Don’t Call It Climate Change. Red States Prepare For ‘Extreme Weather’

We can expect at least one of these moron seizures per page in a climate thread on USMB. Comes with the territory.

However, the scientific community is not like USMB. They are not all inclusive. Not every opinion is as valid or respected as any other.

In the scientific communtiy,, if you show up to a lecture or conference and act like Henry is, or try to peddle dubious research as ding is, you get laughed out of the room and asked not to return, until you get your shit together.
So like a patent clerk should just keep his mouth shut?
We can expect at least one of these moron seizures per page in a climate thread on USMB. Comes with the territory.

However, the scientific community is not like USMB. They are not all inclusive. Not every opinion is as valid or respected as any other.

In the scientific communtiy,, if you show up to a lecture or conference and act like Henry is, or try to peddle dubious research as ding is, you get laughed out of the room and asked not to return, until you get your shit together.
Did we really need another example of disrespect for the opinions of others?
Oh wait....that's requisite for new-Hitlers!
About 30,000 research papers that touch on climate change in one way or another make it through good peer review and are published EVERY YEAR. 30,000.

But hey, look at this... a single paper by authors of low credibility, published in a journal of low credibility, that was not subjected to proper peer review. Looks like the jig is up!

But you didn't reader or understand the message. You posted an agreeable opinion, assuming it was valid due to his having credentials. Which was also transparent fraud on your part, as you don't give two shits about credentials. Else you would have sided withthe overwhelming consensus already and would not have to furiously Google for articles you never read and don't understand, then regurgitate them,

... as if it someone else's job to sift through your steaming piles of shit you never read and explain them to you and debunk them.. Please.
/——-/ There is no consensus in science. Everything is always questioned and challenged.
Another 500 experts who reject your scam. There is no climate emergency, say 500 experts in letter to the United Nations | American Enterprise Institute - AEI
It's so stupid that people care about what it's called.

The planet has been warming for a long time.

It's now to the point that it is causing weather patterns that cause a lot of death and destruction.

It's now to the point that clean water is an issue here in the United States.

It's now to the point that whole forests are being burned to the ground from wildfires. Destroying the towns and way of life in those forests.

Killing people and livestock. Destroying businesses.

We could have taken steps to prevent this or at least make the damage not as bad.

Unfortunately, money was, and still is, more important.
/——/ Let states manage forests and clear out dead wood and the number of fires would decrease.
Did we really need another example of disrespect for the opinions of others?
Oh wait....that's requisite for new-Hitlers!
It's so sad but since he can't attack the content it's really all he could do. Now that you mention it he does seem like the climate gestapo.
Notice only fools with bad opinions think all opinions should be respected.
That is how it works in science. I guess you wouldn't have listened to a patent clerk because he was a patent clerk. It's a good thing that you weren't in charge of things back then.
And remember...when they say "we" will adapt, they mean other people. Not themselves. The mean anonymous, faceless people in another place and time.
You do realize that America and Europe's carbon emission have been declining for nearly two decade, right?

And that the rest of the world's emissions have been increasing by 1 billion tons per year, right?

Which means that our emissions could go to zero overnight and would be replaced by the rest of the world in 5 short years.
Right, there is consensus in scientists. This arises from the evidence. I know you don't understand this. Like, at all. and I doubt I have the remedial education skills or patience to make you understand.
/——-/ Let’s be clear: the work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In science consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus. There is no such thing as consensus science. If it’s consensus, it isn’t science. If it’s science, it isn’t consensus. Period.
Right, there is consensus in scientists. This arises from the evidence. I know you don't understand this. Like, at all. and I doubt I have the remedial education skills or patience to make you understand.
/——-/ I see you totally ignored the 500 experts.
Let’s be clear: the work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus.
100% correct. Consensus arises from the science, not the other way around.

Try to keep in mind: YOU are the fool who always has this backwards. YOU are the one who accuses scientists of inventing and fudging science to match the consensus.

or did you forget? So, maybe go find a mirror and repeat your little lecture.
100% correct. Consensus arises from the science, not the other way around.

Try to keep in mind: YOU are the fool who always has this backwards. YOU are the one who accuses scientists of inventing and fudging science to match the consensus.

or did you forget? So, maybe go find a mirror and repeat your little lecture.
/——/ If it’s consensus, it isn’t science. If it’s science, it isn’t consensus. Period.
Now what about the 500 experts?

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