Don't believe trump when he says he created the most jobs.


2014: 3.006 million fell to 3.004 million, down 2,000 jobs

2015: 2.729 million fell to 2.72 million, down 9,000 jobs

2016: 2.318 million increased to 2.345 million, up 27,000 jobs


2017: 2.153 million fell to 2.109 million, down 44,000 jobs

2018: 2.679 million fell to 2.314 million, down 365,000 jobs (Trump’s best year)

2019: 2.115 million fell to 2.096 million, down 19,000 jobs

Obama created 1.6 million more jobs than Trump over a three-year period

It is harder for companies to find workers and it is later in the business cycle. However, Trump’s boasts about how many jobs he has added don’t include that he has generated 6.5 million jobs under his Presidency vs. the 8.1 million, or 1.6 million fewer than Obama did under the same timeframe. On average Obama created 43,000 more jobs per month than Trump.

Job growth is a continuation from Obama’s Presidency

Obama’s Last Three Years Of Job Growth All Beat Trump’s Best Year

Why? Obama inherited the great depression and tramp inherited the great economy that Obama left him.

Due to the tax cut and cutting all regulations is the only way tramp maintained the jobs he did.

And what is the Unemployment Rate now?? Probably due to his mishandling his virus.

You and your source forgot to add the new category "jobs created or saved" that obama and his leftist buddies had to create because his numbers were so pathetic. "Jobs created or saved" is basically any number they made up.

You disagree Edward? They didnt invent this new category?
The category I remember best is 75 straight weeks of SIX digit employment gains Trump and his people will ALWAYS come up with something to not make them look like the inept fools they truly are

Cool.story bro. Trump and his people didnt come up with something, obama and his people created or saved. Your and his number are a fabricated joke. You know it.

2014: 3.006 million fell to 3.004 million, down 2,000 jobs

2015: 2.729 million fell to 2.72 million, down 9,000 jobs

2016: 2.318 million increased to 2.345 million, up 27,000 jobs


2017: 2.153 million fell to 2.109 million, down 44,000 jobs

2018: 2.679 million fell to 2.314 million, down 365,000 jobs (Trump’s best year)

2019: 2.115 million fell to 2.096 million, down 19,000 jobs

Obama created 1.6 million more jobs than Trump over a three-year period

It is harder for companies to find workers and it is later in the business cycle. However, Trump’s boasts about how many jobs he has added don’t include that he has generated 6.5 million jobs under his Presidency vs. the 8.1 million, or 1.6 million fewer than Obama did under the same timeframe. On average Obama created 43,000 more jobs per month than Trump.

Job growth is a continuation from Obama’s Presidency

Obama’s Last Three Years Of Job Growth All Beat Trump’s Best Year

Why? Obama inherited the great depression and tramp inherited the great economy that Obama left him.

Due to the tax cut and cutting all regulations is the only way tramp maintained the jobs he did.

And what is the Unemployment Rate now?? Probably due to his mishandling his virus.
Your definition of a job and a republican is different. You think flipping burgers 30 hour’s a week is a job.. republicans are like no hold my beer hahah
That's a lie.
I live in a urban city.. I’ve never seen more blacks spending huge money like they do today. I work at a very expensive restaurant.. NEVER HAVE I SEEN THIS
So black people spending money means they got it from the government? Prejudiced much?

I hope they don't tip your racist ass much.
No they have real jobs under trump
Just like they did 3 1/2 years ago.
Ten percent unemploymemt, Trump sucks.
Democrat dregs are lazy
Yet, the numbers are all Trump's...No Democrats are president. If he takes the good he takes the bad. Just how it works.

Remember when the opposition parties used to support America during crises instead of trying to trip the President like the Democrats are doing? If the modern Democrat party were in WWII and a Republican was President, they'd be on Hitler's side. It's sick
View attachment 377759
Herman Goering....sounds like the Gestapo Governor in Michigan...looks like her too
That is not my problem but it seems to be yours. The governors were following the presidents lead and acting in accordance of Trump control of the CDC and NIH..Ain't it a bitch to be the leader and get all the eggface yous can handle?
Again, he is trying to do the right thing. Some governors have handled this well along with the President and some are incompetent. Lets rate the states according to mortality rate and see which are which
The handling of an unknown pathogen which acts different than any before and you think it's a simple task to take care of tens of millions of people all at once with limited supplies and limited medical facilities? How many did you personally save?
No matter what Trump says about the previous economy, he is sitting on negative 33 GDP

That is what he is running on
Yep. Once again, the Democrats have managed to create an economic tragedy during a Republican Administration. Go figure.

Every republican't causes a recession.

Facts, not the fantasy you wish to live in.
And every Democrat dreg sits at home waiting for checks from the government teet
That's 100% BS

2014: 3.006 million fell to 3.004 million, down 2,000 jobs

2015: 2.729 million fell to 2.72 million, down 9,000 jobs

2016: 2.318 million increased to 2.345 million, up 27,000 jobs


2017: 2.153 million fell to 2.109 million, down 44,000 jobs

2018: 2.679 million fell to 2.314 million, down 365,000 jobs (Trump’s best year)

2019: 2.115 million fell to 2.096 million, down 19,000 jobs

Obama created 1.6 million more jobs than Trump over a three-year period

It is harder for companies to find workers and it is later in the business cycle. However, Trump’s boasts about how many jobs he has added don’t include that he has generated 6.5 million jobs under his Presidency vs. the 8.1 million, or 1.6 million fewer than Obama did under the same timeframe. On average Obama created 43,000 more jobs per month than Trump.

Job growth is a continuation from Obama’s Presidency

Obama’s Last Three Years Of Job Growth All Beat Trump’s Best Year

Why? Obama inherited the great depression and tramp inherited the great economy that Obama left him.

Due to the tax cut and cutting all regulations is the only way tramp maintained the jobs he did.

And what is the Unemployment Rate now?? Probably due to his mishandling his virus.

You and your source forgot to add the new category "jobs created or saved" that obama and his leftist buddies had to create because his numbers were so pathetic. "Jobs created or saved" is basically any number they made up.

Yup and most of them were part time jobs which he created or saved. LOL
I had a full time job why didn't yous? My wife has a full time job why didn't yous? This hoax about only being part time is a joke that no one but believes.

LOL I've always had a full time job but there were millions out there who could only find part time jobs cause the economy was so bad that's all that was out there. UE was extended time after time cause there weren't any jobs. And Obamacare didn't help one bit either.
Last edited:

2014: 3.006 million fell to 3.004 million, down 2,000 jobs

2015: 2.729 million fell to 2.72 million, down 9,000 jobs

2016: 2.318 million increased to 2.345 million, up 27,000 jobs


2017: 2.153 million fell to 2.109 million, down 44,000 jobs

2018: 2.679 million fell to 2.314 million, down 365,000 jobs (Trump’s best year)

2019: 2.115 million fell to 2.096 million, down 19,000 jobs

Obama created 1.6 million more jobs than Trump over a three-year period

It is harder for companies to find workers and it is later in the business cycle. However, Trump’s boasts about how many jobs he has added don’t include that he has generated 6.5 million jobs under his Presidency vs. the 8.1 million, or 1.6 million fewer than Obama did under the same timeframe. On average Obama created 43,000 more jobs per month than Trump.

Job growth is a continuation from Obama’s Presidency

Obama’s Last Three Years Of Job Growth All Beat Trump’s Best Year

Why? Obama inherited the great depression and tramp inherited the great economy that Obama left him.

Due to the tax cut and cutting all regulations is the only way tramp maintained the jobs he did.

And what is the Unemployment Rate now?? Probably due to his mishandling his virus.
Your definition of a job and a republican is different. You think flipping burgers 30 hour’s a week is a job.. republicans are like no hold my beer hahah
That's a lie.
I live in a urban city.. I’ve never seen more blacks spending huge money like they do today. I work at a very expensive restaurant.. NEVER HAVE I SEEN THIS
So black people spending money means they got it from the government? Prejudiced much?

I hope they don't tip your racist ass much.
No they have real jobs under trump
Just like they did 3 1/2 years ago.
Obviously they didn’t because it’s only now they are spending money like never before.. like I said I work at a high end restaurant
Don't believe those Obama/Biden assholes when they tell you they improved the economy.

Using the baseline of when they took office eight years later there was increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, higher taxes, failed health care, weakened military and dismal economic growth.

But look on the bright side. The Iranian Mullahs had their billions in cash, Hunter Biden was making his cocaine dealer rich with the money he got from China and the Ukraine and Obama was moving into his mega mansion on Martha's Vineyard.

2014: 3.006 million fell to 3.004 million, down 2,000 jobs

2015: 2.729 million fell to 2.72 million, down 9,000 jobs

2016: 2.318 million increased to 2.345 million, up 27,000 jobs


2017: 2.153 million fell to 2.109 million, down 44,000 jobs

2018: 2.679 million fell to 2.314 million, down 365,000 jobs (Trump’s best year)

2019: 2.115 million fell to 2.096 million, down 19,000 jobs

Obama created 1.6 million more jobs than Trump over a three-year period

It is harder for companies to find workers and it is later in the business cycle. However, Trump’s boasts about how many jobs he has added don’t include that he has generated 6.5 million jobs under his Presidency vs. the 8.1 million, or 1.6 million fewer than Obama did under the same timeframe. On average Obama created 43,000 more jobs per month than Trump.

Job growth is a continuation from Obama’s Presidency

Obama’s Last Three Years Of Job Growth All Beat Trump’s Best Year

Why? Obama inherited the great depression and tramp inherited the great economy that Obama left him.

Due to the tax cut and cutting all regulations is the only way tramp maintained the jobs he did.

And what is the Unemployment Rate now?? Probably due to his mishandling his virus.
Your definition of a job and a republican is different. You think flipping burgers 30 hour’s a week is a job.. republicans are like no hold my beer hahah
That's a lie.
I live in a urban city.. I’ve never seen more blacks spending huge money like they do today. I work at a very expensive restaurant.. NEVER HAVE I SEEN THIS
So black people spending money means they got it from the government? Prejudiced much?

I hope they don't tip your racist ass much.
No they have real jobs under trump
I have had the same job since 1988...Yeah a real job.

2014: 3.006 million fell to 3.004 million, down 2,000 jobs

2015: 2.729 million fell to 2.72 million, down 9,000 jobs

2016: 2.318 million increased to 2.345 million, up 27,000 jobs


2017: 2.153 million fell to 2.109 million, down 44,000 jobs

2018: 2.679 million fell to 2.314 million, down 365,000 jobs (Trump’s best year)

2019: 2.115 million fell to 2.096 million, down 19,000 jobs

Obama created 1.6 million more jobs than Trump over a three-year period

It is harder for companies to find workers and it is later in the business cycle. However, Trump’s boasts about how many jobs he has added don’t include that he has generated 6.5 million jobs under his Presidency vs. the 8.1 million, or 1.6 million fewer than Obama did under the same timeframe. On average Obama created 43,000 more jobs per month than Trump.

Job growth is a continuation from Obama’s Presidency

Obama’s Last Three Years Of Job Growth All Beat Trump’s Best Year

Why? Obama inherited the great depression and tramp inherited the great economy that Obama left him.

Due to the tax cut and cutting all regulations is the only way tramp maintained the jobs he did.

And what is the Unemployment Rate now?? Probably due to his mishandling his virus.

Is a RACIST for claiming the Congressional Black Caucus was LYING about the >20% unemployment rate for blacks that they said Obama CREATED!
But at least this tard admits that he actually believed those 7 million who ran out of long term unemployment and stopped being counted by Obama actually "CHOSE" to stay home and spend time with their families and weren't REALLY still unemployed.
Admitting you're an idiot is refreshing! LOL
No matter what Trump says about the previous economy, he is sitting on negative 33 GDP

That is what he is running on
Yep. Once again, the Democrats have managed to create an economic tragedy during a Republican Administration. Go figure.

We have an economic tragedy because unlike most modern countries, our president has been unable to control COVID
The death rate is about the same as it was last year, so once again. Go screw yourself.

So, those 170K deaths (and climbing) are just what??? Acceptable losses? Just another, "it is what it is?".
Sorry, once again, a Democrat is going to have to come in to clean up a disaster that a Republican made.
And you wonder why we say Republicans are incapable of governing? That's because they are.

The reason we have the economic mess we have now is because Trump botched the response. That's because at his core, he has no interest in being President. Just campaigning for it. The other night, Obama just pointed out what a lot of us already knew.
That many die from the regular flu also. Where is your outrage? Too bad this stunt won't get rid of Trump either. You know over 30% of minorities support Trump now?? Your hatred is pulling them to Trump, so keep up the good work. With that many minorities supporting him. Trump wins in a landslide.
No, they don't. 2018-2019 flu season.
35.5 million infections.
34,200 deaths.

5 + million infections
175,000 + deaths

Both of those numbers are still going my up.

Time for you deniers to face reality.
The flu is estimated...Covid is based on verified testing the mortality rate of Covid is going down and will be lower than the was highly inflated because of Dem governors
We just went over this, kid.

Facts, not the fantasy you wish to live in.
What facts do you want, you seem to hate them all....mortality rate for Covid, that is deaths/cases, has declined over the past 12 weeks across the US from 6.5% to 3.0%. Worldometers is the source....again, flu is estimate, Covid is based strictly on case counts. And no waiting months for recovered cases to register, use this formula as cases and deaths are immediate. US has done 74 million tests and keeps cranking them every day. More and more positives are coming in with no or few symptoms which is diluting the mortality rate that was inflated falsely by Killer Cuomo and his band of idiot Dem governors. Those are facts...the states you mention....Florida, Texas....have high case counts and low low mortality rates and have since the virus began

2014: 3.006 million fell to 3.004 million, down 2,000 jobs

2015: 2.729 million fell to 2.72 million, down 9,000 jobs

2016: 2.318 million increased to 2.345 million, up 27,000 jobs


2017: 2.153 million fell to 2.109 million, down 44,000 jobs

2018: 2.679 million fell to 2.314 million, down 365,000 jobs (Trump’s best year)

2019: 2.115 million fell to 2.096 million, down 19,000 jobs

Obama created 1.6 million more jobs than Trump over a three-year period

It is harder for companies to find workers and it is later in the business cycle. However, Trump’s boasts about how many jobs he has added don’t include that he has generated 6.5 million jobs under his Presidency vs. the 8.1 million, or 1.6 million fewer than Obama did under the same timeframe. On average Obama created 43,000 more jobs per month than Trump.

Job growth is a continuation from Obama’s Presidency

Obama’s Last Three Years Of Job Growth All Beat Trump’s Best Year

Why? Obama inherited the great depression and tramp inherited the great economy that Obama left him.

Due to the tax cut and cutting all regulations is the only way tramp maintained the jobs he did.

And what is the Unemployment Rate now?? Probably due to his mishandling his virus.
The only jobs the Muslim on Chief ever created were government growth. The President supports businesses whose production and increased sales creates jobs by demand....the demand to grow the businesses. Wacko libbers

Just a heads up.

The lunatic left that inhabits this group, will not understand that, at all.

2014: 3.006 million fell to 3.004 million, down 2,000 jobs

2015: 2.729 million fell to 2.72 million, down 9,000 jobs

2016: 2.318 million increased to 2.345 million, up 27,000 jobs


2017: 2.153 million fell to 2.109 million, down 44,000 jobs

2018: 2.679 million fell to 2.314 million, down 365,000 jobs (Trump’s best year)

2019: 2.115 million fell to 2.096 million, down 19,000 jobs

Obama created 1.6 million more jobs than Trump over a three-year period

It is harder for companies to find workers and it is later in the business cycle. However, Trump’s boasts about how many jobs he has added don’t include that he has generated 6.5 million jobs under his Presidency vs. the 8.1 million, or 1.6 million fewer than Obama did under the same timeframe. On average Obama created 43,000 more jobs per month than Trump.

Job growth is a continuation from Obama’s Presidency

Obama’s Last Three Years Of Job Growth All Beat Trump’s Best Year

Why? Obama inherited the great depression and tramp inherited the great economy that Obama left him.

Due to the tax cut and cutting all regulations is the only way tramp maintained the jobs he did.

And what is the Unemployment Rate now?? Probably due to his mishandling his virus.
Your definition of a job and a republican is different. You think flipping burgers 30 hour’s a week is a job.. republicans are like no hold my beer hahah
That's a lie.
I live in a urban city.. I’ve never seen more blacks spending huge money like they do today. I work at a very expensive restaurant.. NEVER HAVE I SEEN THIS
So black people spending money means they got it from the government? Prejudiced much?

I hope they don't tip your racist ass much.
No they have real jobs under trump
I have had the same job since 1988...Yeah a real job.
Well maybe you could get promoted if you werent so lazy

2014: 3.006 million fell to 3.004 million, down 2,000 jobs

2015: 2.729 million fell to 2.72 million, down 9,000 jobs

2016: 2.318 million increased to 2.345 million, up 27,000 jobs


2017: 2.153 million fell to 2.109 million, down 44,000 jobs

2018: 2.679 million fell to 2.314 million, down 365,000 jobs (Trump’s best year)

2019: 2.115 million fell to 2.096 million, down 19,000 jobs

Obama created 1.6 million more jobs than Trump over a three-year period

It is harder for companies to find workers and it is later in the business cycle. However, Trump’s boasts about how many jobs he has added don’t include that he has generated 6.5 million jobs under his Presidency vs. the 8.1 million, or 1.6 million fewer than Obama did under the same timeframe. On average Obama created 43,000 more jobs per month than Trump.

Job growth is a continuation from Obama’s Presidency

Obama’s Last Three Years Of Job Growth All Beat Trump’s Best Year

Why? Obama inherited the great depression and tramp inherited the great economy that Obama left him.

Due to the tax cut and cutting all regulations is the only way tramp maintained the jobs he did.

And what is the Unemployment Rate now?? Probably due to his mishandling his virus.

You and your source forgot to add the new category "jobs created or saved" that obama and his leftist buddies had to create because his numbers were so pathetic. "Jobs created or saved" is basically any number they made up.

Yup and most of them were part time jobs which he created or saved. LOL
I had a full time job why didn't yous? My wife has a full time job why didn't yous? This hoax about only being part time is a joke that no one but believes.

LOL I've always had a full time job but there were millions out there who could only find part time jobs cause the economy was so bad that's all that was out there. UE was extended time after time cause there weren't any jobs.
That is not the case because I not only had my full time job I also had a part time job.Like I have done since I was 23(1984) when I had my first kid. and I still do eventhough it is getting harder at 59.
Ten percent unemploymemt, Trump sucks.
Democrat dregs are lazy
Yet, the numbers are all Trump's...No Democrats are president. If he takes the good he takes the bad. Just how it works.

Remember when the opposition parties used to support America during crises instead of trying to trip the President like the Democrats are doing? If the modern Democrat party were in WWII and a Republican was President, they'd be on Hitler's side. It's sick
View attachment 377759
Herman Goering....sounds like the Gestapo Governor in Michigan...looks like her too
That is not my problem but it seems to be yours. The governors were following the presidents lead and acting in accordance of Trump control of the CDC and NIH..Ain't it a bitch to be the leader and get all the eggface yous can handle?

Again the stupid as shit leftists like moonbat attack Trump when he tells the States what to do and attacks Trump when he doesn't tell the States what to do. Your agenda is as clear as your Trump Derangement Syndrome

2014: 3.006 million fell to 3.004 million, down 2,000 jobs

2015: 2.729 million fell to 2.72 million, down 9,000 jobs

2016: 2.318 million increased to 2.345 million, up 27,000 jobs


2017: 2.153 million fell to 2.109 million, down 44,000 jobs

2018: 2.679 million fell to 2.314 million, down 365,000 jobs (Trump’s best year)

2019: 2.115 million fell to 2.096 million, down 19,000 jobs

Obama created 1.6 million more jobs than Trump over a three-year period

It is harder for companies to find workers and it is later in the business cycle. However, Trump’s boasts about how many jobs he has added don’t include that he has generated 6.5 million jobs under his Presidency vs. the 8.1 million, or 1.6 million fewer than Obama did under the same timeframe. On average Obama created 43,000 more jobs per month than Trump.

Job growth is a continuation from Obama’s Presidency

Obama’s Last Three Years Of Job Growth All Beat Trump’s Best Year

Why? Obama inherited the great depression and tramp inherited the great economy that Obama left him.

Due to the tax cut and cutting all regulations is the only way tramp maintained the jobs he did.

And what is the Unemployment Rate now?? Probably due to his mishandling his virus.

You and your source forgot to add the new category "jobs created or saved" that obama and his leftist buddies had to create because his numbers were so pathetic. "Jobs created or saved" is basically any number they made up.

Yup and most of them were part time jobs which he created or saved. LOL
I had a full time job why didn't yous? My wife has a full time job why didn't yous? This hoax about only being part time is a joke that no one believes.
Obamacare did turn full-time jobs into part-time jobs. Remember you loons were crying about those greedy business owners?
In the last few months alone job creation has been up to millions as Trump defeats the democratic lock-down orders.

But don't let that stop the screeching for free shit.

2014: 3.006 million fell to 3.004 million, down 2,000 jobs

2015: 2.729 million fell to 2.72 million, down 9,000 jobs

2016: 2.318 million increased to 2.345 million, up 27,000 jobs


2017: 2.153 million fell to 2.109 million, down 44,000 jobs

2018: 2.679 million fell to 2.314 million, down 365,000 jobs (Trump’s best year)

2019: 2.115 million fell to 2.096 million, down 19,000 jobs

Obama created 1.6 million more jobs than Trump over a three-year period

It is harder for companies to find workers and it is later in the business cycle. However, Trump’s boasts about how many jobs he has added don’t include that he has generated 6.5 million jobs under his Presidency vs. the 8.1 million, or 1.6 million fewer than Obama did under the same timeframe. On average Obama created 43,000 more jobs per month than Trump.

Job growth is a continuation from Obama’s Presidency

Obama’s Last Three Years Of Job Growth All Beat Trump’s Best Year

Why? Obama inherited the great depression and tramp inherited the great economy that Obama left him.

Due to the tax cut and cutting all regulations is the only way tramp maintained the jobs he did.

And what is the Unemployment Rate now?? Probably due to his mishandling his virus.

You and your source forgot to add the new category "jobs created or saved" that obama and his leftist buddies had to create because his numbers were so pathetic. "Jobs created or saved" is basically any number they made up.

Correct, of course.

2014: 3.006 million fell to 3.004 million, down 2,000 jobs

2015: 2.729 million fell to 2.72 million, down 9,000 jobs

2016: 2.318 million increased to 2.345 million, up 27,000 jobs


2017: 2.153 million fell to 2.109 million, down 44,000 jobs

2018: 2.679 million fell to 2.314 million, down 365,000 jobs (Trump’s best year)

2019: 2.115 million fell to 2.096 million, down 19,000 jobs

Obama created 1.6 million more jobs than Trump over a three-year period

It is harder for companies to find workers and it is later in the business cycle. However, Trump’s boasts about how many jobs he has added don’t include that he has generated 6.5 million jobs under his Presidency vs. the 8.1 million, or 1.6 million fewer than Obama did under the same timeframe. On average Obama created 43,000 more jobs per month than Trump.

Job growth is a continuation from Obama’s Presidency

Obama’s Last Three Years Of Job Growth All Beat Trump’s Best Year

Why? Obama inherited the great depression and tramp inherited the great economy that Obama left him.

Due to the tax cut and cutting all regulations is the only way tramp maintained the jobs he did.

And what is the Unemployment Rate now?? Probably due to his mishandling his virus.
Your definition of a job and a republican is different. You think flipping burgers 30 hour’s a week is a job.. republicans are like no hold my beer hahah
That's a lie.
I live in a urban city.. I’ve never seen more blacks spending huge money like they do today. I work at a very expensive restaurant.. NEVER HAVE I SEEN THIS
So black people spending money means they got it from the government? Prejudiced much?

I hope they don't tip your racist ass much.
No they have real jobs under trump
I have had the same job since 1988...Yeah a real job.
Well maybe you could get promoted if you werent so lazy
I own the company, you can't get much higher than that. I do earn a lot more than I did in the 1980's

2014: 3.006 million fell to 3.004 million, down 2,000 jobs

2015: 2.729 million fell to 2.72 million, down 9,000 jobs

2016: 2.318 million increased to 2.345 million, up 27,000 jobs


2017: 2.153 million fell to 2.109 million, down 44,000 jobs

2018: 2.679 million fell to 2.314 million, down 365,000 jobs (Trump’s best year)

2019: 2.115 million fell to 2.096 million, down 19,000 jobs

Obama created 1.6 million more jobs than Trump over a three-year period

It is harder for companies to find workers and it is later in the business cycle. However, Trump’s boasts about how many jobs he has added don’t include that he has generated 6.5 million jobs under his Presidency vs. the 8.1 million, or 1.6 million fewer than Obama did under the same timeframe. On average Obama created 43,000 more jobs per month than Trump.

Job growth is a continuation from Obama’s Presidency

Obama’s Last Three Years Of Job Growth All Beat Trump’s Best Year

Why? Obama inherited the great depression and tramp inherited the great economy that Obama left him.

Due to the tax cut and cutting all regulations is the only way tramp maintained the jobs he did.

And what is the Unemployment Rate now?? Probably due to his mishandling his virus.

You and your source forgot to add the new category "jobs created or saved" that obama and his leftist buddies had to create because his numbers were so pathetic. "Jobs created or saved" is basically any number they made up.

Yup and most of them were part time jobs which he created or saved. LOL
I had a full time job why didn't yous? My wife has a full time job why didn't yous? This hoax about only being part time is a joke that no one but believes.

LOL I've always had a full time job but there were millions out there who could only find part time jobs cause the economy was so bad that's all that was out there. UE was extended time after time cause there weren't any jobs.
That is not the case because I not only had my full time job I also had a part time job.Like I have done since I was 23(1984) when I had my first kid. and i still do evnthoug it is getting harder at 59.

Sorry but that was the case. I had friends who could only find part time jobs and others who couldn't find even a part time job and were on UE. They extended UE time after time. I was worried about getting laid off at my job but thank God that never happened.

Oh and Obamacare made it worse. Companies could have only so many employees before they had to pay.

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