're a fucking idiot.

No they don't, you are clueless.

Want to dispute that? Ok bring data on TOTAL Federal taxation, not just cherry picked income tax, while pretending that other Federal taxes are not being paid.
Please, the only thing we have been discussing, AND this tax bill deals with income taxes.

What I find amusing about you clowns is that if Clinton had been elected, you people would have raised taxes on both the middle class and the wealthy. But here you are, bitching about a tiny middle-class tax cut when you were looking to increase anyway.

Here is a clue. Get the fuck over the concept that government has a right to an income and start talking about cutting government.
How do you give a tax cut to someone who pays no taxes?


You didn't answer My question. I am not surprised. Your graph is meaningless, btw. Unless it provides methods and data.

Half of this country does not pay taxes. So, if they don't pay taxes, how do you give them a tax break?

YES I did you are just too fucking stupid to get it.

"Half of this country" is bullshit. People still pay federal payroll taxes and AS MY GRAPH SHOWS, even bottom 20% of earners pay Federal taxes.
You call others stupid when you're that fucking dumb?

They get every dime of those taxes back plus MORE. In other words, they pay no taxes.

God, you're a fucking idiot.

The poor pay plenty of taxes, not federal income tax but other federal taxes and they get raped at the state and local level. States like progressive liberal Oregon for example.
Then they need to take it up with their State. We're talking about federal taxes. If they are stupid enough to live in a high tax state, that is their problem.
As usual, DemocRATs scream how it “favors the rich” and “raises taxes on the middle class.” And, as usual, it’s nothing but bull poop! This article spells out some of the truths and is worth reading.

Regarding the middle class, Democrats fail to mention that under the new House plan, the standardized deduction would almost double from $6,350 to over $12,000 for single filers, and $12,700 to $24,000 for married couples filing jointly. That means the number of Americans who claim the standard deduction would likely go from 60 percent of all filers to 90 percent.

Critics also fail to mention that the tax credit per child would increase from $1,000 to $1,600.

Additionally, critics don’t admit that the impact of simplifying the tax code would disproportionately help lower- and middle-income taxpayers, most of whom would be able to file their taxes using a simple postcard.

More @ Don't Believe the Democrat Attacks on Tax Reform. Here Are the Facts.

Fact: The House plan eliminates the Millionaire estate tax(The Senate plan does so in a few years0

And also eliminate deductions for Graduate Students and Teachers.

Winners: Millionaires
Losers: Grad Students and Teachers.
The tax cut is for the wealthy, double taxation under Salt. It will increase the debt so they will then need to cut social programs, but the wealthy will just keep getting wealthier.

I mean he is choosing heads of the depts. that want to destroy the departs they head.

Are the corps raising wages with the market run up, NOPE, it never trickles down.

Take your double taxation BS and shove it, many things are double, triple and even quadruple taxed with no deductions available. City, County and State taxes are separate form federal taxes, if they are too high address it with the taxing entity.


Hey Texas has the highest property tax. Cons worried about the deficit when Dems are in control , they go and give tax cuts to the rich and create another deficit that the Dems will have to take care of. Can't wait till the greedy monsters are out of maj, and soon they will be.
We need to scrap our income tax completely and either institute a flat tax on income or a consumption tax.

Until we do that the 4 million word tax code that is so ridiculously complex that even law makers can't understand it will become an 8 million word tax code that not even the best accountants or tax attorneys can understand
That's done deliberately so anyone can be made into a target. Since the code is so ridiculously complex, just about everyone is breaks some part of it at one time or another. It makes the IRS a powerful political tool.
Why are we not considering all taxes & there effect? where does this 47 % pay no taxes come from. after 5 years of retirement we expect to break even this fed tax year. yet we still paid 10% each fed&state tax on stock sold. we still pay taxes on property, at the grocery store, the gas pump on utility bills you name it they tax it. who the heck pays nothing the guy living under a bridge? some one sold you a line, sure we have a % of people using the system that don't work, & it makes a lot of us angry. but most people work or have worked. why focus on them, why not the real bums, those who miss handle our money, spend trillions like drunken sailors on leave.
Most middle class folk will get a very small decrease. Why didn't they propose a much larger decrease only for the middle class? If you want extra money in peoples hands then do it. A couple hundred will not spur job growth or more importantly massive wage double as we have been told.
Most of the so called middle class pay very little income tax anyway

Right, so how does doubling a deduction offer any relief for those folks?

It's a gimmick designed to make it look good.
A hundred extra bucks a month isn't much to crow about when compared to the saving corps and the wealthy will realize.
again, the wealthy aren't getting anything. so a hundred a month is 1200 a year. And you find that insignificant. Now that is truly funny. it's almost a ten percent saving to a group that hasn't seen jack shit since 2003.

you find that insignificant

It is.
It will have zero stimulative effect on the econmy.

The fact that you think $100 extra a month would change the quality of life for anyone in the middle class is laughable.
it isn't about stimulating the economy by giving the middle class a break. the stimulation comes from the corporate tax break. hly fk you all truly get lost easily.

it isn't about stimulating the economy by giving the middle class a break.

Of course it is. Why do it otherwise?
As usual, DemocRATs scream how it “favors the rich” and “raises taxes on the middle class.” And, as usual, it’s nothing but bull poop! This article spells out some of the truths and is worth reading.

Regarding the middle class, Democrats fail to mention that under the new House plan, the standardized deduction would almost double from $6,350 to over $12,000 for single filers, and $12,700 to $24,000 for married couples filing jointly. That means the number of Americans who claim the standard deduction would likely go from 60 percent of all filers to 90 percent.

Critics also fail to mention that the tax credit per child would increase from $1,000 to $1,600.

Additionally, critics don’t admit that the impact of simplifying the tax code would disproportionately help lower- and middle-income taxpayers, most of whom would be able to file their taxes using a simple postcard.

More @ Don't Believe the Democrat Attacks on Tax Reform. Here Are the Facts.
Dude, I posted weeks ago the postcard tax return so you dumb fucks could see for yourselves if your taxes go up or down.

I did mine. They go up.

You fucking idiots don't realize the higher standard deduction does not cancel out all the other deductions, exemptions, and credits you are losing. Instead of drinking the piss from your propagandists, you could see for yourself.

You are going to pay MORE taxes. Just so the corporate tax rate can be lowered without removing all THEIR deductions, exemptions, and credits which drove the corporate tax rate up in the first place.

Your propaganda ministers whose piss you guzzle down count on your willful gullibility and innumeracy.

You are going to pay more taxes so the corporations can keep receiving their government gifts.

You are defending the people raping your ass.
Your attention is being deliberately diverted.


The American Politboro is being very careful to keep you from paying attention to what is happening on the corporate tax "reform" side. The last thing they want you to notice is what is going on there.

And the corporate pseudocon media outlets are cooperating. They are directing your attention to shiny objects while a massive cock is being slipped up your ignorant asses.
I bet 99 percent of you have no idea how much you paid in federal income tax last year. You might remember how much your refund was, or how much you had to pay above the withheld tax, but you have no idea what your total tax was.

That's why it will be so easy to tax you more, goldfish!


0-75k earners are losers.
Upper middle class are winners.

Millionaires making out like bandits.



Why the hell would we want to do this?!

Simple------>because to bring it to revenue neutral, all the economy has to do is INCREASE by 4-10ths of 1%. That it will do with the cuts!

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