Don't feel alone if the EPA cost you your job


VIP Member
May 26, 2011
Anyone who has lost his or her job thanks to the EPA just go 600 new friends to keep them company.

EPA responds to American Electric Power on closing coal-fired plants » Local News » Bluefield Daily Telegraph, Bluefield, WV

GLEN LYN, Va. — A spokesperson for the Environmental Protection Agency responded Friday to an announcement from American Electric Power on Thursday, stating that it would retire or down-size 11 coal-fired power plants, prompting the loss of 600 power plant jobs worth $40 million in wages in order to comply with EPA requirements.

Thank God the EPA is looking out for us.:eek:
the epa impresses me as always after the effects, while ignoring the causes

Nixon's love child imho...
“Utilities have known for decades that these standards — which are still in the proposal stage and have a built-in 3-year-compliance timeline, have been coming for decades,” according to the e-mail. “They also know that they are free to approach EPA with serious, fact-based compliance plans, and that state governments also have the ability under the law to seek more time for the plants in their jurisdictions.

Michael G. Morris, AEP president and chief operating officer said EPA’s proposals represented “unrealistic compliance timelines,” and said that with more time and flexibility, AEP could meet the EPA’s environmental goals in a way that “will cost our customers less and will prevent permanent premature job losses,” according to the AEP press release.

It sounds like the EPA was more than reasonable with the timeline of three years, and the fact that they knew it was comming for decades. It also looks like there were plans in place if the timeline needed to be extended.

It also sounds like the AEP just sat on their hands and watched the time run down and then stated they didn't have enough time to comply. It sounds like if they don't get to do it their way they aren't going to do it at all. And now they are trying to blame the shut down on the EPA.
How about shutting down the EPA and putting them out of jobs.
You notice how it's OK to shut down private sector jobs ,but when it's government, it would be to hard on the economy, to pay government workers for unemployment checks and food stamps.
How about shutting down the EPA and putting them out of jobs.
You notice how it's OK to shut down private sector jobs ,but when it's government, it would be to hard on the economy, to pay government workers for unemployment checks and food stamps.

The EPA did not shut them down, they chose to close and then blame the EPA for not giving them, what they felt as, enought time (13 years minimum) with extensions.
How about shutting down the EPA and putting them out of jobs.
You notice how it's OK to shut down private sector jobs ,but when it's government, it would be to hard on the economy, to pay government workers for unemployment checks and food stamps.

The EPA did not shut them down, they chose to close and then blame the EPA for not giving them, what they felt as, enought time (13 years minimum) with extensions.

I read 3 years not 13 years in that report.
The EPA was formed during the Clinton years.

Since then R 12 has been phased out, R 22 has jumped in price this year from $100 a jug to nearly $300. Soon the only refrigerant they will allow us to use will be 410a.

Just because they discovered an hole in the Ozone above the poles.

Who cares that extreme cold freezes water vapor and causes a hole in the ozone.

The EPA is the tool Obama is using to drive dirty energy out of business.
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How about shutting down the EPA and putting them out of jobs.
You notice how it's OK to shut down private sector jobs ,but when it's government, it would be to hard on the economy, to pay government workers for unemployment checks and food stamps.

The EPA did not shut them down, they chose to close and then blame the EPA for not giving them, what they felt as, enought time (13 years minimum) with extensions.

I read 3 years not 13 years in that report.

Did you read the part where they said they knew it was coming for "Decades"? and it is still in the proposition stage?
The EPA was formed during the Clinton years.

Since then R 12 has been phased out, R 22 has jumped in price this year from $100 a jug to nearly $300. Soon the only refrigerant they will allow us to use will be 410a.

Just because they discovered an hole in the Ozone above the polls.

Who cares that extreme cold freezes water vapor and causes a hole in the ozone.

The EPA is the tool Obama is using to drive dirty energy out of business.

Partisan blinder on there?

the phasing out of R22 was planned long before Obama took office there bub.
But don't let the truth stand in your way.

Time Line for Phase Out of Refrigerant R22

In the year 1987 conference was held, where a protocol by the name “Montreal Protocol” was signed by a number of countries to phase out the use and production of CFC refrigerants. US is one of the 190 countries where the manufacturing of R22 has to be stopped in phase manner and where the alternatives have to be found out.

As per EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), the timeline for phase out of R22 from United States is as follows:

January 1, 2010: By this date there would be complete ban on the production and import of R22 and R142b. However, there is exception for the on-going servicing needs of the existing plants and equipment.

January 1, 2015: By this date there would be ban on the sale and use of R22. There is exception for certain cases, including the serving needs of the existing refrigeration and air conditioning equipment.

January 1, 2020: By this date there would complete ban on the production and import of R22 refrigerant. The gas would not be available even for servicing of the existing plants.

Read more:

President Ronald Reagan signed the Montreal Protocol.

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The EPA was formed during the Clinton years.

Since then R 12 has been phased out, R 22 has jumped in price this year from $100 a jug to nearly $300. Soon the only refrigerant they will allow us to use will be 410a.

Just because they discovered an hole in the Ozone above the polls.

Who cares that extreme cold freezes water vapor and causes a hole in the ozone.

The EPA is the tool Obama is using to drive dirty energy out of business.

Partisan blinder on there?

the phasing out of R22 was planned long before Obama took office there bub.
But don't let the truth stand in your way.

They NEVER do.

HATE is blinder than love ever will be.
The EPA was formed during the Clinton years.

Since then R 12 has been phased out, R 22 has jumped in price this year from $100 a jug to nearly $300. Soon the only refrigerant they will allow us to use will be 410a.

Just because they discovered an hole in the Ozone above the polls.

Who cares that extreme cold freezes water vapor and causes a hole in the ozone.

The EPA is the tool Obama is using to drive dirty energy out of business.

Partisan blinder on there?

the phasing out of R22 was planned long before Obama took office there bub.
But don't let the truth stand in your way.

They NEVER do.

HATE is blinder than love ever will be.

The Irony is that Reagan Signed the Montreal Accord which is responsible for banning flourocarbons such as R12 and R22.
And the idiot blames it on Obama.
The EPA was formed during the Clinton years.

Since then R 12 has been phased out, R 22 has jumped in price this year from $100 a jug to nearly $300. Soon the only refrigerant they will allow us to use will be 410a.

Just because they discovered an hole in the Ozone above the polls.

Who cares that extreme cold freezes water vapor and causes a hole in the ozone.

The EPA is the tool Obama is using to drive dirty energy out of business.

Partisan blinder on there?

the phasing out of R22 was planned long before Obama took office there bub.
But don't let the truth stand in your way.

Time Line for Phase Out of Refrigerant R22

In the year 1987 conference was held, where a protocol by the name “Montreal Protocol” was signed by a number of countries to phase out the use and production of CFC refrigerants. US is one of the 190 countries where the manufacturing of R22 has to be stopped in phase manner and where the alternatives have to be found out.

As per EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), the timeline for phase out of R22 from United States is as follows:

January 1, 2010: By this date there would be complete ban on the production and import of R22 and R142b. However, there is exception for the on-going servicing needs of the existing plants and equipment.

January 1, 2015: By this date there would be ban on the sale and use of R22. There is exception for certain cases, including the serving needs of the existing refrigeration and air conditioning equipment.

January 1, 2020: By this date there would complete ban on the production and import of R22 refrigerant. The gas would not be available even for servicing of the existing plants.

Read more: R22 Phase Out Timeline. Freon 22 Bans Timeline

President Ronald Reagan signed the Montreal Protocol.


Sorry, but I didn't even mention Obama. But then again he is currently in charge of the EPA.

Btw, I know about the Montreal Protocol. I have a refrigerant license.

The EPA is forcing up the price of refrigerants in the United States. The EPA, which was formed during the Clinton years, used the Montreal Protocol as an excuse to drive up the price. Can anyone explain to me why we're so worried about too much ozone yet we still have to get rid of something that breaks ozone down?

Somebody's gonna have to decide if Ozone is good or bad because I'm seeing another scam going on here. Call me a skeptic.

The EPA claims that CFCs take 50 years to reach the upper atmosphere, but Freon is heavier then air.

How the fuck does that happen?
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Can anyone explain to me why we're so worried about too much ozone yet we still have to get rid of something that breaks ozone down?

Ozone at the surface can be a problem. CFCs break down ozone in the upper atmosphere, where it is needed.

The EPA claims that CFCs take 50 years to reach the upper atmosphere, but Freon is heavier then air.

How the fuck does that happen?

Turbulence, even things as heavy as dust particles make it up high into the atmosphere. If stuff gets too high it takes a long time to get back down.
Can anyone explain to me why we're so worried about too much ozone yet we still have to get rid of something that breaks ozone down?

Ozone at the surface can be a problem. CFCs break down ozone in the upper atmosphere, where it is needed.

The EPA claims that CFCs take 50 years to reach the upper atmosphere, but Freon is heavier then air.

How the fuck does that happen?

Turbulence, even things as heavy as dust particles make it up high into the atmosphere. If stuff gets too high it takes a long time to get back down.

Sorry, but that doesn't fly. There's not enough dust in the atmosphere to make that much of a difference and rain washes it out of the air. Same goes for CFCs. There's not enough of it that can remain up there to do any real damage. Nobody has been able to detect any CFCs in the upper atmosphere.

Because of the fact it is heavier then air it can't remain up there. It's like the reverse of something floating to the surface of a lake. Eventually it will come back down, not stay up there like you claim. Not to mention that the higher you get into the atmosphere the colder it gets so that would cause CFCs to get even more heavy and more condensed.

It's convenient that they have us coming or going. If CFCs can cause Global Cooling, Carbon Dioxide can cause Global Warming. Ether way, they can fuck us.

The primary source of Green House gases is water-vapor you know. Are the Dems gonna drain the oceans now?
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Sorry, but that doesn't fly. There's not enough dust in the atmosphere to make that much of a difference and rain washes it out of the air. Same goes for CFCs. Nobody has been able to detect any CFCs in the upper atmosphere.

CFCs don't react with water vapor so don't wash out the atmosphere with rain.

CFCs have been measured in the upper atmosphere Visible Earth: CLAES Measurements of CFC-12 In the Stratosphere

Because of the fact it is heavier then air it can't remain up there.

It doesn't need to. Once CFCs get high enough they are broken down by UV light. It's the free chlorine atoms that then go on to facilitate destruction of ozone.
Sorry, but that doesn't fly. There's not enough dust in the atmosphere to make that much of a difference and rain washes it out of the air. Same goes for CFCs. Nobody has been able to detect any CFCs in the upper atmosphere.

CFCs don't react with water vapor so don't wash out the atmosphere with rain.

CFCs have been measured in the upper atmosphere Visible Earth: CLAES Measurements of CFC-12 In the Stratosphere

Because of the fact it is heavier then air it can't remain up there.

It doesn't need to. Once CFCs get high enough they are broken down by UV light. It's the free chlorine atoms that then go on to facilitate destruction of ozone.

Of course that is just a theory.

CFCs must be the magic gas. They weigh more then air but they don't obey the same laws as everything else.

I've studied refrigeration for years and it has never been reported that anyone has found CFCs in the upper atmosphere.

Your report comes from NASA. It's very short on details.

NASA isn't what it used to be. So I don't trust something that falls under the President and he's turning into a Muslim outreach program.
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