Don’t Democrats believe we need more illegal aliens and a $15 minimum wage?

That isnt the federal govts job, imo. Im a strict constitutionalist.

They take so much of our damn money. The least they could do is drop a few less bombs weekly and use the money to educate Americans. I'm not even going to mention healthcare. What a tragedy that would be.
I am anti-war.
Healthcare would be a tragedy. As soon as govt got involved in healthcare cost shot up and everything went to shit.

Your lack of a nationally co-ordinately health care system is why your country has a raging, out of control pandemic on its hands. There is no "system", in your system. All of our health care is co-ordinated through our Ministry of Health. The entire Province was able to put out a call to hospitals for a report on stocks of PPE and have the data by the end of the day.

The Provinces then co-ordinated with the Feds who bought the PPE, and who contracted with Amazon for distribution of the PPE directly from the suppliers to the hospitals, without the need of a national stockpile. In areas with the most cases and the most need, hospitals were able to submit a request to the Province for restocking, and have it shipped almost immediately. They used this system for tests, and for PPE.

Our hospitals have not run out of PPE. We have always had an adequate number of tests, and we're still contact tracing anyone who tests positive.

Because our government can quickly receive information from hospitals and health care providers, it has been cheap, efficient and easy for our government to ensure they have adequate supplies, including testing and processing of test results, to keep our healthcare providers safe. We don't have a mass casualty situtation with our frontline healthcare providers.

Healthcare costs shot up because of (a) advanced technology and the costs of nuclear medicine; and (b) a torte system in which winning a big settlement is akin to winning the lottery; and last but certainly not least (c) corporate greed in a free market system.
So, you think healthcare, being completely run by a bunch of corrupt corporatists will be successful? Even though ever since they started touching it, they have made it worse?
You think giving them complete power will fix it?

I just think poor people shouldn't be dying faster due to lack of coverage while others go bankrupt trying to care for their health. I believe we can change that.
And you think that is just because of healthcare? They dont have a lack of coverage. Medicaid is available for poor people.
It is other factors that mostly contribute to early death of the poor. Such as diet. Exercise. Etc
Why do you think the govt can successfully care for universal healthcare when their history with healthcare doesnt have a good tract record? They keep creating new rules, programs and regulations to cover up their previous mistakes.
And you think that is just because of healthcare? They dont have a lack of coverage. Medicaid is available for poor people.
It is other factors that mostly contribute to early death of the poor. Such as diet. Exercise. Etc
Why do you think the govt can successfully care for universal healthcare when their history with healthcare doesnt have a good tract record? They keep creating new rules, programs and regulations to cover up their previous mistakes.

Do you not realize that millions of Americans are either uninsured or under-insured and are unable to see a doctor as often as they should/need to?
Wrong about what? History is on my side. Almost 100%
Come on, lets debate it.

There is wisdom in history but it also doesn't predict the future.
So, you think healthcare, being completely run by a bunch of corrupt corporatists will be successful? Even though ever since they started touching it, they have made it worse?
You think giving them complete power will fix it?

The current system is far from successful, as witness 300,000 dead Americans in this pandemic. While much of the blame falls on the failed government response, a lack of co-ordination on the testing system and PPE supply chain is due in part because of the private ownership and lack information about needs, and resources being readily accessible for an effective response.

We don't hear about shortages of PPE's outside of the USA, although there were problems in Italy in the first wave. Italy was the beta test for western medicine. Their breakdown and failure provided a LOT of lessons to the rest of us. Good governments learned from what happened in Italy, so it didn't happen here.

All of the countries which have successfully managed to keep rates of disease and death low, have government run medicine.
That isnt the federal govts job, imo. Im a strict constitutionalist.

They take so much of our damn money. The least they could do is drop a few less bombs weekly and use the money to educate Americans. I'm not even going to mention healthcare. What a tragedy that would be.
I am anti-war.
Healthcare would be a tragedy. As soon as govt got involved in healthcare cost shot up and everything went to shit.

Your lack of a nationally co-ordinately health care system is why your country has a raging, out of control pandemic on its hands. There is no "system", in your system. All of our health care is co-ordinated through our Ministry of Health. The entire Province was able to put out a call to hospitals for a report on stocks of PPE and have the data by the end of the day.

The Provinces then co-ordinated with the Feds who bought the PPE, and who contracted with Amazon for distribution of the PPE directly from the suppliers to the hospitals, without the need of a national stockpile. In areas with the most cases and the most need, hospitals were able to submit a request to the Province for restocking, and have it shipped almost immediately. They used this system for tests, and for PPE.

Our hospitals have not run out of PPE. We have always had an adequate number of tests, and we're still contact tracing anyone who tests positive.

Because our government can quickly receive information from hospitals and health care providers, it has been cheap, efficient and easy for our government to ensure they have adequate supplies, including testing and processing of test results, to keep our healthcare providers safe. We don't have a mass casualty situtation with our frontline healthcare providers.

Healthcare costs shot up because of (a) advanced technology and the costs of nuclear medicine; and (b) a torte system in which winning a big settlement is akin to winning the lottery; and last but certainly not least (c) corporate greed in a free market system.
Comparing without factors is intellectually lazy.
Wrong about what? History is on my side. Almost 100%
Come on, lets debate it.

There is wisdom in history but it also doesn't predict the future.
So, you think healthcare, being completely run by a bunch of corrupt corporatists will be successful? Even though ever since they started touching it, they have made it worse?
You think giving them complete power will fix it?

The current system is far from successful, as witness 300,000 dead Americans in this pandemic. While much of the blame falls on the failed government response, a lack of co-ordination on the testing system and PPE supply chain is due in part because of the private ownership and lack information about needs, and resources being readily accessible for an effective response.

We don't hear about shortages of PPE's outside of the USA, although there were problems in Italy in the first wave. Italy was the beta test for western medicine. Their breakdown and failure provided a LOT of lessons to the rest of us. Good governments learned from what happened in Italy, so it didn't happen here.

All of the countries which have successfully managed to keep rates of disease and death low, have government run medicine.
It isnt successful. I agree. Thats why i bitch about it.
You have like 30 something million people in your country. We have more than that in ONE STATE.
Please, stop.
Do you not realize that millions of Americans are either uninsured or under-insured and are unable to see a doctor as often as they should/need to?
Do you not realize gov't intervention in private matters is the cause of that?

Let me offer you some brief, anecdotal, personal history- in the early 60's I got pretty ill- a Dr came to our house and gave me a shot- 10 bucks for the house call and the shot-

Insurance was, at one time, offered as a perk for employers to lure people to their establishment of business-
Now it's a necessity- why is that? Insurance was, originally, a stop gap assistance- it is now a main source for everything pertaining to health- why is that?
And you think that is just because of healthcare? They dont have a lack of coverage. Medicaid is available for poor people.
It is other factors that mostly contribute to early death of the poor. Such as diet. Exercise. Etc
Why do you think the govt can successfully care for universal healthcare when their history with healthcare doesnt have a good tract record? They keep creating new rules, programs and regulations to cover up their previous mistakes.

Do you not realize that millions of Americans are either uninsured or under-insured and are unable to see a doctor as often as they should/need to?
Why are they uninsured? It isnt from a lack of options...
Who is doing it now? Who determines the minimum wage?
Gov't operatives- typically not from where they actually live- especially when it becomes a Country wide mandate- and I don't recall seeing that authority granted in the rules for the grantors- can you point it out?

I recall a couple years ago, jobs at McDonalds in the Shale Oil boom area were paying every high wages to their employees- why was that? Answer: Because they had to, due to the employers need for employees- in west Texas, they have more applicants than jobs- why is that? How can someone, "nationally" proclaim that an employer has to pay Shale Oil boom prices for someone in Van Horn Tx?

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