Don't expect any memorial for the Waukesha attack

Burgermeister That's a total dodge. You know darn well our Media is completely in the tank for the Woke Mob/BLM/White Supremacist nonsense. THAT is why there was and is relentless coverage of the Charlottsville car attack and the blackout of the Waukesha car attack. Let's hear you refute that with a logical argument.
Votto Whether we are talking about car attacks, Afghanistan or the Inner Cities the Democrats are consistent. They are always good with acceptable losses of American life as long as their agenda moves forward. The end goal is worth the pile of bodies, just like Pol Pot would have said.
Burgermeister That's a total dodge. You know darn well our Media is completely in the tank for the Woke Mob/BLM/White Supremacist nonsense. THAT is why there was and is relentless coverage of the Charlottsville car attack and the blackout of the Waukesha car attack. Let's hear you refute that with a logical argument.
I'm not dodging anything. What you say is true but that is not relevant to the point I made, which is I don't think these victims are looking for more media coverage or memorials. I think it is a created issue, as I said, this time from our side. It isn't any more attractive than when the other side does it.
Burgermeister I appreciate your reasonable response. So I agree that memorials are not consequential, certainly to the victims of the heinous crimes. But I still contend that the victims of the Waukesha attack should not be ignored which is what is happening. The Media has even characterized the Waukesha attacker as an SUV . That is disgraceful and callus.
Who knew the party of slavery would sell racism in the name of Communist goals some 100 years later?

Democrats are sure an evil bunch.
sealybobo Waukesha should have received at least as much attention as the Charlottsville car attack. It's not even close, the Leftists are still wailing about Charlottsville but shrugged their shoulders over the 60 people who were run over by that maniac. Does that sound like "Fair and Balanced"?
I don't even know what the driver looks like. If it was a white guy who ran over a bunch of black people, they would have had his face all over the tv. And we would know about his background. I'd like to know if the guy was political or angry at white people and why.
Oh no!

We need to teach children to either feel guilty or victims cuz of the color of their skin, and that the entire nation is systemically racist and bad, even when they elect black democrats like Kamala

Nothing can ever atone for the wrongs of the past, ever.
Then we should, by all means, tell white children that they really are superior and should be racist. If this is going to be imposed upon them, enjoy it.

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