Don't donate to Haiti

It is Rush, who has politicized the catastrophe in Haiti...with every breath he has taken, since it has happened.

How can he POLITICIZE it when he is not in politics? A self proclaimed entertainer.
Probably the STUPIDEST post of this new year! :lol:

And according to Stuttering LimpBoy, that makes you an evil LIBERAL Democrat. :rofl:

Huckabee's Rollins Trashes Rush Instead of Debating Conservatism
December 20, 2007

RUSH: That's a liberal complaint. I'm an entertainer. Don't take me seriously.

Rush Responds to Gov. Huckabee
December 23, 2007

RUSH: Whoever said those things was essentially repeating the Democrat mantra of all these years: that I am just an entertainer, not an independent thinker
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As long as you yourself donate to this crisis, then does it matter what a political talk show host says on the matter both pro/con? As I have not heard the entire show, I won't comment on it , but keep in mind that these people, Rush, (fill in the blank) are entertainers and their source material is politics .

The crisis itself though serves to point out an on-going issue with Haiti and hopefully it will serve to help the people there. For years, money and supplies have poured into Haiti, the US alone in the last several years has given Haiti over 3 billion dollars. That money and medicine and food meant to help the people there usually ends up in the hands of people that sell it or keep it and somehow it never gets back to the people who live in poverty. If we can finally help Haiti rid themselves of this corruption in the end the people of Haiti will be much better for it.

Spot on! Perhaps, instead of giving the government of Haiti money, we should just get permission to build schools with free lunch programs, and concentrate on the education of the next generation of Haitians.
The Rush faithful on the board do not want to see this thread continue. They want it to end, so Rush can sliver back behind the microphone again and impart more hate. No one should forget what Rush has said, no matter how the republicans and FOX (Fake) news spins it. I know people that listen to this man faithfully. As someone pointed out earlier in the thread, defending Rush says more about these people than anything else.

The Hate coming from Rush has reached a new level. Perhaps some more republican party leaders should call him and apologize for all the outrage people are voicing for his stupidity. Rush is an embarrasment to the GOP.
LOL, as we can see the hate from the left for Rush is still running as strong before..what a shocker..

We would like to forget their hate but they won't let us..

Oh for shame if you should DEFEND Rush, shame shame shame shame shame..PFEEESH:lol:
Grass Root efforts are eginning to boycott the sponsors of Rush. I joined one this morning and I urge anyone that is serious about getting this hatemonger off the air to do the same. It is not only the left that is outraged, it is the right and people on the fense. Rush Limbaugh must go!
Yeah grassroots efforts are under way to boycott Rush..

what was that guys name in the Obama administration that was behind the "grassroots" effort to boycott Beck....

How many years have they been "boycotting" Rush now..hummm, 20 maybe..

I'm sure those grassroots are coming straight out of mediamatters as the leader..:lol:
Rush's following is enough to keep him going. Whether the boycott can effect the amount of money he makes will be another matter all together.
Rush's following is enough to keep him going. Whether the boycott can effect the amount of money he makes will be another matter all together.

I just don't understand how anyone can listen to someone who preaches Hate everyday his is on the air. I really need to reconsider my friendship with people I know are his faithful listeners. What makes them tick? :eusa_eh:
Oh brother, Rush preaches hate. So I guess all the left wing talking heads preach LOVE..:lol:
There is nothing "left" about being compassionate. Nothing at all...

good grief, the American people have always shown to be "compassionate"..Your obsessing over a radio host is bordering on silly.
I am not sure anyone is "obssessing" over a radio host. The public focus and glare on him seems to be very justified, that in these very hard times he makes his money by exacerbating his voice of that of doom and gloom.
LOL, Rush uses his voice to exacerbate doom and gloom..dear me oh my

Do you EVER watch the State Run Media..

what's their motto, if it doesn't bleed it doesn't lead..

But it seems today in our oh so "non-biased" state run media, the most important news story today is what a radio host has to say.go figure.:lol:
You are discounting a man who just told millions of listeners not to donate to one of the worse natual disasters of all time. His actions border on criminal, as far as I'm concerned. How many of his followerers will withhold donations, at his word, and thereby costing lives in Haiti. You are honestly ignoring that? Then you must be one of his most noble listeners...I assume.

On the other hand, since most of his listeners are republicans, few would donate to a predominately black country anyway...sad

Rush Limbaugh is an asshole who says crap to stir controversy in order to boost his ratings.

Did y'all really need another example of it? This is "news" to you guys?
it keeps getting better with each it's everyone who listens to Rush are all Republicans and RACIST....:eusa_whistle:
LOL, Rush uses his voice to exacerbate doom and gloom..dear me oh my

Do you EVER watch the State Run Media..

what's their motto, if it doesn't bleed it doesn't lead..

But it seems today in our oh so "non-biased" state run media, the most important news story today is what a radio host has to say.go figure.:lol:

You believe in the state run media? Go tell Brother Murdoch that. Your post is loony, and certainly borders on the concept of "treason from within", Stephanie.
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LOL, Rush uses his voice to exacerbate doom and gloom..dear me oh my

Do you EVER watch the State Run Media..

what's their motto, if it doesn't bleed it doesn't lead..

But it seems today in our oh so "non-biased" state run media, the most important news story today is what a radio host has to say.go figure.:lol:

You believe in the state run media? Go tell Brother Murdoch that. Your post is loony, and certainly borders on the concept of "treason from within", Stephanie. that is some loony stuff there..
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