Don't donate to Haiti

This made up story about Rush is old news already..We'll have to wait for mediamatters with to come out with the next person they have zeroed in on to Smear with the help of their lapdog media comrades....Any bets on who it will be? think it will be a Liberal or a Democrat....:lol:
You gotta love the rationalizations of the mindless Ditto-Dopers.

Stuttering LimpBoy LIES about money donated by using the links to the Red Cross from the site will not go to Haiti.

He LIES about if you use the red Cross links from the site you will be put on an Obama mailing list.

He LIES about having to read through Obama's speech "buried in a VERY LONG blog post" before you get to the donation info.

But it's the pathological liar MessiahRushie who is being "Smeared." :cuckoo:

Dayum, thats just mean. lol
Rush is furiously backpedaling on this on his website, his website which btw, has a Haiti donation banner buried at the bottom of the page. At the top of the page?

A banner selling LifeLock. But, hey, Rush needs the money.
rush politicizes everything. I have concluded that each key stroke taken to spell limblaugh's name is a waste. So, enough of...whatever his name is.

Oh, gee. A political commentator who discusses things in terms of their political effect. How shocking that . . . really, really isn't. And gee, a leftist making empty promises he has no intention of keeping. Also a big non-surprise.
It won't ever be old news. The words of the blimp will live on. His hate is beginning to be known worldwide.

See, here you are, still blathering on and childishly thinking, "It doesn't count as long as I give him some lame-ass nickname instead of using his real name."
This made up story about Rush is old news already..We'll have to wait for mediamatters with to come out with the next person they have zeroed in on to Smear with the help of their lapdog media comrades....Any bets on who it will be? think it will be a Liberal or a Democrat....:lol:
You gotta love the rationalizations of the mindless Ditto-Dopers.

Stuttering LimpBoy LIES about money donated by using the links to the Red Cross from the site will not go to Haiti.

He LIES about if you use the red Cross links from the site you will be put on an Obama mailing list.

He LIES about having to read through Obama's speech "buried in a VERY LONG blog post" before you get to the donation info.

But it's the pathological liar MessiahRushie who is being "Smeared." :cuckoo:

LOL, the truth about what he ACTUALLY said has been posted over and over, so who is the mindless one?
And just how much do you think people really gave a hill of beans what Rush had to say, this is a faux outrage created story because the lefties and mediamatters are seeing their party with Obama falling off into the gutters with the American people..:lol:

That is such crap!!!! Do all baggers have some kind of disdain for the truth??
You gotta love the rationalizations of the mindless Ditto-Dopers.

Stuttering LimpBoy LIES about money donated by using the links to the Red Cross from the site will not go to Haiti.

He LIES about if you use the red Cross links from the site you will be put on an Obama mailing list.

He LIES about having to read through Obama's speech "buried in a VERY LONG blog post" before you get to the donation info.

But it's the pathological liar MessiahRushie who is being "Smeared." :cuckoo:

LOL, the truth about what he ACTUALLY said has been posted over and over, so who is the mindless one?
And just how much do you think people really gave a hill of beans what Rush had to say, this is a faux outrage created story because the lefties and mediamatters are seeing their party with Obama falling off into the gutters with the American people..:lol:

That is such crap!!!! Do all baggers have some kind of disdain for the truth??

evidently, have you ever listened to Bwany Frank. what is it with the Democrats and lying baggers.
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This made up story about Rush is old news already..We'll have to wait for mediamatters with to come out with the next person they have zeroed in on to Smear with the help of their lapdog media comrades....Any bets on who it will be? think it will be a Liberal or a Democrat....:lol:
You gotta love the rationalizations of the mindless Ditto-Dopers.

Stuttering LimpBoy LIES about money donated by using the links to the Red Cross from the site will not go to Haiti.

He LIES about if you use the red Cross links from the site you will be put on an Obama mailing list.

He LIES about having to read through Obama's speech "buried in a VERY LONG blog post" before you get to the donation info.

But it's the pathological liar MessiahRushie who is being "Smeared." :cuckoo:

LOL, the truth about what he ACTUALLY said has been posted over and over, so who is the mindless one?
The one who denies your MessiahRushie said 1. the money won't go to Haiti. 2. you'll end up on a mailing list, and 3. donation instructions were "buried in a VERY LONG blog post" AFTER Obama's remarks on Haiti.

Obama Leaps into Action on Haiti
January 13, 2010
CALLER:* Mega Rush Baby dittos.* My question is, why did Obama in the sound bite you played earlier, when he's talking about if you wanted to donate some money, you can go to --

RUSH:* Yeah.

CALLER: -- to direct you how to do so.* If I want to donate money to the Red Cross, why do I need to go to the page and --

RUSH:* Exactly.* Would you trust that the money is going to go to Haiti?


RUSH:* Would you trust that your name is going to end up on a mailing list for the Obama people to start asking you for campaign donations for him and other causes.

CALLER:* Absolutely.

RUSH:* Absolutely right.

RUSH:* Well, I'm glad you did and I'm glad you called, Carol.* Thanks very much.* I had somebody go to to see what the donation process is.* And this is all the guidance you get on donating to Haiti at the White House site.* What I'm going to read to you is buried in a very long blog post about what Obama said about the earthquake.* You get that first, you gotta read what Obama said, the maximum leader, you gotta read what he says and then you get to the bottom and here's what it says.* "You can also help, immediately, by donating to the Red Cross to assist the relief effort.* Contribute online here, or donate $10 to be charged to your cell phone bill by texting Haiti.* Find more ways to help through the Center for International Disaster Information."* So that's all the guidance you get.* Now, that's pretty easy, text Haiti and you're gonna get billed for ten bucks and that money ostensibly is going to go to Haiti.

The White House
Help for Haiti | The White House

The White House Blog
Help for Haiti
Posted by Jesse Lee on January 13, 2010 at 09:53 AM EST
The President has been receiving updates on the urgent situation in Haiti late into last night and throughout the day, and top members of his team have been convening to formulate the government response.**
You can also help immediately by donating to the Red Cross to assist the relief effort. Contribute online to the Red Cross, or donate $10 to be charged to your cell phone bill by texting "HAITI" to "90999."* Find more ways to help through the Center for International Disaster Information.
Families of Americans living in Haiti are encouraged to contact the State Department at 888-407-4747.
Update: Watch the President's remarks this morning below, or read the transcript.
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What no original thoughts? You liberals never cease to amuse me.

Your idiotic, tough guy thinking he's the real deal conservative comments rarely require an original thought. You're exactly the kind of "conservative" that makes the rest of us look bad.

You call yourself a conservative? Perhaps if you grow a brain you could be.
You must be one of those Northeastern Liberal Elites, or Stuttering LimpBoy is a liar. :rofl:

February 28, 2008
RUSH: Are you talking about Northeastern elites?
RUSH: Oh. I couldn't agree with you more. I think they're so arrogant and condescending.
Your idiotic, tough guy thinking he's the real deal conservative comments rarely require an original thought. You're exactly the kind of "conservative" that makes the rest of us look bad.

You call yourself a conservative? Perhaps if you grow a brain you could be.
You must be one of those Northeastern Liberal Elites, or Stuttering LimpBoy is a liar. :rofl:

February 28, 2008
RUSH: Are you talking about Northeastern elites?
RUSH: Oh. I couldn't agree with you more. I think they're so arrogant and condescending.

You must be one of the idiot liberals that can't think for yourself.
You call yourself a conservative? Perhaps if you grow a brain you could be.
You must be one of those Northeastern Liberal Elites, or Stuttering LimpBoy is a liar. :rofl:

February 28, 2008
RUSH: Are you talking about Northeastern elites?
RUSH: Oh. I couldn't agree with you more. I think they're so arrogant and condescending.

You must be one of the idiot liberals that can't think for yourself.

It's the same Rush Crap on every Rush Thread. You'd think They could get a life instead. They live to throw stones at the Guy. Envy, Jealousy, what ever it is, it is the same mindless attack, over and over. Pathetic.
You call yourself a conservative? Perhaps if you grow a brain you could be.
You must be one of those Northeastern Liberal Elites, or Stuttering LimpBoy is a liar. :rofl:

February 28, 2008
RUSH: Are you talking about Northeastern elites?
RUSH: Oh. I couldn't agree with you more. I think they're so arrogant and condescending.

You must be one of the idiot liberals that can't think for yourself.
Better than being an arrogant CONdescending Northeastern Liberal Elite, like you! :rofl:
RUSH: I want you to listen to the wizard of smart, Danny Glover. He was on a liberal website, Grit TV, and the anchor, Laura Flanders interviewed him about the earthquake in Haiti. Now remember, this guy loves Hugo Chavez, Danny Glover goes down there, breaks bread with Hugo Chavez. Flanders says, "With respect to the role of the US government, clearly the US government has the capacity to send troops more or less wherever it wants, it can send forces. The request for a hospital ship I believe has been made directly in Washington." Now, here's Glover's response and Glover does not believe our response has been timely, he does not think we've done enough. Here's what we have.

GLOVER: We have to mount a much larger effort in the US. It's going to be a defining moment for this administration. Other countries in the region, they are Venezuela, Brazil, Cuba, and other countries have already stepped to the plate. What happened to Haiti is a threat that could happen anywhere in the Caribbean to these island nations, you know, because of global warming, because of climate change and all this. And we need to find -- we did what we did at the climate summit in Copenhagen. This is the response. This is what happens, you know what I'm saying? But we have to act now.

RUSH: All right. Venezuela, Brazil, Cuba, other countries have already stepped up. He's saying we haven't done enough. But he also said, if you caught this, that because we botched the climate summit at Copenhagen, that the earth, that nature responded with the earthquake in Haiti. Did you catch that? "And we need to find -- we did what we did to the climate summit in Copenhagen. This is the response. This is what happens, you know what I'm saying? But we have to act now."

Danny Glover Blames Haiti Quake on Climate Inaction in Copenhagen
You must be one of those Northeastern Liberal Elites, or Stuttering LimpBoy is a liar. :rofl:

February 28, 2008
RUSH: Are you talking about Northeastern elites?
RUSH: Oh. I couldn't agree with you more. I think they're so arrogant and condescending.

You must be one of the idiot liberals that can't think for yourself.
Better than being an arrogant CONdescending Northeastern Liberal Elite, like you! :rofl:

As a matter of fact I'm a southern conservative who thinks for himself. I'm willing to bet you listen to Rush and watch Fox News on a regular basis. As for me I have never listened to Rush and I rarely watch television.

As for as being an elite. I do think I'm the best at what I do and I do believe I am a better person than most of you idiot liberals. It's a well known fact that conservatives are the biggest donaters to charity and that speaks volumes when it comes to helping the underprivileged. You see you liberals give the poor lip service while us conservatives give our money and time. Perhaps if you liberals weren't so busy bashing conservatives you could do more for your community.
RUSH: I'm gonna respond to this absolute BS that I said don't donate. But, you know, I do not make this program about me. I try very hard not to make this program about me. So if I have time to deal with that, I will. I'm confident everybody in this audience knows what I said and what I didn't say. Even the Washington Post says without the context, "What Limbaugh said is horrible." All I said was, if you paid your income taxes, that's how you donate to government for aid, and sure enough, here comes Obama announcing $100 million from the government for aid to Haiti, fine and dandy. But, you paid for it, it's your taxes. All I said was if you're going to donate do it outside the government, pure and simple. I was attacked, folks, because I am the leading voice of mainstream conservative views, not for any other reason. And this outrage is totally feigned, just as Tony Blankley said, all this outrage at me is totally faked up. They know exactly what I said, and they know for a fact that I would never tell people not to donate to any charitable cause like this, so it is what it is.

RUSH: David Brooks today in the New York Times is basically saying what I said yesterday and was attacked for, that giving aid money to countries does not help them grow. Here it is right here in the New York Times, and nobody's mad at them. Do I need to read it? Yeah, let me. "On Oct. 17, 1989, a major earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 struck the Bay Area in Northern California. Sixty-three people were killed. This week, a major earthquake, also measuring a magnitude of 7.0, struck near Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The Red Cross estimates that between 45,000 and 50,000 people have died. This is not a natural disaster story. This is a poverty story. It's a story about poorly constructed buildings, bad infrastructure and terrible public services. On Thursday, President Obama told the people of Haiti: 'You will not be forsaken; you will not be forgotten.'

If he is going to remain faithful to that vow then he is going to have to use this tragedy as an occasion to rethink our approach to global poverty. He's going to have to acknowledge a few difficult truths. The first of those truths is that we don't know how to use aid to reduce poverty. Over the past few decades, the world has spent trillions of dollars to generate growth in the developing world. The countries that have not received much aid, like China, have seen tremendous growth and tremendous poverty reductions. The countries that have received aid, like Haiti, have not." Oh, my gosh, this is deja vu, except I'm the one that said it. Using our own war on poverty, how much money have we given to the poor in this country, and we still have the same percentages of poor people -- and we're never supposed to examine the results, right? Only the good intentions of the givers!

And, of course, the givers are us. Our back pockets are looted by our own government, and the money is redistributed -- and as Mr. Brooks is saying here, there is no upside to this. "In the recent anthology 'What Works in Development?,' a group of economists try to sort out what we've learned. The picture is grim. There are no policy levers that consistently correlate to increased growth. There is nearly zero correlation between how a developing economy does one decade and how it does the next. There is no consistently proven way to reduce corruption. Even improving governing institutions doesn't seem to produce the expected results. ... . More than 10,000 organizations perform missions of this sort in Haiti. ...

"The second hard truth is that micro-aid is vital but insufficient. Given the failures of macrodevelopment, aid organizations often focus on microprojects. So we have "more than 10,000 organizations performing missions of this sort in Haiti." It's exactly what I said: We've got charities on the ground 24/7, 365 in Haiti. By some estimates, Haiti has more nongovernmental organizations per capita than any other place on earth. They are doing the Lord's work, especially these days, but even a blizzard of these efforts does not seem to add up to comprehensive change. Third, it is time to put the thorny issue of culture at the center of efforts to tackle global poverty. Why is Haiti so poor? Well, it has a history of oppression, slavery and colonialism." Yeeeees, all the things we pointed out this week: Dictatorships! "But so does Barbados, and Barbados is doing pretty well.

"Haiti has endured ruthless dictators, corruption and foreign invasions. But so has the Dominican Republic, and the D.R. is in much better shape. Haiti and the Dominican Republic share the same island and the same basic environment, yet the border between the two societies offers one of the starkest contrasts on earth -- with trees and progress on one side, and deforestation and poverty and early death on the other. "As Lawrence E. Harrison explained in his book 'The Central Liberal Truth,' Haiti, like most of the world's poorest nations, suffers from a complex web of progress-resistant cultural influences. There is the influence of the voodoo religion, which spreads the message that life is capricious and planning futile. There are high levels of social mistrust. Responsibility is often not internalized."

"Child-rearing practices often involve neglect in the early years and harsh retribution when kids hit 9 or 10. ... In this country, we first tried to tackle poverty by throwing money at it, just as we did abroad. Then we tried microcommunity efforts, just as we did abroad. But the programs that really work involve intrusive paternalism. These programs, like the Harlem Children's Zone and the No Excuses schools, are led by people who figure they don't understand all the factors that have contributed to poverty, but they don't care. They are going to replace parts of the local culture with a highly demanding, highly intensive culture of achievement -- involving everything from new child-rearing practices to stricter schools to better job performance," and none of these programs are sponsored by government and certainly not by liberal government.

So the things that end poverty are cultural, and they start bottom-up, and they're done by citizens and real people who can't take it anymore. Throwing money at it accomplishes nothing! It's been demonstrated all across the world, but most near to us it's been demonstrated in Haiti. I mention all this as a rebuttal to all of the feigned outrage at me, the lying note that I urged people not to give to charity for Haiti. Nobody in their right mind would ever believe that about me or anybody else, for that matter. However, I did say find some way to do it other than giving it to Obama, 'cause I know he's going to eliminate the charitable deduction. He wants to wipe out individual charitable giving. He wants the government to be the go-to person for all charities. That's the only reason you wipe out the deduction for charitable contributions.

Of Course, I Never Told Anyone Not to Donate to a Charitable Cause
You gotta love the rationalizations of the mindless Ditto-Dopers.

Stuttering LimpBoy LIES about money donated by using the links to the Red Cross from the site will not go to Haiti.

He LIES about if you use the red Cross links from the site you will be put on an Obama mailing list.

He LIES about having to read through Obama's speech "buried in a VERY LONG blog post" before you get to the donation info.

But it's the pathological liar MessiahRushie who is being "Smeared." :cuckoo:

LOL, the truth about what he ACTUALLY said has been posted over and over, so who is the mindless one?
The one who denies your MessiahRushie said 1. the money won't go to Haiti. 2. you'll end up on a mailing list, and 3. donation instructions were "buried in a VERY LONG blog post" AFTER Obama's remarks on Haiti.

Obama Leaps into Action on Haiti
January 13, 2010
CALLER:* Mega Rush Baby dittos.* My question is, why did Obama in the sound bite you played earlier, when he's talking about if you wanted to donate some money, you can go to --

RUSH:* Yeah.

CALLER: -- to direct you how to do so.* If I want to donate money to the Red Cross, why do I need to go to the page and --

RUSH:* Exactly.* Would you trust that the money is going to go to Haiti?


RUSH:* Would you trust that your name is going to end up on a mailing list for the Obama people to start asking you for campaign donations for him and other causes.

CALLER:* Absolutely.

RUSH:* Absolutely right.

RUSH:* Well, I'm glad you did and I'm glad you called, Carol.* Thanks very much.* I had somebody go to to see what the donation process is.* And this is all the guidance you get on donating to Haiti at the White House site.* What I'm going to read to you is buried in a very long blog post about what Obama said about the earthquake.* You get that first, you gotta read what Obama said, the maximum leader, you gotta read what he says and then you get to the bottom and here's what it says.* "You can also help, immediately, by donating to the Red Cross to assist the relief effort.* Contribute online here, or donate $10 to be charged to your cell phone bill by texting Haiti.* Find more ways to help through the Center for International Disaster Information."* So that's all the guidance you get.* Now, that's pretty easy, text Haiti and you're gonna get billed for ten bucks and that money ostensibly is going to go to Haiti.

The White House
Help for Haiti | The White House

The White House Blog
Help for Haiti
Posted by Jesse Lee on January 13, 2010 at 09:53 AM EST
The President has been receiving updates on the urgent situation in Haiti late into last night and throughout the day, and top members of his team have been convening to formulate the government response.**
You can also help immediately by donating to the Red Cross to assist the relief effort. Contribute online to the Red Cross, or donate $10 to be charged to your cell phone bill by texting "HAITI" to "90999."* Find more ways to help through the Center for International Disaster Information.
Families of Americans living in Haiti are encouraged to contact the State Department at 888-407-4747.
Update: Watch the President's remarks this morning below, or read the transcript.

RUSH: I'm gonna respond to this absolute BS that I said don't donate.

Of Course, I Never Told Anyone Not to Donate to a Charitable Cause
Notice how the lies I listed were different than his denial!!!!

He opened his show today repeating his lie that money donated using the link will not go to Haiti. All does is link you directly to the Red Cross.

As I have so often said, when CON$ get caught lying they just keep on lying.
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The way I see it is Nobody needs to Use a White House Link to donate to The Red Cross or Any other Charity. If You can't find their web-site on your own,your competence is in question. Obama's link exploits the crisis for his own credit and benefit.

Secondly, Rush is not my Messiah. That makes you a liar and a fool. Fool. Your obsession with Rush, will only hurt you in the end. Maybe you should get a life of your own?
The way I see it is Nobody needs to Use a White House Link to donate to The Red Cross or Any other Charity. If You can't find their web-site on your own,your competence is in question. Obama's link exploits the crisis for his own credit and benefit.

Secondly, Rush is not my Messiah. That makes you a liar and a fool. Fool. Your obsession with Rush, will only hurt you in the end. Maybe you should get a life of your own?
Again, you can't rebut the undeniable fact that your MessiahRushie told 3 lies, and Stuttering LimpBoy tells his lies to exploit the crisis for his own credit and benefit.

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